Even though this will bring me grief from the "you hate a game I like, therefore you need to be lectured until you change your 'wrong' opinion" crowd, here are the reasons I am not getting skyrim.
1. I think that western RPGs in general are unfinished games. I think that Western rpg developers do not do the necessary amount of work into making a fully developed player character. Instead, they use that cop out argument of, "we allow your to put yourself into the game, which is a load of malarky to begin with. Since when did knowing most things about Mario detract from playing the game? If more of the games did something like Fallout 3 where I play key moments in my childhood, I would probably love them a lot more. Instead, the designers simply say, "we are too lazy to do that much, so you the player do it for us."
2. Since Baldur's Gate, they have been pretty much the same story over and over again. "You grew up in isolation, not knowing of your great destiny or heritage. About half way through, you discover your true purpose, proving that you are the special one, and you have to go kill the bad guy because he is bad." It does not matter if you choose good or evil in the story; it ends up being the same story no matter what.
3. There is no weight in the narrative. The main quest of the game tends to be you preventing some apocalyptic scenario, but it will wait until you are done faffing about with the Harvest moon like game.
Those are the reason why I am not getting skyream.
I await eagerly to hear from the 100 or so people that take umbrage with what I just said. I also look forward to read the same counter arguments I've read before.