Why don't YOU have Skyrim?


New member
Mar 14, 2010
I DON'T CARE FOR IT! I'm sorry, but these constant advertisements, threads and all these other things saying "how great" Skyrim is, isn't really winning it for me. If anything it's kind of devaluing the game in my eyes because pretty much everyone is just throwing praise left and right at its feet. Personally, I'm quite sick of it, but if it makes you guys happy, then great. Enjoy it.

I don't have Skyrim yet (nor will I ever get it) because to be honest, I'm saving up for Dragon's Dogma. That game just looks so much more "innovative" to me, and you can actually converse/work with dragons instead of just killing them all the time. Also, I'm a college student and therefore am completely broke.

Dr Snakeman

New member
Apr 2, 2010
Similar reasons to you, OP. I've got to bring my GPA back up to a 3.0, or I won't be able to stay at the awesome university I attend (it's really expensive, and my parents aren't made of money; I need to keep my academic scholarship). Since I really just dicked around my entire freshman year, I need pretty much all As. Because of this fact, I left my Xbox in my parents' house for my first semester. I'll get back to gaming in the spring.

Also, I'm not getting an Army stipend yet, so I have no money of my own. Even if I had my Xbox, I wouldn't be able to buy jack.

Strain42 said:
I know that in about a year or so they're going to release a potentially cheaper version of Skyrim that will include all the DLC sidequests in it. Buying it now would make absolutely no sense to me.
Yeah. What this guy said. It'll be the same price, but with all the DLC, and with most of the usual "Bethesbugs" ironed out. I'll get Arkham City first, and content myself with it until then.


YOU'RE a pie chart.
Nov 30, 2009
Why? Why WOULD I have another Bethesda game that still needs a few more months to have bugs patched (either by Bethesda or the fans on PC because Bethesda usually can't be assed) when there are other, more stable games out now and coming out soon? Hell, give it a year and you can get a patched version with free DLC.

You make it sound like it's a weird thing to not have it already. I think it's a weird thing to have rushed out and bought it at launch. If you enjoy paying $60 to be a beta tester though, more power to you I suppose.

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
its by Bethesda thats why, and they have never made an interesting game

jamart said:
So, why don't you have God-in-a-box, I mean, Skyrim yet?
also, lines like this, do no make me want the game more, it only adds to my contempt for the series


Boyz! Boyz! Boyz!
Dec 3, 2008
Fearzone said:
First, I had to decide between the PS3 and the PC version. Somewhat reluctantly, I went with the PS3 version. It boiled down to: do I want better frame rates and antialiasing with the PC version, or do I not want to have or support Steam DRM with the PS3 version?

If modding for Skyrim takes off then I would get the PC version, maybe when prices drop a bit.

That said, I don't have Skyrim because it is in the mail and hasn't arrived yet.
Ack, wow, that was quick. I just read an article on RPS about an incoming PC graphics patch, and then an article on Destructoid on lag problems on the PS3 version with save files over 5 megs. Now I don't understand how or why a save file should be that big but anyway, I guess Skyrim is a big game. Fortunately I was able to cancel the Amazon order.

So I have to change my answer: I don't have it because I still haven't fully decided between the PC or the PS3 version but if I had to get it right now I would go for the PC version. At the end of the day I'm increasingly convinced it is an XBox world we live in.


New member
Mar 15, 2010
Simple: Skyward Sword takes much more priority than Skyrim, so all my extra cash went to that instead. However there's a good chance I'll end up getting Skyrim for Christmas, so looks like I won't be waiting too long to get launched into space by giants and shout random people off of cliffs.


New member
Oct 5, 2010
i have it DERP

have fun justifying missing out on something epic.

have a nice day (without skyrim)


New member
Dec 29, 2010
Elder scroll games have never done anything for me? I'm more a "spaceship/aliens" sci fi nerd then a "Magic / Dragions" fantasy guy? The game does nothing for me. Haven't played the Dragon Ages either. Loved Mass Effect and was absolitly ruined by my weekend beta in TOR as, thanks to that, i have no desir atm to play anything else, and yet i have a month to wait....


Well, i do get to do next weeks mostly open weekend beta... so that's SOMETHING...


New member
Oct 27, 2011
1. My super old computer will never be able to run that game.
2. The game world is too open for me.
3. The graphics are so realistic It just looks creepy. I wish we could return to those days when the games did not looked like real life because I (and probably a s*it load of other people) play games to have fun and forget about our daily lives, but now when games look like this I can't stop thinking about real life.


New member
Apr 5, 2011
Not interested, Fallout: New Vegas made me tired of Bethesda-style RPG's. Plus I'm saving money for Christmas.

If I do get an RPG, it'll probably be Dark Souls.


New member
Feb 27, 2009
Blue Hero said:
I have $1.70 in my bank account and $0.00 in my wallet. I got no money. I have a feeling that I'll get it on Sunday though. Don't know how considering I have no money, but I've got a feeling..
This, combined, to a certain extent, with this (once I have funds):

Mild_en_Snakz said:
If I do get an RPG, it'll probably be Dark Souls.


New member
May 4, 2011
It's too expensive, I don't care about it at all, I don't have any of the necessary Skyrim-playing equipment, I don't have time for video games right now, and my roommate should be getting it soon, so I'll just watch her play anyway.

Also, these new Skyrim ads are really annoying, making me want to buy it even less than I already didn't. Escapist, sorry, but I'm disabling your ads until you get your act together.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
I've never really played any games in the series, and $60 is a lot of money just to see what the fuss is about.