Why don't YOU have Skyrim?


New member
Jan 11, 2011
For 2 reasons, the first being that I'm a student, and I need money to live, and thus can't buy such expensive things, and secondly because I don't think my computer(which is the only available gaming platform in this apartment) is capable of running it.


New member
Nov 23, 2008
My PC is currently in storage and my family only owns a Wii (Staying with them).

Le sigh.


New member
Nov 18, 2010
Mainly because its too expensive for me right now however I was going to put it on my Christmas list but the rabid, arrogant, elitist, any game that isn't this game is shit fan base is making me want to take it off out of principle.It does look very fun though so I'll probably end up getting it and just not telling anyone so they don't associate me with the player base of it.


Gloria ex machina
Sep 21, 2009
I'm at college and don't have my Xbox 360 or a computer capable of running it. Planning on getting it when I get home over thanksgiving break though.


New member
Mar 31, 2011
I really didn't enjoy Elder Scrolls and struggled to find much of an actual story. Judging by the Escapist review this is basically Elder Scrolls rebooted: endless side quests and world exploring without much of a defined goal. Also I was surprised at how ugly and muddy the game looks. Also also, I've read some serious complaints about the UI, and as a wannabe Interaction Designer I KNOW that's going to drive me nuts.

I might get it in the sale at some point, but, meh.


Senior Member
Sep 13, 2010
DeadlyFred said:
Doesn't look too much different from Oblivion. I'll probably get it eventually but there's no way I'm spending $50-$60 bucks on it. I keep hoping they might actually put a decent melee system in, something more along the lines of Dark Messiah or... something... anything. It looks like just more of the same but now with extra slow-mo kills... wow.
You're really talking about "Might and Magic: Dark Messiah" ?! I mean, the messy, boring, "quick-save,quick-load fest" of a game that is Dark Messiah ?
Yeesh... I remember a sluggish gameplay, a sucky and really linear story and nothing else...

But still, perhaps my memory is playing trick on me... what was good about its melee system ?


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
Because Skyrim sucks. To be serious it's not really my kind of game. I don't think I will like it, but don't take me for a hater. I spent some time trying to convince my friend to go get that or Oblivion, it's not for me, but I am sure it's great if you're into that kind of stuff. I'm not really a fan of story driven games.

Lost In The Void

When in doubt, curl up and cry
Aug 27, 2008
Drake666 said:
DeadlyFred said:
Doesn't look too much different from Oblivion. I'll probably get it eventually but there's no way I'm spending $50-$60 bucks on it. I keep hoping they might actually put a decent melee system in, something more along the lines of Dark Messiah or... something... anything. It looks like just more of the same but now with extra slow-mo kills... wow.
You're really talking about "Might and Magic: Dark Messiah" ?! I mean, the messy, boring, "quick-save,quick-load fest" of a game that is Dark Messiah ?
Yeesh... I remember a sluggish gameplay, a sucky and really linear story and nothing else...

But still, perhaps my memory is playing trick on me... what was good about its melee system ?
It was a decent melee system that was quick almost fencing like when using a sword while also being movement sensitive to what the player was doing while sword fighting and allowed kicking and finishers as well. It was an excellent melee system

As to why I haven't gotten Skyrim yet; my Xbox bricked a month ago and I haven't replaced it yet


Senior Member
Sep 13, 2010
Lost In The Void said:
Drake666 said:
DeadlyFred said:
Doesn't look too much different from Oblivion. I'll probably get it eventually but there's no way I'm spending $50-$60 bucks on it. I keep hoping they might actually put a decent melee system in, something more along the lines of Dark Messiah or... something... anything. It looks like just more of the same but now with extra slow-mo kills... wow.
You're really talking about "Might and Magic: Dark Messiah" ?! I mean, the messy, boring, "quick-save,quick-load fest" of a game that is Dark Messiah ?
Yeesh... I remember a sluggish gameplay, a sucky and really linear story and nothing else...

But still, perhaps my memory is playing trick on me... what was good about its melee system ?
It was a decent melee system that was quick almost fencing like when using a sword while also being movement sensitive to what the player was doing while sword fighting and allowed kicking and finishers as well. It was an excellent melee system

As to why I haven't gotten Skyrim yet; my Xbox bricked a month ago and I haven't replaced it yet
Oh, yeah, I remember the kicking. That was a nice touch. Otherwise, it looked like the Skyrim/Oblivion/Morrowind system (I know they're different... but the movement sensitive is there. Skyrim's got the finishing move. And the quickness depends on the type of weapon.).
Jun 28, 2010
I'm holding out. In about 1 year, this game will:

- Play better, after the inevitable patching that will most likely take place.
- Have more content, due to unavoidable DLC.

If none of those turn out to be true and a Complete edition is not released (which I find pretty much damn near impossible), the game will be down to about 70% of its original cost. Since it has no online and can therefore never "die out", and I have a back-catalog of about 15 games to play through, I see absolutely no reason to get this now.

I am convinced that I need to get it SOMEDAY though. Game looks excellent.


books, Books, BOOKS
Jan 19, 2011
United States
Mainly because I just got Assassin's Creed: Revelations and I wanna get through that game first, and then finish Dark Souls.

The other reason is that I have a huge backlog that I need to get through before I even THINK about getting it.


New member
Aug 1, 2010
Loved Oblivion when I first played it, forgot about for a while, and was never able to go back. Lost all interest in it.

Loved Fallout 3, but no interest at all in Skyrim. I've been watching my suitemate play it for the past couple of days and I don't see anything that interests me at all.


New member
Nov 2, 2011
Because I am just plain poor... *holds battered tin cup* Alms for Skyrim! Alms for Skyrim! I read reviews, look at threads like this, watch youtube, and am really considering going to donate plasma...

Rad Party God

Party like it's 2010!
Feb 23, 2010
Because I don't have a cent in my pocket, only moths fly out of my wallet. Also, I want to upgrade my PC before I get my hands on Skyrim, also I want to play Sonic Generations at steady frame rates.

So, PC comes first, then, if I have some money left, I'll gladly get my filthy hands on Skyrim.


Make America Great For Who?
Oct 8, 2008
I don't have anything good enough to play the game. Don't own a next-gen console either.


New member
Dec 22, 2009
I personally believe the Elder Scrolls to be yet another RPG that seems to think "Complexity is good, therefor I shall make EVERYTHING as needlessly complex as possible."


New member
Dec 5, 2008
Because I'm several games behind, have Saints Row coming in the mail, and I'll be able to get it cheaper and/or with expansions soon enough.

Looks like fun, though, I'll admit.


Jan 23, 2008
As so many others in this thread, lack of money.

Seems interesting, but admittedly I'm not as interested as most people to whom the game seems like the second coming.


New member
Jul 24, 2004
i'd probably say "because i gots no moneys" but seeing as how that problem will be over tomorrow i'm gonna go with "because it ain't tomorrow yet" so yeah that's why i haven't got it yet, it''s not tomorrow which is when i will have Skyrim not that i will be able to play it just yet because my weekend is all booked up and full already with work and other fun stuff, also friday night is reserved for a movie, then there is monday night when i'll be at a friends house attempting to paint some dark eldar, so yeah tuesday will be the earliest i can actually play Skyrim *le sigh*