Why I am not going to buy Mass Effect 3


Master Lurker
Mar 24, 2010
Its all about precedent, if enough people accept this then EA will do it again, and they will get bolder. These recent business practices are very disturbing to me.

While it annoys me a lot that this is happening it is not a complete deal breaker. If the Prothean is still in the game, just not as a squad member, I will be less annoyed. However, wouldn't this make it worse? If the character was worked on before hand by the Bioware team, then wouldn't that mean that they planned on selling him as a squad mate? In which case TotalBiscut's point is perfectly valid. Bioware cut content from the game to make a profit.

On the other hand, if he isn't in the game without the DLC, we can justify it and say that the Prothean probably wont play a big role in the game, and he will just have one side mission or some thing. If it is true that he wont play a big role doesn't that bother you? Protheans play a big role in the Mass Effect universe and simply selling him as a cheap gimmick damages the very franchise. If he isn't going to play a big role why make him a Prothean? They are very pivotal to the plot of the series. By not devoting serious time to the character it will simply destroy the magic behind the ancient race and ruin a small part of the story.

The whole situation just feels very wrong to me, and this probably wouldn't be a big issue if the character wasn't a Prothean.


New member
Oct 25, 2010
Oh noes, extra content for extra money. Let me cancel my pre-order too.

Sarcasm aside, let me restate this thing, which I have said many, MANY times before to similar idiots like you. Remember not having the internet and buying games based on the back-cover? If you seen a collectors edition, you obviously grabbed that and compared stuff, to see a difference in content, right?

This has not changed a bit.

You buy the game that's on the box. The box does not lie about the actual games' content and neither does the internet.

It's idiot consumers like you that buy a cycle but suddenly, they see a car. Then they go back to their bike-salesman and DEMAND they get a car for the same money as the bike. It doesn't make sense.


Elite Member
Aug 24, 2010
I'm going to buy Mass Effect 3 because I'm OCD.

At this point I know for a fact that it's going to be utter crap in every conceivable way but if I don't see the conclusion to the trilogy it will eat away at me for the rest of my life.

That's why I've been psyching my self out for it to be the worst game ever (And it's already ripping off Gears of War so it's not very far off) but hopefully all my pessimism will pay off in the end and I might be pleasantly surprised by it's level of sucking.


Pee Eye Em Pee Daddy
Apr 4, 2010
Blah blah blah, what is up with all these posts as of late? It seems people are way to judgemental on a game they have even experianced yet. The demo is just a demo. As far as the content not being on the disk, and all the wah wah wahs associated with the announcement of $10 dlc, is getting to be retarded already. Yes its fucked up of EA to charge for that, but do you think acting like a whinny baby and saying Fuck them I'm not buying it to protest this is going to change thier stance on the dlc? Lol there are more people who will pay than those who won't so what makes you think EA will change that stance? It's your money to do what you wish and if you don't want to buy ME3 that's fine but for fucks sake these posts are getiing stupid already. As far as risks go yes I take a risk on am awesome series and believe this game will be awesome dispite what a lot of the prejudice people these days seem to come up with.


New member
Apr 1, 2011
Dansen said:
Its all about precedent, if enough people accept this then EA will do it again, and they will get bolder. These recent business practices are very disturbing to me.

While it annoys me a lot that this is happening it is not a complete deal breaker. If the Prothean is still in the game, just not as a squad member, I will be less annoyed. However, wouldn't this make it worse? If the character was worked on before hand by the Bioware team, then wouldn't that mean that they planned on selling him as a squad mate? In which case TotalBiscut's point is perfectly valid. Bioware cut content from the game to make a profit.

On the other hand, if he isn't in the game without the DLC, we can justify it and say that the Prothean probably wont play a big role in the game, and he will just have one side mission or some thing. If it is true that he wont play a big role doesn't that bother you? Protheans play a big role in the Mass Effect universe and simply selling him as a cheap gimmick damages the very franchise. If he isn't going to play a big role why make him a Prothean? They are very pivotal to the plat of the series. By not devoting serious time to the character it will simply destroy the magic behind the ancient race and ruin a small part of the story.

The whole situation just feels very wrong to me, and this probably wouldn't be a big issue if the character wasn't a Prothean.
I agree. I also saw the large amounts of people going "OMG, TEH PUB KNOS BEST, LOL< STUPID CONSUMERS!" coming after I read the OP's opening statement. I really think we should stop just letting this shit happen, instead of supporting it. From what I heard on this, he is supposed to be a squad mate, but that may be incorrect.

I just hope that this doesn't sell a million [it will] and hurt EA a small bit to tell them that this shit is not cool. Because if we let them get away with this, whats next?

I think I finally found a equal to this. In the next Mario Game, Princess Peach is a DLC, BAM! Not perfect, but its the same pivotal point be exploited for ze monies.


New member
Apr 1, 2010
Steampunk Viking said:
Nfritzappa said:
Steampunk Viking said:
This thread makes me laugh. When it was leaked there would be a Prothean character, people moaned because it's a stupid idea. Now it's DLC, the same people are moaning because they have to pay for it.

Who's saying this is vital to the story? The game's not even out yet, geeze. Might very well have added him as a little extra lore or something, who knows.
Its not vital to the story. All he adds is perspective to the race [its in the script].
Thank you for confirming my suspicions!
You're quite welcome! I guess its a good thing I spoiled myself...
Aug 1, 2010
PingoBlack said:
MrDeckard said:
Sorry, but this is a very minor problem and to be honest, we are NEVER going to stop EA from doing this crap.
And this, ladies and gentlemen ... Is also the reason WHY it won't work.

I wonder when will people realize EA actually needs customers? Of course, they prefer sheep ... but they will also sell to wolves once sheep are not available.
As I said to the other person who quoted me, even if every single person who saw this thread boycotted and got three friends to boycott with them, there would STILL be no dent in EA's ME3 profits.

Instead, hundreds of people would miss out on a great game because they thought that by their small group not buying it, EA would be taught a lesson.

Now, if I saw this some where big with a whole lot of people in support, I might consider joining in.

However, that has an EXTREMELY small chance of happening, as this is not THAT big of a deal. Dickish? Yes. But not samoething that is going to get hundreds of thousands to boycott over.

Until there IS a chance in hell for this to do something, I am quite happy to be one of the "sheep" as you say.

See you on launch day!


New member
Mar 17, 2010
SajuukKhar said:
8a88leph1sh said:
who the hell makes a 24 minute video about why they won't buy a game that has not even come out yet? I'm seriously sick of the Bioware/Mass Effect 3 bashing bandwagon. Nearly every major video game publisher does DLC in some form or other. I don't love it either but it's not going away.
As long as the DLC isn't REQUIRED to get the best ending in a game, and or is the games ending ,I.E. Fallout 3's Broken Steel DLC, then people have literally ZERO right to complain about when it comes out, what it contains, and how much it costs.
Exactly, the only worry I have about it really is that developers and/or publishers may be shaving off small sections of the game and then selling it back the the consumers but if that isn't the case then additional content for those willing to buy it is perfectly legitimate.


New member
Jun 5, 2010
psicat said:
And, I am going to buy Mass Effect 3.
Yep, same here. All this talk of "I am not going to by it because I no get Prothian DLC" is just bitching in my ears. Just like the whole Left 4 Dead 2 thing. Entitled brats.


New member
Apr 1, 2010
8a88leph1sh said:
SajuukKhar said:
8a88leph1sh said:
who the hell makes a 24 minute video about why they won't buy a game that has not even come out yet? I'm seriously sick of the Bioware/Mass Effect 3 bashing bandwagon. Nearly every major video game publisher does DLC in some form or other. I don't love it either but it's not going away.
As long as the DLC isn't REQUIRED to get the best ending in a game, and or is the games ending ,I.E. Fallout 3's Broken Steel DLC, then people have literally ZERO right to complain about when it comes out, what it contains, and how much it costs.
Exactly, the only worry I have about it really is that developers and/or publishers may be shaving off small sections of the game and then selling it back the the consumers but if that isn't the case then additional content for those willing to buy it is perfectly legitimate.
I could explain how the GaW system works if you don't mind spoilers... but I can keep it simple.

"From Ashes" will probably add galactic readiness points, but doing sidequests will do the same thing. The majority of people here don't quite understand the concept of how immense the galactic readiness scale is, and theres hundreds and hundreds (literally) of things you can do to improve your score to get the best ending.

Things you can do to help points include but not limited to:
1. Decisions you've made in past games
2. Whether your crew survived ME2 or not
3. Whether you did some sidequests in ME1 and 2
3. Helping out in conflict zones (sidequests)
5. Collecting resources (sidequests, ala ME1)
4. Playing Multiplayer

The DLC is essentially a sidequest, and knowing the story of the game I don't really see how our new squadmate will add to your galactic readiness anymore than what I explained above.

I hope this clears things up for some people.

oh and about "cutting resources"? The game was done in January, they worked on the DLC after that.


New member
Apr 26, 2011
Aprilgold said:
I agree. I also saw the large amounts of people going "OMG, TEH PUB KNOS BEST, LOL< STUPID CONSUMERS!" coming after I read the OP's opening statement. I really think we should stop just letting this shit happen, instead of supporting it. From what I heard on this, he is supposed to be a squad mate, but that may be incorrect.

I just hope that this doesn't sell a million [it will] and hurt EA a small bit to tell them that this shit is not cool. Because if we let them get away with this, whats next?

I think I finally found a equal to this. In the next Mario Game, Princess Peach is a DLC, BAM! Not perfect, but its the same pivotal point be exploited for ze monies.
The Princess is in another castle which can be downloaded for $19.95 joke has been done to death. That said...

The basic thing is that EA assumes, correctly, that gamers are stupid, lazy asshats who could be set on fire and not care as long as they get their fix. Seriously, you could add a EULA clause that EA reserves the right to emasculate you, and idiots would still agree to it. There was a one site, a while ago, that added forfeiting one's immortal soul to their EULA and people were agreeing to THAT and claiming they were not concerned, as it was unenforceable in a US court. (Somehow, I would worry more about a Judean judge than an American one, for that clause...)


Searching for common sense ...
Aug 6, 2011
MrDeckard said:
Now, if I saw this some where big with a whole lot of people in support, I might consider joining in.
You misunderstood.
I'm not asking anyone to join anything. You will have to make your own personal decision then live with it, like I made mine.

BTW, how do they intend to retcon Liara for people that didn't buy that DLC? "Oh, I got tired at being angry and sitting at a desk, Sheppard. By the way, did you happen to have sex with anyone in the meantime?"

See, that's the point where they lost me, Origin debacle came only after that. :)


New member
Jun 28, 2010
Loop Stricken said:
Well balls, I was just about to make this thread.

It is indeed a fucking disgrace and I am this close to cancelling my preorder. I haven't yet because I'm hoping that EA decides to just say "fuck it, let us placate the Internet and make it free".
i'm just going to wait until ea pulls a "steam" and releases all cut content as a "complete edition" for $20, unless the art book/soundtrack are worth the extra dough (which i doubt).


Neloth's got swag.
Aug 22, 2011
Pfft. This, honestly, is the type of thread that tends to get on my nerves. Yes, it's a sleazy business practice, but EA's not about to change its policies.

Besides, we all know what's going to happen. Fans gripe and the console users eventually cave in, EA makes a profit out of the console DLC while the Prothean character's pirated up the wazoo for the PC version, aaaaaand...

The entire freaking package is eventually released as the "Complete" edition of Mass Effect 3. And of course, this "Complete Edition" is also pirated up the wazoo. Give it a year or two and the Prothean character's also going to join the droves of suddenly discounted or free DLC on the console market.

Keep your hard-earned cash, folks. The only way to win is not to play. That is, not to play until later, when EA won't be able to siphon you dry.


New member
Nov 24, 2009
Blame it on Ben said:
I feel that if the consumer base is going to boycott, this is the time to do it. Personally, I believe that this is very unprofessional of both EA and BioWare. Even if you are only mildly offended by this, to boycott this game, a game that most of us would love to play, (I believe) would force companies to cease this BS for at least a while.

All I ask is support for one game. If we as consumers can muster up the courage to deprive ourselves of one game, the biggest release in 2012 so far, just think how that would positively effect our rights as consumers. EA would definitely think twice before trying to pull this again.
i agree with you, problem is, most gamers (including peoplem on this site) have no backbone and will do anything for instant gratification


New member
Nov 24, 2009
Whateveralot said:
Oh noes, extra content for extra money. Let me cancel my pre-order too.

Sarcasm aside, let me restate this thing, which I have said many, MANY times before to similar idiots like you. Remember not having the internet and buying games based on the back-cover? If you seen a collectors edition, you obviously grabbed that and compared stuff, to see a difference in content, right?

This has not changed a bit.

You buy the game that's on the box. The box does not lie about the actual games' content and neither does the internet.

It's idiot consumers like you that buy a cycle but suddenly, they see a car. Then they go back to their bike-salesman and DEMAND they get a car for the same money as the bike. It doesn't make sense.
I can't say anything to this but wow such much fanaticism is oozing from this post. But your right, I am so stupid for thinking that content that is made before launch should be included with my game and not taken out of the game and sold back to me.

I only request from you that you never breed.


New member
Jun 3, 2011
The main problem with this DLC is the nature of the character itself, a Prothean. These guys are the WHOLE reason Shepherd has any importance in the whole Mass Effect saga, they are a major link to the Reapers and who they are and the fact they created the Citadel and the Mass Effect relays themselves is pretty bloody important to the story.
The fact that a character is from a race which is pretty much vital to the whole universe of ME is missing from the full game is pretty ridiculous. Having said that, nobody yet knows what role the character is going to play when he/she/it is in the game or whether he has an interesting back story but still, the fact that a living, breathing, 50,000 year old Prothean is restricted from most users unless they fork over an extra £10 on launch is pretty deplorable.