Why I am not going to buy Mass Effect 3


New member
Dec 6, 2010
Mafoobula said:
Yeah... I've thought about it, I've done my research, I've looked up this, that, and the other thing, and I have come to the following conclusion: I will not buy Mass Effect 3 until the DLC "From Ashes", the object of the uproar, becomes free to download. And screw the collector's edition.

For those of you who haven't heard, Bioware has responded to the outrage with the following post. Taken from http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/323/index/9403705/1

There has been a lot of discussion about the DLC offering but we wanted to clarify a few things...

- "From Ashes" includes the Prothean squad mate, an adventure on Eden Prime, a new weapon, and an alternate
appearance for every squad mate. Note that these alternate appearances are in addition to the ones already advertised in the CE.

- The Collectors Edition has been advertised from the beginning as containing a bonus character/mission, but we were not at liberty to provide the details. The Prothean is optional content that is certainly designed to appeal to long-time fans, which is why he is part of the CE offering (the version many fans would be likely to purchase). Mass Effect 3 is a complete - and a huge game - right out of the box.

- The content in "From Ashes" was developed by a separate team (after the core game was finished) and not completed until well after the main game went into certification.

- The Collectors Edition has been sold out in most places for some time now, and is becoming very hard to find (many players prefer not to purchase the digital version). As such, we wanted to make this content available so that SE buyers could also incorporate the Prothean into their game.

We'll be releasing some images and video about this pack in the coming days.

As always, we are extremely thankful for all of your support. We pulled out all of the stops to make Mass Effect 3 the best game ever, and we can't wait for you all to experience it.

Sorry, Bioware, but I just don't quite buy it.
And why not? It's directly from the source. What more do you need? Why all this paranoia?

I guess because that's easier than getting off that huge horse most of you seem to occupy.


New member
Aug 12, 2010
I think too many people look into game speculation and judge games before they ever come out. I know nothing about the story except for the very beginning. I do know of a few controversial gameplay choices. Most of it alludes to the possibility that the game is going to sell out and be a shell of its former sell, but it's hard to say. I do agree that releasing DLC right when the game comes out is bullshit. I especially hate exclusive DLC available only for limited edition versions. It's a bullshit marketing technique. DLC is supposed to be content that is released months after the game comes out, not as a means to squeeze more money out of people during launch. I think the trend of releasing DLC with games as they launch is becoming a horrible fad.

Damien Granz

New member
Apr 8, 2011
I love that some people in the thread are mad that other people aren't getting a game.

Mass Effect 3 isn't buying you child food and medicine. It's not a necessity you should get angry at people for not having.

If they don't want to buy it for whatever reason, cool.

If you had a friend that came over and punched you in the balls every time he saw you, but always bought you drinks and shit, and somebody was like "I'm not hanging out with them anymore", getting all raged out is stupid.

Maybe you can tolerate your friends (EA's) gaffes. Maybe what he does otherwise doesn't bother you. Cool. But if somebody has enough of that and is like "I'm done with this relationship", don't get all bent out of shape and act like EA 'needs' their money and shit.

Here's the thing. You aren't supposed to be 'loyal' to EA. EA sure as heck isn't loyal to you, and this sort of thing proves it.

The costumer/creator relationship is a directly antagonistic one. They do as least as they can to make as much money as they can, and you try to get the most out of your money.

If some people are saying that, they don't feel they're getting that most and are moving on, cool.

Arguments like "Well, duh, of course they're charging you your left leg this time for a video game. They're trying to make money! Just suck it up and buy it anyways!" makes you captain obvious and a sucker. Nobody was confused by the fact they wanted money. They just happen to feel that they're not getting your money's worth too. Because that 'make money/keep money' thing goes both way.

"EA wants money" isn't and shouldn't really be a valid excuse for what they do, as if you the customer aren't allowed to want to save money, or like EA's some sort of charity that you absolutely HAVE to pay into, or Mass Effect 3 is your God and you can't do without.

Now, if you feel that 70+ dollars for a short game (at least going by DA2 and ME2's measure) + 1 extra single character, +probably 5/10 dollars to unlock shit already on your game disk that you already bought and additional fees to get content vital to the story of the game (like Arrival DLC)if you don't happen to buy from the 'correct' vendor or the 'correct' box, etc.. is worth your time, then go ahead and buy it, and have fun with it. More power to you.

Just, as I said, don't get bent out of shape when some people had enough with that and found better business elsewhere, and don't yell at them like EA is their lover and they're cheating. The customer has to calculate more than just the producer's interest. Not doing so makes you a sucker, so stop yelling at people who's got a Cons list larger than a Pros list.

As for the people like "I feel like I'm paying EA to take a shit into my open mouth, but I can't back away because not enough people will and it won't matter".. you're suckers, big time. That's such a self-defeating self-fulfilling prophecy it hurts. Stopping buying things you don't want isn't about changing the industry overnight. Please realize that the major obstacle towards what you want is your own self-defeating attitude. Now note, none of that applies to people that saw 70+ dollars for a 10 hour game + 1 character and thought "That sounds good". If that's what you want and you think it's a fair price, again.. more power to you. By all means, have fun and enjoy your purchase.

Nimcha said:
And why not? It's directly from the source. What more do you need? Why all this paranoia?

I guess because that's easier than getting off that huge horse most of you seem to occupy.
This is directly what I'm referring to. This attitude that somebody has to be on a 'high horse' to get tired of somebody being full of shit.

Holy crap, the level of Stockholm syndrome customers exhibit, where they get screwed and go "Well, I could had gotten a knife in my stomach for all my trouble, but I didn't, so I guess EA is deserving of my everlasting praise!". It's not 'high and mighty' to refuse to buy something when you think you're being cheated.

The reason the guy you're quoting 'doesn't buy it' is because it looks suspicious and they have a record of doing what they're saying they're not that's like 9 games back now.

If you saw a guy tying a woman to a train track while twirling a mustache and he's like "Um, this isn't what it looks like", then it's not you being high and mighty and condescending to be like "Reeeeaaaally now".

More so because this is like EA's 50th woman tied to a track in 5 years. That's not called paranoia, that's called pattern recognition.

The fact that this term is used a lot in this thread means here's a lot of people that think not blindly buying things that EA puts out is somehow condescending. Like we should be thankful that EA will deign to take our cash or something.

Like rejecting an offer to give EA more of our money is somehow above our station and we need to 'come back down to earth'.

Holy shit, we as a customer base need some self esteem.


New member
Aug 3, 2011
I think everyone should have got the character for buying the game new, like with Zaeed in ME2 - maybe we just expected it. Hopefully, like shadow broker and arrival, the level will be more than just shooting stuff. Although im thinking it will be more of a history lesson.

But after seeing what he looks likes and (maybe) sounds like (space Jamaican)ive lost a lot of interest in it.

Blame it on Ben

New member
Oct 15, 2010
I feel that if the consumer base is going to boycott, this is the time to do it. Personally, I believe that this is very unprofessional of both EA and BioWare. Even if you are only mildly offended by this, to boycott this game, a game that most of us would love to play, (I believe) would force companies to cease this BS for at least a while.

All I ask is support for one game. If we as consumers can muster up the courage to deprive ourselves of one game, the biggest release in 2012 so far, just think how that would positively effect our rights as consumers. EA would definitely think twice before trying to pull this again.

Ecliptica Wolf

New member
Apr 20, 2011
You're not going to buy ME3 eventually? Pfff suuuuuuure, I've heard that for all sorts of games and you still end up buying them. As wrong as it is it won't stop people buying.


New member
Feb 11, 2011
Ecliptica Wolf said:
You're not going to buy ME3 eventually? Pfff suuuuuuure, I've heard that for all sorts of games and you still end up buying them. As wrong as it is it won't stop people buying.
Here's hoping that it eventually will, because otherwise EA and Bioware will just continue with their Practices (like they already did, see the "arrival" DLC with a quite central Plotpoint that lands Shepard where (s)he ends up at the Start of ME3) or they'll find something worse.

EA and Bioware have Business Practices that hurt the Videogame Medium. Buying their Product will get them more Money to be a even more destructive Force in the Business.


New member
Feb 17, 2010

it's the only possible anser if you refuse these kind of bussiness practices. Throw in the insult that is Origins spyware (EA sells your info to third-parties, steam does not) with that nickel and diming.
I wont even get DA3 or even bother pirating that after what they did with DA2 because it turned me off to the franchise. But i have been a big fan of ME, bought all the DLC for both games which ramp up to quite a big pricetag. Overpriced some would say, because of all the DLC i spend more money on the first 2 games, i could have easily gotten 3 complete other triple A games for that pricetag. I do not mind paying a little more for something i enjoy, but is just ripping of customers.
And most of the sentiment i just read here is that a lot of you are fine with being ripped of by EA/Bioware. It is those same sentiments that makes you puppets for the industry and will lead to having to buy half-finished games and spend loads of money on DLC just to get a complete game-experience. You are the reason games only get more expensive with less content in them because you LET THEM!
The only real power a consumer has is to not buy into that shit, so i wont. But as a big supporter of ME1 and 2, i wont be denied the ending to the series i have allready spend quite a lot of extra money on anyway. I am oke with a company that wants to maximize its profits from a popular product but what EA is doing borders on extortion.


New member
Dec 5, 2010
If there was ever a reason for me not to buy Mass Effect 3, it's being so sick of hearing people whine about it that it puts me off the bloody thing.


New member
Mar 19, 2011
Well, I have the patience to wait I guess. I won't be buying ME3 for a long time until the price drops. After that, I can only hope that the DLC will be available for me and it would be a bit more modest of a price.


New member
Oct 30, 2010
For the sake of argument, let's assume this fellow is no more important than Zaheed or Kasumi. Doesn't that then just reek of missed opportunity?

If I have a time machine, I'm not going to go back in order to eat that yogurt before it spoiled.

edit: My friends will probably nag me into getting it close to launch, and I won't resist too strenuously, if for no other reason than participating in the dissatisfaction with the game.


New member
Dec 19, 2007
Shanicus said:
GiantRaven said:
If there was ever a reason for me not to buy Mass Effect 3, it's being so sick of hearing people whine about it that it puts me off the bloody thing.
See, that's why my plan for when Dragon Age 3 comes around the corner is to just cut off all contact with internet forums. Mass Effect 3 isn't out for another 2 weeks and the forums are already clogged with these threads.

OP: I'm still buying it, mainly because the chances of this Prothean character being a big deal are... well, pretty small. He's an extra little character tacked on for the collectors edition, and is also being released as Day 1 DLC so people who didn't buy the Collectors edition can still play around with him.
at least they still can get him unlike some of the dlc stuff for me2.


Keeper of Brannigan's Law
Oct 4, 2007
I KNEW from the end of ME2 I was going to buy ME3, I also knew I was going to get the Digital Deluxe edition like I have with every other BioWare game since I played ME on steam a few years back.

I honestly cannot see why people are up in arms about a day one DLC you get it or you don't, the extra characters NEVER play that much of a role, sure a Prothean should really, but I'd wager he doesn't, I mean you have a prince as a DLC character in DA2, never once do you visit his town or help him rule/make descisions, in DA:O you had Shale, who was pretty cool but rather impactless, and ME2 extra characters were pretty weak


New member
Apr 1, 2010
Congrats, OP. My N7 CE is fully paid off and I'm getting it at the midnight release. I'm going to get it, go home and have


Steampunk Viking

New member
Jan 15, 2010
This thread makes me laugh. When it was leaked there would be a Prothean character, people moaned because it's a stupid idea. Now it's DLC, the same people are moaning because they have to pay for it.

Who's saying this is vital to the story? The game's not even out yet, geeze. Might very well have added him as a little extra lore or something, who knows.


New member
Apr 1, 2011
Smertnik said:
Yeah, the Prothean DLC thing bugs me as well. As much as I love the ME series I don't think I'll be buying ME3 for the time being. Considering that I just got a PS3 with a bunch of exclusives it won't be a very difficult decision to make, though.
It bothers me too.

I'm not buying it because, lets face it*, its going to be more watered down then the previous one was. While this may not be true, I do think that they are going for a more Gears of Effect 3 instead of a Mass Effect 3.

I'm not buying it because of the above statement I made that was COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY OPINON and the fact that I don't exactly like EA's practices or Biowares at this point.

In case your wondering why I had to ultimately keep saying THAT THIS AND ALL ABOVE IS MY PERSONAL OPINION is because people on forums love to jump down your throat for your opinion if you don't say that it is every third word.

Steampunk Viking said:
This thread makes me laugh. When it was leaked there would be a Prothean character, people moaned because it's a stupid idea. Now it's DLC, the same people are moaning because they have to pay for it.

Who's saying this is vital to the story? The game's not even out yet, geeze. Might very well have added him as a little extra lore or something, who knows.
Bro, the protheans make both Commander Shephard and much more in the game important. Its not even that, their taking dev time away from the main project to make a very large DLC.


New member
Apr 1, 2010
Steampunk Viking said:
This thread makes me laugh. When it was leaked there would be a Prothean character, people moaned because it's a stupid idea. Now it's DLC, the same people are moaning because they have to pay for it.

Who's saying this is vital to the story? The game's not even out yet, geeze. Might very well have added him as a little extra lore or something, who knows.
Its not vital to the story. All he adds is perspective to the race [its in the script].

Steampunk Viking

New member
Jan 15, 2010
Nfritzappa said:
Steampunk Viking said:
This thread makes me laugh. When it was leaked there would be a Prothean character, people moaned because it's a stupid idea. Now it's DLC, the same people are moaning because they have to pay for it.

Who's saying this is vital to the story? The game's not even out yet, geeze. Might very well have added him as a little extra lore or something, who knows.
Its not vital to the story. All he adds is perspective to the race [its in the script].
Thank you for confirming my suspicions!