Why I am not going to buy Mass Effect 3


New member
Jul 25, 2011
hazabaza1 said:
I've not just played through the first Mass Effect and have started the second just to not get the third.
I just won't get the DLC unless I feel like my game is missing something.
Basically this^

Although this is pretty annoying. And the "businesses are there to make money" excuse is pretty poor, since that doesn't justify it at all. They'd still make money without things like this, all this does is squeeze as much as possible from consumers in the knowledge that enough of them will grudgingly fork out another $10/£6/whatever just to make their gaming experience feel complete. This isn't a perfect analogy but it's a bit like stopping a film halfway through in the cinema and making everyone pay £6 if they want to see the next scene.


New member
Jul 8, 2011
Skipping the whole thread, yeah, I won't buy ME 3 because I don't like where Bioware is headed and it's work lately and because of the Prothean DLC.

As a bonus I don't have to replay ME 1 and 2! Lost my saves -.-''
Dec 14, 2009
CaptainTrilby said:
The main problem with this DLC is the nature of the character itself, a Prothean. These guys are the WHOLE reason Shepherd has any importance in the whole Mass Effect saga, they are a major link to the Reapers and who they are and the fact they created the Citadel and the Mass Effect relays themselves is pretty bloody important to the story.
The fact that a character is from a race which is pretty much vital to the whole universe of ME is missing from the full game is pretty ridiculous. Having said that, nobody yet knows what role the character is going to play when he/she/it is in the game or whether he has an interesting back story but still, the fact that a living, breathing, 50,000 year old Prothean is restricted from most users unless they fork over an extra £10 on launch is pretty deplorable.
It's pretty much been established that the guy is in the game. The DLC only adds him as a squad member. So you get all his dialogue and conversations, you just can't take him along with you for missions, he may have a sidequest or two, but overall, you're not missing anything if you don't buy the DLC.

J Tyran

New member
Dec 15, 2011
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
J Tyran said:
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
antidonkey said:
The lack of or overabundance of DLC plays no factor in my decision on purchasing a game. So long as they don't sell me 1/2 a game at full price and require DLC to get the other 1/2,
Well, thats the thing. The DLC character is a FUCKING PROTHEAN. A LIVING, BREATHING PROTHEAN THAT JOINS YOUR PARTY. Did you play the first two games? If you did, you know that is a big deal. That is the most important character you will ever be able to recruit into your party out of all the games right there, and EA is holding him ransom.

I mean, come on. A PROTHEAN!!! Fuck! A prothean! Its such a big deal, I dont know what else to say, so im just going to keep repeating myself! A PROTHEAN IN YOUR PARTY!!! YOU CAN TALK TO HIM!!! AND HES DLC!!!
So? It could be fricking Santa Claus or Jesus in the DLC, that doesn't mean the character is necessarily important. It could just be a dude that follows you around or has no conversation options like Zaeed or Kasumi, if the char turns out to be a critical part of the plot there will be justification for bitching. If not you are all going to look pretty stupid.

I guess Bioware trying to fair and give players the option to get some of the content from the collectors edition is all wrong. Lots of ME2 players begged for some of the special edition content to become available, they do so with ME3 and everyone bitches?

If your precious Prothean means so much to maybe you should have put your hands in your pocket and got the collectors edition.
Wheres that "Biodrone glasses" picture when you need it....
I have my Prothean haha, also I'm no fanboy and well aware of Biowares faults. What I do lack however is a sense of self entitlement and believe everything should be handed to me.


New member
Jan 6, 2010
I'm boycotting ME3, although ME2 was the best thing since canned pineapple.

J Tyran

New member
Dec 15, 2011
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
J Tyran said:
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
J Tyran said:
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
antidonkey said:
The lack of or overabundance of DLC plays no factor in my decision on purchasing a game. So long as they don't sell me 1/2 a game at full price and require DLC to get the other 1/2,
Well, thats the thing. The DLC character is a FUCKING PROTHEAN. A LIVING, BREATHING PROTHEAN THAT JOINS YOUR PARTY. Did you play the first two games? If you did, you know that is a big deal. That is the most important character you will ever be able to recruit into your party out of all the games right there, and EA is holding him ransom.

I mean, come on. A PROTHEAN!!! Fuck! A prothean! Its such a big deal, I dont know what else to say, so im just going to keep repeating myself! A PROTHEAN IN YOUR PARTY!!! YOU CAN TALK TO HIM!!! AND HES DLC!!!
So? It could be fricking Santa Claus or Jesus in the DLC, that doesn't mean the character is necessarily important. It could just be a dude that follows you around or has no conversation options like Zaeed or Kasumi, if the char turns out to be a critical part of the plot there will be justification for bitching. If not you are all going to look pretty stupid.

I guess Bioware trying to fair and give players the option to get some of the content from the collectors edition is all wrong. Lots of ME2 players begged for some of the special edition content to become available, they do so with ME3 and everyone bitches?

If your precious Prothean means so much to maybe you should have put your hands in your pocket and got the collectors edition.
Wheres that "Biodrone glasses" picture when you need it....
I have my Prothean haha, also I'm no fanboy and well aware of Biowares faults. What I do lack however is a sense of self entitlement and believe everything should be handed to me.
I believe the pizza analogy posted earlier in this thread works well.

"Sorry sir, but this pizza I just bought has no cheese on it."
"It should. The sign outside says you are selling normal pizza."
"You have to pay extra for cheese."
"What the fuck dude?"
Doesn't really work like that, the Prothean isn't the cheese hes one of the extra toppings.


New member
Sep 24, 2010
dobahci said:
AyreonMaiden said:
This. I respect not one of these bullshit whiny boycotts because of this, and man is it ever tiring nowadays. Every time SOMETHING happens, it's just negativity all around. The "pirating it," thing, and the "I'll get it used instead so no one, not even the devs, get my money" utterly gall me. Nice one, bro, way to make sure the right people get fucked. Way to show you're not gonna take it and will not stand for any bullshit by...buying the game.

If you're taking a stand, mean it. Inconvenience yourself all the way or you might as well give them your money now, since you will later anyway cause you simply could not go without blue bitchin' sex in space to stand by your beliefs. As far as I'm concerned, you either send the message home, or be a pussy. Your call.
I might be missing something, but I don't think the point of a boycott is to inconvenience yourself or prove that you aren't a pussy. The point is to ensure that the company in question doesn't get your money. Piracy does that while still ensuring you don't miss out on the game. Where's the problem? It sounds like an ideal solution to me.

Why should a gamer have to inconvenience himself to make a statement anyway? If we protest every company that is run by pricks, then we'll basically end up finding a new hobby, because pretty much the entire mainstream game industry is prick-dominated nowadays, and finding a company that DOESN'T use invasive DRM or milk their customers out of every little cent with day-of-release DLC and rushed sequels is more the exception than the rule. And unfortunately there are precious few ways we can influence this.

How can you really get a company to change their ways? Even if you do manage to organize some kind of full-scale boycott, you're still only going to impact a tiny fraction of the sales expected for the game, and the company you were trying to boycott is still going to make enough money off of it to buy your entire town and rename it to Butthurtville. And there's NOTHING you can do about it. You can send them emails saying that they really ought to treat their customers with more respect, and they'll just say, "Sorry, I can't hear you over the whooshing sound of my moneyfountain."

Every time a company gets taken to task for DRM that rapes your computer upon install or for taking advantage of paying customers in some way or another, they come out with some press release with a bunch of bullshit and excuse-making, but you never see any changes made. Why should you inconvenience yourself for them when it's not even going to make the company change the shitty policies that made you boycott them in the first place?
The message you send matters. That's why inconveniencing oneself matters in a boycott.

I posted this in another thread of a similar nature that awoke me to that notion. If you get the game used/pirate it instead, what these publishers or whatever will see when they connect the dots as to the reason why the game has been pirated/bought used is "The game itself was fine, but how can we make it harder to pirate/less attractive to buy used?"

If you withhold buying the game outright, there's a bigger chance they'll rethink everything, including the pricing/DRM/DLC, because they won't know what the problem was in the first place until they look in the internet and see "X was wrong, Y was wrong and Oh! the DRM sucked/day one DLC sucked. Let's rethink those."

And the look absolutely matters. Being organized, determined, CIVIL and 100% serious with NO COMPROMISE makes your voice more respected. Look at OpRainfall; A vocal minority that unified civilly, sent letters asking for the service they wanted, encouraged respect among themselves and towards Nintendo, and demonstrated peacefully.

Bioware vocal minority by comparison? Abused Jennifer Hepler, bitched about Jessica Chobot's existence, whined about that one guy who looks like he's from Jersey Shore's looks, cried "EVIL CORPORATION" over a DLC character no one knows the importance of, and are now saying they'll pirate/buy used instead of supporting those (seemingly) DEADLY SERIOUS PROBLEMS.

One group managed to make Nintendo, CONSERVATIVE NINTENDO, take a chance for very little gain on 2 games of a niche alienating genre, on a console that's rarely used for said genre, in a country that currently has fallen out of favor with said genre.

The other group earned the ire of a corporation that KNOWS they can live without their money, and as a group evokes a bipolar reaction: People either want them to STFU, or join in the childish abuse.

Again, don't pussy out. Organize, unify, refuse to partake at all, and make your shit happen. You won't look entitled, you won't look like a thief, you won't look like a whiner, you won't make Bioware more pissed off at you than they already are. The look matters. The look is the message.


New member
Sep 26, 2010
The protheans FAILED to stop the reapers and FAILED at just about everything else they ever did except change the keepers response code.

The protheans really aren't that important, theyare just another chain in the endless cycle/

they make that abundantly clear in Mass Effect 1.

J Tyran

New member
Dec 15, 2011
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
J Tyran said:
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
J Tyran said:
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
J Tyran said:
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
antidonkey said:
The lack of or overabundance of DLC plays no factor in my decision on purchasing a game. So long as they don't sell me 1/2 a game at full price and require DLC to get the other 1/2,
Well, thats the thing. The DLC character is a FUCKING PROTHEAN. A LIVING, BREATHING PROTHEAN THAT JOINS YOUR PARTY. Did you play the first two games? If you did, you know that is a big deal. That is the most important character you will ever be able to recruit into your party out of all the games right there, and EA is holding him ransom.

I mean, come on. A PROTHEAN!!! Fuck! A prothean! Its such a big deal, I dont know what else to say, so im just going to keep repeating myself! A PROTHEAN IN YOUR PARTY!!! YOU CAN TALK TO HIM!!! AND HES DLC!!!
So? It could be fricking Santa Claus or Jesus in the DLC, that doesn't mean the character is necessarily important. It could just be a dude that follows you around or has no conversation options like Zaeed or Kasumi, if the char turns out to be a critical part of the plot there will be justification for bitching. If not you are all going to look pretty stupid.

I guess Bioware trying to fair and give players the option to get some of the content from the collectors edition is all wrong. Lots of ME2 players begged for some of the special edition content to become available, they do so with ME3 and everyone bitches?

If your precious Prothean means so much to maybe you should have put your hands in your pocket and got the collectors edition.
Wheres that "Biodrone glasses" picture when you need it....
I have my Prothean haha, also I'm no fanboy and well aware of Biowares faults. What I do lack however is a sense of self entitlement and believe everything should be handed to me.
I believe the pizza analogy posted earlier in this thread works well.

"Sorry sir, but this pizza I just bought has no cheese on it."
"It should. The sign outside says you are selling normal pizza."
"You have to pay extra for cheese."
"What the fuck dude?"
Doesn't really work like that, the Prothean isn't the cheese hes one of the extra toppings.
Actually, the Prothean would be the base. He is so damn important to the story, its not even funny. I cant imagine how they want to structure the story with him gone because he really is the pillar that carries the most weight.

But you know that. You just cant deal with people not liking what you like.
Just because the character is a Prothean it doesn't mean its critical to the plot, the Prothean race as a whole is important to the overall plot. But an individual char might not have much impact on the story.

Think of a ME2, collectors where a big deal right? A major part of the plot yes? Was one the random collectors you fought so central to the whole thing if it was removed the story would have collapsed? No of course not, same thing with the Geth in ME1, Geth as a race = important, random geth = not important. So this individual Prothean isn't the pillar that carries the most weight at all.

What in the hell has "You just cant deal with people not liking what you like." supposed to mean? Where did I say anything like that? If people don't like the game they don't like it, but that isn't what this thread is about. This thread is about people who obviously like it and want it and are so butt hurt about it they are flooding forums and YouTube with tears whilst mashing their keyboards in self entitled rage.

Rad Party God

Party like it's 2010!
Feb 23, 2010
Loop Stricken said:
Well balls, I was just about to make this thread.

It is indeed a fucking disgrace and I am this close to cancelling my preorder. I haven't yet because I'm hoping that EA decides to just say "fuck it, let us placate the Internet and make it free".

Are we talking about the same corporation here?. They will rub their DLC into your face and slit it down your throat whenever they get the chance to do it.

OT: I don't care what they have planned to release as DLC, so long as it's not important to the main story itself, I don't care.


New member
Aug 23, 2009
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
Snip a massive spoiler
Seriously dude! WHAT THE FUCK?

Thanks. Thank you very fucking much! I had no idea about that. Learn to use god dam spoilers!

People like you infuriate me as you have no consideration for people that have avoided spoilers like the plague.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Frozengale said:
I hate it when people say "You're not entitled to it" and other such tripe. Of course we aren't, entitled would mean they should give us the game for free.
If it's so obvious, why did the video insist otherwise?

Instead of railing against me, maybe you should have paid attention to the context in which I said it. I talked about a guy who clearly and specifically used the word entitled. It was freaking explicit.

So don't complain to me that of course we're not entitled, rail at him for suggesting, nay, outright stating we are not.

Additionally, entitlement does not mean free. You are still entitled to goods if you pay for them. You just aren't entitled to anything more. Your claim to it is the fact that you paid, ergo you are entitled. It's not free, because you paid for it.

Now, let's move on to your car example:

If you bought a car and the manufacture said, "Okay here's your car... by the way there is no A/C, it costs extra." Would you say, "Oh that's okay, it's not integral to the car anyways. It will run fine, do everything else perfectly. I'm fine without the A/C." No you would be pissed. A/C is standard feature, it is designed into the car from the get-go. It's not needed but it is a feature that should be there without having to pay extra.
I'll take your word for it that air conditioning is standard; when I last bought a car it was a luxury item. But that's kind of the problem: Your comparison makes this bonus character an integral part of the standard package, which is untrue.

Let's make your car comparison a little more fair. You see those car ads on TV or online? Go to a car site for a new vehicle? Those price points they advertise include "starting at" for a reason. You don't get all the features for that initial price. From cursory research, a lot of people still make you pay extra for automatic transmission. All-Wheel Drive. Audio packages. Do people really have major fits that their car doesn't come with an iPod dock for free? No? Thought not.

It's like, extra content costs extra or something.

I just want to point out that I REALLY don't like online passes, but the car analogies get pretty damn stupid.

That's what this is. They are charging us extra for a feature that would be considered standard on any other game.
I want to know what game you're thinking of where bonus content is standard.

But we thought the company was going to be nice to us, try to take care of us, not try ask us to bend over and take it.
Yeah, how dare they create premium content for a premium edition and then charge for it?

If they commit to bad business plans we have a right to go elsewhere. Some of it is us just being whiny, but this is an industry. The customers whine, if the company doesn't fix it the customer goes elsewhere.
Oh goody, nothing I've contested. Yay.


New member
Jan 13, 2010
I really find all the drama queens screaming doom and gloom (and canceled pre-oders) in reaction to the Prothean DLC quite amusing XD

Protheans are just like any other alien race in the game .. they don't have anymore significance than Asari or Turians .. they failed to stop the Reapers before and got even humiliated further by being turned into the Collectors (which is a double failure) ... yeah they might have had advanced technology that might play some role in defeating the reapers ("might" .. just a random guess) in ME3 but there is no proof on that nor any indication that's the case.

Also i foresee you will probably will meet the Prothean/s in the normal game and he/she/it/them might have some role in the story .. but a simple fact is NOT EVERY CHARACTER IMPORTANT TO THE STORY HAS TO JOIN YOUR FREAKING PARTY .. GROW UP ALREADY XD (yeah .. that's some drama XD)

And let me reuse my typical DLC isn't evil defense XD
You do get the FULL game when you pay 60$ (the developers are the only ones who can decide what is a full game and slap a value on it .. and you decide if you are willing to buy what they are offering for the price they are showing or not .. its called business .. if you don't like it don't buy it .. simple enough .. no need for any freaking over-the-top-drama).

And as for extra content .. i guess it is pretty clear it is called EXTRA for a reason .. DLC is simply the Expansions of the previous era of gamin but in smaller chunks .. and i don't remember companies giving away expansions for free, or did they !!? .... nah ... they didn't XD


New member
Nov 16, 2011
AyreonMaiden said:
dobahci said:
The message you send matters. That's why inconveniencing oneself matters in a boycott.

I posted this in another thread of a similar nature that awoke me to that notion. If you get the game used/pirate it instead, what these publishers or whatever will see when they connect the dots as to the reason why the game has been pirated/bought used is "The game itself was fine, but how can we make it harder to pirate/less attractive to buy used?"

If you withhold buying the game outright, there's a bigger chance they'll rethink everything, including the pricing/DRM/DLC, because they won't know what the problem was in the first place until they look in the internet and see "X was wrong, Y was wrong and Oh! the DRM sucked/day one DLC sucked. Let's rethink those."

And the look absolutely matters. Being organized, determined, CIVIL and 100% serious with NO COMPROMISE makes your voice more respected. Look at OpRainfall; A vocal minority that unified civilly, sent letters asking for the service they wanted, encouraged respect among themselves and towards Nintendo, and demonstrated peacefully.

Bioware vocal minority by comparison? Abused Jennifer Hepler, bitched about Jessica Chobot's existence, whined about that one guy who looks like he's from Jersey Shore's looks, cried "EVIL CORPORATION" over a DLC character no one knows the importance of, and are now saying they'll pirate/buy used instead of supporting those (seemingly) DEADLY SERIOUS PROBLEMS.

One group managed to make Nintendo, CONSERVATIVE NINTENDO, take a chance for very little gain on 2 games of a niche alienating genre, on a console that's rarely used for said genre, in a country that currently has fallen out of favor with said genre.

The other group earned the ire of a corporation that KNOWS they can live without their money, and as a group evokes a bipolar reaction: People either want them to STFU, or join in the childish abuse.

Again, don't pussy out. Organize, unify, refuse to partake at all, and make your shit happen. You won't look entitled, you won't look like a thief, you won't look like a whiner, you won't make Bioware more pissed off at you than they already are. The look matters. The look is the message.
Bingo. I am in no way equivocating this but the principle is the same. That's how the civil rights movement got the "back of the bus" rule to go away. They GREATLY inconvenienced their lives to send a message to the bus companies. The bus companies that greatly depended on blacks paying bus fare to stay afloat. They tried reasoning with them, they tried being nice but they wouldn't budge. Because why did they care about the feelings of blacks as long as they kept paying the bus fare. So, they hit the bus companies the only place they would understand, their bottom line. They walked or carpooled to where they went.

The bus companies damn near went bankrupt, so they gave in. Not because they suddenly had a change of heart and thought to themselves "these people are really determined, maybe we are wrong". No, because they were losing money. And quite frankly, I don't care what any companies reason for eliminating their crappy DRM or crappy overpriced DLC, just so long as they do. They know we don't like it, but they don't care because tools keep shelling out their cash regardless.


Master Lurker
Mar 24, 2010
Daystar Clarion said:
CaptainTrilby said:
The main problem with this DLC is the nature of the character itself, a Prothean. These guys are the WHOLE reason Shepherd has any importance in the whole Mass Effect saga, they are a major link to the Reapers and who they are and the fact they created the Citadel and the Mass Effect relays themselves is pretty bloody important to the story.
The fact that a character is from a race which is pretty much vital to the whole universe of ME is missing from the full game is pretty ridiculous. Having said that, nobody yet knows what role the character is going to play when he/she/it is in the game or whether he has an interesting back story but still, the fact that a living, breathing, 50,000 year old Prothean is restricted from most users unless they fork over an extra £10 on launch is pretty deplorable.
It's pretty much been established that the guy is in the game. The DLC only adds him as a squad member. So you get all his dialogue and conversations, you just can't take him along with you for missions, he may have a sidequest or two, but overall, you're not missing anything if you don't buy the DLC.
What is your source?

And if he was already in the game, don't you find it a little weird that they didn't have time to make him a squad member if they were planning to make him from the beginning?


New member
Apr 26, 2011
SupahGamuh said:
OT: I don't care what they have planned to release as DLC, so long as it's not important to the main story itself, I don't care.
How about endings to the story? Since Bioware have heavily implied that alternate endings will also be DLC, but that got buried in one of the threads over on Bioware's forums.

And I'm surprised that people are only reacting to the whole prothean thing. It leaked months ago when CE was announced.

Dansen said:
What is your source?

And if he was already in the game, don't you find it a little weird that they didn't have time to make him a squad member if they were planning to make him from the beginning?
It makes perfect sense if he's that guy sitting in the middle of your camp in DA:O. I'm sorry Commander Shepard, but you cannot accept this quest until you pay $9.95 to download the DLC.