Why I am not going to buy Mass Effect 3

Dec 14, 2009
Dansen said:
Daystar Clarion said:
CaptainTrilby said:
The main problem with this DLC is the nature of the character itself, a Prothean. These guys are the WHOLE reason Shepherd has any importance in the whole Mass Effect saga, they are a major link to the Reapers and who they are and the fact they created the Citadel and the Mass Effect relays themselves is pretty bloody important to the story.
The fact that a character is from a race which is pretty much vital to the whole universe of ME is missing from the full game is pretty ridiculous. Having said that, nobody yet knows what role the character is going to play when he/she/it is in the game or whether he has an interesting back story but still, the fact that a living, breathing, 50,000 year old Prothean is restricted from most users unless they fork over an extra £10 on launch is pretty deplorable.
It's pretty much been established that the guy is in the game. The DLC only adds him as a squad member. So you get all his dialogue and conversations, you just can't take him along with you for missions, he may have a sidequest or two, but overall, you're not missing anything if you don't buy the DLC.
What is your source?

And if he was already in the game, don't you find it a little weird that they didn't have time to make him a squad member if they were planning to make him from the beginning?
I haven't seen the source myself, I didn't want to spoil any plot lines, but from what I've heard, the guy is integral to the plot of the story, so there's no way he won't be in the game if you don't have the DLC. The DLC makes him recruitable and offers a few sidequests.

I may be completely wrong, so correct me if I am.


New member
Mar 23, 2004
I'm not buying it because BioWare games have yet to impress me. ME 1 I got sick of after about 8-9 hours. It was boring as hell and the combat was shitty. DA:O got super boring after about 30 hours, and again the combat (on PS3) was fucking horrible. DA 2 I almost beat (~40ish hours) and the combat was better, but still lacking and the story got very, very stale. Doesn't help that you never go do anything very epic, you're just going through the same areas over and over again. Ugh.

Day 1 DLC is absolutely ridiculous as well, of course, but a company is free to do what they want. I mean, people buy Apple products. Like, all the fucking time... and those cost a fuckload more than the exact same hardware in a non Apple product.
Dec 14, 2009
Draech said:
Daystar Clarion said:
Dansen said:
Daystar Clarion said:
CaptainTrilby said:
The main problem with this DLC is the nature of the character itself, a Prothean. These guys are the WHOLE reason Shepherd has any importance in the whole Mass Effect saga, they are a major link to the Reapers and who they are and the fact they created the Citadel and the Mass Effect relays themselves is pretty bloody important to the story.
The fact that a character is from a race which is pretty much vital to the whole universe of ME is missing from the full game is pretty ridiculous. Having said that, nobody yet knows what role the character is going to play when he/she/it is in the game or whether he has an interesting back story but still, the fact that a living, breathing, 50,000 year old Prothean is restricted from most users unless they fork over an extra £10 on launch is pretty deplorable.
It's pretty much been established that the guy is in the game. The DLC only adds him as a squad member. So you get all his dialogue and conversations, you just can't take him along with you for missions, he may have a sidequest or two, but overall, you're not missing anything if you don't buy the DLC.
What is your source?

And if he was already in the game, don't you find it a little weird that they didn't have time to make him a squad member if they were planning to make him from the beginning?
I haven't seen the source myself, I didn't want to spoil any plot lines, but from what I've heard, the guy is integral to the plot of the story, so there's no way he won't be in the game if you don't have the DLC. The DLC makes him recruitable and offers a few sidequests.

I may be completely wrong, so correct me if I am.
I have seen the source and it is more or less "he is prothean and therefore vital to the plot"

There is nothing more than that.
The character is important to the game, but he isn't important as a squad mate. The guy will be in the game regardless, the only difference the DLC will make is wether you can take him on missions with you.

Doesn't really seem that bad to me.


Master Lurker
Mar 24, 2010
Daystar Clarion said:
Draech said:
Daystar Clarion said:
Dansen said:
Daystar Clarion said:
CaptainTrilby said:
The main problem with this DLC is the nature of the character itself, a Prothean. These guys are the WHOLE reason Shepherd has any importance in the whole Mass Effect saga, they are a major link to the Reapers and who they are and the fact they created the Citadel and the Mass Effect relays themselves is pretty bloody important to the story.
The fact that a character is from a race which is pretty much vital to the whole universe of ME is missing from the full game is pretty ridiculous. Having said that, nobody yet knows what role the character is going to play when he/she/it is in the game or whether he has an interesting back story but still, the fact that a living, breathing, 50,000 year old Prothean is restricted from most users unless they fork over an extra £10 on launch is pretty deplorable.
It's pretty much been established that the guy is in the game. The DLC only adds him as a squad member. So you get all his dialogue and conversations, you just can't take him along with you for missions, he may have a sidequest or two, but overall, you're not missing anything if you don't buy the DLC.
What is your source?

And if he was already in the game, don't you find it a little weird that they didn't have time to make him a squad member if they were planning to make him from the beginning?
I haven't seen the source myself, I didn't want to spoil any plot lines, but from what I've heard, the guy is integral to the plot of the story, so there's no way he won't be in the game if you don't have the DLC. The DLC makes him recruitable and offers a few sidequests.

I may be completely wrong, so correct me if I am.
I have seen the source and it is more or less "he is prothean and therefore vital to the plot"

There is nothing more than that.
The character is important to the game, but he isn't important as a squad mate. The guy will be in the game regardless, the only difference the DLC will make is wether you can take him on missions with you.

Doesn't really seem that bad to me.
Its still bad, the character DLC was leaked about nine months ago, during the development cycle. They decided to cut the feature from the game. The whole thing is so deliberate it is sickening. Why do you think the decided to make the Prothean a DLC squad member? They knew he would sell more than any other type of character they could think of, simply because he is a Prothean.

Its not the worst thing to happen, but if this scam ends up getting EA enough money there is going to be more of this bullshit in the future.


New member
Aug 23, 2009
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
Rancid0ffspring said:
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
Well, looking back, there were three people who mentioned the prothean DLC before me without using spoiler tags. So yeah. I dunno.

But thanks, I was just about to go fuck myself. Unfortunately I am male and not female, so I will have to do so without a ****. Very kind of you to encourage me like that though. May I invite you to cheer me on over Skype?
I anticipated this rather poor defense

Fishyash said:
I have always been fascinated with the protheans, and I don't want to pay $10 just to find out about them.

I don't know if I will still be buying the game, I am glad I didn't bother pre-ordering it though. I will definitely not be buying the DLC though, and I will just hope we can see some more protheans in the actual game
Smertnik said:
Yeah, the Prothean DLC thing bugs me as well.
And your post....

SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
Notice any difference?

It's Mass Effect there's always going to be mention of the Protheans. They are a massive part of the mythos. The 2 prior posts mentioned some Prothean DLC. Oh so you visit a another Prothean world in Mass Effect? You go on a mission that allows you to discover more about them? Yeah, I'd have been happy to imagine those two things but you had to broadcast it in CAPS so it couldn't be missed.

EDIT: You are a ****. You don't have one!
W-what? Im... Im a ****? Why would you say that?!?!? I am so hurt. I thought we had something special going on. I mean, fuck. This changes everything.

Im going to go drink 2 bottles of wine and down a packet of sleeping pills. I mean, some guy on these forums thinks im a ****. What should I do? Life is just not worth living anymore... Farewell cruel world. Clearly, I give so much of a fuck about what Rancid thinks of me. I cant go on.
You fucked something up for me!

Look, I'm just pissed at you for giving out a massive spoiler that could have been avoided!

I don't care about insulting you, I just needed to vent. I know how the internet works. I'm not a real person to you & your not a real person to me.

In future, try to be a bit more considerate before you start broadcasting MASSIVE SPOILERS....

Who'm I kidding. This won't change a thing!


New member
Feb 5, 2010
Jaric93 said:
I loved Mass Effect, and Mass Effect 2 but after watching this video I have cancelled my pre-order ...
waste. so in order to make a "point" you are going to just completely ignore the series wrap up. you know who loses there? Hint, hint: it isn't EA or Bioware.


New member
Sep 26, 2010
SirBryghtside said:
Bear in mind that Smash has read the leaked dialogue. He has more authority on this than anyone.
<--- has read the leaked dialog myself.

the Prothean is EASILY replaceable with another prothean VI or ANY NUMBER of tings.


New member
Feb 23, 2012
I had already decided to not purchase the game once it had been announced as an Origin exclusive, which was a bad business move in and of itself. It seems as if EA is deliberately trying to lose customers at this point.


New member
Sep 26, 2010
Atlas said:
I had already decided to not purchase the game once it had been announced as an Origin exclusive, which was a bad business move in and of itself. It seems as if EA is deliberately trying to lose customers at this point.
Actually EA would put thier games back on Steam is Steam's DLC policy didnt blow so much.

Minecraft creator Notch cant put Minecraft on Steam becuase of it eiather.


New member
Jan 15, 2012
In Response to OP:

While I find the "From Ashes" DLC a little disappointing, I also some other issues with it. The presence of an existing prothean basically would render all the struggles that my Shepard has gone through worthless (from an in-universe point). Basically why did I have to chase down Saren, when I could have simply dug up "Prothy" and simply presented him to the council.

While I have already pre-ordered the game, and I do intend to keep, I think I can afford to wait for a DLC sale or discount. After all why spend $10 on a DLC, when Deus EX is on sale for the same price.


New member
Feb 4, 2010
The reason i will not buy this game is in short being forced to log in Origin. Steam is the only one that got away with stuff like that and that was back in 2005, worked great but i was not happy having to get steam to play HL2.

second point is i still have not forgiven EA for all the unpleasant things i had to do so i could finally play my 60$ c&c 4 only to discover it was *bad* *word*.

on the whole DLC issue that does not suprice me, they did same thing in Dragon age 2 "Sebastian" if anyone remembers. and only thing i can say vote with your wallet. remember EA is like your bank. they will do whatever they can get away with as long people are paying them for the crack cocaine of a game.


New member
Jan 25, 2012
girzwald said:
Bingo. I am in no way equivocating this but the principle is the same. That's how the civil rights movement got the "back of the bus" rule to go away. They GREATLY inconvenienced their lives to send a message to the bus companies. The bus companies that greatly depended on blacks paying bus fare to stay afloat. They tried reasoning with them, they tried being nice but they wouldn't budge. Because why did they care about the feelings of blacks as long as they kept paying the bus fare. So, they hit the bus companies the only place they would understand, their bottom line. They walked or carpooled to where they went.

The bus companies damn near went bankrupt, so they gave in. Not because they suddenly had a change of heart and thought to themselves "these people are really determined, maybe we are wrong". No, because they were losing money. And quite frankly, I don't care what any companies reason for eliminating their crappy DRM or crappy overpriced DLC, just so long as they do. They know we don't like it, but they don't care because tools keep shelling out their cash regardless.
I'd like to believe that, but I just don't. I've heard comparisons to the civil rights movement and the Montgomery bus boycott, but the situation isn't even remotely analogous. It's SO different.

It's also important to remember that the actions of Martin Luther King, Jr. and other civil rights leaders of the day were motivated by what would be politically expedient. Yes, they were concerned about taking the moral high ground too, since many of them hailed from church leadership. But the reason why they staged the Montgomery Bus Boycott is because they knew it would work.

They knew they had enough of a force at their command for it to actually mean something, and they also had already started to get their rights as a people recognized from a legal standpoint. Brown v. Board of Education had already happened by this point, which means that the Supreme Court *already* recognized the unconstitutionality of segregation, and all the institutions which still maintained segregated facilities were really just biding their time. They already commanded legal power, they commanded economic power, so they decided to leverage those to obtain the social power which had been denied them for almost a century.

Gamers who protest, say, restrictive DRM or shitty DLC that seems to have been cut from the original game, don't have any of those on their side. Whether we want to admit it or not, our squabble is a fairly trivial one. A big deal to us, but trivial in the big scheme of things. The "protest gamers" don't command enough economic power to drive any company near bankrupt (or even make a dent in their profits), nor are their rights backed by any kind of legal precedent. There just isn't much on their side.

If you choose to take the ethical high ground by protesting against a company's practices using "legitimate" measures, then good on you. That is a personal decision on your part and one you can feel proud of. But it is not logical to believe that your actions are effective as a means of compelling change.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
I,m not going to buy ME3 for three reasons:
1. I couldn't really get in ME1
2. it requires that I install Origin
3. I,m boycotting them over evil business strategies like invasive DRM,backing of SOPA,downright stupid DLC ($60,- for a roster update?! $10,- for stuff that,s supposed to be in the game from the get go?!) among other things.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
Well everyone else is posting about ME3 and I suppose that is a good enough excuse.

I will be buying ME3 for $20 if it is the GOTY with all the DLC in it unless Kingdoms of Amalur goes down to $20 first.

ME2 combat messed up my main (sniper) So if it is more long hallways with no ability to free roam on a planet I will be sad.

I already expected a ton of DLC, I never even got all of ME2's dlc.

ME2 was a 1 play through game for me ME1 is a multiple play through game for me. Until I know which it is closer to I will not buy it.

Basically both ME3 and KoA both have aspects I like in a game where the majority of it I don't care about or it bothers me slightly.

I trust you (the internet) will tell me if my opinion or plan is incorrect.

Can we all stop the insulting each other now?



New member
Aug 17, 2009
Eh, people are whining for no reason. I'm willing to pay an extra twenty dollars to buy the N7 collectors edition. Why? Because I'm a fan of the games, and of Bioware(most of the time).

I've paid full price for games that aren't worth the price tag. A month ago I wasted sixty dollars on SWTOR. I'll never get that money back, but I'm not going to complain about it. It was my choice. If you don't want to buy ME3 because of a single day one release DLC. That's fine. Don't buy it, you'll only be missing out.