Why I am not going to buy Mass Effect 3

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
XD Yeah. If only we had some way to tell there would be spoilers. I, too, was shocked.

BaronIveagh said:
How about endings to the story? Since Bioware have heavily implied that alternate endings will also be DLC, but that got buried in one of the threads over on Bioware's forums.
Key word there being "alternate." It's not like you have to pay 15 bucks to see how the game ends.

Dansen said:
Its still bad, the character DLC was leaked about nine months ago, during the development cycle. They decided to cut the feature from the game.
I'm sorry. Can you definitively prove it was cut from the game, and not designed with the intent of adding content?

Ascarus said:
waste. so in order to make a "point" you are going to just completely ignore the series wrap up. you know who loses there? Hint, hint: it isn't EA or Bioware.
Yup. EA certainly doesn't lose any money off diminished sales.


New member
Sep 26, 2010
Zachary Amaranth said:
Key word there being "alternate." It's not like you have to pay 15 bucks to see how the game ends.
I would go one step farther and say its not like you have to pay 15 bucks to see 95% or more of the games endings


New member
Apr 23, 2010
Oh aren't you? Thats nice.

I swear we get a thread like this everytime any game comes out ever.


New member
Feb 13, 2011
Loop Stricken said:
psicat said:
And, I am going to buy Mass Effect 3.
I have enjoyed your logical, reasoned and well-debated reasoning and wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
Ok if you really want more. You've got to love the that self entitled, want everything for free, attitude many gamers have. Meanwhile I'll be enjoying my game from day one and laughing when I remember there are people who decided to throw a tantrum and not get it for a reason that boils down to:

Oh my god! How dare they take a cutting room floor character, make a DLC similar to the Kasumi DLC around him so you can actually have him as a squad mate, after they finished working on the main game. Then those #!*% have the audacity to make a great Collector's Edition Package that includes that DLC for free for that cost less than the average $100 Collector's Editions you see. To add insult to injury they include the DLC on the market so the people who purchased the Standard Edition can buy still buy it from the start instead of waiting a month or two, and they can actually be paid for the work they put into making it. Really how dare they.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
imnotparanoid said:
Oh aren't you? Thats nice.

I swear we get a thread like this everytime any game comes out ever.
What would we do if every major release didn't have a set of i hate/I love threads about them? Think of the post counts.

Plus you know unless people agree with you they are wrong/whiners/insulting word here.

Are you sure it happens every time I mean I don?t want to insinuate that you are paranoid?but every time? That seems a little extreme.

J Tyran

New member
Dec 15, 2011
SirBryghtside said:
J Tyran said:
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
J Tyran said:
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
J Tyran said:
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
J Tyran said:
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
antidonkey said:
The lack of or overabundance of DLC plays no factor in my decision on purchasing a game. So long as they don't sell me 1/2 a game at full price and require DLC to get the other 1/2,
Well, thats the thing. The DLC character is a FUCKING PROTHEAN. A LIVING, BREATHING PROTHEAN THAT JOINS YOUR PARTY. Did you play the first two games? If you did, you know that is a big deal. That is the most important character you will ever be able to recruit into your party out of all the games right there, and EA is holding him ransom.

I mean, come on. A PROTHEAN!!! Fuck! A prothean! Its such a big deal, I dont know what else to say, so im just going to keep repeating myself! A PROTHEAN IN YOUR PARTY!!! YOU CAN TALK TO HIM!!! AND HES DLC!!!
So? It could be fricking Santa Claus or Jesus in the DLC, that doesn't mean the character is necessarily important. It could just be a dude that follows you around or has no conversation options like Zaeed or Kasumi, if the char turns out to be a critical part of the plot there will be justification for bitching. If not you are all going to look pretty stupid.

I guess Bioware trying to fair and give players the option to get some of the content from the collectors edition is all wrong. Lots of ME2 players begged for some of the special edition content to become available, they do so with ME3 and everyone bitches?

If your precious Prothean means so much to maybe you should have put your hands in your pocket and got the collectors edition.
Wheres that "Biodrone glasses" picture when you need it....
I have my Prothean haha, also I'm no fanboy and well aware of Biowares faults. What I do lack however is a sense of self entitlement and believe everything should be handed to me.
I believe the pizza analogy posted earlier in this thread works well.

"Sorry sir, but this pizza I just bought has no cheese on it."
"It should. The sign outside says you are selling normal pizza."
"You have to pay extra for cheese."
"What the fuck dude?"
Doesn't really work like that, the Prothean isn't the cheese hes one of the extra toppings.
Actually, the Prothean would be the base. He is so damn important to the story, its not even funny. I cant imagine how they want to structure the story with him gone because he really is the pillar that carries the most weight.

But you know that. You just cant deal with people not liking what you like.
Just because the character is a Prothean it doesn't mean its critical to the plot, the Prothean race as a whole is important to the overall plot. But an individual char might not have much impact on the story.

Think of a ME2, collectors where a big deal right? A major part of the plot yes? Was one the random collectors you fought so central to the whole thing if it was removed the story would have collapsed? No of course not, same thing with the Geth in ME1, Geth as a race = important, random geth = not important. So this individual Prothean isn't the pillar that carries the most weight at all.

What in the hell has "You just cant deal with people not liking what you like." supposed to mean? Where did I say anything like that? If people don't like the game they don't like it, but that isn't what this thread is about. This thread is about people who obviously like it and want it and are so butt hurt about it they are flooding forums and YouTube with tears whilst mashing their keyboards in self entitled rage.
Bear in mind that Smash has read the leaked dialogue. He has more authority on this than anyone.
Apparently from the leaks, every edition of the game has the characters plot elements and dialogue. Supposedly you only need the CE if you want the Prothean as a squad mate.

Either way it all still speculation and its all well and good people claiming to have read or seen this and that but forgive me for not taking angry raging forum sperging at face value.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
Have you ever noticed that there aren't any "I'm going to buy X" threads, only "I'm not going to buy X" threads? Yeah yeah, big deal he's going to buy something GASP HE'S NOT GOING TO BUY SOMETHING, WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT THIS!

Just throwing it out there.


New member
Aug 3, 2011
Id rather have Wrex than a prothean....keep them dead i say. Anyway the prothean is a special addition add on for the the special edition buyers so it has to be a day one dlc. You would ***** more if you couldnt download it at all.

Who cares, i play ME for the story, nor because of some random character that will have zero relevance. Blah blah protheans. Dont care, there where races before the protheans that were killed. Also the add on is just a reskinned collector so i really not that interested. Had both Zaeed and Kasumi and never used them past there one mission.


New member
Dec 6, 2009
Launchday DLC that just have to be the best PR trick in the book. The
publisher don't have to do anything just sit back and watch the name of
the game float to the top of search engines every where. As for buying
this game ,, not happening Bioware is fast going in to my no buy zone
with Ubisoft :)So i miss a few good games maybe , i can live with that.
Giving money to a bunch of people i dislike is worse.


New member
Mar 30, 2009
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
antidonkey said:
The lack of or overabundance of DLC plays no factor in my decision on purchasing a game. So long as they don't sell me 1/2 a game at full price and require DLC to get the other 1/2,
Well, thats the thing. The DLC character is a FUCKING PROTHEAN. A LIVING, BREATHING PROTHEAN THAT JOINS YOUR PARTY. Did you play the first two games? If you did, you know that is a big deal. That is the most important character you will ever be able to recruit into your party out of all the games right there, and EA is holding him ransom.

I mean, come on. A PROTHEAN!!! Fuck! A prothean! Its such a big deal, I dont know what else to say, so im just going to keep repeating myself! A PROTHEAN IN YOUR PARTY!!! YOU CAN TALK TO HIM!!! AND HES DLC!!!
Initially it seems to me that your response Smash is sarcasitic, I'm not entirely sure though. However we, or at least I don't know how significant this DLC character is going to be toward the story or if it/he/she is going to be characterized at all. When Zaeed was released day one for ME 2 you did a mission for him to take a skeleton out of his closet. Then back on the ship I think he had 5 or so responses when clicked on, none of which you could respond to. In the end you learned a tiny bit about him, even less so in contrast to the rest of the crew. What I'm getting at is that people could be over estimating the what this DLC might provide.


New member
Apr 26, 2011
SajuukKhar said:
Zachary Amaranth said:
Key word there being "alternate." It's not like you have to pay 15 bucks to see how the game ends.
I would go one step farther and say its not like you have to pay 15 bucks to see 95% or more of the games endings
Actually I'm willing to bet there are only three endings in the base game (with minor variations):

Game Over



So, if they add even one more ending, it's going to be more then 5%. A quick count gives us one ending more would be 25% more endings.

There is also the possibility that Renegade will be only available via DLC. It's not real clear yet just what was meant. It is clear that any and all epilogs are apparently DLC (so if you wonder what ever happened after all that galaxy saving to the Shep/Liara/Ashley threesome you set up in 3, you'll have ot pay more to find that out.


This Title Will Be Gone Soon
Apr 13, 2008
Does anyone here wonder whether or not Bioware would be getting these complaints if they simply chose to wait a week or so after release and then chose to release the DLC? This character was in no way important to the plot before he was added or else he would have been included as a part of the main game from the beginning. Do you people complaining know how much time passes between the completion of the game and when it actually hits the store shelves? It's a long process of testing, bug fixing, advertising, manufacturing, and shipping.

What's that? Bioware has decided to have its programmers working on a little extra content to put into the game during that time when those programmers would otherwise have nothing to do? Those assholes! How dare they try and create new content for the enjoyment of their fans, the selfish pricks!

Loop Stricken

Covered in bees!
Jun 17, 2009
Kajin said:
What's that? Bioware has decided to have its programmers working on a little extra content to put into the game during that time when those programmers would otherwise have nothing to do? Those assholes! How dare they try and create new content for the enjoyment of their fans, the selfish pricks!
No, it was being created at the same time as the main game. Thus taking resources away from the main game only to sell it as a separate thing later on.
And that's terrible.


New member
Sep 26, 2010
Loop Stricken said:
Kajin said:
What's that? Bioware has decided to have its programmers working on a little extra content to put into the game during that time when those programmers would otherwise have nothing to do? Those assholes! How dare they try and create new content for the enjoyment of their fans, the selfish pricks!
No, it was being created at the same time as the main game. Thus taking resources away from the main game only to sell it as a separate thing later on.
And that's terrible.
Except it wasn't.



New member
Oct 5, 2011
endtherapture said:
I am going to buy Mass Effect 3 because I enjoyed the demo and I am looking forward to the conclusion.

If there is all this extra DLC giving new guns, art books etc. etc. I don't really care, I don't have to buy it, I'm not being forced, so I won't buy it.

It doesn't seem any different to Shale DLc or any of the character DLCs for ME2 or DA2 or anything.
The difference is that shale wasn't central to the plot of Dragon Age. But, the protheans are as central to the plot of mass effect as the reapers or the collectors and denying people a character that could provide people with insight as to who the protheans were just to make an extra 20 dollars on a sixty dollar game is disgraceful.


New member
Oct 25, 2010
jp201 said:
Whateveralot said:
I can't say anything to this but wow such much fanaticism is oozing from this post. But your right, I am so stupid for thinking that content that is made before launch should be included with my game and not taken out of the game and sold back to me.

I only request from you that you never breed.
Many games use this principle. Heck, have you heard of Unlockable Content? Which is DLC, but without the big download, just a tiny bit of code (5 to 10kb) to unlock stuff that's already installed on your hard drive?

The fact that they create the content before lauching, does not automatically mean you have the right for it when it clearly states that it's not included. To draw you another metaphor: When a car dealer launches a new model, does that mean they can't develop any options for it until the car is for sale? They usually have many different options straight from the factory. How is that justified? Easy. You get the car you pay for. In this case: You get the game you pay for. It never, ever claimed that you would have a *special extra* team-mate available in the "plain" version of the game. It was, however, very clear that it would be included in the N7 Collector's Edition.

Heck, now I think of it; you're basically stating that they should stop designing Mass Effect 3 apparel (N7-shirts, etc) until the game is launched, because if they don't, they'd better include it in the game's box!

I'm pretty glad they are launching DLC right after launch. Because what this means is:
- I don't need to buy the expensive collector's edition, which includes stuff that I don't want (e.g. artbook, etc.), to get all the in-game content.
- I don't have to replay the game (or reload an older save) after I finished the game, to play the parts with the DLC again (or play the parts after finishing the game, making me rediculously overpowered).

Of course there is a commercial side of things, but stating you are cancelling the pre-order only makes you sound like a spoiled child.

To stick with the sarcasm: I think it's entirely reasonable that you demand all the content that comes with the (more expensive) collector's edition, for the price of the "plain" Mass Effect 3 game.

Please, note that I'm not sure if 10-dollars / euro's / pounds is an entirely reasonable price for this DLC. I don't know if the DLC has enough hours of quality content to be worth the tenner. But that is an entirely different dicussion.

My course of action? I don't pre-order games, Skyrim being the only exception. I will buy this game. I will propably not get the DLC. I'm fine and I will enjoy this game like everyone else. I'm not the fanatic you might hold me as, I'm marely tired of hearing this same complaint coming up at every new big game which has early DLC or ULC. You get what you pay for, simple as that.


New member
Sep 26, 2010
bennyboy05 said:
endtherapture said:
I am going to buy Mass Effect 3 because I enjoyed the demo and I am looking forward to the conclusion.

If there is all this extra DLC giving new guns, art books etc. etc. I don't really care, I don't have to buy it, I'm not being forced, so I won't buy it.

It doesn't seem any different to Shale DLc or any of the character DLCs for ME2 or DA2 or anything.
The difference is that shale wasn't central to the plot of Dragon Age. But, the protheans are as central to the plot of mass effect as the reapers or the collectors and denying people a character that could provide people with insight as to who the protheans were just to make an extra 20 dollars on a sixty dollar game is disgraceful.
The thing is though they made is abundantly clear in ME1 that the Protheans WEREN'T THAT IMPORTANT.

Beyond that The Porhtean is STILL going to give you THE EXACT SAME INFORMATION regardless of if you have the DLC or not, the DLC only makes him recruitable.

YOU STILL learn the EXACT SAME secrets either way.


New member
Nov 14, 2011
bennyboy05 said:
endtherapture said:
I am going to buy Mass Effect 3 because I enjoyed the demo and I am looking forward to the conclusion.

If there is all this extra DLC giving new guns, art books etc. etc. I don't really care, I don't have to buy it, I'm not being forced, so I won't buy it.

It doesn't seem any different to Shale DLc or any of the character DLCs for ME2 or DA2 or anything.
The difference is that shale wasn't central to the plot of Dragon Age. But, the protheans are as central to the plot of mass effect as the reapers or the collectors and denying people a character that could provide people with insight as to who the protheans were just to make an extra 20 dollars on a sixty dollar game is disgraceful.
Or I could just read it up on Wikipedia.

I didn't like the idea of having a Prothrean squadmate anyway, seems wrong. I like them remaining mysterious and aloof.

Loop Stricken

Covered in bees!
Jun 17, 2009
SajuukKhar said:
Loop Stricken said:
Kajin said:
What's that? Bioware has decided to have its programmers working on a little extra content to put into the game during that time when those programmers would otherwise have nothing to do? Those assholes! How dare they try and create new content for the enjoyment of their fans, the selfish pricks!
No, it was being created at the same time as the main game. Thus taking resources away from the main game only to sell it as a separate thing later on.
And that's terrible.
Except it wasn't.

It was being worked on months before that.