Why I am not going to buy Mass Effect 3


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Dec 19, 2007
Delock said:
SuperfastJellyfish said:
Whatever, no one will be able to hear your petty complaints over destroying the reapers.
Better quote to use:
"I'm sorry, I can't hear your disingenuous assertions over the sound of a fucking Thresher Maw tackling a goddamn Reaper"
that was a good trailer hope there is more of that kind of stuff in the game


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Oct 27, 2009
Luckily we have youtube commentators and game wikis that have saved me thousands of dollars in videogames when I want to find out about a specific part of a videogame and am too cheap/don't care enough/don't want to directly support the company for some reason or another, like in the case of EA


New member
Apr 26, 2011
Gitty101 said:
Ok - congratulations I guess? Have fun not playing it...

In the meantime, I will be playing it.
And this is part of the reason that game companies can shit on consumers and get away with stuff that no other industry can (and we like it that way.) Here's the thing: gamers have a 'devil take the hind most' attitude toward games. "As long as I get what I want, the rest of you can go to hell, and I don't care what the EULA says until it does something to me I actually notice, and then I scream bloody murder to my elected officials who have been in the game company's pocket for years and expect them to make it go away"

Because, let's be honest, as long as we tell you the game is good, and you have reason to believe us, you'll preorder it like good little crack whores, no matter how the internet whines.

SajuukKhar said:
I think there's a lot of misinformation out there and I wish the guy who made the initial video about it would have had an open mind before jumping to conclusions based on a leak we weren't ready to address. Since I'm a BioWare employee, I know people won't automatically trust me, but I hope people will consider that it wasn't cut content from the larger game. I was in Edmonton when we were finishing the game in November/December and I was in Edmonton again last month when they were working on the Day 1 DLC. It definitely was only possible to do because the main game was in certification (which means we had to wait for people to test it and make sure everything was good etc before we could get the greenlight to sell it). I also played the game WITHOUT the DLC in my first playthrough and honestly, it's an awesome addition but I was more than happy with what I was given in the game. It's bigger and more expansive than ever. Of course, I understand the concern but I hope we can all have an intelligent conversation about it and cover what the facts are in this situation.

Hope that helps a little bit. This is an awkward format to answer this question, but I know I could explain it if you were sitting next to me on a couch with some coffee/tea ;)
This is really a rich one because her job is as a 'community manager' which is internal corp speak for a PR spin doctor. You know, the guys paid to lie to the customers about how we only know of a few cases but are pulling the product anyway because we really care about the public (not suing us).

I've been in the gaming industry for years. I even gave my input to another company for this exact scenario that Bioware/EA's PR guys are running on you right now. And they're pulling a page from my playbook. They brought in the witness that doesn't actually work there, but visited once or twice. This way there person doesn't have to lie, and seems more believable. I would have had it be a game journalist or soemone from totally outside the company for believability, but EA/Bioware play it too close to the vest, I guess, to have well paid 'consultants' from outside.


New member
Jan 30, 2012
Oh yeah, god forbid we satiate the game companies because if we do, they'll summon Azathoth and destroy the universe. I'm buying the game as soon as I can; and if any of you have a problem with that, please come up with a better verbal attack than "you're listening to their lies and satisfying their corporate greed". I'm not going to get the DLC on the first few play throughs at the very least. I'm getting the game because I'm expecting it to be a blast, and I'm not expecting some exclusion of DLC to be a hindrance. I've received retorts from places elsewhere saying that just because I discard the prothean DLC as unimportant, it's just to respond with "WHAT KIND OF FAN ARE YOU?!" It seems like this whole shitstorm has sunk into a "WHO'S THE BIGGEST FAN?!" dickwaving contest, and so maybe they are right. I kinda don't want to be put in the same category as these overzealous maniacs.

The idea of instant gratification is ruining this world.

Damien Granz

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Apr 8, 2011
What is upsetting is people insisting that day-one DLC is 'extra' content, therefor it's OK to pay 'extra money for extra content'.

But I want to know, realistically, if not on launch day or locked on your own CD, where the fuck is this line drawn that divides 'content' from 'extra' content.

Because recall, gamers are putting down a non-trivial amount of money for content in the first place, but that has no real guarantee of anything anymore.

And it seems like that a 60 dollar purchase is just some sort of entry 'fee' to give you the right to actually begin purchasing buying the game, rather than a fee to actually buy a completed project which may later be added to.

Imagine if Steam or Origin said that for 200 dollars you could download Steam (or Origin), and that price 'gave' you access to all the games on Steam.. except only for the first 5 minutes of game play or so with few exceptions (like Champions Online, Alien Swarm, TF2). Then you could pay the normal 9 to 60 dollars 'upgrade' fee to get access to the rest of the content to a game.. per game.

Would that be any different than how Steam works now? Except you're paying extra money and they're pretending the ability to download a demo or look through their catalog is a 'service'.

On-Disk and Day-One DLC is clearly not 'extra' of anything, and by allowing EA and people to claim it's 'extra', you're effectively saying that you're OK paying 5-10 dollars per level or character for a game (especially considering you don't pay in 'case' but 'Points' and shit like that where there is a minimal start up fee), and that you're OK paying a 60 dollar 'buy in' fee to have the luxury of spending your money. Or that you're OK with paying for a 60 dollar installer.

DLC could be used as a great tool to enhance an existing property and to make good games greater. Or it could be used as a tool to pretend like stuff you already bought is 'extra' content and they need more money to 'create' shit that already exists.

And that's why people aren't all willing to accept the canned PR response that this is 'extra' content.


New member
Jan 9, 2010
Im not really a fan of the ME series, but from what I have heard this is kinda bullshit. The game is already $60 with a DLC that only adds a one character, a few skins, and a gun you have to shovel out $10. Now if the DLC character is in any way important that means you have to pay 70$ for the "full" experience of the game. It seems like a dickish money grab to get fans of the series to shovel out $10 more than they normally would. The worst part is that it is actually working and boycotters are being flamed because, well, fuck them for having a different opinion!

Damien Granz

New member
Apr 8, 2011
cameron112497 said:
Im not really a fan of the ME series, but from what I have heard this is kinda bullshit. The game is already $60 with a DLC that only adds a one character, a few skins, and a gun you have to shovel out $10. Now if the DLC character is in any way important that means you have to pay 70$ for the "full" experience of the game. It seems like a dickish money grab to get fans of the series to shovel out $10 more than they normally would. The worst part is that it is actually working and boycotters are being flamed because, well, fuck them for having a different opinion!
I've seen a lot of people being flamed for being 'so high and mighty' to refuse to give EA extra money. Which is comical. Apparently it's above my and our station in life to refuse to buy something for any reason whatsoever, as long as EA tells me to buy it.

Dexter111 said:
That whole post is great, but that image really makes it shine good.


New member
Oct 29, 2009
Jaric93 said:
I loved Mass Effect, and Mass Effect 2 but after watching this video I have cancelled my pre-order

This kind of thing just goes too far and is the king of money grabbing nonsense I just can't stand. All I ask is that you watch the video and consider the implications.

Edit: The video in short explains that bioware and ea are forcing you to pay for a game changing character those of you who who have played mass effect will realise the significance of this kind of Team-mate.
It is a Prothean
The content is only avalible for those who are willing to fork out for the collectors edition or pay extra for day of release DLC
I hate these threads about why people aren't going to buy a certain game. Because you're so damn special. Really? That's a deal-breaker? Get over yourself and buy the fucking game. Its a collectors edition for a reason. They're paying more anyways! Quit Bitching!


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Aug 16, 2008
endtherapture said:
I am going to buy Mass Effect 3 because I enjoyed the demo and I am looking forward to the conclusion.

If there is all this extra DLC giving new guns, art books etc. etc. I don't really care, I don't have to buy it, I'm not being forced, so I won't buy it.

It doesn't seem any different to Shale DLc or any of the character DLCs for ME2 or DA2 or anything.
You are a gentleman and a scholar good sir, and your logic impeccable.


New member
Jun 6, 2010
As much as I love TotalBiscuit, I can't help feeling that he is rather overreacting.


New member
Apr 26, 2011
Well, no, he's not. Unless there is major, and meaningful, backlash other companies will start doing this, and then it really is only a matter of time before things like the end of the game are DLC.

I know the people that make decisions about what is game and what is DLC and this is how they think.


Searching for common sense ...
Aug 6, 2011
Has anybody watched that linked Total Buiscuit video?
It has by far the best demo of how BAD it is for excluding mayor parts or plot characters from main game.

As he talks, you see the demo of ME3 in background. It shows the start of game in which you go back to your ship and there is Liara T'Soni.

Sheppard doesn't react. At all. No shock, no surprise. Now ...
How in hell does that make sense to people that DIDN'T buy The Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC?
So yeah, BioWare pulled that bad trick once already. Anyone in this thread claiming "Prothean is not story important, he is like Zaed". Is he? Or is this a Liara situation?

"Oh hi Shep. Yeah, I'm no longer pissed off and sitting at a desk in some backwater. Did you have sex with anyone in meantime?"

CarlMinez said:
As much as I love TotalBiscuit, I can't help feeling that he is rather overreacting.
I'm more annoyed he missed Liara thing and how mayor story character is also must pay DLC. As I mentioned, it is in the demo he has for background.


New member
Dec 19, 2007
PingoBlack said:
Has anybody watched that linked Total Buiscuit video?
It has by far the best demo of how BAD it is for excluding mayor parts or plot characters from main game.

As he talks, you see the demo of ME3 in background. It shows the start of game in which you go back to your ship and there is Liara T'Soni.

Sheppard doesn't react. At all. No shock, no surprise. Now ...
How in hell does that make sense to people that DIDN'T buy The Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC?
So yeah, BioWare pulled that bad trick once already. Anyone in this thread claiming "Prothean is not story important, he is like Zaed". Is he? Or is this a Liara situation?

"Oh hi Shep. Yeah, I'm no longer pissed off and sitting at a desk in some backwater. Did you have sex with anyone in meantime?"

CarlMinez said:
As much as I love TotalBiscuit, I can't help feeling that he is rather overreacting.
I'm more annoyed he missed Liara thing and how mayor story character is also must pay DLC. As I mentioned, it is in the demo he has for background.
i heard in the full game those thing will be explained but to be honest since the game isn't out yet i can't say if there right or not


New member
Nov 24, 2009
Oro44 said:
Is it me, or is, like, half of the forum topics now dedicated to some controversial Bioware discussion?
its because many people (including myself in im honest) treated bioware as the earthly manifestation of christ, and in the space of about 2 years have gone down hill quite a bit
hence many of us tend to see bioware as representing the down fall of the quality of the games industry

Oro44 said:
If this DLC was released in say, six months times, would it be ok?
in short kind of. we wouldnt be immediately jumping to conclusions saying this is a horrible thing theyve done, but after playing it we might say (depending on the quality and whatnot) it should have been in their originally but ultimately happy about it

i think the difference (for me atleast) is that this is essentially cut out of the game and then sold back to us for extra money. if it was created after the game we'd be happy as it would be extra content, as opposed to cut content