Why so much hate for consoles?

Aug 1, 2010
sweetylnumb said:
Sir Thomas Sean Connery said:
A lot of PC gamers feel games are being dumbed(Really? That's not a word?) down as a direct result of consoles and their accessibility.

I don't believe this is the case, but I can see where they are coming from. The whole point of consoles is that they're easier to use, which draws more casual people.

There are other reasons why some PC assholes feel superior, but I think this is where a lot of the negativity comes from.
To be fair, Consoles DO limit the graphics of games. Computers can handle way better graphics that are currently used in even the newest games, and its because consoles can't keep up with computers.
Its not bigoted, its science! :D
Indeed they do. But they are also single handedly(also not a word. what the fuck) responsible for the incredible size and power of our current games industry. Without that, we would never see any of the excellent high budget games we do now, so the negativity at a few graphics limitations is really pretty silly.

Also your final statement is just BEGGING for Godwin's Law to come crashing down on it, BUT I SHALL RESIST.


New member
Sep 4, 2011
Sir Thomas Sean Connery said:
sweetylnumb said:
Sir Thomas Sean Connery said:
A lot of PC gamers feel games are being dumbed(Really? That's not a word?) down as a direct result of consoles and their accessibility.

I don't believe this is the case, but I can see where they are coming from. The whole point of consoles is that they're easier to use, which draws more casual people.

There are other reasons why some PC assholes feel superior, but I think this is where a lot of the negativity comes from.
To be fair, Consoles DO limit the graphics of games. Computers can handle way better graphics that are currently used in even the newest games, and its because consoles can't keep up with computers.
Its not bigoted, its science! :D
Indeed they do. But they are also single handedly(also not a word. what the fuck) responsible for the incredible size and power of our current games industry. Without that, we would never see any of the excellent high budget games we do now, so the negativity at a few graphics limitations is really pretty silly.

Also your final statement is just BEGGING for Godwin's Law to come crashing down on it, BUT I SHALL RESIST.
Considering i'm currently struggling on avoiding the $180 cost of validating my (LEGIT) copy of windows because apparently wanting to have windows on two computers is BLASPHEMY, even though i recently had to fork out for Microsoft office *rage rage* i have to admit that Pc gaming has its downside. And you're right about gaming's origins. I think that's why alot of people stick to consoles, its the "traditional" way. But considering Microsoft is bringing out the X-Bone and no other console looks to be making up for it, PC gaming sure seems to be the way of the future. Now we just need all those filthy wonderful console exclusive games...grr...gimmi the last of us...
Aug 1, 2010
sweetylnumb said:
Sir Thomas Sean Connery said:
sweetylnumb said:
Sir Thomas Sean Connery said:
A lot of PC gamers feel games are being dumbed(Really? That's not a word?) down as a direct result of consoles and their accessibility.

I don't believe this is the case, but I can see where they are coming from. The whole point of consoles is that they're easier to use, which draws more casual people.

There are other reasons why some PC assholes feel superior, but I think this is where a lot of the negativity comes from.
To be fair, Consoles DO limit the graphics of games. Computers can handle way better graphics that are currently used in even the newest games, and its because consoles can't keep up with computers.
Its not bigoted, its science! :D
Indeed they do. But they are also single handedly(also not a word. what the fuck) responsible for the incredible size and power of our current games industry. Without that, we would never see any of the excellent high budget games we do now, so the negativity at a few graphics limitations is really pretty silly.

Also your final statement is just BEGGING for Godwin's Law to come crashing down on it, BUT I SHALL RESIST.
Considering i'm currently struggling on avoiding the $180 cost of validating my (LEGIT) copy of windows because apparently wanting to have windows on two computers is BLASPHEMY, even though i recently had to fork out for Microsoft office *rage rage* i have to admit that Pc gaming has its downside. And you're right about gaming's origins. I think that's why alot of people stick to consoles, its the "traditional" way. But considering Microsoft is bringing out the X-Bone and no other console looks to be making up for it, PC gaming sure seems to be the way of the future. Now we just need all those filthy wonderful console exclusive games...grr...gimmi the last of us...
I won't deny for a second how dark the next generation is looking. The 360/PS3/Wii generation was fantastic, but all this DRM business really is making PC gaming look more and more attractive. Hell, I built MY first gaming PC just a few weeks ago and I swear I'm seeing more and more threads asking for help on the matter. And it's definitely easy to get annoyed when a great looking game is only on a system you have no other interest in. I'm looking at you Halo. And Titanfall.

Oh hell, now I'M feeling disdain toward consoles...


New member
Sep 4, 2011
Sir Thomas Sean Connery said:
sweetylnumb said:
Sir Thomas Sean Connery said:
sweetylnumb said:
Sir Thomas Sean Connery said:
A lot of PC gamers feel games are being dumbed(Really? That's not a word?) down as a direct result of consoles and their accessibility.

I don't believe this is the case, but I can see where they are coming from. The whole point of consoles is that they're easier to use, which draws more casual people.

There are other reasons why some PC assholes feel superior, but I think this is where a lot of the negativity comes from.
To be fair, Consoles DO limit the graphics of games. Computers can handle way better graphics that are currently used in even the newest games, and its because consoles can't keep up with computers.
Its not bigoted, its science! :D
Indeed they do. But they are also single handedly(also not a word. what the fuck) responsible for the incredible size and power of our current games industry. Without that, we would never see any of the excellent high budget games we do now, so the negativity at a few graphics limitations is really pretty silly.

Also your final statement is just BEGGING for Godwin's Law to come crashing down on it, BUT I SHALL RESIST.

Considering i'm currently struggling on avoiding the $180 cost of validating my (LEGIT) copy of windows because apparently wanting to have windows on two computers is BLASPHEMY, even though i recently had to fork out for Microsoft office *rage rage* i have to admit that Pc gaming has its downside. And you're right about gaming's origins. I think that's why alot of people stick to consoles, its the "traditional" way. But considering Microsoft is bringing out the X-Bone and no other console looks to be making up for it, PC gaming sure seems to be the way of the future. Now we just need all those filthy wonderful console exclusive games...grr...gimmi the last of us...
I won't deny for a second how dark the next generation is looking. The 360/PS3/Wii generation was fantastic, but all this DRM business really is making PC gaming look more and more attractive. Hell, I built MY first gaming PC just a few weeks ago and I swear I'm seeing more and more threads asking for help on the matter. And it's definitely easy to get annoyed when a great looking game is only on a system you have no other interest in. I'm looking at you Halo. And Titanfall.

Oh hell, now I'M feeling disdain toward consoles...

Aha! Now you see, don't you! free your mind!

Pc gamers have access to an enormous amount of forums and fixes, i've never encountered a problem (minus the one i raged about before -.-) that i couldn't fix thanks to the all powerful internet. Theres also the easy upgradability of a PC, you don't have to pay $400 everytime a new console comes out, just $200-300 for a new graphics card every 5-10 years.

But really yeah console exclusives piss me off because i want to buy them! i want to give them money! Don't they like money? and yet i cant afford $400 to pay God of War and dante's inferno and the last of us and journey. I just can't!


New member
Mar 28, 2009
Since consoles became the main gaming platform for lots of developers, games graphic advancement have stalled, many games became ports on the PC mainly based on Consoles some that actually were born in the PC, terrible interfaces that took the joystick in mind(TES is the main culprit I can think of here.) showed up, QTE's, Simulators died and I postulate that the fact is in part due to console's inability to play them(not nearly enough buttons.), the simplification of fps(everyone's wolverine now.) and lots of stuff can be blamed on lots of publishers making consoles the source of these games if they're ported at all to the PC. So yeah lots of reasons to dislike consoles as they are now.


New member
Dec 5, 2008
As ever, twenty people complaining about fanboys and very few people commenting who can actually be described as such...

First off, there's nothing particularly wrong with playing on a console. Or on a PC. They are, however, despite cross-platform releases and the like, notably different experiences. Even as the next generation brings us console hardware that more closely resembles a PC under the hood than ever, the simple fact of the places where people use them and the effect of standardized hardware, controls, and operating systems is always going to make for some division.

More controversially: a decent gaming PC is more powerful than today's console hardware. No, really- it just is. That's not a flaw- it's built into the system. You can chase the bleeding edge of Intel's technology, or you can have a standardized system that everyone can use that you can manufacture at a price range that people accept of an entertainment appliance. The next generation will introduce more powerful hardware to the home, hardware that is more comparable to many home PCs. And then in a couple of years, home PCs will probably again be much more powerful, assuming Microsoft doesn't manage to implode and/or the tablet market takes over.

It would also probably be not completely inaccurate to suggest that PCs are jealous of consoles' success. Again, systemic- the platform with twenty million players gets to have a bigger influence on what the market than the platform with five (those numbers completely out of the air, but the point still stands.) PCs being more powerful becomes something of a moot point if all you play is AAA games ported over from consoles with lower resolutions and locked frame rates.

This I will say of PCs, however: the PC user who can be bothered to do so can create games for their own platform, a capability that barely exists within consoles (the occasional Little Big Planet or Warioware DIY noted, but barely.) The PC user who chooses to do so can render graphics, modify photos, compose music, edit video, and a hundred other things. The "independent" scene lives and breathes on the PC in a way that consoles are only just beginning to grasp. Though people have come up with very creative things with consoles, the PC is much more an open-ended creative tool; if that is of any interest, the slightly higher investment is arguably very much worthwhile.

If, however, one's interest is largely playing games with friends, streaming movies, and maybe occasionally surfing the web- there's definitely something to be said for the less expensive, lower-maintenance option that isn't as likely to lock up or get a virus.


New member
May 5, 2010
I don't hate consoles. I just recognize the majesty and beauty of the PC Gaming master race.
(If you can't tell, that's a joke.)
Callate said:
As ever, twenty people complaining about fanboys and very few people commenting who can actually be described as such...
Seriously. I see way more people complaining about the PC fanboys than I've actually seen PC fanboys. Unless we've devolved to the point where someone saying "This is what a PC can do" constitutes hating consoles now.


Dib dib dib, dob dob dob.
May 25, 2009
Consoles are better geared to the social aspect of gaming (at least in the real world, Steam, Skype, Raidcall, etc. has enabled you to play with your friends much easier without having to LAN. Unless you have an ultrabook it's easier to move, more people can play on it, sharing games, etc.) along with the principle of being able to pick up and play/ease of use (even if that one is getting smaller and smaller every generation). PC's generally have better performance, you aren't hampered to a single system (Mac and Linux are getting more and more games now), games tend to be less expensive, and you can do a lot more with your games (player made content and shit) and you have a wider set of peripherals to choose from. PC's also have the added bonus of allowing you to do your work on it.

All of these are important things, but each of these will mean more or less depending on the person who is making the purchase. Consoles were very important in the rapid growth of the gaming industry and is still important now and most likely in the foreseeable future as well. PC gaming has always and will always be here, and will generally be able to do better in performance (loading screens, graphical quality, etc.) . Pc's might be objectively more powerful than consoles, but consoles and PC's will always be subjectively superior to one another; it just depends on who is deciding.

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
I've been a PC gamer for more than a decade, built the computer I'm posting this on from the ground up, and I don't hate consoles. I really don't have any use for them- besides, if I wanted to buy a current-gen console, I'd also have to buy an HDTV, because my only TV now is a 20" inch CRT that's older than some members here- but they have their own benefits for different kinds of gamers.

I think the hate-on some people have for consoles is how console-centric gameplay and control designs have invaded PC ports and even games concurrently developed for both platforms, where those elements really don't belong. I'll reference Thief: Deadly Shadows, where the ridiculously small and cramped level sizes were blamed on the XBox's 64MB of available RAM. Eidos insisted that it was actually an engine limitation and not due to the console port, but when the mission design tool for the game was released for the PC, one of the first things created on it was a custom Fan Mission easily as large as anything from the earlier games, that ran with no problems.

Ed130 The Vanguard

(Insert witty quote here)
Sep 10, 2008
Sir Thomas Sean Connery said:
sweetylnumb said:
Sir Thomas Sean Connery said:
A lot of PC gamers feel games are being dumbed(Really? That's not a word?) down as a direct result of consoles and their accessibility.

I don't believe this is the case, but I can see where they are coming from. The whole point of consoles is that they're easier to use, which draws more casual people.

There are other reasons why some PC assholes feel superior, but I think this is where a lot of the negativity comes from.
To be fair, Consoles DO limit the graphics of games. Computers can handle way better graphics that are currently used in even the newest games, and its because consoles can't keep up with computers.
Its not bigoted, its science! :D
Indeed they do. But they are also single handedly(also not a word. what the fuck) responsible for the incredible size and power of our current games industry. Without that, we would never see any of the excellent high budget games we do now, so the negativity at a few graphics limitations is really pretty silly.
Yeah, I just loove the glut of gritty brown FPS stanking up the AAA market.

I count the large console industry as a mixed blessing, sure we get some amazing titles out of it but when I look back at entire genres that have been abandoned I question whether they are worth it.

Horrible UI and crappy ports don't help either.


Elite Member
Mar 29, 2011
BleedingPride said:
I'll be brief, I recognize PC's as superior platforms on multiple levels. However, I think the prices to buy good PCs are too high for me to afford. Instead of buying a $2000 PC, I buy a console for (lets use the PS4 as an example) $400, plus a nice game to go with it, landing at a total of $460. I still have $1540, still get reasonably good quality and I am able to play games that I enjoy. I see so much hate on consoles, but I don't quite understand why. Isn't the point to play games? Why do people seem to treat consoles like the apocalypse of the game industry? Are they? If so, why?

EDIT: I'm only using $2000 because my friend is building his own PC and this was the price he ended up with.

2nd EDIT: Actually, the price tag is more like $1300, however even if I bought a PS4 I'd still have $840 left over.
They're not really hated, but often not liked by PC users for a few reasons...

1. They are the sole reason platform exclusives exist. I can't play Halo 3 on the PC because it was made to move copies of the Xbox, and allowing it to be played on the PC would cancel this out. Hence I am locked out of playing a game, and many more, I may like to because console manufacturers want to sell consoles, and as long as consoles exist this will keep happening.
2. Do you like loading screens everywhere? Only having 3-4 enemies to fight at once? Small linear corridors for levels? Congratulations, all limitations partially imposed by console hardware. Over time they became more mainstream, but they were also solutions to console's lack of processing power, which of course developers prioritise assigning to graphics over more interesting levels and such.
3. Bad ports. Seriously. When I'm told to press the left trigger button to shoot, in a PC game where I have only a keyboard and mouse plugged in, we've got a problem. Its the developer's fault, sure, but it wouldn't happen were consoles not the primary target audience.
4. Console fanboys and the ridiculous myths they try to spread about PC gaming. "It costs $2000", "You've got to be a tech genius to build your own PC", "You've got to upgrade your PC each year for hundreds of $" and many more. That gets on my nerves, a lot.

BleedingPride said:
In regards to low-res textures, do I need to have some sort of trained eye to see the difference between pc and console? I didn't really see a mind boggling difference between crysis 2 on xbox and pc.
Depends on the game, and what you're looking for.
Whilst playing you're unlikely to notice too much unless the textures are truly horrible [I.E: Skyrim textures, even on the PC, sometimes], but compare the two and you'll be able to see the difference. Its also a lot like resolution in that once you've spent a lot of time with 2560*1440p resolution, going down to a console's sub 1280*720 resolution tends to look fairly awful, whilst going in reverse you don't notice a great change without actively comparing them.
Then there's also things like shaders, lighting effects, depth of field and other more intensive effects that aren't directly related to textures, but make a very noticeable difference in game. From experience, playing consoles games they look less sharp and more smudged, less shiny, and less colourful in general.

Edit: As an example of the myths crap, we have this post:
ryessknight said:
There easier to use
Were* easier to use. Back with the PS2 sure. Now that I can't just insert a CD and have it automatically start gaming, I find it easier to use a PC that I have had 10+ years experience using thanks to having to type up word documents for school or work than figure out how to get a game to start on a 360. The inclusion of a menu for things outside of games was the downfall of consoles in this area.

less fuck up prone
Uhh... no. PCs don't fuck up, period. Ok, if you're stupid or really unlucky they can, but not often, and there is always a way to fix it.
There is no such thing as Computer error, merely user error. I've been running my previous 2 PC builds for 8+ years without an antivirus, no problems. Its not 'cause I'm lucky, its 'cause I don't click any "You've won 1 million dollar" links, or anything else suspicious or stupid on the Internet.
Then there's the console side of things, where my PS2 and PS1 would stop working after 2 hours or so due to heat, the X360 with its RROD, PS3 with its system bricking firmware updates - yeah, consoles are so immune to fuck ups its not funny. Oh wait...
The difference is on the PC its 90% you that's fucked up, and there is 90% of the time a way to fix it. On a console its the company that fucked up, and 90% of the time the only way to fix it is to call in a warranty and get it replaced.

and dont cost tons of cash just to upgrade to play 1 game half decent
Amazing that PCs don't either then. Can get one for under $500 if you want to that would play at console settings, can get one for $1000 that will run everything on Ultra for the next 2-3 years. My games cost less than $10 usually thanks to Steam sales, and I get the multiplayer component free. I get more games, cheaper, on a system that can be the same cost as a console, with better settings, and no pay-for-internet outside of my ISP. Yeah, PCs definitely cost tons of cash mate.

and controllers own keyboard and mouse on almost all games.
Provably wrong. There is a reason PC and console joint play doesn't exist. It was tested years back with console players vsing PC players. The funny thing? PC players destroyed console players every time due to superior controls.
Even with the auto-aim that is omnipresent on consoles and non-existent on PCs, the console players couldn't compete. FPS, TPS, RTS, 4X - the only bastion of refuge for the console players is racing games, and even then there are peripherals for the PC that will win out there.
Speaking of peripherals, guess what one peripheral for the PC is? That's right, a console controller. You don't have to use KB+M if you're crap with them, you can in fact use your own controller.

The rest of it was opinion and an assertion based on opinion, so I'll ignore that, but... Come on, you want me not to get annoyed at such blatant bullshit?
This is why people dislike consoles right here.
Aug 1, 2010
Ed130 said:
Sir Thomas Sean Connery said:
sweetylnumb said:
Sir Thomas Sean Connery said:
A lot of PC gamers feel games are being dumbed(Really? That's not a word?) down as a direct result of consoles and their accessibility.

I don't believe this is the case, but I can see where they are coming from. The whole point of consoles is that they're easier to use, which draws more casual people.

There are other reasons why some PC assholes feel superior, but I think this is where a lot of the negativity comes from.
To be fair, Consoles DO limit the graphics of games. Computers can handle way better graphics that are currently used in even the newest games, and its because consoles can't keep up with computers.
Its not bigoted, its science! :D
Indeed they do. But they are also single handedly(also not a word. what the fuck) responsible for the incredible size and power of our current games industry. Without that, we would never see any of the excellent high budget games we do now, so the negativity at a few graphics limitations is really pretty silly.
Yeah, I just loove the glut of gritty brown FPS stanking up the AAA market.

I count the large console industry as a mixed blessing, sure we get some amazing titles out of it but when I look back at entire genres that have been abandoned I question whether they are worth it.

Horrible UI and crappy ports don't help either.
I knew someone would say something like this...

Here's the thing: Even if you dislike all the games that have come as a result of the expanded games industry, how many incredible smaller developers wouldn't exist?

I consider all the problems absolutely worth it for an industry big enough to inspire millions of game creators.


New member
Nov 10, 2010
Let it be said I don't hate sony or nintendo, I hate microsoft for making products that break down ALL the time.

Jack Joe Tip Toe

New member
Jul 19, 2010
Because people need to feel that they are superior to others. I've already said who the true master race is (having both unless you're broke then I understand) I couldn't see myself being a PC only gamer. I'd miss out on too much (The MGS series, GTA 5, KH III, Red Dead, Uncharted, The Last of Us, Destiny, Persona, Infamous, the list goes on) But the PC also has one of my favorite games (The Movies) and an amazing modding community. I love both and if you only want to play on PC that's fine. But don't spew out that "Master race" bullshit. It makes you look like a dickhead. And I'll be over here playing both, cause I don't care how pretty my game is or how many AI's are on screen. If a game is good I'll play it, regardless of platform.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
The problem is that consoles are getting all the crappiest parts of the pc gaming experience and none of the good parts.
On top of that, consoles add their own list of travesties like paying to use online features.
It used to be that the console was more convenient because you just pop in the game and play but now you have to punch in codes, install (maybe have to delete some stuff from the drive for that), download patches....
The console was also good for playing games with other people on your couch but they seem to be phasing the feature out of console games to get everyone into playing online.
I used to only buy games on the PC that were completely different or just not available on the consoles but I think I might just be sticking to the PC for the next gen.


Master of Lancer
Jan 25, 2012
United States
You're legitimately surprised that people militarize their opinions, eager to feel vindicated that they're more "right" than those with differing opinions by associating their tastes with higher intelligence or superior "trueness" as a gamer? Honestly, almost 2 decades of console wars have made me pretty numb to it. Pretty much the only reason the PC versus console gaming hype registered with me at all was because the PC crew took a title created specifically to make fun of their supremacist tendencies, and started wearing it sans irony, but it's not like this is the first time that's happened either.

Play what you like to play, and fie on the hate-filled spewing you encounter for doing so. PCs with appropriate specs do objectively outperform consoles, but inferior performance doesn't equate inferior gaming experience. Depending on your gaming and genre preferences, of course.

Personally, since JRPGs are the only things I play with any modicum of passion, anymore, and they're a genre that, due to lower budgets won't benefit from higher spec graphic cards, thanks to gameplay conventions don't require mousepoint precision, and due to the japanese attitude toward PC gaming have an almost exclusive library of quality games for consoles only. As a result, until DRM policies chase me away, I'm perfectly happy not being a part of any master race.


Elite Member
Nov 29, 2009
Capitano Segnaposto said:
I am just going by the prices (with estimated inflation) of my past 3 custom built PCs. Each lasted 4 years before I built my current one. My buddy, however, built a PC for under 800 (USD) and he had to upgrade within the next two years and two years after that. So overall, he paid more for his cheaper computer than I did within those 4 years.
My previous PC was built for under $800 dollars and lasted me around 5 years. True I wasn't running titles on anything near the top settings any longer but the games would still play with looks at least as good as my 360 was capable off.