Will Smith, Jay-Z Remaking Movie Musical Annie


New member
Apr 14, 2009
When will you, the people of the United States, stand up as a nation and say no to bullshit like this!?

The Rockerfly

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Dec 31, 2008
Nautical Honors Society said:
The Rockerfly said:
This is monstrous
I have no other thoughts on the matter
Really? Monstrous?

I mean sure Whip My Hair Back and Forth is horrible, but Jay-Z is a smart dude, a great producer, and a great rapper. I mean I honestly don't think it'll be good, but far from a monstrosity.

I don't like how Will Smith is molding his children in the public eye, but in many cases he is a good actor and a pretty smart dude too.

I think their combined talents could create something good, I won't be seeing this film, but hell The Karate Kid got decent reviews.
I like Jay-Z and he is one of my favourite rappers but I personally think that rap and musicals should stay away from each other. They won't sound good together, along with that there is Willow Smith who not only annoys me but I see her as everything wrong with this generation of children.

I've never liked Will Smith either, not in his films or his music (bar I-robot), all in all to me it seems like a mix that is riddled with problems


New member
Jun 6, 2009
IckleMissMayhem said:

I can remember losing out on playing "Annie" in a professional touring production when I was about 10-11, because my hair wasn't red enough. ;( Still, it'll be interesting to see if the girl can actually sing...?

'Scuse me while I wander off sobbing to myself... and singing "Tomorrow" quietly whilst curled up in a ball, rocking...
*pets and soothes with warm milk*

It's okay, it was a pretty crappy movie anyway.


New member
May 9, 2009
XinfiniteX said:
Anything Jay-Z touches turns to gold! I'll be watching this progress with great interest.
Oh--oh--oh if i was a horrible person with a dark sense of humour--oh wait. :D

*Stand up and claps hands while saying:* I'M DONE! *walks out* (I was torn between this and making a remix/music joke...)


New member
Jul 11, 2008
Way I see it, Willow goes 'Daddy, I want to be Annie!' Daddy goes 'I've got a spare few hundred million, it's better than buying her another Barbie, why not'

Movie costs $100 million, bombs, recoups about 5% of costs, Will Smith is still a multimillionaire and 95 million of stupid money is sunk back into the economy, apart from having to ignore another annoying movie, where's the downside?

'Fred' came and went, sinking pretty much without trace, I'm pretty sure this will too.

It's about the only way we get millions of dollars out of rich people, get them to invest in really dumb stuff that is 'soo popular right now'.

The only real risk is that it was actually a hit, and inspired another dozen musical remakes -

'Fiddler on the Roof' starring Gary Glitter?
'Cats' but set on the internet and called 'LOLcats'?
'Fanboy of the Opera' all about someone who hates IE,Firefox and Chrome alike?

ok,ok, I'll stop :D


Aug 25, 2008
Maybe she will whip Miss Hanigan when she get's told off...but still -.-

Will Smith i still like you...but...



New member
Sep 19, 2009
I hated Annie when I was a kid, nothing has changed. He can do whatever he want's to the abomination for all I care.

Sean Strife

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Jan 29, 2010
Ldude893 said:

Why. Why the hell do they have to remake a classic musical and knowingly ruin another childhood memory in the process!?

I need a nonalcoholic drink.
One Shirley Temple, coming up.

But with all due seriousness... just no.

The last thing we need is Little Orphan Annie singing about whipping her hair back and forth. That song fills me with such bile, it's not even funny.


New member
Apr 1, 2009
Wait, Can she sing? Because Annie is a musical, the little girl playing her has to sing and so far I haven't heard anything that leads me to believe she can sing.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
Timbydude said:
Oh, well this doesn't seem so bad! I guess that...

Elizabeth Grunewald said:
The film, which marks the first feature film collaboration between the two, is being imagined as a star vehicle for Smith's 10-year-old daughter, Willow.

Seriously, why is he trying to make his children so popular? My parents didn't force me into anything. Doesn't he realize this could seriously mess them up?
Given how terrible "Whip my hair" was...I'd say they are already messed.

That was the Jersey Shore of Music.


New member
Nov 7, 2010
Crazy me, I actually clicked that video, luckily Vevo blocked it in my country, leaving me enough time to come to my senses!

I have no experience with 'Annie' but the idea that they're not only remaking a renowned classic, but remaking it to propel Smith's kid to fame makes me sick.

Trivia: Willow Smith could be shortened to 'Will Smith', Big Will has basically named his daughter Will Smith.


New member
Mar 3, 2010
I dont really care. Honestly, it was clever to remake the Karate Kid with a different-raced main character, but not Annie. I think Willow will ruin the classic red-haired image we all have of Annie.

Low Key

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May 7, 2009
The movie will (hopefully) bomb. On the other hand, I personally don't like her music, but it sounds like she could become a popular singer akin to Rihanna. Better than Beiber, that's for sure.


New member
Jan 15, 2011
I'm as shocked as most people are about this project, and I instantly thought that this was a bad idea. However, I have come up with three POSITIVES for this project (if it ever comes together).

1) We can truly judge for ourselves if Willow has a good voice. Her single is extremely auto tuned, which meant that an audience couldn't really judge her voice. However, no matter what Jay-Z does to the project, he can't get away with auto tuning a Broadway song. This means that Willow is going to be exposed to either true praise or harsh criticism when it comes to her singing voice. I'm hoping for praise myself (she is only ten, and showed individual interest in music).

2) Audra McDonald was very successful in the 1999 version of the movie, and I doubt Jay-Z would struggle with casting for the other roles. If anything, she can come on as a consultant for casting and help Willow's voice grow.

3) Fela! did get nominated for multiple Tony awards, and if Will Smith and Jay-Z are responsible for that, then we know that they do have a good eye for scoping out entertainment.

With all that said, they are going to have to re-structure the plot in order to keep some belief about the project if they want to go for an african american dominated cast (at least, having the main star being an african american). I'm not saying that it can't be done, nor that it shouldn't, but to attempt a show about a quirky redhead is difficult to do if you plan on not using a redhead. This could turn awful quickly (as most of the other comments in this forum are vaild) but I'm holding out until I've seen more before I truly judge the show.


New member
Jan 26, 2011
I'll start of by stating my honest opinion about Willow Smith. Beneath all of the auto-tune I do believe she does have some semblance of a good VOICE.. but a good VOICE doesn't necessarily make you a good SINGER. Perhaps in a few years she'll have talent worthy of the praise she's already getting but I doubt it. Auto-tune is a lot easier than hard work after all.

Onto the movie.. I'll reserve my harsher criticism for when the movie actually is released but for now I'll just say kindly that I believe it will fail. Who is supposed to be the audience for this movie? I know it's not the stage crowd that's for sure. Surely not the average adult either. So.. children? You're going to try and sell kids a "remake" of a film that was out long before they were born that wouldn't even BEGIN to appeal to them let alone be engaging to them? Please.. I've got a better and more suitable title for this movie, Willow Smith If She Was Really Poor!

To some extent I'll say I admire Will Smith based solely on the fact he's being honest as to what this movie really is, a star vehicle for his child. Wasn't there another film he already ruined using that same model?... perhaps he's realizing he's losing steam in the industry. Oh look! He has two movies coming out in 2012. Can you guess which two? (Wikipedia is a hell of a thing! XD)

Is he becoming one of those parents who live through their children? Starting to think so.. and all I'll say on Jay-Z is that he is a highly overrated rapper. I'm not fond of it but even I can spot good rap from bad rap..


New member
Dec 29, 2010
Timbydude said:
Oh, well this doesn't seem so bad! I guess that...

Elizabeth Grunewald said:
The film, which marks the first feature film collaboration between the two, is being imagined as a star vehicle for Smith's 10-year-old daughter, Willow.

Seriously, why is he trying to make his children so popular? My parents didn't force me into anything. Doesn't he realize this could seriously mess them up?
Well, I'm of mixed opinons on this.

I like Will Smith. I love his movies. I think he has god given talent. Maybe his kids do too. And if it's what THEY want, i don't see a problem with their dad helping them follow their dreams. I haven't seen his boys movie, and his girls music style isn't my tastes, but, they seem to be fairly well recieved.

But, if it isn't what the kids WANT to do, then, stop pushing them.

And either way, keep an eye on them, and don't do what Billy Ray did. You stay the father. You BE a father. And keep your kids as grounded as possible.

As for the movie Annie itself. I never much cared for it. I'm not big into musicals. Never have been. Accually was forced to watch this movies a metric TON in grade school... prolly one reason i dislike it. Same goes for The Wizard of Oz. It seems like an ok movie, but it was forced on me every freaking year of grade school, and some in midddle school, that i have no desire to ever see it again.