Will Smith, Jay-Z Remaking Movie Musical Annie


New member
Mar 29, 2013
If you want to enjoy with his family and looking a great musical show then i prefer you the one and only the Annie musical show. I hope you will enjoy this show with his family. Annie is my favorite musical. I bought my musical ticket from TicketVistas.com


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Go crazy Jay Z, you have to spend that money one way or another right?
Daniel_Rosamilia said:
JoJo Bizzaro 7 said:
already familiar with at least one of the musical's best known songs
>at least one of the musical's best known songs
>at least one
>implying the urbanized, modernized, ill-conceived remake of 30+ year old film adaptation of a 40+ year old musical exhibits blatant neglect for the source material and appears doomed to fail.

Green text? In MY Escapist? It's more likely than you think.
[font color=green]>Implying Jay-Z plays 'music'
>Implying implications[/font]
Yes yes, I know this will earn me the burning rage of a thousand white hot blinding suns of hateful fury and possibly a suspension, but it:
1. Looks really neat
2. Will confuse a few people
3. Brings my point across.
Also, WHY?!
The content of the green-text enrages me more than the green-text itself x_x.