Will someone please explain why hitting a girl is bad but hitting a guy is fine?

Czargent Sane

New member
May 31, 2010
burningdragoon said:
Dahni said:
Girls are generally weaker than guys. It might not always hold true but most guys can often underestimate their own power and hit harder than expected.

Sure, I'll punch guys as a joke, on the arm or whatever, but it literally never hurts them. Guys have punched me before, as a joke, in the same way, thinking they're hitting me as hard as they hit me, but it's often painful as fuck, and i'm left with a bruise and my eyes get all watery.

I don't even think men & women can be equal. We're superior to each other in different ways so being equal is impossible.

I reckon that women are generally treated with more respect by decent men because we're the reason the human race continues as it does. Think about it. You exist because of your mother, a woman. Your mother exists because of her mother who exists because of her mother, and so on, all the way back to the beginning of humans. Humanity owes everything it has to the women of the world.
Boldness for emphasis. That should be the goto answer for questions like this.
dont I owe them the respect of treating them as an equal? I do not care if we have different strengths and weaknesses, shouldn't I treat them as though they are just as valuable as I am? more? then why on earth would I hesitate to fight them?


New member
Aug 14, 2010
The reason that you don't hit a woman is because there are generally speaking very few situations in which it is necessary. A woman can do far less damage to you then a male in most cases. If a woman just starts wailing on you, you should be able to take it and/or keep the situation in control until she cools down. If a man does you'll probably be on the ground pretty quick, so you need to defend yourself unless you like pain.


New member
Aug 2, 2008
Because women are weak, and thus, the more accepting society became of women being equal to men (in some respects), certain societal "rules" were put in place to prevent the weaker beings from being hurt.

In fact, this whole thing is awfully reminiscent of the attitude towards pets.


New member
Apr 17, 2009
Society, that is all. A serious issue Is why a shot to the testicle is fine If It's a woman, that bull, that is an important yet weak area, and now it's just seen as a get out of jail free card. Now In a serious situation of course, but just as a response, I still say men shoudl wear cups at all times.


New member
Apr 10, 2009
Most women are weaker than men and most women don't really know how to fight. Of course "most" doesn't mean "all", but it determines the typical general attitude.

OP should also know that hitting a girl is dangerous. I knew a girl who always had a butterfly knife with her, so one should always remember: hitting a girl can make you stabbed. Or dead. Depending on how crazy the ***** is...
I should probably stop here, I'm basing this on personal experience which is in no way typical or common.


New member
Apr 23, 2010
Marter said:
Males are usually stronger. They can do more damage.

That's the way I look at it anyway.

And it's a societal thing. It has always been worse, so that thought is in people's minds.
It's either that or chivalry.

OT: What sicken me in all of this are women that count on that fact to do as they please. Seriously, i may get scorn too but the best remedy to cure a Jackass is a "Express five". Tho, i still think it should only be busted in special occasion like;
-Your girlfriend use you as her bodyguard and pick fights with everybody. (Seriously, i knew one guy that had to fight at least five time a day for his girlfriend back in high school. It got to a point where he didn't question why anymore and apologize afterward.)
-A girl is about to do something incredibly stupid or harmful to a innocent. (Mother that try to kill their her children before committing suicide, for example)
-To pull a women to her sense when they turn hysterical because of a life threating situation. (like when you try to save a still conscious but drowning girl and she push herself up with your body)
-When it's a man disguise as a women. You won't understand until you see or meet Mado Lamotte.


New member
Aug 1, 2010
Because women are strong, independant and deserve respect unless things get even a tiny bit hard then their soft squishy and totally need protecting.


New member
Jul 12, 2009
It's not, I don't hit either. Unless it's self defense!! but then again if women want equality they better wait for it. I still haven't been in a fight and I avoid them to the end, but if ANYONE charges at me, I will defend myself!


New member
Jun 12, 2009
Because people won't look at you like YOU'RE the asshole. When two guys are fighting, either one of them could be the asshole. I don't discriminate though. Bitchy girls get it upside the head from me.


New member
Apr 4, 2010
reminds me of that Indian gameshow where someone hit a girl back and every guy in the room tried to kill him...


New member
May 19, 2009
Striking a woman is very ungentlemanly. Being classy in the very least bit is what separates us from the animals. Why, even slapping a woman can cost you your Classy-license. It's a serious offense.


New member
May 5, 2010
goes back to the old days of chivalry.

Personally I don't hit people too often. Generally they have to really deserve it or have hit me first.

The only time I've ever hurt a girl meaningfully was when a girl stole my friends football when we were around... 14 years old. She'd stolen his ball and spat in one of my friends faces, I chased her to get the ball back to which after I got the ball she spat in my face... I gave her a friendly warning as to why she shouldn't do that.

open trap

New member
Feb 26, 2009
Men Naturally have more muscle mass and we are more agressive and are likley to go too far and cause alot of damge, also chiverly and what not.


New member
Apr 15, 2010
kaizen2468 said:
Hitting anyone is bad
I mean ya. Isn't like hitting anyone when not in self defense illegal(and in my high school defending yourself will get you suspended)? If a women is attacking you, you should defend yourself. But being really physically aggresive to women like you may be to other guys isn't very right.