Will someone please explain why hitting a girl is bad but hitting a guy is fine?


New member
Jan 25, 2010
Harrowdown said:
Xanadu84 said:
Because from an evolutionary perspective, Women A) Take priority over men, because they are capable of reproducing B) Have the power of Mate selection to offset the weaker position they take on from the more aggressive men. When either gender abuses its evolutionary strength, it is perceived as unsustainable, and therefore highly immoral. This is why men abusing physical dominance through violence is considered so unacceptable, and why women abusing Mate Selection through cheating is seen as much worse compared to men, who are just programmed to screw anything that moves. Both double standards have an evolutionary basis. Also, C) Violence and control being visited on a female from members of your, "Tribe" would, from the perspective of evolution, be a frequent precursor to Rape. Evolution selects for individuals who are extremely aggressive against perpetrators of rape, as it takes away a woman's power of mate selection, and cuckolds the male. Basically, domestic violence implies rape in our lizard brain, and males must disapprove strongly of rape, for the express purpose of avoiding being forced to raise another persons child.

This is why I laugh when people talk about evolution like its some kind of benevolent force. Evolution is a very real thing. Its also cruel, evil, and dumb as shit. It would be difficult to design a more cruel, or less efficient process.
I think you win.
I think you win too.
- wanna fight about it?


Not a pigeon roost
Jan 19, 2010

I'm not going to read all the posts before this, because some will make me frustrated, and others will probably say what I am going to say because I've seen this thread before, but...

It really isn't okay for anyone to hit anybody. That's old school gentlemen stuff there. It just doesn't fly. Speaking as a woman, and as someone who knows a family full of boys that were slapped around by their mother all through their youth, it wasn't until one of them got big enough, and brave enough, to smack her back that she stopped backhanding them whenever she was angry, or grabbed whatever was handy, usually a nice flat brush, and smacked them in the face with it.

She's a woman. That behavior is intolerable. Violence against another person really isn't okay, no matter the sex.

Except in self defense. I'm no Gandhi, if someone is trying to beat you up/stab/rape/kill you, do something about it.

Furious Styles

New member
Jul 10, 2010
What annoys me is when people say on the news, "A bomb blast has killed 100 civilians, including women and children."
Okay, children I can understand, but women? What, does a bomb do more damage to a woman that a man? Are they less likely to survive? what is it that makes their deaths somehow more shocking.
The same for shooting and stabbing, its no worse to shoot or stab a woman than a man, yet news shows always do the same thing as with the above mentioned bomb blast example.


New member
Mar 9, 2009
FargoDog said:
There are guys who will hit their girlfriends for no other reason than to show dominance and blow off steam, because they think they can get away with it. That, in my opinion, is just cruelty.

If a girl is genuinely attacking you there's no reason not to hit her back, but abuse against women is something I can't stand.
Women abuse men just as much if not more than men abuse women, it's just that the men are too embarrassed to say anything about it.

I don't think anyone should be hitting anyone but charges of rape or abuse put forward by a man accusing a woman should be taken just as seriously as the other way round, unfortunately they aren't.

I also hate that alemony thing americans have got going, men shouldn't have to pay their ex-wives like that, especially if it's the woman that broke it off; If the world is all equal as people like to say it is then surely the woman shouldn't get fuck all because she can just as easily find a job as the bloke could.


Flamboyant Homosexual
Apr 11, 2009
It's usually the "man's rule" to never strike a woman under any circumstances. You can defend yourself but you should never hit back. I personally would never hit a woman back if they tried to or hit me. Same for if a guy did it.... sorta. I would hit him back if he intentionally tried to beat me down or tries to gang up on me with more people.

Plus as said, USUALLY a woman is a lot weaker then a guy. Empathies on the "usually" part.

Czargent Sane

New member
May 31, 2010
FargoDog said:
There are guys who will hit their girlfriends for no other reason than to show dominance and blow off steam, because they think they can get away with it. That, in my opinion, is just cruelty.

If a girl is genuinely attacking you there's no reason not to hit her back, but abuse against women is something I can't stand.
just women? you care less when a man is abused?


New member
Jul 26, 2008
stinkychops said:
This topic comes up way too often here.
kaizen2468 said:
Hitting anyone is bad
Agreed. Unless as part of a sport.
This is the truth.
It's just social bullshit. If you're a girlbeater your a ******. According to English Secondary School Rules.


New member
May 17, 2010
Normally: Bad thing

If she's furious for some emotional reason and unstoppable (hormone rage): a slap to the cheek as a reality-check works better then pinning her down, in my experience.
Usually i pinned a woman down, but once she promised to stay calm and i let her go, i nearly always ended up with a precision strike in my private parts.
A slap in the face might make her cry (flat hand, little force and it should be fine), but at least you can give her a hug and talk about the problem in a more rational way afterwards.

Ofcourse, if you wave the diplomatic flag from the start, you shouldn't have to worry that things get out of hand in the first place.

Girl vs. girl: Don't bother to solve this as a male, because you end up with 2 women combining their rage at you. Ask their girlfriends to fix such a situation.

But in short: Pain treshhold is the main thing. Yet that doesn't mean that i'm gonna take that stilettoheel into the nutsack. Regardless of gender, if you play dirty, yer asking for it.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
You shouldn't hit a girl except in the following two circumstances (in my opinion):

#1: She is attacking you. I haven't seen this often, but, hey, it could happen.

#2: She's hitting you in a joking way. Here, I feel it is okay to hit back... also in a joking way.

#3: She turns out to be a guy/alien/zombie/trained-assassin in disguise and has been plotting your death.


New member
Apr 8, 2008
Mostly physical development... a good way at a young age to teach kids to not attack every weaker kids they see... false bit of chivilary. Or of course in the animal world you don't abuse the birthgivers, and once again that's taught young and expect to continue to adulthood.

Course all that stems in childhood.

The femake marines I served with had no probelm punching in a man's teeth, and if they got violent decks them. That point it's not hitting a woman. But a Marine, gives that nice tingle of equality...

Czargent Sane

New member
May 31, 2010
I would consider it a grave insult to anyone if I was not willing to fight them because I thought they were weaker. It would be the ultimate sign of disrespect.

people make the average physical strength argument a lot. I think its crap. there are people a third my size and strength that could hold their own against me if they have the drive or the skill. besides, there are plenty of ways to fight besides being stronger.


New member
Sep 5, 2009
Men aren't supposed to hit women because we're trying to have a civilized society here. There was a time when the world really was Might makes Right--if you were strong enough to beat up or kill someone, then you were right and they were wrong. That's the whole idea behind duels and things like that--rather than relying on the law or evidence or testimony, truth is decided by physical confrontation. That sort of attitude lead to a lot of violence on Earth, and a lot of suffering.

Men are almost universally stronger physically than women, and even if there are exceptions pretty much all men are capable of being physically stronger than women with very little work (it is extremely easy for guys to put on muscle after hitting puberty, so even if you're a scrawny nerd you would probably be stronger than almost any woman after a week or two of doing 20 push-ups a day). This is simply a fact of our species. That means that if the way of the world is Might makes Right, men will always be right and, judging by how many guys on here have posted that they have no problem hitting women, there will be plenty of guys who will eagerly use this advantage. And both men and women lose out on a lot of good things because of this. Indeed, that is how it was for a very long time.

Women cannot compete with men in terms of physical strength. But physical strength is not the only thing to be valued in a person. There is intelligence, creativity, cunning, and all kinds of other traits that women can easily compete with men in. If a woman has to live knowing that, no matter how smart or correct she is according to the law and logic, a man can simply beat her into submission, then how valuable can anything besides physical strength be? Civilization values intelligence, creativity, and these other virtues, and in order for them to be valuable you have to remove the trump card of physical strength.

For you guys out there who are still scoffing, imagine if one of your housemates was a martial arts master who, if he chose, could kill you or beat you to a pulp in seconds with his bare hands. You would be completely helpless against him physically. How would you feel if he started threatening you, either overtly or covertly, with that fact? He could take your food, your possessions, your money, and anything he wanted, and no matter what you said it would not change the fact that he could kill you at any time. What if he threatened you every time you said something he didn't like? You would never be able to convince him to do his share of the chores, to wash his dishes. He could stop paying his part of the rent, and no matter how good your arguments that he should pay, you could not make him and if you annoyed him to a certain point he would take you out. Would you want to live in a house like that? The only way such a house could function is if you could be reasonably sure he would not use his superior physical skill to trounce you.


New member
Jul 12, 2010
For the same reason I guy who has sex with lots of girls is a stud but a girl who has sex with a lot of guys is a whore. It's a double-standard


Warrior without Weapons
Jul 27, 2009
Dahni said:
Girls are generally weaker than guys. It might not always hold true but most guys can often underestimate their own power and hit harder than expected.

Sure, I'll punch guys as a joke, on the arm or whatever, but it literally never hurts them. Guys have punched me before, as a joke, in the same way, thinking they're hitting me as hard as they hit me, but it's often painful as fuck, and i'm left with a bruise and my eyes get all watery.

I don't even think men & women can be equal. We're superior to each other in different ways so being equal is impossible.

I reckon that women are generally treated with more respect by decent men because we're the reason the human race continues as it does. Think about it. You exist because of your mother, a woman. Your mother exists because of her mother who exists because of her mother, and so on, all the way back to the beginning of humans. Humanity owes everything it has to the women of the world.
Boldness for emphasis. That should be the goto answer for questions like this.

Czargent Sane

New member
May 31, 2010
Helmutye said:
Men aren't supposed to hit women because we're trying to have a civilized society here. There was a time when the world really was Might makes Right--if you were strong enough to beat up or kill someone, then you were right and they were wrong. That's the whole idea behind duels and things like that--rather than relying on the law or evidence or testimony, truth is decided by physical confrontation. That sort of attitude lead to a lot of violence on Earth, and a lot of suffering.

Men are almost universally stronger physically than women, and even if there are exceptions pretty much all men are capable of being physically stronger than women with very little work (it is extremely easy for guys to put on muscle after hitting puberty, so even if you're a scrawny nerd you would probably be stronger than almost any woman after a week or two of doing 20 push-ups a day). This is simply a fact of our species. That means that if the way of the world is Might makes Right, men will always be right and, judging by how many guys on here have posted that they have no problem hitting women, there will be plenty of guys who will eagerly use this advantage. And both men and women lose out on a lot of good things because of this. Indeed, that is how it was for a very long time.

Women cannot compete with men in terms of physical strength. But physical strength is not the only thing to be valued in a person. There is intelligence, creativity, cunning, and all kinds of other traits that women can easily compete with men in. If a woman has to live knowing that, no matter how smart or correct she is according to the law and logic, a man can simply beat her into submission, then how valuable can anything besides physical strength be? Civilization values intelligence, creativity, and these other virtues, and in order for them to be valuable you have to remove the trump card of physical strength.

For you guys out there who are still scoffing, imagine if one of your housemates was a martial arts master who, if he chose, could kill you or beat you to a pulp in seconds with his bare hands. You would be completely helpless against him physically. How would you feel if he started threatening you, either overtly or covertly, with that fact? He could take your food, your possessions, your money, and anything he wanted, and no matter what you said it would not change the fact that he could kill you at any time. What if he threatened you every time you said something he didn't like? You would never be able to convince him to do his share of the chores, to wash his dishes. He could stop paying his part of the rent, and no matter how good your arguments that he should pay, you could not make him and if you annoyed him to a certain point he would take you out. Would you want to live in a house like that? The only way such a house could function is if you could be reasonably sure he would not use his superior physical skill to trounce you.
you seem to mistake strength for skill in battle. a female warrior can be just as deadly as a male, not even taking weapons into account.

your hypothetical situation?
1. just because he can kill me does not make me helpless
2. if he acted in such a manner, then clearly he is not as great a master as he thinks.
3. let him try to take my possessions. let him try to use his strength against me. if there is any truth to his threats then he will kill me. he will have to, I will settle for nothing less. we could fight a hundred times, and if I lost each one I would be no less determined to beat him as I was the first time. you can stop me dead, you can get out of my way, but there is no obstacle that will make me move one inch out of my path.

how would I feel? I would feel excited!

Quantom Quak

The Source of All Evil
Jun 12, 2009
It's because males are naturally aggressive. It's so there will be lots of wars to keep the population in check.