Women: Do you consider yourself superior to men?


New member
Jun 15, 2010
TheCrazyAu55ie said:
imma point one thing out half my friends are girls and all of them are smarter then pretty much every guy i know
To be fair, it's probably not because women are actually smarter, so much as women often still need to work harder to prove that they're smart, and therefore appear smarter than their male counterparts (who don't always need to work as hard to prove they are intelligent). Of course this doesn't apply in every scenario, but this is typically why women with goals work so hard in comparison to their male peers.

sravankb said:
Men are better at very specialized and scientific tasks (not always, but most of the time). Yes, I do realize that there are exceptions - I would know - my sister has a PhD in wireless communications. But even she agreed that there are way more men in the science / engineering fields than women.
This isn't exactly true. Yes, there are more men in physical science/engineering positions, but it's not necessarily because men are generally better at those subjects, as there are dozens of studies suggesting at least half a dozen reasons why there aren't more women in those subjects (including higher concentrations of sexist/gentleman's club attitudes amongst men who work in those fields than in every other field, the role of gender roles in what is seen as "acceptable" for both men and women to have interests/careers in, etc). Whether men are actually intrinsically better at specialized/scientific tasks remains to be seen, but not seeing a lot of women in these fields is definitely not proof of it.


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Jul 25, 2008
OmniscientOstrich said:
Treblaine said:
OmniscientOstrich said:

Hatred of men.
I thought everyone suffered from that.

Men don't like other men unless they are bros. Women don't like men, unless they EARN their affection.
Bit of a jump from indifference, or dislike to outright hatred though, no?
Well, what I mean is that certain guys get so pissy when they hear "feminists" being disparaging of men when they do the same thing. I think the problem is guys can't take criticism from a woman.


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Sep 8, 2011
Codeman90 said:
bit_crusherrr said:
Fawcks said:
I consider women superior to men (on a general level), but I'm a guy so you probably don't care about my opinion. ;c
Here's a product of modern society. Men are told they are worthless from day 1.
I think that's just the result of having very little self confidence. I don't believe it's anything new.
I think mister Fawcks believes that by being self depreciating more women will go out with him. It may work but I'd rather be proud of who I am than sacrifice my self respect to be better liked.


New member
Jan 6, 2011
Treblaine said:
OmniscientOstrich said:
Treblaine said:
OmniscientOstrich said:

Hatred of men.
I thought everyone suffered from that.

Men don't like other men unless they are bros. Women don't like men, unless they EARN their affection.
Bit of a jump from indifference, or dislike to outright hatred though, no?
Well, what I mean is that certain guys get so pissy when they hear "feminists" being disparaging of men when they do the same thing. I think the problem is guys can't take criticism from a woman.
Ah, I suppose some men are like that, yes.


New member
Sep 8, 2011
Treeinthewoods said:
Maybe everyone should unite and realize they are all equal, equally inferior to me.

It appears we think alike. Now get a sword. There can be only one.

Mylinkay Asdara

Waiting watcher
Nov 28, 2010
retyopy said:
Katherine Ciesla said:
retyopy said:
Now, I must first ask that you don't dogpile me under mountainous piles of shit and hatred. I'm just asking a question, so theres no need to get all crazy about it. And, without further delay, on with the thread!

So lately, what with all of these "zomgz feminists r bad" and the equally retarded comments that dogpile them under mountainous piles of shit and hatred, (see what I did right there?) I'm getting the feeling that quite a few woman consider themselves superior to men. Plus, being non-illiterate, I read books, and one female character will ineviatably turn to another female character and say, "use your superior feminine amazing brainpower to get the retarded man-children under control," or something along those lines.

And now I wish to know: Do you consider yourself superior to men? And if you do, justify your answer.

So... Yeah.
Myself personally? Depends on the man I suppose, or group of men. Same would go for the question "Do you consider yourself superior to women?" as well. Which is to say the questions seems to really be: "Do you consider yourself superior?" to anyone, really. In what area? Morally? Intellectually? Physically? Looks? Net worth? Over all? The person who says yes to that would have to be pretty arrogant indeed.

I know what you're trying to ask, but it's a bit of a silly question.

(Also, and this is not to be mean, but because I'm in a class about this right now and happened to catch it: non-illiterate is .... literate would be the proper word to use.)
I know, it's an inside joke.
So, an Internet message board is the perfect place for it. Sure.


New member
Jul 10, 2011
I know the perfect clip:

[small]I've never watched Duckman but I've heard the clip[/small]

I am a male
I don't belong here...[small]it feels weird...

I'm gonna leave now...[/small]


New member
Jan 6, 2011
GuyUWishUWere said:
Codeman90 said:
bit_crusherrr said:
Fawcks said:
I consider women superior to men (on a general level), but I'm a guy so you probably don't care about my opinion. ;c
Here's a product of modern society. Men are told they are worthless from day 1.
I think that's just the result of having very little self confidence. I don't believe it's anything new.
I think mister Fawcks believes that by being self depreciating more women will go out with him. It may work but I'd rather be proud of who I am than sacrifice my self respect to be better liked.
Perhaps one reason he's not as fond of his own gender is because they assume any statement such as this is motivated by a desire to get laid, as that is clearly the only thing that crosses is lecherous mind, right? And obviously, the only people who are self depreciating are straight men, looking to pick up chicks aren't they? Seriously I find your statement much more derogatory to men than his, though I find both to be rather myopic.


New member
Jul 11, 2011
Well I CAN give birth....

Kidding, nah, us women just look better and are overall more durable (try wearing high heels :p), just as it's easier for men to gain muscle mass and grow rugged beards.


New member
Sep 8, 2011
OmniscientOstrich said:
GuyUWishUWere said:
Codeman90 said:
bit_crusherrr said:
Fawcks said:
I consider women superior to men (on a general level), but I'm a guy so you probably don't care about my opinion. ;c
Here's a product of modern society. Men are told they are worthless from day 1.
I think that's just the result of having very little self confidence. I don't believe it's anything new.
I think mister Fawcks believes that by being self depreciating more women will go out with him. It may work but I'd rather be proud of who I am than sacrifice my self respect to be better liked.
Perhaps one reason he's not as fond of his own gender is because they assume any statement such as this is motivated by a desire to get laid, as that is clearly the only thing that crosses is lecherous mind, right? And obviously, the only people who are self depreciating are straight men, looking to pick up chicks aren't they? Seriously I find your statement much more derogatory to men than his, though I find both to be rather myopic.
I'm sorry. You make a very good point. What I was unfair and inconsiderate. I made my original statment based on an isolated incident where a classmate made a similar claim in front of a group of women. I never considered that one might have non leacherous reasons for saying such a thing at the time because of the circunstance, However I'm obviously quite wrong. once again I appologize to Fawcks, you, and this community.


New member
Nov 17, 2010
Nah, I'm pretty sure we're on the same level.
I can't even say one is more mature or smarter or even stronger than the other overall, because all the cases I've seen it goes either way.

Girls can be guys without penises and guys can be girls without a vagina. That is basically, in my experience, what it boils down to. One just has different plumbing than the other.


New member
Jul 23, 2011
Absolutely not. I consider myself equal. I can't bench 400 lbs, you can. You can't push out a 12 lb baby, I did. Each are equally amazing.


New member
May 24, 2011
Women are inferior and they belong in the kitchen! Us *men* are fearless & superior in every way!

*pls don't hurt me... pLZ!


New member
Jun 9, 2011
does anybody understand what the term "Equality" means? just that. equal rights. It means I am just as entitled to complain about jabs at my gender. The sandwich joke is a joke on men anyway. What's it supposed to mean anyway? that women are inferior because men tell them to make sandwiches? Even if it was a jab at women, it's based on the "Patriarchal" social construct, which is just that: A societal model created by humans. The "puny male brain" is a direct jab at my mental capabilities. So you tell me who is the bigger man in all this.(Yes, I do realize that expression is sexist, I still agree men are not superior.)


New member
Jun 9, 2011
Wow,I can't believe you are willing to apologize for such a minor misunderstanding. Gold star.