Worst Fan Base Out There


New member
Jul 6, 2011
You know, I'm just gonna say that any fanbase you've recognized/stood out has a problem.


New member
Jul 16, 2010
Mr. Google said:
I always feel bad that i came in to Fallout when it turned into an FPS and i know for a fact right now i could go up to Best Buy and get both 1 and 2 for a total of 20 bucks but i am too afraid that i wont like the games. Does that make sense?
Actually, I think you can get 1,2 and tactics for that price.

As for liking them, that depends... Do you like classic RPGs, like Baldur's Gate? If so, go for it.

If you've never played those kinds of games, I'd say go for it anyway... But I'm biased ;)

If you dislike them, avoid them like the plague.

Hal10k said:
The Fallout fanbase is in a state of constant war that has little hope of changing, ironically enough. You either have the veteran fans who insult Bethesda for committing the cardinal sin of making a first-person, semi-real time game, or you have the people who dismiss the older games out of hand simply because they're old. The veteran fans are worse, in my opinion, probably because they've been engaging in flame wars for ten years now and they've gotten really good at it.
First of all, Fallout 3/New Vegas aren't semi-real time. VATS is a semi-turn based gimmick to (try to) appease the hardcore veteran fans.

I'm an old-time Fallout fans and most of my experiences indicate that the gripe most old-school Fallout fans have with Bethesda has less to do with FO3 being first person and more to do with the lack of Fallouty feel in the game. That and the way they pictured the BoS, the slight retcon to the Enclave and FEV, etc... Oh, and the lack of real consequences in the game, the moronic ending, etc.

But, I agree with you on one point: The Fallout fan base is pretty annoying. Just ask J E Sawyer back when he was working on Van Buren (the original FO3)


New member
Nov 15, 2010
Arcticflame said:
The7Sins said:
The most ill-mannered, annoying group of fans out there are those people who are fans of soccer. Doesn't matter which team. All of them are like this when it comes to it.
People who use are fans of red coloured text are the most annoying fan base. (Really, why use a light colour on a light colour? You're killing me here)

Seriously though, soccer? Well over half my friends are fans of soccer, and none of them are ill mannared, nor annoying. That's a fairly incredible generalisation.

I'd say dreamtheater fans are quite annoying. I know they are a good band, I know they are talented musicians, but that doesn't give you a license to run around interjecting dreamtheater into conversations with the most tenuous of links.
Football violence doesn't seem so bad in the USA, mostly its the Europeans, i'm from England and a Local Derby normally ends in a couple of deaths/hospitalizations (depending on the teams) The biggest problem is the football "firms"


New member
Mar 18, 2011
BanicRhys said:
Some honorable mentions go to:
My Little Pony
World of Warcraft
Xbox 360

But the winners (or losers) are Deviant Art users. The sheer self indulgent idiocy I've witnessed there is second to none. And it's freaking everywhere! Not to mention the images that get put up there...

I could go on but I have stuff to do.

A shout out to the Diablo 3 fan base for being the angriest.
Ouch, I used dA. Love it, great way for me and my friends just to have a laugh and share our imaginations with each other :)
Plus, I like the gallery system. I draw but I mainly write so it's just a good place to post both of them without the hassle of posting links to loads of different sites.


New member
Mar 9, 2009
Pop stars: Justin Bieber fans. (I think everyone can agree with me here, these guys treat him like the second coming of Jesus)

Books: Twilight fans. (Look at this fucking letter [http://www.latinoreview.com/news/taylor-lautner-fan-letter-to-universal-your-wolfman-ripped-off-twilight-9247#idc-cover], LOOK AT IT)

Games: CoD fans. (I refer you to this [http://www.ubercharged.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/1258035395841.jpg] now famous screenshot.)

Developer: Valve fans. (I am a fan of Valve but dear god sometimes I am ashamed of the other people who share that title)

Console: All of them. (All console fans[footnote]I won't say fanboys because I know plenty of girls also play games now, they just hide to avoid shit like TITS OR GTFO and other equally juvenile crap.[/footnote] suck equally, it's a platform to play games on, stop acting like yours is better than everyone elses)

Forums: 4Chan fans. (Fuck off, seriously)


New member
Jul 7, 2011
Football(soccer) extreame fanboys and by extream i mean the people who would without a second thourght attack someone because there a fan of another team, The ones who go abroad get drunk and end up starting a miniture riot and over what kicking a ball around urghhh.

But i would like to clarify not everyone who enjoys football is a complete douche im just talking about the extreame chavy council house super fans with an average I.Q. under 50

Hristo Tzonkov

New member
Apr 5, 2010
This thread is filled with people who base an entire fanbase on one of their friends.

As for the question I'd have to say any fanbase.I find the CoD fanbase annoying because a lot of them seem to be critics in IGN and judge any shooter by the high standarts they think CoD is at.
I dislike the FO3 fanbase because they don't know what the original Fallouts are about and seem to be giving NV the thumbs down based on their experiences in FO3.Personally I think NV despite the bugs carried all the flair of the old Fallout and deserved better.
I dislike the Bethesda fan base in general because they shoot down every other RPG coming this year for Skyrim.
I dislike the Mario fanbase because I have to listen about how great Mario is.That could be a personal point because as a kid I never played Mario and found Sonic was a lot more fun.Also whenever I grabbed the Nintendo there was the Contra on.
I'm torn between disliking the WoW fanbase and the developers themselves.I'll go with devs as they ruined the game and fans can't be held accountable for someone listening to them whining.
I'd say the Dota fanbase but I have nothing against them.Despite the trolling,namecalling and complete intolerance to noobs.

Mister Man

New member
May 16, 2011
I don't know because it's hard to generalize people. And often it's only the obsessed, vocal fans that makes a fanbase seem intolerable.

And a few of these seem to be from this one guy they met. Try to talk to more of the fans and I am sure that you will find someone who is sane.


New member
Feb 20, 2008
Runescape. Holy FUCK, Runescape. I literally think I am the ONLY person in the ENTIRE fanbase that actually like the developers anymore.


New member
May 22, 2011
Apple fans who blatantly ignore ANY flaws with the Steve Jobs juggernaut. YES, they are great tools, YES the ipod is a fantastic piece of kit... But squealing about the iphone all day is not going to change that fact that it's far too locked up, and Apple's practice of ruthlessly hunting out any app that would DARE unlock added features to their hardware is... baffling.


New member
May 23, 2011
Nulmas said:
Hal10k said:
The Fallout fanbase is in a state of constant war that has little hope of changing, ironically enough. You either have the veteran fans who insult Bethesda for committing the cardinal sin of making a first-person, semi-real time game, or you have the people who dismiss the older games out of hand simply because they're old. The veteran fans are worse, in my opinion, probably because they've been engaging in flame wars for ten years now and they've gotten really good at it.
First of all, Fallout 3/New Vegas aren't semi-real time. VATS is a semi-turn based gimmick to (try to) appease the hardcore veteran fans.

I'm an old-time Fallout fans and most of my experiences indicate that the gripe most old-school Fallout fans have with Bethesda has less to do with FO3 being first person and more to do with the lack of Fallouty feel in the game. That and the way they pictured the BoS, the slight retcon to the Enclave and FEV, etc... Oh, and the lack of real consequences in the game, the moronic ending, etc.

But, I agree with you on one point: The Fallout fan base is pretty annoying. Just ask J E Sawyer back when he was working on Van Buren (the original FO3)
Trust me, there are plenty of fans of the original games whose main, specific complaint about FO3 was that it wasn't isometric and turn-based. I was an Admin on the wiki for a brief period of time, and we had our share of fanatical loons there.


New member
May 31, 2011
Stalydan said:
Ouch, I used dA. Love it, great way for me and my friends just to have a laugh and share our imaginations with each other :)
Plus, I like the gallery system. I draw but I mainly write so it's just a good place to post both of them without the hassle of posting links to loads of different sites.
Nothing personal, it's just that whenever I go there I see the same crap. People blocking others for the most constructive of criticism, making horrible spelling mistakes and calling it "a personal touch", destroying some of my most beloved characters by making them a furry/gay/etc and the people who upload blatant pornography and call it art.

I just wish my school didn't force us to make an account to put all of our work up on.


Jan 4, 2010
United States
People who are obsessed with everything Apple. Seriously, I don't care if you upgraded to the latest iPhone or iPod or how amazing you think it is! Stop talking about it! CONSTANTLY!


New member
Mar 18, 2010
DesiPrinceX09 said:
I will go with Naruto, bleach, and dragonball Z fanboys. They can be very obnoxious. An honorable mention goes to fanboys/girls of COD , halo, twilight, and bieber.
I like you :D


New member
Jun 28, 2010
The DotA and HoN players. Seriously. I dare you to find a group of people who is more unfriendly to beginners. You won't find it.


New member
Jan 29, 2011
Ickorus said:
Pop stars: Justin Bieber fans. (I think everyone can agree with me here, these guys treat him like the second coming of Jesus)

Books: Twilight fans. (Look at this fucking letter [http://www.latinoreview.com/news/taylor-lautner-fan-letter-to-universal-your-wolfman-ripped-off-twilight-9247#idc-cover], LOOK AT IT)

Games: CoD fans. (I refer you to this [http://www.ubercharged.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/1258035395841.jpg] now famous screenshot.)

Developer: Valve fans. (I am a fan of Valve but dear god sometimes I am ashamed of the other people who share that title)

Console: Console fanboys. (All console fanboys suck equally)
That Fucking Letter.................... o_e



New member
Mar 6, 2010
Whoever starts riots or threatens to murder because of their fandom.
E.g. Stalkers, a small minority of Sports fans, the average raging Justin Bieber fangirl.

Although these are mostly based on the individuals something sometimes attracts to become fans of it, and the fact that whenever there's a really large fanbase for something, you're bound to have a few "crazies".

The7Sins said:
The most ill-mannered, annoying group of fans out there are those people who are fans of soccer. Doesn't matter which team. All of them are like this when it comes to it.
I realize this doesn't have anything to do with the topic of this thread, but why are you using coloured text?
Because it's kind of garish/ painful to look at. Are you trying to add some sort of personality to your post, are you trying to catch peoples eye/ attention? Why?
Do you think you're too good for plain ol' normal black text?


Elite Member
Sep 8, 2009
ICP fans (Juggalos) are the worst fan base that I can think of. Based of the few that I've met, and what I've read about them online, they are nothing more than a bunch of idiotic, mouth-breathing inbred freaks with delusions of granduer, competence and class.


New member
Jan 8, 2007
There are a few options for me, like BieleBers (the silly name Bieber fangirls give themselves) or fanboy zealots of any game (WoW, CoH, etc.)...

But after missing the Tron Legacy panel at SDCC in 2009 because it was the panel right before the Twilight panel, and all the "TwiHards" had been camping in line a whole bloody day beforehand, in the hot weather, smelling like butt and camping the hall just to oggle over Pattinson and Lautner...

Well, the "TwiTards" are at the top of my list. I'll be ever grateful after this last movie (and the associated panel) are out of SDCC.

Also, SDCC learned their lesson. This years panel is the first thing in Hall H (the big hall). Get the cows through the line, get it done with, and let the rest of us move on :p