I think it might be Timeshift for me. At least, that's the worst one I can think of off the top of my head. Then again, I have played a few really bad movie tie-in games now that I think about it. Yup, now that I go over to my PS2 games and check, I'm remembering things like 007: Agent Under Fire, and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (we got it because the PS1 version actually seemed pretty fun. The PS2 version... Not so much).
Well, okay. I disagree with you about the combat and the visuals, but if I just say those things then we won't get anywhere. So I'll just go with the following: the copy-pasted environments, the mid-fight spawning enemies, the designated companion interaction points that sucked all the fun out of talking to them, the fractured story, the simplified customisation, the ludicrous number of blood mages, the simplified conversation menu, the removal of choice of race, potentially ignoring choices from Origins such as a dead Leliana... Yeah. All those things and more, and that's without getting onto the fact that a lot of people inherently disliked the gameplay and visuals as well.crazygameguy4ever said:neppakyo said:Dragon Age 2
The combat was horrible, repetitive, and boring. The world it self was bland and empty. The story itself blew chunks. I had to force myself to complete the fucking game, and when i was done I used the disc as a coaster for awhile till I finally just snapped it and threw it away.
It felt like a shittier mass effect.
in what what was Dragon Age 2 bad? Dragon Age 2 was far better then the boring Dragon Age Origins was... the combat was better, the visuals were better and it overall felt like a better game... i still play it from time to time