Worst game(s) you've ever completed


New member
Nov 2, 2007
Probably Modern Warfare 1.

Yeah, I enjoyed it at first. Hell, probably for more than half of it. But it got really dull and repetitive. By the last mission, I couldn't wait for the ending. Only for that to be disappointing, too.
I haven't played any of the other "spunkgargleweewees" as Yahtzee calls them.

Most other bad games I played I can think of I never finished.

Roggen Bread

New member
Nov 3, 2010
Two Worlds II.
Broken, worst. horse. ever., story completely retarded and all over the place, padded, very bad "final twist", broken, broken, buggy, broken, terrible horse, did I mention it was broken as hell?
Funny crafting system though. Even though a little broken.

Dragon Age 2, well, pick a number, eh?


New member
May 15, 2013
Final Fantasy 7...

yea, you read that -.- fuck this game... over hundred hours played, all characters maxed, all Weapons beat, all materia obtained and decked, all overdrives and super weapons obtained, goddamn golden chocobo...

having to deal with the entire second disk that was nothing but emo-bromance-wangst between the pussy main character with no personality but bitching and the antagonist who's effectively an oedipal super being missing his tampon... frued would love this game... i fucking hated it...

seriously, if they just removed Cloud and Sephiroth i might have 'slightly' liked this thing... the cut-scenes were 'eh' but i suppose decent for the time, though i did love the Weapons, those fuckers had the right idea, WREAK THIS SHIT!!

the most fleshed out and compelling character in it was Vincent Valentine and he got the crappiest overdrives and effectively once you were done with his story, bloop! back on the bus, no more need for you, you're power sucks -.- a lot of its plot could be resolved with common sense or actual game mechanics (how about we use that goddamn soft on Red XIII's dad? why the hell can't we?) and pretty much game play was totally broken once you got knights of the round... and Sephiroth was a shitty final boss... seriously, that' was it? THAT!! THAT WAS IT?! i fucking grind this shit maxing my characters for HOURS against goddamn Malberos and kill the freakin' WEAPONS and you DIE in one freakin' hit!! FUCK YOU!! so much for all your Deus Ex Wangst!!

though the BIGGEST problem i have with this game, aside from my unnatural hatred of its main bromance couple, THIS JUNK FUCKED OVER XENOGEARS!! >.< yes, FF7 and FF8 are the reason one of THE BEST games ever got a shit second disk and basically was shipped unfinished... and now cause Square's Enix and officially a dick, i can never see a truly finished piece of awesome that was Xenogears...

but back to FF7... ya know what, fuck FF7, Cloud was a pussy and everything he tried to do was done so much better in Fei Fong Wong... Sephiroth, take some goddamn lessons on being a real villian from Krillian, and what the fuck was with Arieth? i don't get why everyone's all up on her? i loved Tifa, her overdrive kicked ass, but she was basically snubbed and shoved into 'girlfriend' corner after the girly one died... woo~ sadly the 'childhood friend' romance was also done better in Legend of Dragoon... feh...

ugh and that fucking tower-defense BS to get the pheonix... fuck that shit...

honestly, remove the main characters and half the bullshit and this game might have been decent, the corperation guys were fun, the Turks were fun, Vincent, Cait Sith, Yuffie and Red XIII were fun... everyone else... can just die... and no, fuck that Meteor crap, that was just bogus... really? REALLY?! the greatest goddamn weapon in the world, BESIDES THE SUPERBEINGS CALLED 'WEAPONS' is a fucking giant rock?!

i'm done... i'm just done with this bs...

*drops controller and walks away*

oh wait, right... *turns back* why did i beat it? just so i could KNOW it was fucking horrible... everyone at the time was raving about this game, and i'd played and beat my favorite god-level three of the time (Parasite Eve, Xenogears, and Legend of Dragoon) and while no one knew what I was talking about, i knew Final Fantasy 7 because everyone was like 'its the greatest thing ever!!'... yea, no... those three game *points* they're the greatest things ever and set up my standards in gaming... FF7 can burn and die, and no, no one can ever say i don't know what i'm talking about because i beat that game... thoroughly and with a flaming wooden stick -.-

so yes, i beat and stuck through this TERRIBLE game just for the principle to say i did and having a valid reason for fucking hating it...


Arcade Hero X

New member
Jan 17, 2010
Ikasury said:
Holy shit man thats alot of hate but I have to say that the final sephiroth is not a 1 shot{unless you count the form after the one winged angel). But in order to get the knights of the round you need the gold chocobo and if you got that fair fucking play cos from experience its not easy(even if you beat ruby weapon for it)

Also I thought vincent's story was awesome was a shame he was a missable character. My main point is you get all that wanky adolescent angst in every final fantasy not just 7 its not for everyone, Personally I found every FF up to 9 were awesome then slid downhill from 10 which was good but not great.

Story aside the game had the best magic/ability system with the meteria. But I get why you would hate it, it wasn't for everyone. I loved it and would definately play a HD remake of it no problem but for some reason I let FF away with the silly and childish characters more readily then I would any other JRPG.

PS. that tower defence part of the condor was awesome one of my favourite parts.

Troublesome Lagomorph

The Deadliest Bunny
May 26, 2009
Hmm. Let's see...
* The Prince of Persia reboot. I hated that game so much I gave it to a friend. For free. Just to get rid of it.
* Halo 4. Plot was a mess, didn't have the signature sci-fi scenery porn for most of the game, was kinda repetitive. Only played through cause co-op with a friend.
* MW2. I payed $60 for that shit. Fuck me.
* Fable 2. I had high hopes for you, man.
* Test Drive Offroad. Stiff and unresponsive controls are really, really frustrating when you're a child.

Games I didn't manage to get all the way through.
* Dragon Age 2. UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH. Stopped right before the whole uprising thing.
* Fable 3. Got to the shadow of doom thing, thought it was pretty good. Then came the boring ass king part where you had an "OMG SO EVIL!!!!!" option and a "YOU'RE A SAINT!!!" option. And the evil one made your kingdom not get totally fucked up by the shadow of doom thing. And the only way to counter that was to griiiiiiiiiiiind until you had shittons of money to put in the treasury... Once I figured that out, I dropped that game. I didn't even want to buy it, but my sister wanted it so she got it for me.

Special mention goes to Alpha Protocol, which I can't bring myself to get passed the second mission. I payed $2 and I wish I hadn't bought it.


New member
Sep 4, 2008
Divinity 2: Ego Draconis.

So guess what? You've been working for the badguy the whole time and you end up locked in a crystal. Buy our next game to get a satisfying ending! No thanks, go die in a fire. Also you get to transform into a dragon, and yet as a Dragon you can't really go anywhere, and are easily killable, and all cities have dragon killing auras around them, so being a dragon is basicly pointless.


New member
Feb 6, 2013

I kept hearing in a few places that they were good games, so I decided to purchase one of them.
I didn't like it much at all. Sure, the visuals were impressive, but the damn thing felt like a chore to get through. The shooting wasn't very fun, and neither was the climbing, which was always either too obvious or extremely vague. Not to mention the whole twist at the end that went all "resident evil" on my ass. The enemies were annoying (all 2-3 of them) and they could hit a goddamn fly with pistol from 300 yards away. It also seemed a bit too short as well.

And don't even get me started on those fucking wave runner controls...


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Sonic 06
Do I need to say anything about the Bad Controls, Bad Gameplay, Bad Story, Bad Technical issues, or anything else?


New member
Mar 1, 2011
King Kong, the game of the movie. That game was so awful and painful for me to play, I took 9 months to complete it. I could only play a level or so each month, man I fucking hate that game.
or Inversion, a game so bland, so devoid of creativity and personality I forgot most things about it.
Read the plot synopsis on Wikipedia for a good laugh
Terrible, honourable mention for Borderlands, the game isn't bad per se, just really bored me. I found the story dull, the combat dull, the world dull and even the kerazy weapons dull. The sequel was better all round but was to meme happy and dumb. It was a big improvement all round but I was still bored a few hours in


New member
Jan 3, 2011
Final Fantasy 7: Don;t get me wrong, the game is fun but unholy zombie Jebus is sepherorth a lame villain. He wants to destroy the world because...argle flargle blargle. He doesn;t have motivation for ending the world, and I beat the game 100% maxed every spell got every summon, ever characters limit break, all the weaspons, Emerald and ruby weapon, the Golden Saucer and well the game explains it, seppy boy was just a bad villain, he's not worth it, you didn't have to kill him, when a swift kick upside the heqad would have done the same thing.

Captain Planet and the Planeteers (NES): Dear lord this game is painful, and 9 year old me, sat through and beat the whole game...just watch a GOOD playthrough of this game and you'll see.

Ocarina of Time: Again, put down the pitchforks, the game isn't bad and yes I played it before majora's mask on the N64. It was a fun game, it just wasn't the massive world shaking game everyone thought it was. I played A link to the Past and I made tons of references between the two and I thought with the exception of the final boss battle, ALttP was the better game. More items, less confusing, a deeper and better story and more importantly your character was competent enough to have a big enough wallet to held all his rupee's to start. Also your character didn't have to digging up a bigger bag of bombs or find a bigger golf bag to hold arrows in, they were magically increased in size as opposed to some flimsy reason that the stores couldn't just sell Link a bigger bag/quiver.

FF7 and OoT aren't bad i just hated them for the reason above, then again I really loved the fatal frame, warioware, professor layton, rhythm Thief and other such odd games, and I of course willing beat Captain Planet and Fun House so maybe I'll just go sit in the corner and think about what I've done.


New member
Dec 7, 2012
I've never had this problem since I usually drop a game if I feel like its a piece of shit. I have had several situations where I've beaten (and enjoyed) a game that I'll freely admit was pretty bad but I continued playing because of a certain aspect of the game that I really liked.


New member
Jun 28, 2013
Diablo 3

Completed Inferno solo just after patch 1.0.3 dropped. Hated that stupid Auction House simulator, and have no idea why I bothered spending a couple months finishing it. Sold all my gear after clearing inferno and made back the $60 I spend on the game and have never opened up the game again.

I've beaten a bunch of unpopular/poor games in the past but Diablo 3 is the only one I can think of that I completed that I definitely did not like.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Way back before I actually had a disposable income to buy better games, I had Kane & Lynch 2, completed it through on the hardest difficulty setting with the last mission being the most arduous, painful experience of my gaming life. That section alone took more than four hours to complete...it's about a 10-minutes level.

I'd consider myself relatively good at video games, although that was just ridiculous.

Gory Maestro

New member
Mar 18, 2011
Star Wars The Force Unleashed 2
Went in with great expectations, felt same with the previous one, waaay repetitive and a horrible story to sum it up...
Regret every minute with it...


New member
May 15, 2013
Arcade Hero X said:
Ikasury said:
Holy shit man thats alot of hate but I have to say that the final sephiroth is not a 1 shot{unless you count the form after the one winged angel). But in order to get the knights of the round you need the gold chocobo and if you got that fair fucking play cos from experience its not easy(even if you beat ruby weapon for it)

Also I thought vincent's story was awesome was a shame he was a missable character. My main point is you get all that wanky adolescent angst in every final fantasy not just 7 its not for everyone, Personally I found every FF up to 9 were awesome then slid downhill from 10 which was good but not great.

Story aside the game had the best magic/ability system with the meteria. But I get why you would hate it, it wasn't for everyone. I loved it and would definately play a HD remake of it no problem but for some reason I let FF away with the silly and childish characters more readily then I would any other JRPG.

PS. that tower defence part of the condor was awesome one of my favourite parts.
supped up hero's drink, maxed out everything to get the maximum power in a summon, Knights of the Round... Sephiroth dead -.- each form... i even redid and killed each form in one shot with Tifa cause her stack Overdrive... i know FF7 with acute precision because of how much hate i have for it... same as i know everything about Xenogears because of my love for it...

i would play a remake for the graphics and because i like Vincent and Yuffie (the two OPTIONAL characters that i feel had more character then the rest thrown together)... and to see if it still makes me hate so much...

Personally i love FF10 and by extension 10-2, i'm very meh to the rest of them so far and find 13 annoying because they pretty much used every cliche up their sleeve in the first hour of the game... and for an FF title that's just sad...

the materia system was interesting... but between XG and LOD systems its meh... and it all gets blown up once you get summons, especially KotR, seriously, have the doubler, KotR and go make a sandwich everything will be dead when you get back...

FF7 is the most generic of generic JRPGs and pretty much set the standard for western expectations, THAT is why its popular, its not 'good' and hell no is it 'great' its just nice grey puddy everyone likes to play with...

Arcade Hero X

New member
Jan 17, 2010
Ikasury said:
Arcade Hero X said:
Ikasury said:
FF7 is the most generic of generic JRPGs and pretty much set the standard for western expectations, THAT is why its popular, its not 'good' and hell no is it 'great' its just nice grey puddy everyone likes to play with...
I don't want to get into a full on argument with you but I have to point this out. How can you call FF7 generic when I came out before pretty much every other JRPG of it's type, So by that logic it was fresh and original...when it came out so yeah if you played it after 1997 yeah it would be generic because alot of other studios wanted to emulate the success of FF7 so copied its format to death.

Anyway you have your reasons for hating it and I'm not arrogant enough to think I could change your mind of it after 1 comment on a forum but as a self confessed FF7 fan boy I'd have to at least speak up in its defense.

The Night Shade

New member
Oct 15, 2009
Indigo prophecy: I really like the beginning and the style of the game but at the end is like some weird matrix rip off)

Resident Evil 4:Is not really that good, very overrated game the camera sucks, the enemies are very cliche and some of them move like zombies when they are not really zombies, and half-way trough the game it gets really easy i had like 20 green herbs in my inventory and 2 fully upgraded weapons with a lot of ammo and the infinite rocket launcher with makes any exciting fight boring (but i like the boss fights anyway especially when you're on the boat shooting spears at the giant monster fish) and it has so much padding the game has a few fun sections but most of them are tedious and boring

Mass effect 3: I didn't like the first one,I loved the second and the third game just sucks and not just for the ending (it was disappointing but that didn't ruined the game for me)i don't know why but i just didn't care for this one.


New member
Feb 6, 2013

Man oh man I did NOT like that game. The controls were clunky, the story was rubbish, there was absolutely NO character development, terrible voice acting. I finished it because there was this ONE badass level- the one where you have to dispose of the twins in their whorehouse. That was a blast. Big map, lots of exploration, broad daylight, and a BUNCH of different ways to do the deed. Felt like a total badass, and it reminded me of some of the Hitman series' best moments. Everything else let me down.

LA Noir.

I'm a huge noir fan, and a big adventure game fan, but this game just didn't feel like a game. I kept hoping the story would go somewhere, that at the end maybe they'd pick up the Black Dahlia thread again, but no. Just BS.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
I'm torn between Duke Nukem Forever and E.T. for the Atari 2600.

E.T. is pretty awful, but not as henious as everyone makes it out to be. That, and I played it specifically because I knew it would suck.

Now, Duke Nukem Forever, on the other hand, took a franchise and a character I love and sucked them dry of everything that made me enjoy them. It was bad for me, and I just got into the Duke Nukem series a couple years ago. I can't imagine what it must've been like for the people who waited 12 years for it.