Worst movie ever


New member
Nov 15, 2008
Although I could go on all day; I can sum it up by saying White Noise.
I don't know why but ever since I first saw it I've devoted my life to name dropping it whenever somebody so much as mentions the words "bad" and "movie" in the same sentence.

There's a sequel I've yet to see.
I can't say I ever will because I fear by the end I will be left resembling the victims of the videotape from The Ring.


New member
Sep 5, 2008
Any of the movies on Sci-Fi at 3 in the morning. The one that comes to mind was 'Bone Reaper' or something. It didn't even attempt to make sense.


New member
Nov 1, 2008
What about "KISS meets the Phantom of the Park"?
(That's KISS, as in the rock band...)

Anton P. Nym

New member
Sep 18, 2007
Cid SilverWing said:
I thought "Distaster Movie" was the one and only nominated THE worst movie in movie history supposedly for containing so much insurmountable stupidity etc that it could have given birth to a new law that effectively bans anyone from even proposing opuses that horrible.
IMDB agrees with you [http://www.imdb.com/chart/bottom]; at least at the moment I post this it's rated as the worst movie of all time by members and has reached the "covetted" rank of #1 on their "bottom 100" list. The rest of the list has some pretty awful stinkers too.

I'm relieved to say that I have only seen one film on that list, and not even in its entirety; Battlefield Earth was on the late show on TV and after about 15 minutes it had cured my insomnia.

-- Steve


New member
Nov 9, 2008
galletea said:
MsDevin92 said:
Joel Shumocker's (or however you spell it) Batman and Robin. You know, the one where Mr. Freeze and Poison Ivy team up?
Never just watch whatever pops up on the movie channel after your mom falls asleep on her sick day, it will kill you.

Also, the Super Mario Brothers movie. My poor plumber childhood icons...ruined cinematically. Forever. And five bucks says that movie is why Princess Daisy doesn't get anymore mainstream roles in the games.

What!? How can you not like Batman and Robin? And Super Mario Bros is one of the best videogame movies there is. Granted that isn't saying much.
It was WAY too cheesy. Mr. Freeze made so many ice puns that I wanted to unplug his super-suit in hopes it would terminate his villainous-taunting-syndrome.

...Or was that sarcasm?


Inexplicably Awesome
Sep 27, 2008
MsDevin92 said:
galletea said:
What!? How can you not like Batman and Robin? And Super Mario Bros is one of the best videogame movies there is. Granted that isn't saying much.
It was WAY too cheesy. Mr. Freeze made so many ice puns that I wanted to unplug his super-suit in hopes it would terminate his villainous-taunting-syndrome.

...Or was that sarcasm?
No for once I mean it. The cheese it what made that film fun. It's bad but in a hilarious fashion. After Batman Forever I really enjoyed it, it kinda reminded me of the older comics.


New member
Oct 28, 2008
My pick has definitely got to be the movie Hobgoblins. Holy shit was that movie bad.

For those interested in watching the MST3K version, check it out:



New member
Nov 11, 2008
Ever see The Curse of El Charro? So terrible, I sat through the whole movie wishing that everyone, stupid machete wielding killer included, would die in a nuclear explosion.

Edit: As has been said before, the freeze puns in Batman and Robin were crappy, but I loved them...No idea why, but puns make me laugh.