WoW Player Claims Kicked from Guild for Being Deaf


New member
Jan 4, 2009
I could understand the guild leader's point of view is it was a world class rading guild trying to get world first boss kills, however his guild clearly wasn't.

If the deaf guy in question hadn't heard something over vent and caused a wipe, would it really be that hard to write a sentence to tell him what he did wrong in the time it takes to get ressurected?

It's a shame that there are dickheads like that in the game, but unfortunately it's inevitable in a playerbase of several million.

I hope that he finds a better guild and can continue playing the game in a better environment.

Johnny Impact

New member
Aug 6, 2008
To OP: If you're on Stormrage (I know, about 0.23% chance), talk to Lyshan about joining Circle of Blame. That's not me, it's my brother, so unfortunately I can't guarantee you a place.


Thread killer
Nov 20, 2009
Ok this depresses me. Not for the situation of the deaf kid, which I agree wholeheartedly the kid got shafted without even the courtesy of a reach around.

What depresses me is the constant notion of "its quicker and easier to coordinate via vent" that keeps getting re-expressed.

Seriously, most of these "hardcore" players in WoW (I still say thats like being the biggest badass in kindergarten, but another issue all together) have been at this for well over 5 years and have not been able to develop a typing speed equivalent to speech? Hell I can type just as quick as I can speak and I can read just as quick. Im almost afraid to assume that these "hardcore" people lack the ability to figure out how to filter their chat properly, cause thats the only logical explanation I can come up with.

Seriously.. if you need Voice chat, because you are so illiterate that you cant keep up in reading or writing, then perhaps you shouldn't be pretending your billy badass in a game based upon a text based framework.

Sorry, the notion and acceptance of voice chat strikes a nerve of how lazy people can be.

EDIT: OT: You know I cant tell you how many raids I have ran and been a part of that bottomed out at least 25 man upwards of 150 man raids that never once had need of voice chat. So why is it that its a "requirement" in this day and age?


New member
Jun 12, 2009
reminds me of my aspergers. my real friends abandoned me because i had it. and last month i had some al sharpton wannabe mumbling to me(i also have a hearing inpairment due to the aspergers) and when i asked him what he said he flys off the handle saying im not allowed to say the word what to him. then he tells the manager that i was being racist to him, douchebag gets a gift card and i get written up.

theres no justice for the disabled


Jun 17, 2009
The guild sounded like a bunch of dicks so honestly it's probably for the best that he was kicked out now instead of having to put up with them later. This really isn't a sad story, people are dicks and one guy got kicked out of a group of dicks, the end.


Oct 6, 2009
Well, this is sad, but, it is just a game, he's bound to find a much better guild that will take him and that's better than the guilds he's been applying for.


Jun 17, 2009
poiumty said:
Sorry, the notion and acceptance of voice chat strikes a nerve of how lazy people can be.
Your post reeks of ignorance. I don't know if you're some sort of Jackie Chan of the keyboard, but i haven't seen one person alive who can type as fast as they speak. Then there's the point of having your eyes focused on the chat window, and considering that you already have at least 5 points of the screen on which you need to be focused (more or less, depending on class: threat meters, boss mods, positioning, ground effects, health bars, mana, rotation, temporary auras, dispelling, interrupts, cooldowns). There's no need for any assurance on me knowing that you haven't raided even once in wow, so i'll say this: raids aren't some point-and-click games where you press 2 buttons and it's over. And typing, no matter how fast you are at it, disables movement. If an aoe hits you while you're typing, you're a lot more likely to die.

Sure, you don't need voice chat for the more casual things in wow like instances or group quests. Raids and pvp tend to be pretty heavy on the micro though.
I second that, Viranimus has no idea about what he was talking about... (btw, what anime is your avatar from?)


New member
Jul 9, 2009
Littlee300 said:
I hope they mass-report the guild leader because WoW bans you if you get reported before investigating.

Edit: What is the guild leaders name and server? Just out of curiosity of course!
Sorry I don't have the Guild Leader's name but the server is a US one, Llane if I'm not mistaken. I checked the original post and dug a little into there, if I can find the previous guild(s) he was in, I could likely find the Guild Leader's Name. Unfortunately, I know what kind of damage could be done against the guy if I found that, so I'm sorry but I won't investigate further than this. I'd hate to be responsible for a verbal beatdown.


Exterminas said:
Oh, well sure the could be nicer but would any kind of other group acted any different?
If I join a soccer team for average players, but don't have any legs, they probably won't let me play or join in the first place.

There are teams for handicapped people out there, because they have any right to do what they want without any restrictions. But the same thing goes for people without disabilites. So that's why special needs teams exist.

There are guilds out there that don't use vent. He should have researched one of those instead of joining an average guild and counting on the empathy and flexibility of an internet-group. Sad but true, I think.
You've probably been quoted a lot but I wanted to add:

He wasn't born deaf, it was stemmed from an accident, which I think is significant, the worst part is he was friends with these people for a long time before his accident and was kicked out afterwards. Some friends.


Arehexes said:
Did anyone who read this notice this part?

Its become that most people i thought were my friends just didn't want to deal with me anymore as i had become inconvenient. I felt more alone than ever.

Isn't it more sad that people he thought was his friend in real life don't want to be his friend because of his hearing problems. More so then a group of people he seem to never have met before.
I too noticed that, but as a person who has closer friends online and have met (there was never an indication he never met them, he mentioned an RL raid, which I believe is a lan-based raid in one area), it's pretty sad no matter what part you look at.


RaikuFA said:
reminds me of my aspergers. my real friends abandoned me because i had it. and last month i had some al sharpton wannabe mumbling to me(i also have a hearing inpairment due to the aspergers) and when i asked him what he said he flys off the handle saying im not allowed to say the word what to him. then he tells the manager that i was being racist to him, douchebag gets a gift card and i get written up.

theres no justice for the disabled
That's horrible. I'm sorry you had to endure that. >_< A collective "people suck" is appropriate but there's just as many considerate and tolerant people as there are douchebags. It's just sad that the douchebags get the most attention.

Edit: I think have enough responses in one post. Haven't read every post, I didn't think this would explode into three pages as it did.


New member
Sep 18, 2008
Vent sucks, mumble ftw

but ... he researches so why being an ass over a voice IP program :S that guild leader is a major dick...

Doctor Glocktor

New member
Aug 1, 2009
While that is a dick move...

I can understand where the guild leader was coming from. The new content is REALLY DAMN HARD; Vent is required to do it, nothing more. While it could have been handled better; I can at least see both sides of the argument.


New member
Aug 3, 2009
Exterminas said:
Wakefield said:
Exterminas said:
Oh, well sure the could be nicer but would any kind of other group acted any different?
If I join a soccer team for average players, but don't have any legs, they probably won't let me play or join in the first place.
But they'd let you play if you were deaf.

Seriously being deaf isn't like having no legs. Having legs is completely vital to play Soccer. Being Deaf is just a minor inconvenience like being deaf and playing soccer. Its not crippling.
It's called an analogy.

Hearing is as vital for mid-level-raiding as legs are for soccer. Real pros play without vent, as do total scrubs. But since 99% of all players don't fall within these two categories I saw fit to make the comparisson.
I understand what an analogy is...

You can raid without ears, you can't play soccer without legs. But I guess were just not going to see eye to eye on this. So I will just agree to disagree.


New member
Apr 21, 2010
poiumty said:
Sorry, the notion and acceptance of voice chat strikes a nerve of how lazy people can be.
Your post reeks of ignorance. I don't know if you're some sort of Jackie Chan of the keyboard, but i haven't seen one person alive who can type as fast as they speak. Then there's the point of having your eyes focused on the chat window, and considering that you already have at least 5 points of the screen on which you need to be focused (more or less, depending on class: threat meters, boss mods, positioning, ground effects, health bars, mana, rotation, temporary auras, dispelling, interrupts, cooldowns). There's no need for any assurance on me knowing that you haven't raided even once in wow, so i'll say this: raids aren't some point-and-click games where you press 2 buttons and it's over. And typing, no matter how fast you are at it, disables movement. If an aoe hits you while you're typing, you're a lot more likely to die.

Sure, you don't need voice chat for the more casual things in wow like instances or group quests. Raids and pvp tend to be pretty heavy on the micro though.
If i can heal general vezax heroic severely stoned and tripping on acid, a deaf guy is more than capable of dps'ing any fight in the game pre-cata.

I can't speak for cataclysm because i gave up a while ago after clearing all current content (server second, faction first), but i can't imagine blizz have made raiding any harder than wotlk, which was a fucking joke.

Seriously, so long as this guy researches his fights and isn't a tit, he's more than capable of dps'ing. Vent is only required for when things go wrong, or more specifically, when people do something wrong. Tanks and to a lesser extent healers may need to communicate, but as dps you can happily spend the entire fight in your own little world, so long as you're doing the dps and not standing in the fire. I just can't think of a single boss fight pre-cata where a single dps not being available on vent would jeopardise the raid, so long as that dps isn't a dribbling idiot. If the guy was a healer or tank, it's really no issue to gear up an alt, especially with the recent release of cata.

Sure, it's not ideal, but for a friend of 4 years exceptions can easily be made.


The Resident Team ICO Fanboy
May 14, 2009
As bad as this is. I can probably see why he would get kicked out. Raids require lots of communication, and venting (I assume it's voice chat. Correct me if I'm wrong, I've quit WOW long before I was ever high enough to participate in raids.) is simply a better way of managing the team than typing.

That said, I'm pretty sure there must've been some way this guy could've helped out in raids without needing to use voice chat. Researching a level beforehand sounds like a perfectly good thing to do.

Doctor Glocktor

New member
Aug 1, 2009
Shpongled said:
poiumty said:
Sorry, the notion and acceptance of voice chat strikes a nerve of how lazy people can be.
Your post reeks of ignorance. I don't know if you're some sort of Jackie Chan of the keyboard, but i haven't seen one person alive who can type as fast as they speak. Then there's the point of having your eyes focused on the chat window, and considering that you already have at least 5 points of the screen on which you need to be focused (more or less, depending on class: threat meters, boss mods, positioning, ground effects, health bars, mana, rotation, temporary auras, dispelling, interrupts, cooldowns). There's no need for any assurance on me knowing that you haven't raided even once in wow, so i'll say this: raids aren't some point-and-click games where you press 2 buttons and it's over. And typing, no matter how fast you are at it, disables movement. If an aoe hits you while you're typing, you're a lot more likely to die.

Sure, you don't need voice chat for the more casual things in wow like instances or group quests. Raids and pvp tend to be pretty heavy on the micro though.
If i can heal general vezax heroic severely stoned and tripping on acid, a deaf guy is more than capable of dps'ing any fight in the game pre-cata.

I can't speak for cataclysm because i gave up a while ago after clearing all current content (server second, faction first), but i can't imagine blizz have made raiding any harder than wotlk, which was a fucking joke.

Seriously, so long as this guy researches his fights and isn't a tit, he's more than capable of dps'ing. Vent is only required for when things go wrong, or more specifically, when people do something wrong. Tanks and to a lesser extent healers may need to communicate, but as dps you can happily spend the entire fight in your own little world, so long as you're doing the dps and not standing in the fire. I just can't think of a single boss fight pre-cata where a single dps not being available on vent would jeopardise the raid, so long as that dps isn't a dribbling idiot. If the guy was a healer or tank, it's really no issue to gear up an alt, especially with the recent release of cata.

Sure, it's not ideal, but for a friend of 4 years exceptions can easily be made.
The problem is Cataclysm raiding is harder. MUCH harder. Because of that, theres going to be alot more wipes and mistakes. Which is why vent is so necessary to prevent that. Wrath was piss easy; and its showing.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Assholes will be assholes. Ah well, Karma Bitches!
[sub]Oh the irony[/sub]