ciortas1 said:
What makes me reinforce my opinion is the fact that you've been defending your beloved japanese culture with probably more than 10 posts in this thread alone, which really is saying something.
Yep, and I defended Bioware games with more than 100 posts on the appropriate thread. So what?
I happen to have an opinion, that comes from experiencing both gaming culture to the fullest, that's the exact contrary of a bias.
And having a picture of Cracker ass Crackers makes me someone who doesn't push their preferred art style to other people with their avatar (because everyone who has an anime character as their avatar is shouting I LOVE ANIME), but rather a picture that represents what I am in a way, a cracker ass cracker.
Oh yeah, because chosing an avatar over another means "pushing one's preferred art styles to other people". Crap, me having my own Dragon Age character as an avatar on the Bioware forum must mean that I'm trying to hit on the girls around there with how damn handsome my virtual single player self is...
So, are you trying to make me fat, by pushing crackers to me?
PS: I love SOME anime, and some others (the one that most happen to love, like Dragonball, Pokemon, Naruto...) i hate to bits. You know, as a consumer I watch something and then make an informed choice on liking it or not, wherever it comes from. It's called having a brain and using it
SI mean it makes you overlook their flaws, which is what we're arguing about here, aren't we?
What you can perceive as flaws, others can perceive as strong points, or neutral points. It's called
taste. There's no thing as an objective opinion over most of what you define flaws, because they are different styles that cater to different people.
There are very few things that can be objectively defined as quality or lack of thereof, and even then just partly. Graphics, Music (from a technical standpoint), animation, quality of texturing... And all those, mind you, are undeniably top notch in Final Fantasy XIII.
Now this is where you begin to sound misguided to me. Do you really think you need to actually live in Japan to understand the culture of the japanese? No, I do not to see cosplayers walking around on the streets to know that they exist, and no, nothing that I experience for myself in Japan, or anywhere else for that matter, that I saw people do, will somehow make me appreciate it. It's like saying you have to experience a life in a concentration camp to know how hard it was for people to get by in there.
I'm sorry, but understanding a completely different culture based on a completely different history and evolution takes a tad more than seeing a few things on TV. Even living there for a while it's still difficult to grasp all the nuances. Looking at how narrow minded and close minded you seem, you probably wouldn't understand even after 100 years of costant exposure, to be honest.
the Japan lovers far outnumber those who don't. Also, don't act like you haven't seen anything else Yahtzee reviewed. He tears ANYTHING apart
I've seen quite a bit. Most of the times he tries to, at least, make sense while still exaggerating. This time he gave his worst.