You now have three no strings attached wishes.


Obfuscated Information
Jun 4, 2009
Simple extended life. Not infinite but rediculouly long like centuries with proportional aging. That should give me enough time to complete all I want to achieve.
I guess a million bucks to start my business and pay off family debt wouldn't hurt.
And immunity from cancer and heart disease.

I will make the world a better place.

Jack O'Shea

New member
Jul 17, 2011
for the ability to bring my thoughts and ideas into reality on command (so i think about something and it appears or i think of how something works and the laws of physics change to make it true)
for all my friends and family to get a wish
and the genies freedom


New member
Nov 17, 2009

A weird form of immortality. (Like, a normal lifespan but without ageing or having to worry about dying from things like being shot.)

Infinite wealth.

All the other things I want in life, I can get on my own, but these things are kind of out of my reach.


Jan 5, 2010
1, Shapeshifting (full transformation, full control over my own body while retaining my intellect: gives an assortment of powers including flight.)
2, Regeneration (Wolverine style, comes with hugely increased longevity and immunity to poisons and diseases.)
3, Phasing (Just too useful. No need to worry about becoming trapped or barriers: syncs with flight very well.)


New member
Jun 24, 2010
The ability to go to sleep and wake up immediately whenever I want.
A bigger Penis. (Because, that's why!)
And the ownership of the Coka Cola Company.

With that last one, I would not only earn a shit ton of money, but also be entitled to an unlimited supply of Diet Coke.


New member
Apr 1, 2011
Matthew94 said:
Power of a god
Everyone, if you want a power of your choosing, just get this one, it gives any and all powers you want since your a god *if ominpetent* you can change whatever you like to fit yourself, including own body.

Wish for Infinite Wishes, then just wish for these 3, + 1 more if Shape Shifting is not what I want.

Saves, why not, bad day, reload the save.

Save reload, saving is one wish, however reloading a save is another wish.

Manifest Self, full body manipulation of said thing, this includes the ability to, if I form into my younger self, I become my younger self. Vice Versa if I become a animal, if I become a animal, I completely CHANGE into that animal, so strength of a tiger and ETC. Not sure how to word this, would it be shape manipulation or body morphing, shape shifting. I can also fly using this.

Also, most people are cheating, wishing for 1 thing, however the request being 2 things, you evil bastards.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
1) Power to bend Space itself to my very whim
2) Power to bend Time itself to my very whim
3) Other sentient beings, and many other things people thought were myths, will be discovered/created(but slowly over time as not to create too much chaos)


New member
Jan 23, 2011
An infinite, tax exempt, legal source of money
Invincibility (that means I'd also be immortal)
Superman-like flight. God, that'd so amazing.

With that, I'd be set. The combination of invincibility and infinite money will give me the resources and time to create a TARDIS and become The Doctor for real. Hell yeah.


New member
Mar 4, 2009
-I wish for the ability to selectively manifest myself. As in, I can be immortal, choose to die, then come back later. This also means teleportation, shapeshifting, any anything else regarding my physical form and it's dimensions, position and current absolute location in space-time.

-Of course, the ability to manipulate the whole of reality to my will instantaneously.

-Infinite capacity for knowledge, but not infinite knowledge. Basically a brain with unlimited potential, but that only has my current thoughts, memories and personality. This is so I have something to do, and don't get bored. It'll also mean that, despite my godlike power, I'll still be able to be surprised, to have fun, etc.


New member
May 24, 2010
I wish for the ability to do anything and everything, even if it's impossible, simply by an inherent ability to detect the importance of a given thought.

And I'll save my two other wishes for friends, pre-paid gift card style.


New member
Dec 5, 2011
this a loop hole or against the rules :p You say "You cannot wish for more wishes"
but yet you can wish to be ruler of earth, hence making you presidents CEOs of major company's you are the military you are the police you own everything you run everything that literally millions of wishes lol!

Like if you wished to be president you'd have to specify which one and that's one wish.

My one and only wish is I wish there was no paradoxes lol


New member
Feb 8, 2011
Knowledge, all of it, ever. I want the the power to form a question and then immediately know the answer, even if the question is whats the question that I need to ask to know this?
Power, the ability to make my will become reality despite the laws of reality and casuality (this one might not work since its essentially wishing for infinite wishes so lets just the ability to control space?
Time, all of it, ever, I want complete and absolute control of time from the beginning to end of this universe.


New member
Apr 2, 2008
- a high five
- the ability to whistle
- God level power to alter reality and create new ones as I see fit. So i can implant my self in an entertaining one without my god powers (unless i feel like it's necessary) and see how things work out compared to how i thought they would.

making the genie or what the hell is granting it ever the more surprised when I drop the last wish


New member
May 19, 2010
1) Permanent Reincarnation; whenever I wish to, I can reincarnate myself with whatever age/gender/race that I wish. By race, I mean that I can reincarnate as anything that exists throughout Reality. Should I be killed, I will instantly reincarnate with the wounds healed.

2) Knowledge of every race in Reality as well as their cultures, as well as know everything about their technology and their abilities should they have any.

3) The ability to grant my three wishes to a SINGLE PERSON in all of Reality that I deem suitable to have my powers. That person will have myself look over them in the form of a ghost until I deem them worthy enough to use my powers without supervision.

The first two are quite powerful if you think about it, especially if I know EVERYTHING about everything in Reality. Thus turning me into a being akin to a God, while being technically immortal as long as I stay out of the middle of Stars or anything that could keep killing me infinity.

The last one, is for if I ever get tired of my abilities and wish to pass on. I would give it to someone, but I would want to make sure that the person would use my abilities would use them with caution.



New member
Mar 13, 2010
1. unlimited wealth
2. shape shifting (body only, not clothes, i dont want to be tired and remove an article of clothing that after removal turns back into whatever i transformed to get it)
3. my dream girl

William Ossiss

New member
Apr 8, 2010
when i am about to die, i become an infant somewhere in the world, with all the knowledge i know now, that gets found immediately in a different country, place or plane of existence (note: see wish ).

That id be able to go into what ever reality that i could think of or see.

The abillity to learn a skill at an incredible pace.