Your childhood game!


New member
Aug 3, 2011
Creatures 2 and Turrican 2 on the C64. Syndicate and Frontier Elite 2 on Amiga. I do wish they would start releasing these era games as xbox arcade downloads.

A BigCup of Tea

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Nov 19, 2009
Well i'm going to go with the first game i ever played which was alec the kidd (or is it alex i can never remember) so many hours drained on that game just because i could not get past one level!


New member
Dec 13, 2011
i always loved the oddworld: abes oddesy / abes exodus i dont know why? they were old when i was a kid


Hmm.. what's this button do?
Nov 2, 2009
xXxJessicaxXx said:
For anyone that knows me and my taste in games this would sound ridiculously weird, but the Strike games...Urban Strike, Jungle Strike etc.

I was so hooked on those as a little girl.

I'm not sure there is many games around that have similar game play. Isometric helicopter shooter and occasional ground sections where you would like run through a warehouse and rescue someone. Of course I could be wrong.

There is a newer game on steam that is kind of like a cross between the strike series and jackal (if you remember that).


Do the buttwalk!
Mar 11, 2009
The one and only.

Not only was it one of the most fun games I've ever played, but it also served as a peacekeeper in our household. No matter how bad the fighting between me and my little brother got, taking this game for a spin together always got us to make up.

Mr Fixit

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Oct 22, 2008
The Legend of Zelda, Super Mario Bros 1,2 & 3 & Genghis Khan. I love my NES.....

Rosalia Nightsong

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Nov 10, 2011
LittleBlondeGoth said:
There were a few on my Amiga that took over my spare time...

XCom UFO Enemy Unknown was one of the biggest, I could lose hours on that. Still can, in all fairness. A lot of the old platformers like Zool were nail bitingly gripping as well, since you only had a finite number of lives and you were desperate not to lose them. Though I'm certain I got through a number of joysticks with those. Then there was the humungous timesink that was the Ultima series. And Populous II. And Cadaver, one of the best games I've ever played.
I am sure you have heard, then, that they are remaking X-Com as XCOM? Should be interesting.

On Topic: Definitely Zelda. Specifically OoT. I remember the very first Zelda game I played was the original one on the gold cartridge for the NES. I got so lost and gave up. Then I played OoT and absolutely loved it, took my new-found knowledge of the way Zelda games are structured, and went back and played the original Zelda.

Pinhead Larry

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Jan 9, 2012
The Big Boss said:
Pinhead Larry said:
Dragon Warrior Monsters. I got it with my GBC and Pokemon Yellow, and I've loved Dragon Warrior/Quest ever since, it's been my favourite JRPG since I was 5. I recommend it for everyone that hasn't played it; it's stubbornly traditional, yes, but it's an amazing series.
Awesome, i thought i was the only one who loved that game. Spent hours playing this as a child than any pokemon game!
And I thought I was the only one that had ever heard of it! Everything about it was better than Pokemon, the music and sprites were unbelievable to my 5 year old eyes haha!


New member
Mar 24, 2011
darkdoom227 said:
I am sure you have heard, then, that they are remaking X-Com as XCOM? Should be interesting.
I have indeed. Not sure what to make of the idea, if I'm honest. To me, X-Com will always be the RTS style game that it was in the nineties, but then I'm old and actually enjoyed that kind of gameplay. The new one... Well, I'll probably give it a whirl and just try and forget about the X-Com portion of the title. :)

Rosalia Nightsong

New member
Nov 10, 2011
LittleBlondeGoth said:
I have indeed. Not sure what to make of the idea, if I'm honest. To me, X-Com will always be the RTS style game that it was in the nineties, but then I'm old and actually enjoyed that kind of gameplay. The new one... Well, I'll probably give it a whirl and just try and forget about the X-Com portion of the title. :)
It will definitely be interesting, to transition from the old Real-time Strategy version to a First-person shooter version. That is the part that scares me the most...

Chester Rabbit

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Dec 7, 2011
Though there are many games I would say were part of my child hood, none had me as hooked as Spyro The Dragon did.
That was the only game I ever faked sick to stay at home and play and that didn?t do me any good seeing as how it took me till 09 to finally perfectly beat that game.

And even now that I have found everything I am still coming back to it.

I love everything about this game from its hilarious characters/Enemies. To beautiful visuals and some wonderfully charming worlds that you can just let go and immerse yourself in. All of which is accompanied by a great soundtrack that helps give your mind that extra nudge into the gloriously flamboyant world of Spyro.

Max Hacker

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Jul 25, 2011
For me it´s The Legend of Zelda : Links Awakening

My First Zelda Game and probably the one thing that always reminds me of my childhood,
soley the main theme gives me chills.

hallow eyes

New member
Nov 19, 2009
Rune, I would go to my friends house we would fire up two old macs and play that game for hours.


New member
Feb 19, 2010
Rayman 3 Hoodlum Havok. Bought it for a tenner when I was just starting gaming when I was 7 or 8? Even though it is old and worn I'd class it as one of my favourite games of all time, though that's probably because I was 7 and I am now wearing my rose-tinted glasses :/.


New member
Feb 20, 2009
Combustion Kevin said:
Age of Empires, Golden edition.

And god did I suck at it.
Oh, I also played Age of Empires and Age of Empires II. How could I forget? Regicide all day every day.


New member
Oct 28, 2011
Mine was Super Metroid. I played through it so many times I could beat it with 100% and still do it fast enough to get Samus to strip down.

Aurora Firestorm

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May 1, 2008
hazabaza1 said:
Probably pokemon games as a young, young kid. Jet Force Gemini was good fun too.
You win for being the only other human being alive who has played Jet Force Gemini.

With that in mind, my games were Jet Force Gemini, Star Fox 64 (the only game I ever completionist-ed and was truly amazing at, like I spent all my stat points leveling that one up), Pokemon, Chrono Trigger.

Oh right, and anything Homeworld. (Including Cataclysm, which is my favorite.)