Your First Screamer


New member
Jun 2, 2009
Mine was the maze one.
I totally had that thing figured out and was about to win too.

Stupid screamer.


New member
Sep 17, 2007
Amnestic said:
McCa said:
Was I the only one who though orgasm on here?
You were not.
Jeez, when I hear "Screamers," youtube-BOO videos are not where my mind goes to first! I'm glad I'm also not the only one. :)

My first Boo-video (I will NOT call it a Screamer) was a few days before 9/11 (don't ask how I know the specifics on that). It was a short back and white vid, that promted the viewer to look closely in the mirror of this womans hall as she passed by it, and you'll see evidence of a ghost. It also said that if you turned up the volume a touch, you'd hear a whisper.

So I turned my my volume, leaned in close, and tried to spot this bugger. Three minutes go by, and I'm starting to lose interest. Suddenly BOO!!! I jolt back hard, turn down the volume, and close the browser with the same flurry of speed you'd have seen if my dad walked in on me with a girly mag. XD

I laughed and shook my head. I wouldn't be had so easily in the future. Sure enough, anything that says that you should turn up the volume and stare has my immediate skeptism.


New member
May 16, 2009
Gilbert Munch said:
I think the title says it all. If you have no idea what a screamer is, then I commend your good luck and advise you to leave the Internet.

Mine was one on AlbinoBlackSheep - Subliminal Messages. It was especially creepy as I had headphones on, and was about 9. I was so scared that I couldn't pull off my headphones, only look at the deformed face that had manifested itself on the screen of my computer. Eugh.
Is that the one that tells you to read the prayer or whatever, then flashes all the images of a deformed baby corpse at you?

If so, that was my first one too. I was so scared that I flew back in my chair and hit the wall behind me.


New member
Jul 2, 2009
Mine was the maze with that woman with loads of needles in her face I think. I was wearing headphones, it was dark and I ended up sort of slapping/pushing my monitor to try and block out the image xD Luckily it was a CRT.


New member
Dec 12, 2008
It was some stupid thing where it tells you to try and find the ghost in the commercial and then it SCREAMS while a grotesque face flashes on screen.

I think I punched my friend in the face after he showed me that.


New member
May 10, 2009
awatkins said:
I was presented with a very well-lit room and asked to find out what was wrong (odd) with it. I was wearing headphones, it was 2 am and I was sitting in an absolute absence of light, save the monitor. The face of a screaming womman appeard. Her eyes were completly black, exaggeratedly large (like an alien) and had razor sharp teeth surrounding the eyelids that pointed into the eyes. Her face was white, tinted bread-mold green.
I fell in love that night.
uhh... im starting to think you were just having nightmares about wiping on Yogg-Saron. just sayin...

Metric Monkey

New member
Jun 5, 2009
I was around six years old and it was a one with a room, and the person showing me it said "look for seven things wrong with this room".
[sup] Note to self : Don't let others show you an internet picture. [/sup]
And I also fell for many others that made me near crap myself.

General Ken8

New member
May 18, 2009
The scary maze
my parents showed it to me when i was like 8 or 9 and i cried lol
i didn't go downstairs by myself for a while after that


New member
May 10, 2009
On newgrounds, theres a game called ":the game", and one level called "Pshycotherapy the game", is scary as FUCKING HELL.

whats even scarier is that it has to do with pacman, something you thought was impossible to make scary... but holy hell... go play that game right now. robert moran, if you're reading this, TAKE MY ADVICE!!!

(gets put in ambulance in straight jacket, screams)


Jack of No Trades
May 16, 2008
McCa said:
Was I the only one who though orgasm on here?
Definitely not

OT, they've never really scared me.. Startled perhaps, but not like screaming "OMG IMSOSCARED!"

Dramatic Flare

Frightening Frolicker
Jun 18, 2008
I stared at the screen for about five seconds, then looked at the person who expected a response from me. "Did you think anything on the internet would scare me?"
I walked away.

No, some of the things that show up on newgrounds around Halloween are pretty creepy thought.