Your gaming "kryptonite"


Local Cat
Aug 15, 2008
Games that score how well you did at the end of the level. This has become much more obvious to me while playing Metal Gear Solid: Peacewalker. Mostly because I never get a decent score my first time through a level.

"C? Isn't that the lowest rank? What the hell do you want from me game, I got through the damn level."

It feels like the game is being petty. Like it's saying to me: "You suck, go back and do it right this time."

Sure it generally doesn't have much effect on the gameplay, (except that unlocking all the best stuff usually requires the best rank possible) but it just annoys me when the game feels like my way of playing is "wrong".


New member
Aug 30, 2010
Onyx Oblivion said:
Miles000 said:
Loading Screens that don't fit in.

At least Portal 2's loading screens made sense.
Mass Effect 2 somehow made me want the elevators back...
well, i didnt mind the elevators. perhaps im easily entertained. but yeah. crap loading screens especially if they are frequent are a real immersion breaker, and are just plain boring.

at least in call of duty they threw different quotes at you. was annoying when they were too long to read in the 5 seconds it took to load but whatever. least it was something.


New member
Apr 25, 2010
I agree with the boss battle thing.
No, Cave Story, I'm already weakened from fighting Misery. Please don't throw the Doctor at me.
I think frustration stems from a lack of checkpoints.
Take a few games at random:
1) Jett Rocket, my cousin's little S.M.G.-clone. I watched him painstakingly gather every little collectible in a level, only to get stun-locked off a bridge by an unseen enemy. This is controller-breakingly frustrating. Even though the game is easy as pie, having to redo an entire level for the eighth time is NEVER fun.
2) Prince of Persia, still one of my favorite games. I must have died a bajillion times, but I could just rewind time and try that small part again, instantly. No being warped to a half-hour ago.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
1. Endless combos by enemy A.I. in fighting games.
2. Comic-relief characters with cringe-worthy dialogue.
3. Getting killed, and respawning at the exact moment you died before, AGAIN and AGAIN.


New member
Apr 8, 2010
iblis666 said:
being forced to play with people
On a somewhat related note to this, being forced to play without people.

I honestly hate this more than anything a game can do, not putting splitscreen in a game that obviously demands it. Some games can get away with it, like Dead Rising 2, where it'd be a massive pain in the balls for your console to have to render double the amount of entities on screen, especially since there's already upwards on a thousand or so, but sometimes games just fuck with you for no reason.

Here's hoping that Dragon's Dogma has splitscreen co-op, it's begging for it.


books, Books, BOOKS
Jan 19, 2011
United States
Peteron said:
Not a big fan of teamwork. For example, a few days in Pokemon White I was having a four person double battle, and when I decided my teammate wasn't doing enough for our cause I earthquaked his ass along with our enemy. Im better solo.
Oh good, I'm not the only person that gets pissed off with that.

OT: Guiding NPCs around and your ending or well-being gets affected by how much damage that they take the whole time they are around, fuck you Silent Hill 4! That was a dick move and you know it!
Sep 14, 2009
Pseudopod said:
I really hate it when a game scales too much with your level, making leveling up meaningless. I feel like games that do this might as well do away with leveling altogether. Elder Scrolls is the worst offender I can think of in this regard. I'm not against changes in the environment triggered by you leveling up, but when every monster gains a level with you I get really annoyed.
this. this is exactly why ff8 ended for me within the first hour, i found continuing at all utterly pointless.

inFAMOUSCowZ said:
cheap games, like Call of Duty on veteran. A guy blind firing from across the courtyard and killing you instantly isnt hard its cheap. Also underwater levels, lost me a bit at DMC and GoD of War. And mario, just underwater=/= fun.
this. i hate games where they make cheap = hard, instead of smart and intuitive opponents = hard

that doesn't make me feel accomplished when i beat them, it makes me frown that anyone would do that in a game.

kane.malakos said:
Third person. I've never really been able to get into third-person perspective games. I've played quite a few of them, but almost always felt that they would have been better from a first-person view.
it takes all kinds of people to play games =]

honestly i am complete opposite, if i dont have my peripheral vision, including up and down peripheral vision, it completely throws off immersion for me (which is why i absolutely love Third person) , which is why i hardly care for any FPS games at all. It literally annoys me every second i am playing that game knowing i should be able to see to my sides and up and down but i can't.


Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
Too much unnecessary brown and grey. The only game, for me, that has ever pulled off brown and grey (and no other colours) was Fallout 3. It's also what I like about Sonic: No matter how bad the games are, at least he still caters to a market that thinks the real world is colourful... but I digress. Not being able to change the controls isn't usually an issue, either, but sometimes it gets on my nerves.


New member
Mar 23, 2011
When a game has a shop system with items in multiplying values and nothing is priced the same. You generally see this in rpg's with small teams, and bad designers. For example: raw hide armor ($10) -> raw hide with iron ($50) -> iron ($100). Worse is when they have varying stats. If you make a linear item purchasing system DON'T make expensive items underpowered.

I also hate it when a game takes you out of immersion with QTE's, and when a game offers crap gameplay for it's "good" story.


New member
Aug 4, 2010
madriani said:
Games that were awesome about five years ago, but failed to age well...
I'm looking at you Sanity's Darkness: Eternal Requiem!
I really hope that title screw-up was a joke...

OT: Gauntlets. I.E. When a game makes you face every enemy in the game up until that point, in rapid succession, with no chances to heal.

Another is bad camera controls. The only game I can stand with bad controls is Beyond good and evil, and thats because everything except is just so damn good I could overlook it. I love that game so much...


New member
Apr 6, 2010
A game where:

A) the interfaces aren't clean or are hard to use.
B) the gameplay is clunky
C) the story is absurd, childish, or extreeeemly slow.
D) the characters are all one dimensional (one thing defines them.)


New member
Feb 26, 2009
kane.malakos said:
Third person. I've never really been able to get into third-person perspective games. I've played quite a few of them, but almost always felt that they would have been better from a first-person view.
It's the opposite for me.
I'm fairly certain I'd do a lot better at TF2 if I had that peripheral sight.


New member
Jan 27, 2010
Sometimes you are in a big area, usually an overworld. You are barely told where to go, if you're lucky, someone maybe mentioned the name of the town you have to go to and you happened to remember.

You then spend the next few HOURS trying to find where the f34k you have to go.


Often happens in Final Fantasy or similar RPGs, especially in older titles (I'm looking at you FFs 1 thru 3, how the F#$K was I supposed to know there was a DAMN CASTLE THERE) Obviously some of it has to with limits of technology and developers still refining the games (I'm not going to blame old games for having old style programming), but it's still annoying even then.

Obviously we've got more openworld games now, but so long as the provide some sort of goal and easy way where to go, I'm fine with that. Fallout 3 does this BEAUTIFULLY, and any good open world games will do it well, but there are still some offenders out there.

Part of the reason I prefer linear games (and was completely uncritical of later FFs linearity) is because, yeah, sometimes it's nice to explore, but I'd rather be led by the arm than wander aimlessly D:


New member
Jul 12, 2010
Being forced to frustratingly grind just to continue with the main story, not for some super special extra hard side boss that nets you bragging rights or a powerful weapon, but just to beat the actual game.

I'm looking at you "The Last Remnant"... /angryfist


New member
Apr 9, 2009
Onyx Oblivion said:
Miles000 said:
Loading Screens that don't fit in.

At least Portal 2's loading screens made sense.
Mass Effect 2 somehow made me want the elevators back...
I think ME2 made everyone realize just how wonderful the elevators were (at least in comparison between the two games...

Anyways, I thinks its cheap weapons in FPS MP. Specifically the knife from any COD, and the Commando Perk from MW2. And the Noob Tubes... and the quick scoping... and the insane accuracy of assault rifles with iron sights in MP... actually I can just sum the rest of these as everything within COD MP...

Easton Dark

New member
Jan 2, 2011
kane.malakos said:
Third person. I've never really been able to get into third-person perspective games. I've played quite a few of them, but almost always felt that they would have been better from a first-person view.
I feel exactly the opposite. No First-Person game I've ever played had me thinking that it wouldn't be better with an over the shoulder camera and/or cover system.

OT: Getting staggered or knocked down.

It's ok that trolls in Oblivion knock you down a quarter health every hit, but LET ME FUCKING MOVE YOU ASS BAGS!