Your gaming "kryptonite"


Elite Member
Feb 10, 2009
Unbreakable wooden doors or chain link fences. I got stuck in a game in which I had a fire men's ax yet after not being able to pick the lock to the door i could not chop it down with said ax and no one on the other side seemed to notice the super powered vampire slamming at the door enough to come out and investigate.


No Time Like the Present
Jul 4, 2008
Fixed cameras - I absolutely hate fixed cameras in 3D games. Can't stand them. Even really good games have this problem - MGS2, Super Mario Galaxy - I hate it. Let me move the camera around the way I want to. MGS4 fixed this by allowing the player to (somewhat) move the camera around. Super Mario games (and I stress that I like these games), still have this flaw of taking the camera out of the player's hands. If it's in third person, AT LEAST let me swing the camera from left to right. Please.


New member
Mar 31, 2010
Vehicle driving controls in Halo, Gears of War 2, and Borderlands. I don't understand why I have to look in a certain direction in order to proceed. I thought games like Grand Theft Auto made it perfectly clear that checking your surroundings while moving in a vehicle was a good way to know your environment and outsmart your enemies, but the former begs to differ. If you try to replicate this strategy, it will lead you pile-driving into your enemies or hurling off a cliff you were trying to check for.

Listen to me devs: THIS IS A BIG NO-NO!


New member
Jan 2, 2009
Fighting games in general. I suck so bad at them so it makes me nerd rage hardcore, a broken controller later, and boom im finished forever.

Yay 1500 posts

Jabberwock King

New member
Mar 27, 2011
Turn-based gameplay

Regarding the consecutive boss fight thing, I remember one where there were 3 in a row. Fortunately, you only had to beat the first one, the next one was a "supposed to lose fight", but if you actually did win, you got a bonus. After that though, there was a fight that you were REALLY supposed to lose, but I don't know if it was possible to win.


New member
Jun 15, 2010
Escort missions, but more specifically, the kind where you have to keep the escorted NPC in your sights at all times or else they get kidnapped and taken to an underground base and you have to go save them and start allover again and AAAAAAAAAGGGGHHH*
*-The fourth part of Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga.


New member
Apr 28, 2010
Onyx Oblivion said:
Mass Effect 2 somehow made me want the elevators back...
You could at least look around during the elevators and you might hear a random news update about something you did or something that could spawn a new mission. And sometimes there was funny dialog between your party. Basically, I don't see why people hated the elevators so much.

OT: I hate not being able to get into a locked chest because I don't have a key or a lockpick when I'm carrying an axe that cuts people in half on a regular basis.

Onyx Oblivion

Borderlands Addict. Again.
Sep 9, 2008
TheKruzdawg said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
Mass Effect 2 somehow made me want the elevators back...
You could at least look around during the elevators and you might hear a random news update about something you did or something that could spawn a new mission. And sometimes there was funny dialog between your party. Basically, I don't see why people hated the elevators so much.
I had ZERO hate for them. Love them.

DA2 has shit loading, too.

DA1 had party stats and other fun info...

Azrael the Cat

New member
Dec 13, 2008
Handholding - e.g.:
- quest compasses that you can't switch off (or where the game isn't designed to operate without the quest compass, e.g. you can't just go up to an NPC and ask for directions to a location that he/she should know about),

- environmental 'puzzles' where they tell you exactly what to do (hence removing any challenge, and any point to the damn thing),

- games that ruin any exploration element by telling you in bright shining letters everytime there is something you should do or look at,

- games where all dialogue choices (no matter how moronic) will always lead to an equally good outcome (hence making the non-combat sections pointless breaks between the 'real game').

- rpgs that lack meaningful non-combat builds/solutions (great example of a game that does that right is Fallout 2 back in 1998-1999; you can play it through as the 'diplomacy guy' with a party of companions to fight for you, or as the 'science guy' with a few companions for protection and using your superior knowledge of technology to avoid direct confrontation. Though playing with a scientist build will mean that you've got no use for (and probably can't spare a combat-oriented companion spot for) the game's best NPC 'Myron!, baby, Myron!' the cocaine/'Jet'-making, drug-dealing, whining arrogant lovable 'boy genius' - goddawfully useless in combat, but he makes up for it with humour and drugs.


New member
Jul 7, 2010
My kryptonite is timed escort missions for a thick NPC that you don't even like who constantly gets stuck behind a wall spouting annoying dialogue and gets killed if an enemy so much as touches them.


New member
Mar 1, 2011
I don't really have one game-wise since I do what everyone should do and adapt to whatever. However, one thing that I guess would cripple me would be if I just don't get immersed enough, and I don't focus enough. Hell, sometimes that can get a little messed up if my monitor isn't in the right position and I start to feel a little uncomfortable with the way I see the game world and I have to adjust it.


New member
Dec 28, 2010
Drummie666 said:
Aim Assist.

It's unintuitive and throws me directly out of the experience.

I already made a near 1000 word post on the aim assist in CoD. But it is also the one thing that stopped me from getting Mass Effect 2 recently, I tried the demo on PS3, I find out that the Aim Assist is permanent. BioWare, you can go fuck yourself.

BTW, does anyone know what other games have permanent aim assist, so that I can avoid them?
You are playing on a console. There's your problem.


New member
Aug 2, 2008
Games with "special" levels that are terrible. For example, the tank level in the original CoD. I like the game overall but as soon as I got to that level I said screw it.


New member
Nov 7, 2008
For me, it really has to be awkward controls. I'll stomach a bad story if I have to, but if it feels like my controller is hooked to a different system, then it's immensely frustrating. Enslaved: Odyssey to the West really pushed all the wrong buttons for me in this regard. I also hate really unlikeable lead characters. If there's no personality or growth there, then the game becomes an exercise in torture for me.


Lord Cromulent
May 21, 2010
Tank controls.

I know it's weird, but it has turned me off from games that I'd otherwise be interested in, such as RE4 and Deadly Premonition.

It's just so damn counterintuitive for human movement.

Crazy Ian

New member
Apr 21, 2011
I will stop playing a game if there is a character that annoys me. The character has to have annoying dialogue (written or spoken) and coupled with being useless gameplay wise. Bonus points if they cause a problem which I have to solve. At least in pencil and paper RPGs you can talk to the DM about the character, and if that doesn't work you can plan to kill it. Goddamn pots and pans dwarf.