Your gaming "kryptonite"


Elite Member
Dec 25, 2010
Cheapness, although it depends really on the severity of it. Mainly in FPS's where bots take can't-miss shots at you. To get an example of this, if you have any of the unreal tournament games, turn on Instagib with a single bot that has 100% accuracy. SOOO lame. >.>
Feb 13, 2008
AI that uses blatant cheats instead of intelligence.

Especially if it's accompanied by utter stupidity.

I'm looking DIRECTLY at you Sid Meier. Colonization is an outrage of bad AI.

Also any game that has an Avatar freeze spell, followed by a continuing small damage spell in room with no health. That shit's unfair and liable to get you deleted.


New member
Feb 7, 2009
DrNobody18 said:
Any time, ANY TIME you have to do something, anything, three times to solve a damn something/anything.

I do not care the genre, the number of times you have to do something three times in a row to win, SICKENS ME.

It is to the point that it honestly destroys immersion for me. Because no where else, in the world, do you have to do something exactly three times to save the day, every time. In a video game though? It's a damn gaming foundation for whatever screwed up reasons.
Your avatar's perfect for that post :3

Me, I'm jumping on the escort mission bandwagon. It's the most annoying thing ever, especially in games like Morrowind where I walk faster than my escort runs. That's bullshit.
And when I pull up the console and change their speed to 800 it makes me feel kinda guilty.


New member
Dec 21, 2010
Um...Gamewise? pointless, sucky, overrated games (Minecraft springs to mind) but if we're talking in-game problems? i guess-
Bullshit Instakill moves, least in KH they had the decency to leave you at 1HP

Being FORCED to team up and the other guy doesnt pull his weight and is just a huge target,

and maybe this is just me, but i HATE not having a clear destination on a map, like having a map, with 5 floors and saying "Right, go to the libary" and not knowing even which floor its on annoys me.


New member
Jan 3, 2011
I have a couple like not being able to control the walking/running speed of a character, or at least doing something while walking like rolling,sprinting,etc. My other would have to be escort missions with a useless npc like the first dead rising, I really hated those retards.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
Pretty much most JRPG that place save spot in limited areas, confusing plot and completed battle that require more than grinding your character to defeat the boss (using special tatics etc).

The Lugz

New member
Apr 23, 2011
similar.squirrel said:
Quicktime events that require my fingers to move faster than is physically possible.
Quicktime events

just period. < !

it's like a cinematic that randomly pauses and flashes an un-pause key at you to make sure you're watching.. jeez just stab him all-ready and make it re-playable later if i want to see it again..

also achievements, hate them, any multi-player experience that has achievements should be burned in hell.
i want to play the game not the stuffing, nuf said.

Dimensional Vortex

New member
Nov 14, 2010
Lithorien said:
I'd have to say MMORPGs. More specifically: Fetching and grinding. I play a game to play it and become immersed in the storyline, and when absolutely nothing I do has a lasting effect on the world or advances the story any, I get pissed. It's not really an RPG if the world never advances, now is it?
You can't really play a MMORPG if you want a great story, thats just not fair. Story lines often make your character the center of attention while you do various activities relative to the plot, but trying to make it so that every character feels like that is frivolous. It would raise the average performance level to that of a super hero, and if you think you were special for retrieving the enchanted ax from the fish monster, that pride you have is doused when you see someone wielding the exact same weapon. It seems to be the World of Warcraft conundrum.

My gaming kryptonite would be annoying loading screens, thanks Fallout New Vegas for the PS3.

And also turn based combat, unless turn based combat has been done with extreme innovation it can leave me alone.


New member
Jul 18, 2009
AI that cheats.

Most RTS games I have tried, albeit that ain't many, are guilty of this.
The player can only be in one place doing one thing at a time while the AI does a multitude of tasks concurrently.

Just give me a pause function I could utilise to assign commands with.


New member
Mar 19, 2008
When sequel(s) can't even reach the same level as the original game. Fable for once. To me Fable: lost chapters is awesome, sure it has some flaws but I don't mind them so much. When Fable 2 was announcement and they told it had a Co-op I was hyped. But Molyneux had decided that there won't be the Guild of Heroes(it was funny and great idea that being a Hero was just another job), the co-op would blow(splitscreen would have worked better and trash the damn pre-made characters), plot would be boring and nothing would be as he promised. Oh, and the main story would be short as hell. I was first blinded by the return of Fable, but pretty soon I noticed that the game sucked. AND perhaps my biggest disappointment was the spells. There was ABSOLUTELY NO differences in the spells. And no self-arranged quick menu for items on the D-pad.

I could on and on, but I think I'll stop now.
WAIT! There is still Fable Thr...
Apr 8, 2010
The following two "gameplay"-mechanics usually don't completely ruin a game for me but they REALLY annoy the heck out of me:

1) Random Encounters in JRPGs - You explore a dungeon and at every second step you ecnounter a bunch of enemies that are, usually, absolutely no challenge. The only reason for their existence I can see is for grinding or for diminishing your health for the upcoming boss fights. Its absolutely boring, requires virtually no skill and its randomness really pisses me off.

2) Grinding - If I wanted to do mindnumbing work I wouldn't buy and play a videogame just to do so. Usual offenders: JRPGS, MMORPGS and Action-RPGs (Diablo et al.). Special award for outstanding annoyance: The Mass Effect 2 Ressource Harvesting minigame.


New member
Nov 2, 2009
As soon as something doesn't go smooth (directionlessness, impossible bosses, annoying enemies that you have to fight all the time to get through an area, boring-patches of games, repetetivness and so forth), I always end up putting the games away. I've played a thousand games, but I can probably count the number of games I've actually finished. They are not so many.

Like I've played every single Final Fantasy game from I-XIII, but I've only actually finished VII :p

FFI: One of the super bosses in the water temple (whatever the correct name was)
FFII: In search of some damn mirror in Fynn castle (After re-taking it)
FFIII: Last dungeon (The enemies are not random. They are around every damn corner)
FFIV: That damn double-rainbow tower that shoots up to heaven (I do believe it's one of the last parts, but I'm not sure)
FFV: Right after Galuf umgebracht wird, when you get that annoying blonde thing. It just stopped being fun.
FFVI: At Kefka's Tower or whatever. Jesus christ the "random" enemies there are harder than every single boss you've met put together.
FFVII: In the northern crater at the last part of the game. But I actually finished it last year for the first time woho ^^
FFVIII: After coming down with rinoa from SPACE. I dunno it juts got boring from that point on.
FFIX: In Terra. I dunno what happened. It was just...meh.
FFX: I've played this twice, stopping at the same time. Right after the Snowy area after the calm lands. Both times, same place. Don't know why.
FFX-2: I wasted 1 hour of my life on this crap.
FFXII: See text above ^
FFXIII: I just quit playing this actually :p I don't know how far it is, but I am walking aroudn like a crazy person in som weird LCD induced corridor in Eden, right after getting back to cocoon again.


Marik Bentusi

Senior Member
Aug 20, 2010
Your avatar is delicious.

Here's my Top5 of things that are capable of breaking the game for me, you could consider the top one the real Kryptonite - but really, everything *can* work out, but these things almost never do for me:

5. Auto-saving only, only auto-saving at the worst possible moment.
4. Horrible "story" that is, in fact, just a patchwork of clichés and plotholes.
3. Grindtastic games or really repetitive missions.
2. Bugfests.
1. Stupid characters making stupid decisions and leaving stupid options only.

5. Tons of abbreviations and fan-made lingo you can't google easily and makes conversations illegible unless you're part of the core community that understand all that stuff. I have to DR the RM to KNA the BBB with an OTK or else I'll go BTSO?
4. Multiplayer-only games without any kind of training mode or ability to create an empty server for yourself so you can try out things instead of being dead weight and finding out how to access your inventory when the rest of the team is barely able to hold the line.
3. (Often old) games where there's literally a best strategy or loadout for each map and gametype and everyone that strays from this dull path has no real chance at being useful.
2. One-hit-kills or quick two-hit-kills you don't and often can't see coming, leaves you little space to fight ba-BOOM! Respawn Timer before you can walk all the way back to the frontlines: 20 seconds
1. Horrible community/ "D4rk1337Sh4d0wD34thz: lulz 0|V|9 pwnt n00b XD!!!!" (This is an actual quote) []


New member
Dec 24, 2010
Games that you can't manually save in (or at least, it only saves to the last checkpoint) and checkpoints are a long time before each extremely difficult boss or something.
Die on the boss? Don't worry, you only need to spend an hour playing up to the part where you get to die again.

En Row

New member
Apr 18, 2009
RPG-Adventure-Turn-based driven games. Like say..the Final Fantasy franchise...and oh MMORPGs

I just hate the slow pace of it and the fact that you have to spend hours killing something with a stick for several hours to gain experience so that you could use it to acquire skills that are required to defeat a certain mini-boss/boss to advance the storyline or to simply level up for some unknown reasons in MMORPGs...

I don't have the patience....and the attention span actually. It's always a habit of mine to fall asleep if I keep doing things over and over...and OVER AND OVER!! OH GOD!! JUST HOW MANY OF THESE THINGS DO I HAVE TO KILL?!?!?!?

Oh did I forget to mention Fighting games?
I suck at them. I mean I rarely win against anyone. The idea of memorizing specific actions and timing them correctly to get a long combo is a bit meh~ Or am I just lazy!?

Mr Companion

New member
Jul 27, 2009
Low visibility. Any game where what I am trying to shoot at/drive around/solve/slash is shrouded in shadow I can't deal with. Except Metro 2033, where that is how its supposed to be.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
I have a bad fear of heights that borders on paralysing. Which is why I don't do well in platformer games - I'm scared, even in games, of facing a big void or not having safety rails around me.

As you can imagine, Portal 2 is probably not the game for me. This was in fact my first Portal experience and after finishing the game, my legs were like jelly, my heart was pounding and I couldn't move for a while afterwards with my body almost frozen in fear.

Despite this, I now plan on playing Portal 1 very soon as the story is enjoyable and engaging enough to face crippling anxiety at almost every turn.