Your gaming "kryptonite"


New member
Apr 21, 2011
RaphaelsRedemption said:
Escort missions.

Fuck them.

This! Especially in any Grand Theft Auto games.
It always seemed like the person I escorted started out with less than half health.

Also, the one in inFamous where you have to escort Trish with those medical supplies while riding on top of that bus. That mission was a PAIN IN THE ASS!


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
gamer_parent said:
it's actually surprisingly easy for me to lose interest in a game. There are a huge list of things that can easily turn me off of the game even before I gave it a fair shake

- narrative dissonance between how powerful my character is supposed to be vs. how powerful they actually are. i.e. a superman game where superman gets taken down by a single stray bullet, Contra style? sorry.

- games that give you missions to collect multiple items of the same type. i.e. collecting 12 wolf pelts or some such. Doubly so if the act of collecting these items are not fun in the first place.
I wouldn't say either of these are my kryptonite, but I do find ithilarious in Talesof Symphonia when I see one of my team members using fire ball (weakest spell in the game) and makes the boss I just died 4 times against fall from the blow and start panting until 3 slashes with a sword from a different team member makes him die.

I guess my only kryptonite is games that are hard to get into. If the story takes time to start and the gameplay mechanics take ages to learn I usually stop playing just because I don't want to take time to learn to like a game I didn't like. I know I might miss out big, but I don't have it in me. Kept me from playing Guild Wars (lost the instruction manual too) and also there were no community at all. I guess I am just lazy, but that's got to be my kryptonite.


New member
Jul 2, 2008
CQC - never have been able to get my head around it in any game...ever SPs and MPs


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
Jason Danger Keyes said:
I hate a game that provides a long-term punishment for failure, such as an rpg that docks XP when you die or a strategy game that kills characters permanently if they die on a level, especially if you don't have the option to easily go back and do it better.

Edit: Like Pokemon, where they dock HALF OF ALL YOUR MONEY should you ever lose a battle.
Seriously? I actually thought Fire Emblem did a great job when they decided that everyone who dies stay dead, because... it's not like your enemies are revived after you kill them... except for those really important ones who you just beat until they decide to give up. It gives you an actual reason to plan your fights rather than just throw all you got because you know you're stronger and will win no matter what anyway. That might just be me though...
I do hate Pokemon's money stealing though. So many times I've resetted because my money was lost... so many times...


New member
Nov 24, 2009
RPGs with no depth, yes Fable im looking at you
COD MW2 multiplayer
Inconsistant stories
When the game feels rushed or broken

also one thing i hate is when gameplay and story feel disjointed. for example lets say in a game some one dies and all you have to do is run over and give them a med pack and they're fine, but in the story they die and that option isnt there.

also when games with a realistis setting dont feel realistic. For example a game that seems to be doing it well is Battlefield 3 (look at the 12 min trailer) it seems like a real situation and people responding realistically. then look at MW2 where its a realistic setting but not realistic at all


New member
Sep 11, 2010
Button mashing. You know in QTE's where you have to press a button a million times per second? I JUST CAN'T FUCKING DO THEM! IT'S NOT POSSIBLE! I DON'T KNOW WHY?!

It's not like it measures skill or anything it's just unpossible :(


New member
Aug 25, 2009
Games the give me a BSOD. I'm looking at you, AC Brotherhood, Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas.
The anger I get from it is just immense.


New member
Mar 6, 2008
Incoherent stories, boring gameplay, and meh soundtracks. I can take one or the other, but not the three in conjunction.

Incoherent storytelling was balanced by fun-ass gameplay in Resonance of Fate.
Boring gameplay was saved by a sweet-ass, but almost incoherent story in Killer 7.
A mostly meh soundtrack was made up for by pretty much the rest of the boss themes in Persona 3.

But one that did not have either one of those covered, well:
Insert violin onomatopeia here.


New member
Nov 19, 2008
any game that requires me to grind for loot/levels/anything.
also point and click games are really boring to me.

Tim Mazzola

New member
Dec 27, 2010
Fake difficulty and the excessive necessity for grinding (or just unnecessarily repetitive gameplay in general). Also, kind of under the "fake difficulty" but not exactly, enemies that have stupid amounts of health for no reason tend to piss me off, especially when they come at you in waves and they're more annoying than challenging.

Eternal Skies

New member
Mar 2, 2011
I have a few that I can think of...

Timed escapes with missable Items - Seriously? When i need to escape somewhere, I don't want to have to spend most of the time getting all the items, and then getting a game over because i spent just a bit too long getting the infinity +1 sword.

Escort missions where the NPC has poor AI - Self explanatory. If you willingly run straight towards the beasties that want your soul as a mid-afternoon snack, then you deserve whatever happens to you in my book. That may seem slightly cruel, but i had many game over screens due to this, so i hope it's justified.

Games that don't allow you to backtrack for no real reason - Really?.

RPG's that block access to all towns when you access the final dungeon for no adequately explained reason.

That's all i can think of right now.


New member
Mar 16, 2009
Vesuvius Hetlan said:
Real people.

I can play against AI easy (Who can't?), but I suck against people.
I have this problem with RTS games. I can mop the floor with then opponent in like half an hour tops. But, put me up against a Human and I'm the one getting owned.

matrix guardian

New member
Feb 6, 2010
Jason Danger Keyes said:
I hate a game that provides a long-term punishment for failure, such as an rpg that docks XP when you die or a strategy game that kills characters permanently if they die on a level, especially if you don't have the option to easily go back and do it better.

Edit: Like Pokemon, where they dock HALF OF ALL YOUR MONEY should you ever lose a battle.
Then you would HATE Steel Battalion. It's a mech game where if your machine gets destroyed, you have to eject before it explodes. Then you have to use credits to purchase a new mech to replace it, and then start the mission over again. And if it so happens that you didn't hit the eject button before your mech're dead...completely dead. If you die, your save file gets erased and you have to start completely over.