Your greatest NEVER AGAIN achievement?


New member
Feb 8, 2010
Bladder of Steel and Platinum Artist in the same run on Rock Band 2.

I was on drums. It was bad.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
The Rockhound trophy on inFamous. I used a map and explored the entire city 3 times looking for a shard that never appeared (had to be some dort of glitch). Then I loaded another playthrough I had and used the shard a 4th time. This time I found it. Never want to play that again.


It took 6 months to read my title.
Jun 6, 2008
Not an achievement, but beating Chaos in Inward Chaos on Dissidia, without using an exploit or glitch. That game will make you want to brain someone.

silver wolf009

Jan 23, 2010
Frank the pimp. If you try this without knowing what your doing you will die FAST.

That and little rocket man, still havent gotten that one.


In brightest day...
Nov 18, 2009
Xyliss said:
Captain Pancake said:
Attaining all the veteran achievements on Modern Warfare 2. On that difficulty it turned a 5 hour game into a 10 hour one. Trying to complete the last part of contingency in only a minute and a half was the worst.
When I tried that game on veteran it didn't seem too much more difficult. Except for the FUCKING FAVELA LEVEL!
Gods, how I hate that level, hours of frustration and getting nowhere
Still haven't done it, because I can't see the point of sitting through the favela level on that difficulty. After spending about 3 hours going from checkpoint to checkpoint (in different play sessions), I've given up. That game has cured my achievement addiction single-handedly.

Also, the feathers in AC2. It took so long...

Lem0nade Inlay

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Apr 3, 2010
Onyx Oblivion said:
Never again do I want to hunt all the Bobbleheads in Fallout 3.
Especially the endurance one, which forced you to traverse through the entire Dunwhich Building...*shudder*

To OP: Little rocket man in HL2: Ep Two. Or "Camera Shy" in Portal, where you had to knock off all the Cameras off the took me about four playthroughs to finally find them all.

EDIT: I also remember trying to complete "One Free Bullet" in HL2: Episode One, I finally did it after hours of get Combine soldiers with shotguns...then I DIDN'T GET THE GODDAMN ACHIEVEMENT!
I must've accidentally fired a shot somewhere...oh God, I was pissed.


New member
Feb 20, 2010
tlozoot said:
Bladder of Steel and Platinum Artist in the same run on Rock Band 2.

I was on drums. It was bad.
You are a real man, I salute you.
100 % in both FO3 and MW2 in the same sitting is the worst thing I`ve ever been through. I had to quit after the FO3 achievements and half of the MW2 achievements, though.


New member
May 16, 2008
black and white 2

In one level there was a quest to destroy all trees on the map, and those tree keep respawning, and when the do respawn they start off so small you can't see em.


New member
Mar 21, 2010
little.09 said:
test of faith: beat mirrors edge without shotting an enemy. wish i'd never tried
I did that on hard difficulty! My first play through o hard I decided not to shoot was near impossible at times!


New member
Mar 21, 2010
J03bot said:
Xyliss said:
Captain Pancake said:
Attaining all the veteran achievements on Modern Warfare 2. On that difficulty it turned a 5 hour game into a 10 hour one. Trying to complete the last part of contingency in only a minute and a half was the worst.
When I tried that game on veteran it didn't seem too much more difficult. Except for the FUCKING FAVELA LEVEL!
Gods, how I hate that level, hours of frustration and getting nowhere
Still haven't done it, because I can't see the point of sitting through the favela level on that difficulty. After spending about 3 hours going from checkpoint to checkpoint (in different play sessions), I've given up. That game has cured my achievement addiction single-handedly.

Also, the feathers in AC2. It took so long...
Yea, it takes aaaages that level.

And the feathers...they were a nightmare, although I'm pleased I managed to get every achievement for AC2 the other day...throwing sand in 4 guards faces was so hard as Ezio refused to throw sand when they were lined up for him but instead would only do it when one guard was in front of him. It was so frustrating


New member
Nov 30, 2008
illas said:
The "Little Rocket Man" achievement from HL2:EP2. It allowed me to replay EP2 again, which was nice; but having to completely change my approach for half of the game was... less so.
I've done it twice because it didn't work the first time.
Most people complain about the helicopter chase...
but I figured out how to skip the advisor sequence and make the helicopter not appear at the first long run.
Ignore the music, I found it amusing at the time :D

Dr. Feelgood

New member
Jul 13, 2010
Captain Pancake said:
Attaining all the veteran achievements on Modern Warfare 2. On that difficulty it turned a 5 hour game into a 10 hour one. Trying to complete the last part of contingency in only a minute and a half was the worst.
You should have played Call of Duty 4 on Veteran, man did that suck.

OT: The hardest achievement I got was "What are you trying to prove?" in Left 4 Dead... frickin' expert difficulty.


New member
Jan 20, 2010
Getting all the execution styles in The Godfather. The sheer amount of variables required to get a mobster to get run over by an AI car will blow your mind. Not so much an "Achievement" as a "I Got THIS Lucky!"


New member
Nov 1, 2007
Little Rocket Man...Really wasn't that hard. I don't see why so many people are making a fuss. When ever you went into battle you just put him in a corner out of the way then pick him up later, and there's a certain spot in the car he stays in as long as you don't turn too sharply. It's tedious, yes, but not difficult. The only point it got remotely difficult was the helicopter section.

Theron Julius

New member
Nov 30, 2009
The Annual achievement in Halo 3. You have to get through the last level on the highest difficulty with 3 other retards constantly taking all the supplies and dying with a skull that forces you the go to the last check point every time someone dies. Additionally you have to complete the warthog run (a race across collapsing platforms) on single person ghosts. Not fucking fun, god damn it!


New member
Feb 24, 2010
randomrob said:
I chose the Impossible on Bioshock for completing it on the hardest setting. that was scary hard.
I don't know. I actually really enjoyed getting the achievement in Bioshock for beating the game on hard without using any vita-chambers. It was an excuse to play Bioshock again and take it seriously.

Same with One Free Bullet, that wasn't hard.