Your greatest NEVER AGAIN achievement?


New member
Oct 30, 2008
Endangered Species (GTA4) - Kill 500 pigeons in GTA4. For about a week I was stuck in the 499 pigeons club and was unable to find the last pigeon. Ended up revisiting about 100 of the 500 locations.

Little Rocket Man (HL2:E2) - I had to punt the damn thing along the road for half the game, and then I had to hide it, escape the helicopter, backtrack before the helicopter battle, punt it back along to the battle location, and then hide it again. About 3 times I had to reload saves because I either forgot where I hid the thing (never knew all those piles of rubble looked so alike) or because I punted it off the map.

Mercenary/Protector (Fallout 3) - Not terribly difficult, but I played an evil character the first run, and by the point where I was going back to old game files to get these, I was heavily reliant on the CSA. Thus, trying to do missions that increase morality without gaining level too quickly was pretty hellish with a level 7 character that couldn't last in a battle and was too broke to simply gain all the morality through churches.


Lord Cromulent
May 21, 2010
illas said:
The "Little Rocket Man" achievement from HL2:EP2. It allowed me to replay EP2 again, which was nice; but having to completely change my approach for half of the game was... less so.
When I started that achievement, I didn't understand why people thought it was so difficult. Sure, it falling out of the car was annoying, but it was workable. Then I got to the part that the helicopter shoots at you, and strangely seems to try to shoot the gnome out of your hands.

But that doesn't compare to the fact that I put the gnome on a workbench while I was shutting down the gun and waiting for my car to be fixed. I come back later, and the bench is gone along with the gnome.

So yeah, never again.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
i think for me it was the one: beat a level in cod 3 without shooting a bullet or use a grenade, you only can hit and because melee wasn't a instant kill... it was hard. and i never completed cod 3 on veteran. cod 4 and MW 2 are easy compared with cod 3 on veteran.


New member
Sep 29, 2008
Final Fantasy VII - Emerald frikking weapon
Final Fantasy IX - Ozma.
Final Fantasy X - Penance and the dark aeons.


For the Emperor!
Aug 15, 2008
AndrewOfHell said:
TimeLord said:
'69 Stars'

On MW2

Never, a-fucking-gain!
*Shudder* This.

Actually Spec Ops was pretty fun except for one mission, you have to defeat 10 extremely powerful enemies called Juggernauts using just explosives and a knife...on veteran...on my own...

Infinity Wards best time was something like 2:30.

It took me 50 tries, 2 broken controllers, several popped blood vessels and a whole 30 minutes to do so.

I has a friends helping me and it still took several weeks of attempts to finally do it.


New member
Nov 20, 2009
GTA4 pigeons on PS3 just to get 100% - and I did it before the trophy patch came out. Not doing it again 'cos I get so little time to play nowadays...


New member
Jun 4, 2009
Playing MW2 singleplayer was one of the most rage inducing things, because those mother fucking enemies kept fucking meleeing you, and your already really fucking you die instantly, BULLSHIT.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
CINN4M0N said:
Getting the flags in Assassins Creed 1. A glitch in the game meant that though I got a certain flag, it wasn't recorded. I spent so long looking for a single flag before realising what had happened.

So yeah, I did the whole game again.
Fucking HAET bullshit like that:

-Game: "hey, collect all these flags"
-Player: "wow, so what do I get in return? plot details, new weapons/items, more health, special vehicle?"
-Game: "No. You just get a note saying that you collected them all"

Have these developers lost ALL FUCKING TRACK of the effort-reward mechanism that games depend on to be enjoyable? What the fuck is the point in collecting all the flags just for a COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT number statistic? It's like hitting yourself on the head with a hammer, if feels great once you stop (collect 100%)

Achievements are suppose to mark feats of skill and memorable serendipity, not pointless and boring busy-work. Collect-a-thons are ONLY worth it when they come with a tangible award like unlocking weapons, cheats or new games modes.

People who achievement-farm are the biggest losers... achievements are supposed to be proof and memorial to your GAMEPLAY experiences, they are utterly pointless if you farm/cheat for them.

For example hats in TF2... the only way to get them is to either collect VAST numbers of items or play for a long time. So if you see someone with a hat you can reasonably conclude they are an EXPERIENCED player! That's why when playing medic (though I heal and buff everyone I can) I always look out for the hat wearers to heal primarily on an assault and give the ubers to first.

But if everyone farms for hats... hats become meaningless, just visual flurry (I know some hats you get without needing much experience... but I know which they are).


New member
Apr 29, 2009
illas said:
The "Little Rocket Man" achievement from HL2:EP2. It allowed me to replay EP2 again, which was nice; but having to completely change my approach for half of the game was... less so.
It wouldn't have been nearly as bad if it weren't for the helicopter chase sequence before your car breaks down. Trying to drive down a twisting road at top speed while dodging mines is fine. Doing it while balancing a gnome on the passenger's seat...not so much.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
modern warfare 2 was easy on veteran compared to world at war or mw 1.

one of the hardest achievements that ive still yet to get is 7 Day survivor. i believe it takes 14 hours to do and theres no save points and you have to do it all in one run.


New member
Feb 16, 2009
Halo 3: ODST. Endure: Survive 4 Sets of Firefight on Heroic difficulty with 4 people..

Not only does this achievement take about 2 hours to do, It's fucking insane, what's worse is that if anyone Disconnects or has to leave, you are screwed and have to start all over again.

The best way to do this is when you know you will have a strong connection for a few hours, get some friends who know what they are doing, stay together and be sure you make the most of the power weapons such as the Spartan Laser and the Rocket Launcher by using them to take out Wraiths and Brute Chieftans.

The only bad thing is Skulls, Black Eye is probably the worst. You need to Melee to get Health Back.

There are 5 rounds in a wave, and 3 waves in a Set.

That's 60 waves. Yeah.

The other 2 Vidmasters that are a ***** to do are Deja vu and Annual.

Halo 3. Annual: Complete "Halo" on Legendary with the Iron skull on with 4 players in ghosts.

Halo 3: ODST. Deja vu: Complete Tsavo Highway on Legendary with the Iron skull on with 4 players without any of you getting into a Warthog or Scorpion tank.

The only real reward is Recon, which TBQH isn't worth it, most Vidmasters don't even give you gamerscore.

If Reach has Vidmasters, yeah, I'll do them, they were challenging and in some ways fun with friends but never again those 3, they were fucking ridiculous.


New member
Mar 21, 2010
Choosing the impossible for both Bioshocks. PS3

On PS3 a new difficulty was added, survivor mode and I did it without a Vita-Chamber. NEVER AGAIN, seriously it took me a week to do that, and I had to save every 5 seconds.

And in Bioshock 2 reaching rank 40 without boosting. The multiplayer sucked, and half the time you couldnt even find a good match.


Can you feel around inside?
Dec 22, 2008
Survive a million points on Geometry Wars. I did it once and probably never will do ti again. What's WORSE is that I lost a whole crapload of achievements due to an issue with my xbox live ID. SOooooooooooooo. Bollocks.


New member
Jul 30, 2009
ReddiShadow said:
Getting all the execution styles in The Godfather. The sheer amount of variables required to get a mobster to get run over by an AI car will blow your mind. Not so much an "Achievement" as a "I Got THIS Lucky!"
what you had to do was throw them into the road while cars are coming up fast, after you've worked them down to next to no health.


New member
Aug 6, 2009
Moriarty70 said:

Damn near had an stroke getting this one.
I lol'd at this :p Only reason this achievement was hard was because I had to shell out 10 bucks for the game XD But it was worth it.

ANYWHO, OP: I'm not much of an achievement nabber, but one thing I never want to do again is the Cave of Ordeals in Zelda: TP...or the Savage Labyrinth in WW. So hair-ripping frustrating >.<


New member
Feb 25, 2009
The Underdome achievements in Borderlands are evil, not to mention boring. Every time I tried them with a friend, something ridiculous would happen. Last time the power cable on my 360 got pulled out. Too bad I was host when it happened. And the Deja Vu achievement in ODST. There was so much lag when that game first came out and it was nigh impossible to find a fourth player.