Your mom is facing your books


New member
Jul 28, 2008
smearyllama said:
I did add my mom and dad, but they never actually use it, anyway, so I'm good there.
I helped my mom make her account, actually.
I think she forgot how to use it or something.
My dad it just too lazy.

Anyway, I rarely post anything objectionable, though my mom saw me in a picture with a girl from school while looking at my page while passing by, and said, loudly
"Ooh! Who's that? She's cute!"
And commented on her breasts.

She forget that I'm fifteen, and not five, and that I'm allowed to have friends who are girls.
Sounds like my mom... The commenting on a girls breasts part, anyhow. Even when I'm playing video-games, she'll do the same with virtual women.

As for Facebook, my account is set to private, so all they can see is my profile picture, currently a picture of my car's engine, so hah. My mom's tried adding me several times, only to be rejected.


New member
Jul 25, 2010
i hardly use facebook so i honestly dont care. My mother actualy uses it more than me. The last time i actualy was on was about 2 months ago and i didnt even coment on anyones status or like anything.

ShindoL Shill

Truely we are the Our Avatars XI
Jul 11, 2011
Uber Evil said:
I just make it so my family members can't actually see my status. Individual blocking FTW.
yeah one of my friends does that...
OT: my mother doesnt use it, to my knowledge. she didnt know i did until last week. i dont post that often anyway...


New member
Nov 20, 2009
proctorninja2 said:
i dont post anything that i wouldnt say to my parents this excludes any kind of messaging but yeah i blocked my father and untill my mom GOT BANNED i didnt really care. yes you read that right my mother got kicked off of facebook
Aha, what did she do?

OT: My parents don't have facebook, and I'd rather it stayed that way. My mum's REALLY nosy, but fortunately she's terrible with computers. My dad's better with them, but he understands privacy, and he doesn't really see the point of FB anyway so he's never gotten an account.


New member
Jul 31, 2009
Not that my parents give a crap about what I do, but it wouldn't matter anyway. I'm on Google Plus, Facebook was way too annoying for me to be on, I was sick of the twats I didn't even like adding me as "friends" and the pointless stuff that went on there like "poking" and "what kind of cake are you?" quizzes.


Sometimes known as CaitieLou
May 27, 2009
SonicKaos said:
I've flat out told them that I will never add them to facebook, even if they made one and sent an invite. Not because I'm hiding anything, but because it's an invasion of privacy. I told them I would show it to them if they wanted me to, but I won't add them to it. They're ok with that at least, though they never really ask to see it. I have good parents I guess lol.
I love how people say these sort of things about Facebook--a web site designed for the public viewing and sharing of personal activities and events.

Let me tell you a story. A couple of years ago, a cousin of mine got her tongue pierced. She was 15. Knowing her father would not approve, she got it done without his knowledge or permission. She did, however, put it on Facebook--pictures and all. Her dad didn't have a Facebook, but a lot of her extended family did. Among her friends, was my father.

About a week later, my dad was speaking with her dad. My dad asked him about it, and if he knew she had done it. He did not. Needless to say, later that evening, she no longer had anything attached to her tongue.

The point I'm making here is things get around, and if you don't want to get them around, you probably shouldn't be putting them on Facebook. Your parents may not be on Facebook, but everyone else you know is. If there is some wild party or a habit of using certain words that you'd rather not have your parents see, putting all of that on Facebook for everyone you know to see and tell others about is probably not a good idea. Because if it's out there, word will get back to them. Maybe one of your Facebook friends will meet your parents and talk to them a bit. Maybe one of your friend's parents will glance at their Facebook one day and see you. Or maybe you'll just accidentally leave your own Facebook open one day for them to see. Putting stuff like that on Facebook is like putting it on a giant billboard you just hope your parents will never find.

So if you don't want them to see it, don't put it in Facebook. It's that simple. That's what personal messages are for.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
My mom has facebook, but is too technologically impaired to know exactly how to use it. My grandma has it too, but I never really bother censoring anything. Then again, I don't like announcing lots of my private details online.


Jul 31, 2008
The only reason I accepted my mum's friend request on Facebook is because I know my mum wouldn't really care what I post anyway. She's not nosy (I'd easily just block/delete her if that were the case), and only really uses Facebook for the games anyway.

Still, that's a nice thing about Google+. The ability to put mums/dads/grandparents/nosy aunts and uncles etc into a nice little circle called "family" that doesn't see anything you don't want them to. I suppose it'll be nice for those people that insist on adding their boss/co-workers on social networking sites too.


New member
Oct 20, 2009
both my parents are on computers all day.
the last thing they want to do is be on the computer let alone facebook. My mum has facebook but it is for work purposes so she will never add me and my dad is an old fashion miserable bastard so he will never get one.
I do have aunts and uncles so they sort of act like my parents but they never express anger to what I say or say that it is inappropriate. but by one of my uncles, he did say that he enjoys my statuses ( they are usually funny quotes)


a single man with a sword
Jun 5, 2010
freakyalex said:
proctorninja2 said:
i dont post anything that i wouldnt say to my parents this excludes any kind of messaging but yeah i blocked my father and untill my mom GOT BANNED i didnt really care. yes you read that right my mother got kicked off of facebook
Aha, what did she do?

OT: My parents don't have facebook, and I'd rather it stayed that way. My mum's REALLY nosy, but fortunately she's terrible with computers. My dad's better with them, but he understands privacy, and he doesn't really see the point of FB anyway so he's never gotten an account.
well she got a message that her account had been reported for sexually harassing people, funny part is she had the account for a couple days and she had only logged in once, she didnt do it though.


New member
Aug 1, 2010
Everyone in my family knows I hate sketchbook, and although my sister continues to convince me to join, I tell her I don't want to get sucked in. I use Escapist, MyAnimeList, and Encyclopedia Dramatica to get my info on general things, anime, and lulz, respectively.

My parents know, though, that I never do any weird shit on teh internets, like take naked pictures and post them or flame others for stupid reasons. I'm a teenager. If I do shit now, it'll follow me until I die. The worst I do online is read hentai, and if that's a terrible thing to do, I don't know what's excusable. Yay, hentai! (^_^)b

Dr Jones

Join the Bob Dylan Fangroup!
Jun 23, 2010
SonicKaos said:
Not because I'm hiding anything, but because it's an invasion of privacy..
Yeah cause y'know its not like parents are right in checking what their kids are doing :/.

Honestly i wouldnt want my parents looking at my shit, but if they wanted to they'd be totally right in it. Im still a kid. They are just looking out for me.


New member
Jun 5, 2010
I have Facebook and I am friends with all my family that are also on there. The thing is they seem to understand that IRL me and Internet me act differently (but only in the way you would act differently between a teacher and your mate) so they seem to ignore most of the stuff I post. Some of them have mentioned they find the stuff I post amusing though. If I really wanted to post something I didn't want them to see it is possible to exclude people from posts though so its all good.


New member
May 13, 2010
My mum sometimes comments on my FB statuses saying things like "You shouldn't really say things like that". I just shrug them off. Either that or she asks as to what I wrote means.

Alpha Maeko

Uh oh, better get Maeko!
Apr 14, 2010
My dad -is- on my facebook, but no, I act the same on there as I would anywhere else. The only change is that I wouldn't swear as much, or not at all; just cuz it's polite.


New member
May 5, 2010
Reading the thread title I thought this was in reference to actual books. Different, I s'pose.

Anyway, I don't post anything anyway that could be considered objectionable, and my mum's main use of it is the 'games' on there. She does on occasion ask who is such and such, which is fine. My dad had it for about 3-4 days, didn't see what the point of it was and asked me to deactivate it for him. /contribution