Your name

Robert Ewing

New member
Mar 2, 2011
As you can see by my escapist name, my name is Robert Ewing. (Roh-Bert, You-Ing)

Next to nobody every pronounces my last name correctly. But everybody is fine with my first name.


New member
Jun 12, 2011
Nah, Liam is a fine name, my names Nicholas and at school some people used to say 'Hi Nick, are you knicker less?' to which my respose was usualy 'Er...yes, I don't wear girls underwear'.


New member
Jul 29, 2011
One of my friends is called Liam.

My name is Adam Ripley Noon. Had some mocking for having a middle name like that and all the "noon" jokes I can handle.

"hur hur good after*noon*" ... yes very original, haven't heard that in all of my 31 years.

The one I get a lot and that rally grates on me now is "if you're Adam, wheres Eve". No, just no. I've heard it since I was a child and it wasn't funny then and it sure as shit isn't funny 31 years later.


New member
Jul 27, 2009

13 of them in high school. It was a pain.

*I turn around*

Nope. :(


New member
Sep 10, 2008
I hate to say this (because I'm sure people will take it the wrong way.) but the fact that you go to a primarily black school probably has a lot to do with it. The name isn't bad at all, and it's just a name, don't let stupid people bug you, they're just trying to entertain themselves in a ridiculously lame way.


Elite Member
Jan 18, 2010
Didn't think of the name "Liam" as anyway unusual.

I've had endless questioning as to why I'm called John on school registers despite being Jack; followed be complete retards trying to get me to respond to the name John (Fuck you, I'm not doing it).

Otherwise it's just the usual problem with being called Jack I.E. everyone and their dogs sharing your name. Bet people called Nazaire don't have to deal with their named being called out in the street every few minutes.

GamerKT said:

13 of them in high school. It was a pain.

*I turn around*

Nope. :(
Try Jack in the UK. Most popular Male Baby Name since 1994 (I was born in '93 so... I was called Jack before it was popular)


New member
Sep 15, 2010
Daystar Clarion said:
Gaiseric said:
Daystar Clarion said:

I'm a guy.

I'm that awesome.

(Although Americans seem to think it's a chick name for some reason).

Incidently, I have friend named Liam, and he's had the same problems with Americans who can't seem to pronounce it correctly.
Well you share the name of Bruce Campbell's character in Evil Dead so I think that makes you more awesome.
s0nic_al said:
Aprilgold said:
Well, I'm Nathaniel. I'd rather have a BAD ASS name like Lion or Ashley, but Nathaniel if fine.

Daystar Clarion said:

I'm a guy.

I'm that awesome.

(Although Americans seem to think it's a chick name for some reason).
Thank our movies for that, all action films set a name limit for some reason over here.
Ashley Williams of Evil Dead is one of the most Badass heroes I know of.
I'm also a badass.



Who said I wasn't?
Just saying, there are some badass MALES in movies too.


New member
Jun 28, 2011
I know your pain, bro. My brother and I have both had to face such a thing down, over a loudspeaker at football games. They pronounced me ee-dee, when It's clearly Eddie, but my bro got it worse. They anounced that jah-mez was in on the tackle. How do you mispronounce James? Even mine wasn't as bad as that.


Ineptly Chaotic
Jan 6, 2011
A Hermit's Cave
RedxDecember said:
Huh, well let's do the rundown shall we?

One of my best mates is called Liam (but that's sort of beside my point).

Anyway, Liam - diminutive of William, otherwise translated/transliterated/derived as: Will; Wilhelm; Guillaume; Guy; Willem; Guillermo etc. etc. For pretty much all of those names, history chucks up a shed load of badasses, and there're a fair few famous 'Liams' anyway (as people have mentioned Mr Neeson), so don't bother if people mock your name, it's always baseless.

My name: Aidan... not many of them around, at least not Chinese ones, anyway...(!)


New member
Apr 3, 2010
Ilia (Ee-Lee-Ah)
People usually have problems pronouncing it when reading it for the first time. But after I correct them once or twice, they seem to get the hand of it.


books, Books, BOOKS
Jan 19, 2011
United States
Liam is a fine name, I don't see what the big deal is.

As for my name, I'm not really a fan of it, I happen to have a first (Jennifer) and last name (Anderson) that are very popular, I remember in my AP American History in high school I was one of three "Jennifers" and for some reason we all sat in the same area. Just because my name is so popular I tend to not answer it right away since I don't know who they are talking to, which can be very awkward when I answer and it's not me they want.

Plus, I get "Jennifer Aniston" jokes. I remember this UPS guy giving me a package and made a crack about it, yeah, you have a good fucking day too buddy. It was funny never, but I just pretty much ignore it now.


New member
Jul 10, 2011
My name's Jonathan. I go by Jon. People give me shit for not using an "h"...LOLWUT?! Jonathan doesn't have an "h" in it, so why the hell would the shortened version of my name have an "h" in it?! Morons.


New member
Jan 6, 2011
Liam seems to be a pretty innocuous name and not exactly difficult to pronounce, so if anything it just makes the people around you seem a bit off. My last name has the word cock in it, so I've heard the endless array of immature derisions from that one, thankfully most people had grown out of that after about 14 or so, although by then I'd heard them all and it was just boring more than anything else. No one really made fun of my first name, especially with the last being such an easy target, but people always seem to be perplexed as to why Lloyd is spelt with two L's and they'll inevitably ask why this is, to which I can only say that it's a Welsh name and they do that with L's for some reason. Really I have no idea myself why it's spelt like that, but it's not as though everything's spelt phonetically so I don't really see what the fascination is. Oh well, shit happens.


New member
Jul 17, 2010
My nickname, and what i was known as for most of my childhood was Starshine. Match that with my last name, Summers. Then shorten my nickname as i got older. Star Summers. Yes, i was asked if i was a stripper.


New member
Sep 19, 2008
I have never seen someone mispronounce Liam. Actually, now that i think about it, the principal of the my school from k-10th grade was named Liam. It's an uncommon name to be sure (in the USA) but it's not that rare...

My name is Thor. A lot of people upon hearing this say "Really?" I tell them it's a family name. They then say "Oh, really?"

Like i'm lying or something.

another response is a quizzical look and 'why'd your parents name you that?' they say it in a confused/disgusted tone. Thanks dickhead.

Or they say, and i get this A LOT, "Like the greek/roman god?"

Ghengis John

New member
Dec 16, 2007
RedxDecember said:
Is the name Liam dumb to you?
Have you ever been made fun of because of your name? How did you handle it?
First question: No. It reminds me of Liam Neeson and all things good.

Second question: No. My name is John. Ha! It's gotta be one of the most common names in christendom. What a safe bet that was... It's common and rhymes with little else. Thanks to my parents for that one.


New member
Feb 14, 2010
Liam is a perfectly fine name.

My name is Joey, no one has ever mispronounced my name before, but the closest thing to that for me is that once I turned 18 (I'm 20 now), I remember a few older people asking me if I would start going by Joe or Joseph now. I thought it was weird because yes my real name is Joseph, but I prefer to go by Joey and see no reason why I shouldn't go with the name I have been going by for my life so far.

I really don't mind though if people call me Joe, Joey, or Joseph.


New member
Jun 20, 2011
Naah, Liam is a fine name. Those kids in your class are just immature :p

As for my name (Jacqueline), I'm content with it. However because it's the original French spelling, many teachers/professors keep trying to pronounce my name with a French-accent (where as I just pronounce my name as "JACK-eh-lin" or "JACK-lin"), which tends to get on my nerves (though I guess it really shouldn't).