Your opinion on Cannibalism.

Count Igor

New member
May 5, 2010
Because every time I see a Cannabis thread, I always think it's about Cannibals. And my hopes are dashed.

So. What do you think on eating the same species?
Cannibals that we know about are mainly just fiction. Tribes off in the distance that we think eat Humans all the time generally only eat them on special occasions. Not to mention you couldn't survive purely on Human, and too much of us is deadly. (I know, too much of anything is. But Human is included!)

Basically, I'll narrow it down to a few questions.
What do you think about animals eating their own species? Edit: Sorry. Worded this badly. I meant us feeding animals their own species for cheap food?
What do you think of Cannibalistic tribes?
What do you think of eating an arm/leg/whole-person to survive?
Would you eat someone to survive?

But any thoughts on the topic are welcome. Those questions are just for help.

Sorry that this is worded badly, but I have got some problems at the moment. Namely making badly worded threads. [sub][sub]Pause for laughter...[/sub][/sub]..
Come on guys. That was a joke. Give me a laugh here.

Edit: Okay, another question that came to me when trying to conceal a bump I was thinking...
If you had to eat part of a human, which part would you eat?


New member
Mar 17, 2011
Even if there wasn't a social taboo about it, I really don't think I could bring myself to eat someone else. Its... just too much creepy for me. It always just seems totally wrong to eat a member of one's own species.

I find it hard to believe that a tribe of cannibals could stay as such for very long. I'd be pretty worried and doubt I would get much sleep. Makes me think of that Mayan or Aztec (can't remember) where the winning team was sacrificed. Had to be the lowest scoring sport ever, I'm sure (until soccer ::snore::)


Music Industry Corporate Whore
Nov 14, 2007
Count Igor said:
Basically, I'll narrow it down to a few questions.

What do you think about animals eating their own species?
What do you think of Cannibalistic tribes?
What do you think of eating an arm/leg/whole-person to survive?
Would you eat someone to survive?
1. It's not my business to dictate the instincts of animals.
2. I don't think about cannibalistic tribes.
3. I think other food is better than human flesh, but I also think living is better than dying.
4. We had this exact question a few days ago, I wasn't sure then and I'm still not now. I'd have to be in an extreme survival situation before I could definitively answer that. Hopefully, I'll never have to.


New member
Feb 8, 2011
Once you resort to cannibalism you are basically just an intelligent zombie and should be destroyed immediately


Professional Lurker
Nov 18, 2009
I'd like to move for cannibalism to be grounds for leniency in murder cases, seeing how it's less wasteful.

Cyber cookie for the first person to get the reference.

OT: I find the eating of another sentient being to be highly distasteful, if only for the fact that it means that someone might end up eating me.

For your questions though:

1) Don't really care, it happens, and that's kinda how nature rolls.
2) Blech, but as long as I don't run into them I'm not concerned.
3) I'd rather not, but I'd probably do it if it came down to survival.
4) See #3.

Hero in a half shell

It's not easy being green
Dec 30, 2009
I personally am against it, I mean, if we legalise cannibalism, then it's a slippery slope to eating the meat of other animals, then their dairy products, and before you know it, we'll all be living off leafy salads and wearing hemp. Who knows what would happen?


New member
Apr 28, 2010
You know, I honestly had the same problem. I kept going into a cannabis thread thinking it was cannibals, and then getting disappointed when I couldn't tell them how mind bogglingly stupid I think cannibalism is.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Dulcinea said:
Just don't eat a child or anyone not able to legally consent.
I agree. People should have a choice whether to be eaten or not. I can just see it now.
"Excuse me sir, can i have your verbal consent to eat you alive?"
"Why certainly, I'm glad you asked, instead of just going for my jugul--" by now the good gentlemen are now grappling on the floor, the former's gnashing teeth now closing in slowly but surely on the latter's larynx...

...Ahem, well sorry but i just found your post amusing :p I meant no harm by it. In all seriousness, if I were in that situation, I can't say i'd be able to bring myself to kill a live human and eat them. However my opinion on this would probably change if i'd just spent a week without food. I would do everything in my power to exhaust other alternatives before resorting to killing another human being with the aim of eating them.

It would be a lot easier if they were already dead...I dunno, it's a psychological thing.

Animals eating their own kind? I currently work at a restaurant, and as you can imagine we throw away our fair share of perfectly good food scraps. A few of our customers own a farm and they produce chicken eggs. We try not to scrape chicken scraps into the bucket that's intended for these chickens as feed, out of respect for the animals. I don't know if it's harmful or not, but it's a respect thing; a moral obligation i suppose.

Cannibal tribes? Unless they're a pretty big tribe, or they outsource their food , talk about an unsustainable business model. I think honestly no human's life deserves to be taken and used purely for the mere purpose of food for other humans. If they're old, or they've died in battle or something, I guess it's...justifiable, as their deaths mostly meant something that'd just be honoring their existence, by ingesting their being into the tribesmen's and tribeswomen's beings. I'm not sure that's how their culture would work, but that seems noble to me, if a little less civilised than a burial :S

Serving UpSmiles

New member
Aug 4, 2010
I would considor it "nessecary" in third world countries, if someone is truly desperate and has no morals its the same with why people rape and murder, it's from desperation and depravity.

Head Chef Dom

New member
Nov 8, 2010
I think its a great idea. It allows you to fill your belly and remove people who oppose you all at the same time. Just stay away from comedians, they taste funny :)

back on topic, theres no need for it and people who feel the need to do it seem pretty sick to me


New member
Sep 19, 2008
It's different when both parties are sentient. The 'willing party' might not be totally mentally healthy. Hey you ever hear of [a href=] Armin Meiwes?[/a]
Survival on a mountaintop is a bit different there's a reason why no one is ever charged ith anything for that. Though you're very much in danger of turning into a Wendingo.

I guess if you can synthesize human pieces it would be different. I mean that's what Spider Eats.



New member
Aug 8, 2009
Possibly, i would eat a person, if i really had to and it wasn't someone i cared about and they were already dead.

Beyond that however, my experience with the subject of cannibalism comes from when I added Kurosawa Sae to one of my roleplay characters, and after having her escape the abyss the second time, after being thrown in by Mio{I think, it's been a long time since i've played the game) was then free from the Repentance's hold on her and left the town, now underwater, to wander the world. She's gotten over her denial and now holds bitter anger toward her sister, and seeing someone unfairly betrayed is her berserk button. Usually if she kills someone, she'll strangle them to death and then maybe eat part of their corpse and oh dear lord I just got a fanfic idea for something mostly unrelated, but back on topic: If you really piss her off, she'll immobilize you and then eat part of your body alive. She'll probably break your limbs to do it and you'll die of bloodloss pretty early on but still, it's probably a horrible way to go. {Both of my last probablies ended up perfectly aligned one above the other in the reply box.)


Not Dead Yet
Jan 7, 2009
Count Igor said:
Basically, I'll narrow it down to a few questions.
What do you think about animals eating their own species? Edit: Sorry. Worded this badly. I meant us feeding animals their own species for cheap food?
What do you think of Cannibalistic tribes?
What do you think of eating an arm/leg/whole-person to survive?
Would you eat someone to survive?
1. Weird, but also cool. Interesting to find out why and when this occurs.
Rewording: Disgusting. We put profit margins above animals in our care, and it probably doesn't help them develop well.

2.That's their culture, I'm not going to be that guy who ruins something so unique in this world of blandness.

3 & 4. I think if it's necessary and they're cool with it then it's ok and I'd do it. I'd play it fair and inform them of my desires, not just attack out of the blue. We need some civility here.


New member
Jan 1, 2011
People will likely be grossed out by this idea but the way I see it. Millions die everyday from natural causes, Accidents and exucution. While everyday thousands of people in poor countrys starve to death. A german named Armin Meiwes managed to make a human body last for 10 months worth of dinners. Think how many people that could save from starvation if we where to take the people who died remove the eatable parts and used them to feed the hungry. (not those who died from illness). I mean what happens to all that meat after you die? It either gets stuck into a hole in the ground to rot or it is burnt to ashes. It's a waste of a valuable resource.