Your video game hot take(s) thread


The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
I'm just gonna get it off my chest, I'm getting mighty irrated with parts of the FROM/Souls community lately. When I'm not on the escapist, I hang out on Reddit(Yeah, I know, my first mistake) and most of my interactions there have been pretty good. Yeah, there are shits and trolls like elsewhere but there's been a couple times in the last week that have just annoyed me because of how fucking petty they feel.

-So on the Elden Ring sub, there's a topic along the lines of "How long did you play/how many hows do you have in the game?". A couple people have hundreds, one guy has like a thousand or something nuts, and me, I put 80 or so after finishing all the shardbearers and finishing the game. Weeks later, some jackass replies "Well, you did the bare minimum and didn't even try" in a very smug manner, like 80 hours, all major areas complete and beating the damn game is a something to be ashamed of or something. I follow up and explain that I play these games for the lore and atmosphere and such and had fun and get the same fucking smugass reply while trying to pretend it's not smug as shit. So I tell im to fuck off and block him.

-On the FROM sub, someone comments about the Chalice Dungeons in BB, and I leave a reply along the lines of "I did one and decided that was enough and didn't do any more". Of course, I get another fucking reply along the lines of "Well, you should have done them because you cheated yourself by not doing them" and again, same kind of thing happened. Gave the dude one chance to see if it wasn't just a one off comment and then blocked him when he continues the smug routine.

And yeah, it's two guys on two subs but damn if it isn't annoying me and feels like the worst of the community being jackasses about shit that's not even directed at them. I responded to a comment/question and for some reason, get these dipshits who seem to be annoyed that I'm not playing the games right or something and I question why I'm even on those subs anymore.Yeah, there are a lot of cool FROM fans but god dammit there are a lot of obnoxious shits in there as well.
I’ve observed essentially the same thing with the various Linux subreddits. The shithead user base is Linux’s own worst enemy. Some poor sod comes to Reddit for advice because they’re new and want to make the jump. Sometimes they get a great old sage who’ll guide them along like a Linux Uncle Iroh. But a lot of the time they get self righteous wankers who’ll just smug at them and be as unhelpful as humanly possible.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I'm just gonna get it off my chest, I'm getting mighty irrated with parts of the FROM/Souls community lately. When I'm not on the escapist, I hang out on Reddit(Yeah, I know, my first mistake) and most of my interactions there have been pretty good. Yeah, there are shits and trolls like elsewhere but there's been a couple times in the last week that have just annoyed me because of how fucking petty they feel.

-So on the Elden Ring sub, there's a topic along the lines of "How long did you play/how many hows do you have in the game?". A couple people have hundreds, one guy has like a thousand or something nuts, and me, I put 80 or so after finishing all the shardbearers and finishing the game. Weeks later, some jackass replies "Well, you did the bare minimum and didn't even try" in a very smug manner, like 80 hours, all major areas complete and beating the damn game is a something to be ashamed of or something. I follow up and explain that I play these games for the lore and atmosphere and such and had fun and get the same fucking smugass reply while trying to pretend it's not smug as shit. So I tell im to fuck off and block him.

-On the FROM sub, someone comments about the Chalice Dungeons in BB, and I leave a reply along the lines of "I did one and decided that was enough and didn't do any more". Of course, I get another fucking reply along the lines of "Well, you should have done them because you cheated yourself by not doing them" and again, same kind of thing happened. Gave the dude one chance to see if it wasn't just a one off comment and then blocked him when he continues the smug routine.

And yeah, it's two guys on two subs but damn if it isn't annoying me and feels like the worst of the community being jackasses about shit that's not even directed at them. I responded to a comment/question and for some reason, get these dipshits who seem to be annoyed that I'm not playing the games right or something and I question why I'm even on those subs anymore.Yeah, there are a lot of cool FROM fans but god dammit there are a lot of obnoxious shits in there as well.
I’ve observed essentially the same thing with the various Linux subreddits. The shithead user base is Linux’s own worst enemy. Some poor sod comes to Reddit for advice because they’re new and want to make the jump. Sometimes they get a great old sage who’ll guide them along like a Linux Uncle Iroh. But a lot of the time they get self righteous wankers who’ll just smug at them and be as unhelpful as humanly possible.
Reddit is just the GameFAQS forums, 2.0 edition. You won't believe the many smug jackasses were around when anything involved DMC, Ninja Gaiden, or God of War back in the mid and late 2000s. "Which is one is better or not as good as it claims to be? You played Easy Automatic Mode or Ninja Dog? What are ya, a pussy?! God of War is for filthy casuals and babies!"
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
I’ve observed essentially the same thing with the various Linux subreddits. The shithead user base is Linux’s own worst enemy. Some poor sod comes to Reddit for advice because they’re new and want to make the jump. Sometimes they get a great old sage who’ll guide them along like a Linux Uncle Iroh. But a lot of the time they get self righteous wankers who’ll just smug at them and be as unhelpful as humanly possible.
I haven't messed around with Linux for 20 years or so but yeah, I can totally see that being the case. Sounds a lot like what I've heard about Apple fans.


The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
I haven't messed around with Linux for 20 years or so but yeah, I can totally see that being the case. Sounds a lot like what I've heard about Apple fans.
With Apple folk I find the attitude trends towards an almost art community like snobbery rather than an intellectual nerd off sort of arrangement. Distinction without a difference.


Surreal Estate Agent
Mar 21, 2010
Between There and There.
The Wide, Brown One.
With Apple folk I find the attitude trends towards an almost art community like snobbery rather than an intellectual nerd off sort of arrangement. Distinction without a difference.
That's what they want you to think, it's the artsy/hip image they buy into, but let's be honest... at this point its a fucken cult.
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The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
That's what they want you to think, it's the artsy/hip image they buy into, but let's be honest... at this point its a fucken cult.
Cults usually need a charismatic leader. The current head of Apple - I think it’s Tim Cook - is a charisma negative event in space time. At least he was every time I ever saw him speak on YouTube interviews. And Bill Wozniak is to my recollection a very reclusive, under the hood, nuts and bolts engineer.

Unless both those things are no longer/never were true. I don’t bother to see what Hippy Hammer Industries are getting up to unless something specifically is fucking up on my phone or iPad.
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~s•o√r∆rπy°`Inc hope GrIfts etUrnaL
May 26, 2022
Clear 'n Present Danger
"Hate" is a strong word. Too aggressive and unnuanced to suit most opinions. Especially an opinion formed before even experiencing the entertainment in question.

That being said, I never want to play this game: I'd rather chop me fingers off like Brendan Gleeson in that Irish donkey film just to get away from whatever in god's name this mess is supposed to be...






Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Capcom is one of the most progressive companies out there, and they know this. Some people don't give them enough credit. Capcom has made their share of mistakes, but they were never afraid to get multicultural and improve on their craft. I know people like to rag on Capcom for RE5 (they do have a point), but Sheva Alomar and Josh Stone are still great and well-done characters. They're just soldiers doing the right thing and going above and beyond their job. I really wish they would bring Sheva back. At least they get a happy ending on their side of things.

Look at Street Fighter. Look at all the fighters from different ages, genders, races, religion, and walks of life. One of the characters is MTF transsexual who started as a minor villain (meant to be disliked and seen as a punching bag) in a brawler, and turned her into a decent person who left the gang life behind. Capcom discussed even how they wanted to get black characters "right" with Kimberley for SFVI, but they're not giving themselves enough credit in certain places. Dee Jay my brother and I never found offensive, and the first time we saw Elena, neither of us were complaining. I do appreciate the sincerity and being considerate. They've only gotten better with this since SFIII, and whatever mistakes they made, Capcom continued learn and grow from it. Everything comes full circle, as VI is taking from III and adding more not only gameplay, but from culture as well.
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
"Hate" is a strong word. Too aggressive and unnuanced to suit most opinions. Especially an opinion formed before even experiencing the entertainment in question.

That being said, I never want to play this game: I'd rather chop me fingers off like Brendan Gleeson in that Irish donkey film just to get away from whatever in god's name this mess is supposed to be...

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I feel like my brain fucking melted a little from trying to read that, because nothing of that made any fucking sense, despite the words being in english and somehow looking like actual sentences.

Like WTF did I just read?
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I love the smell of card games in the morning
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
and me, I put 80 or so after finishing all the shardbearers and finishing the game.
What a scrub! Git good loser. You need to put in at least 500 hours before you have enough of an understanding of the game to talk about it!
Reddit is just the GameFAQS forums, 2.0 edition. You won't believe the many smug jackasses were around when anything involved DMC, Ninja Gaiden, or God of War back in the mid and late 2000s. "Which is one is better or not as good as it claims to be? You played Easy Automatic Mode or Ninja Dog? What are ya, a pussy?! God of War is for filthy casuals and babies!"
I got called an idiot and downvoted on the Rimworld sub for refusing to lower the difficulty. Reddit is a fun site built for constructive discussions. Posting there makes me appreciate the Escapist 10x more. I just wish we had a few more people. Actually I did notice a few new users recently that are surprisingly not bots.
I feel like my brain fucking melted a little from trying to read that, because nothing of that made any fucking sense, despite the words being in english and somehow looking like actual sentences.

Like WTF did I just read?
It sounds like a game that would have been released on XBLIG back in the day.


~s•o√r∆rπy°`Inc hope GrIfts etUrnaL
May 26, 2022
Clear 'n Present Danger
I feel like my brain fucking melted a little from trying to read that, because nothing of that made any fucking sense, despite the words being in english and somehow looking like actual sentences.

Like WTF did I just read?
That, my understandably confuddled chum, is perhaps the most 'acquired taste' (read: traumatising) of all known cringe...composed of the 'dark triad' traits: stale, awful "random" overlong attempts at comedy delivered by total randos dressed like failed child improv comedians who talk with implied expectation that you already supposed to know who they are from their twitch names. It goes deeper than that too, but my measuring equipment, mainly the cringometer, was not built for such concentrated levels. It lies broken, steaming and smoking in the corner now, beside me as I tremble in the foetal position waiting for the high dosage to work its way back out the system.


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
The combat style that has taken over third person action games is wearying, bland, and I for one maybe have had enough.
Games I'm talking about include the Horizon games, recent God of War, Guardians of the Galaxy, and Evil West.

I've complained about this here and there but it's really come to a turning point for me where I will have to stop playing my favorite of type of game, either for a while or permanently until something changes.

My issue with this style of combat is that it fights against itself. These games offer wonderful looking enemies with cool move sets and interesting, wonderful weapons and tool with which to combat them. These games are also graphically gorgeous and rely on combat as the primary tension and challenge because these are often what Yahtzee calls "ghost train rides" on account of how linear they are, or even the open world ones like Horizon are maps with icons and therefore easy to navigate.

But in order to make that combat challenging, basically what they do is give you mobs of projectiles that you have to dodge. So in effect, the close-up 3rd person action turns into a defacto hybrid weird bullet hell. But with old-school bullet hells, you have full visibility (anyone remember Super R-Type on the SNES? my jam, yo). With 3D 3rd person, and the camera now up against your character's shoulder or ass, it's just a bunch of shit flying at you.

Then as the game progresses, there are more and more enemies shooting more and more projectiles. DODGE DODGE DODGE DODGE... when is it my turn to use any of the cool weapons you have? This is the "crap flying at you from everywhere" phenomenon that I been complaining about.

In order to help the player see where attacks are coming from, there are visual aid markers, like arrows or triangles. They may change color depending on how imminent the attack is (ie, yellow for incoming, red for about to hit you). It's nice that game devs have figured out how to remove extraneous HUD elements that used to clutter the screen, but now it's replaced by combat aid markers that clutter the screen, and it's painful because those are just there to make up for how silly the rest of combat has gotten.

It's also why it pains me that Witcher 3 combat being "bad" has become gospel among a certain segment of hardcore gamers. Why is it bad, because you can see everything, because you can determine when an enemy attacks by actually watching the enemy? Am I going crazy here? Lemme tell you- I been replaying it and it's so much more satisfying than God of War or Evil West combat.
Sekiro's combat is excellent not just because of the amazing posture/parry system (though, yeah, that is awesome), but also because most of the fights are limited to a few enemies or just one enemy and you can SEE them, so it's like a duel. The great tragedy of Elden Ring for me is that at times it feels like Horizon: Forbidden West, with crap flying around all stupid.

Guardians, Evil West, and of course Ragnarok- I loved these games, going through levels and progressing through the story. I actually like "ghost train rides," whatever. And often the combat felt good- animations these days have gotten insanely fun to see and when things come together, it's visceral and exciting. But there is this thin line between excitement and tedium, and when I find myself spamming the dodge button and watching yellow arrows I want to turn the machine off and read a book. And this is happening more and more and defining AAA action games to me.

The next game I worry might be like this is the sequel to Jedi Fallen Order. Before completing Evil West it was potentially a day 1 release purchase for me, but now I dunno.
My next game will be Dead Space remake. Watching video clips, it doesn't look like it has this, it looks like you face enemies directly. That might be nice.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
The combat style that has taken over third person action games is wearying, bland, and I for one maybe have had enough.
Games I'm talking about include the Horizon games, recent God of War, Guardians of the Galaxy, and Evil West.

I suggest you start looking at the Indie scene on Steam as well. They got a lot more action games that are of the DMC/Bayonetta variety. I also suggest you check out Oneechanbara Z2 & Origin. Both games are available on PS4, PS5, and Steam. I recommend you just stick with the console version for Z2.

Guardians, Evil West, and of course Ragnarok- I loved these games, going through levels and progressing through the story. I actually like "ghost train rides," whatever. And often the combat felt good- animations these days have gotten insanely fun to see and when things come together, it's visceral and exciting. But there is this thin line between excitement and tedium, and when I find myself spamming the dodge button and watching yellow arrows I want to turn the machine off and read a book. And this is happening more and more and defining AAA action games to me.
I wouldn't even call these games ghost train rides. More so Ragnarok and EW. Just straight up linear action games. One of the many things I'm tired about Yahtzee that he tries too hard to do all these made up names to describe a specific genre, or force an abritrary sub-genre that doesn't exist. Just let something be as it is. Despite Evil West's problem, it's still better than 98% of the AAA games that come out now.
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Nemo saltat sobrius
Mar 9, 2010
I feel like my brain fucking melted a little from trying to read that, because nothing of that made any fucking sense, despite the words being in english and somehow looking like actual sentences.

Like WTF did I just read?
Either a badly calibrated or brand new chatbot, or there has been a gas leak.


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States

I suggest you start looking at the Indie scene on Steam as well. They got a lot more action games that are of the DMC/Bayonetta variety. I also suggest you check out Oneechanbara Z2 & Origin. Both games are available on PS4, PS5, and Steam. I recommend you just stick with the console version for Z2.

I wouldn't even call these games ghost train rides. More so Ragnarok and EW. Just straight up linear action games. One of the many things I'm tired about Yahtzee that he tries too hard to do all these made up names and describe a specific genre. Just let something be as it is. Despite Evil West's problem, it's still better than 98% of the AAA games that come out now.
Well I already added Hi-Fi Rush to my to-play list and it may be what I play this coming weekend depending on my schedule.
I kind of burned out on Bayonetta style because I played all three in 2022. But that is for sure a temporary burnout, I still like the style well enough, just need a break from it.

I follow indie stuff, it's what drew me to The Escapist. But the big AAA titles- the ones that actually interest me- are always going to be the biggest draw. The graphics and the production value and the scope are part of the fun of video games.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
kind of burned out on Bayonetta style because I played all three in 2022. But that is for sure a temporary burnout, I still like the style well enough, just need a break from it.
With that said, they all do their own thing, so you should not be burned out too quickly, when you get back at.

But the big AAA titles- the ones that actually interest me- are always going to be the biggest draw. The graphics and the production value and the scope are part of the fun of video games.
I can understand and respect that to an extent, but that's not a big draw enough for me much anymore. Aside from a few exceptions, a majority of these AAA games don't even try anymore. Other than visuals, the gameplay is either lacking, limited, too busy trying to screw over the consumers and customers, for all of the above. I'm more of a gameplay and stylistic visuals first overall graphical power. That's why I had no problem getting the PS4 version of Ragnarok (game looks phenomenal even on base PS4). And why that GameStop employee should have kept his mouth shut for getting "disappointed" at me for not getting the "premium version" for console I don't have and can't afford at the moment.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Not the entire video, but GS's statement at the 1:23 mark. He talks about how the action game genre has gotten far too little love in recent years....aaaaaaaaaaannnnnnddd none of that is true. Unless you're talking about a majority of critics, but they don't count for shit. I am assuming he doesn't like Ragnarök (he did enjoy GoW4 despite his issues with the game), and has problems with Bayonetta 3's story as hinted later in the video. I don't care how much he doesn't like either or not, to say the genre has gotten little love recently in the past couple of years is definitely false. DMC5 came out in 2019 and people are still playing or buying the game. No More Heroes 3 came out in 2021, and got ported to PC and other consoles last year. I know Hi-Fi Rush just came out, but he couldn't have predicted that.

What about the niche DMC/Bayonetta style action games on Steam? What about Evil West? What about the revitalization of the 2D brawler genre we've been getting for since the late 2010s. Or they don't count? Which is bullshit, if that is the case. Games like Streets of Rage 4, The TakeOver, Shredder's Revenge, and even Final Vendetta borrow some elements from DMC. Which is ironic, because DMC itself took elements from arcade brawlers and fighting games. I know the show is satire, but I can tell when GS is off the cuff and more direct and serious. You're better than that Gaming Sins. Otherwise, a good video.

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My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
I'm just gonna get it off my chest, I'm getting mighty irrated with parts of the FROM/Souls community lately. When I'm not on the escapist, I hang out on Reddit(Yeah, I know, my first mistake) and most of my interactions there have been pretty good. Yeah, there are shits and trolls like elsewhere but there's been a couple times in the last week that have just annoyed me because of how fucking petty they feel.

-So on the Elden Ring sub, there's a topic along the lines of "How long did you play/how many hours do you have in the game?". A couple people have hundreds, one guy has like a thousand or something nuts, and me, I put 80 or so after finishing all the shardbearers and finishing the game. Weeks later, some jackass replies "Well, you did the bare minimum and didn't even try" in a very smug manner, like 80 hours, all major areas complete and beating the damn game is a something to be ashamed of or something. I follow up and explain that I play these games for the lore and atmosphere and such and had fun and get the same fucking smugass reply while trying to pretend it's not smug as shit. So I tell im to fuck off and block him.

-On the FROM sub, someone comments about the Chalice Dungeons in BB, and I leave a reply along the lines of "I did one and decided that was enough and didn't do any more". Of course, I get another fucking reply along the lines of "Well, you should have done them because you cheated yourself by not doing them" and again, same kind of thing happened. Gave the dude one chance to see if it wasn't just a one off comment and then blocked him when he continues the smug routine.

And yeah, it's two guys on two subs but damn if it isn't annoying me and feels like the worst of the community being jackasses about shit that's not even directed at them. I responded to a comment/question and for some reason, get these dipshits who seem to be annoyed that I'm not playing the games right or something and I question why I'm even on those subs anymore.Yeah, there are a lot of cool FROM fans but god dammit there are a lot of obnoxious shits in there as well.
Oh man, do not engage the trollies imps!! LoL

The thing about these dbags is their fanaticism turns to obsession, and it’s rooted in personal insecurities and discontentment. This extends to their preconceived notions of what is “acceptable” regarding their hobbies, so anything less is considered an affront and calls for snide reprimands. Best to just downvote and hope enough sensible folks do the same, until they’re hidden and ultimately forgotten.


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
Re: reddit
I gotta say that one of the best experiences I've ever had with entertainment media was participating in the r/bloodborne sub when I got seriously into that game.

So this was around 2017-2018. I got a cheap used PS4 and Bloodborne as part of some subscription deal or something and I used that as a chance to truly push myself to finally get into a Dark Soul game. Boy was it rough, but I was in the mood for some punishment and I was fascinated with the game design so I committed myself to progressing and then, eventually, to getting the platinum.

I used the sub for tips etc and started posting my own experiences complaints. As you can imagine these including long whining posts about mechanical details and where I was having trouble. The responses were amazing- thoughtful, patient, complimentary, coupled with enthusiastic offers to physically help me beat bosses. Though at the time I was not playing online, I did discover the joy people experienced in playing Souls games co-op.

An important reason that Bloodborne is one of my favorite games of all time is that sub. It was the first time I experienced some of the social aspects of gaming I had when I was a kid, just geeking out about game details with others.

When I decided to continue and complete my Soulsborne games, I found similar experiences in each of the other games' subs. This included finding other achievement hunters for Dark Souls 3 and Demons Souls remake where we would purposefully invade each other's games and kill each other to grind out collectibles. I took particular joy in even helping a few folks beat tough fights- I become the guy that people thanked! It was delightful.

By the time I got around to Sekiro and finally Elden Ring, I relied on them less, with FextraLife and a billion trillion youtube channels providing everything I needed.

So, I'm sure that some From fans have been insufferable with the git gud nonsense. I'm not denying anyone's experiences, and frankly I think Elden Ring killed that particular unique vibe that I plugged into. It was a particular moment with Dark Souls 2 and Bloodborne where pure gaming enthusiasm was nurtured. Maybe because those games are so... weird, I dunno. Some of the nicest online people I met were hardcore fans of Dark Souls 2, just looking for people as happy as they were to see unique move sets for wielding two maces or whatever lol.

The reason I didn't see the kind of comments being referenced here by u/Dalisclock is because they were downvoted to hell.
I dunno, maybe the moderators changed? But also with internet places, there are limited periods where things are good, and then people change, tech changes, trends change. I think I was lucky enough to plug into a very special, cool thing with these games at a particular time. I don't go there no more now 'cause I'm done with these games.