That would explain why my grandfather had a shed full of army surplus napkins.What are you talking about? Knowing when to hide behind a bench and wipe the raspberry jam out of your eyes is how the Allies won World War II!
That would explain why my grandfather had a shed full of army surplus napkins.What are you talking about? Knowing when to hide behind a bench and wipe the raspberry jam out of your eyes is how the Allies won World War II!
"Yeah. And then when I got in, I suddenly got this feeling of innere peace. I can't put it into words. I Like this is where I was meant to be. Like I'd found the key to true happiness. ... Does that make any sense?"For all its faults, modern Far Cry entries provide the best bush-hiding experience out of all the other stealth competition. Their shrubbery snuggle game is next level. The screen in first-person shows all the bristling leaves as they move closer, becoming out of focus, to tickle your stoic face as you stalk your prey, but moving out of your way as you push forward. This probably says more about me then the game, but those bushes make me feel emotionally safe! Not sure if my parents were genetically-prone stalkers, or if I was traumatically born in a bush - never thought to push any of those enquiries before - it's just something about hiding in them shrubs calms the brain. Might get my own bush to hide in for real life situations. Especially if they got pocket size options.
That applies to Mirage and Jedi 2 more than anything. With that said, I'm not interested in the next Jedi game, because it's still a Dark Souls clone. Had it played more like an old school God of War/DMC clone, I would be interested.This is the first year in a while where I'm really not excited about anything coming out.
Most of it is around sequels. My most anticipated games of 2022 were were Elden Ring, Horizon: FW, and Ragnarok, and while I enjoyed them all to some degree, only Ragnarok hit my hard. This year we got Jedi 2, Spiderman 2, Assassins Creed Mirage as the big ticket sequels for franchises I'm invested in and I already decided I'll not play them on release. They all feel Horizon: FW to me- likely to be competent continuations of things I kind of like, which I can wait for.
I appreciate the big love for Miles, but the term you're looking for is stand alone expansion pack. Not a full blown sequel. That's what Miles Morales is. I doSpiderman 2 is coming out but I already played that game, it was called Miles Morales. But this new one will be a new game but also have Miles Morales and they gonna charge $70 for this? Honestly how good can that game possibly be, it can't be great, it can't. At best it will be "more of a thing we liked 5 years ago, a quality production but it cannot be different because it HAS to deliver on the web slinging traversal that made the game good in the first place. So we know what we're getting.
And yes this from the guy that still plays Assassins Creeds, the franchise synonymous with "same old shit," but at least I understand why folks rag on it and I never go around recommending any of the games past the first two. Now Jedi and Spiderman and Sonys all feel like AssCreeds.
No. The correct answer is PS2, OG Xbox, & GameCube. The 6th generation of consoles. Some of the qte's are 360esque though. The "360 game" you are thinking about is Evil West.Hi-Fi Rush was a good time but it's main selling point is "reminds me of a 360 game." So.. nostalgia, spiritual successor.
That was already going on before since the late PS1 and early PS2 days. All God of War 4, did was make it "legit" to snooty professional critics. The ones who don't actually like playing games or are ashamed of the medium they are in because of some dumb insecurity.2018: God of War, applying high level of design and production for cinematic story-telling delivered with emotional and visceral resonance
You know you're only playing yourself right?Starfield to be amazing, just to mess with everyone.
Hey, 2 of my 4 excluded tags on Steam... the others being Deckbuilding and Pixel Graphics.Ok, indy indy, play indy, look at how good indy is, blah blah blah. Lemme tell you if I never play another roguelike or metroidvania again it'll be too soon.
Man if you'd-a told me years ago that all thousands of gamers wanted to do with their digital entertainment is to simulate playing cards I'd have laughed in our face, but here we are.Hey, 2 of my 4 excluded tags on Steam... the others being Deckbuilding and Pixel Graphics.
Hmmm... maybe that's why I sometimes don't see many indie games on Steam.
So I guess not much of your massive Witcher 3 play time consisted of Gwent sessions then lol?Man if you'd-a told me years ago that all thousands of gamers wanted to do with their digital entertainment is to simulate playing cards I'd have laughed in our face, but here we are.
I love the original GoW but the new ones feel different enough to me and many that I would disagree with that assessment. 2018 GoW incorporate the "playing a movie" feel of Uncharted and Last of Us that became beloved and now has a backlash. Old GoW has epic cut scenes and big finishing moves and all that but it's not the same experience as what we now call "cinematic" games, at least as I hear critics and such use it.That was already going on before since the late PS1 and early PS2 days. All God of War 4, did was make it "legit" to snooty professional critics. The ones who don't actually like playing games or are ashamed of the medium they are in because of some dumb insecurity.
You know you're only playing yourself right?
Oh, I can complete the Card Collector achievement by heart without notes or internet lookups. I am Gwent master.So I guess not much of your massive Witcher 3 play time consisted of Gwent sessions then lol?
2018 GoW incorporate the "playing a movie" feel of Uncharted and Last of Us that became beloved and now has a backlash.
I know the influences, but it doesn't make the prior games or other games from the 6th era, any less cinematic. The classic God of War Games took from Clash Of The Titans. Which became ironic as the Clash of the Titans remake movies from the 2010s took from God of War. I don't give a damn what the critics are using. They don't know shit. The problem with games that go overboard being cinematic that they play themselves. The Norse God of Wars don't exactly have this problem, but they still had the case of push forward to walk and unskippable cutscenes. Hell, God of War 4 needed a patch update for you to skip most of his cut scenes and walking sections. I've already made this hot take, but games have always been cinematic since the early 8-bit days. Look at all the Ninja Gaiden intros on NES. Look at the Castlevania intros. They are all either borrowing from cinema or try to make themselves feel like an action or anime movie from the 80s. Clock Tower from the SNES and PS1 were borrowing from Italian slasher horror films. The PS1 sequel especially wore cinema all over its sleeve. The only difference is that it remembered to have gameplay. Sure, some of these modern games have better storytelling, but it doesn't invalidate the accomplishments nor the storytelling of games back on the PS1, PS2, or even the 16-bit and 8-bit days. Plenty of these games do have excellent storytelling, hardware aside.Old GoW has epic cut scenes and big finishing moves and all that but it's not the same experience as what we now call "cinematic" games, at least as I hear critics and such use it.
Eh.. I guess. Would explain why I both pick up and drop Darksiders games. But they copied with style and execution so I'm kind of fond of them.Speaking of @Old_Hunter_77's rant on spiritual successors. Atlas Fallen looks to be a spiritual successor to the Darksiders franchise. With the way this scenario is looking, AF looks to be a better Darksiders than the entire franchise. The big problem with the Darksiders franchise is that each game just copied whatever was popular at the time. To the point that every game becomes dated in some way or fashion, based off of whatever trend it was following at the time. Plus, Darksiders I-III suffers issues of padding and slow middle area. It's why I could never finish the first game, nor took interests in the later sequels. All of this is even more ironic as Darksiders itself is a spiritual successor to Legacy of Kain and Soul Reaver. Darksiders 1 is the most blatant and ovious about this.
Depends on which one you're talking about. I'll give credit to Darksiders & Darksiders II. More so the former, but Darksiders III they dropped the ball turning it into a half-assed Dark Souls clone. Only with the optional patch update to play like the first two games, does III start resembling its elder brethren. Darksiders Genesis is a co-op Diablo II clone, yet has the better reception over II and III. I have not played it, but the game is good and has the best pacing of the franchise.But they copied with style and execution so I'm kind of fond of them.
I'm glad he mentioned the Chronicles of Elyria. That's one of my favorite Salt Factory videos. Yeah, there's something about "Well, you can be a virtual blacksmith" except that really not that many people want to be a virtual blacksmith is kind of a problem here. And of course the "You can be A lord or a general and boss other people around in game" which begs the question just how that's meant to work.
"Be a serf, till the fields and die of the Plague" might be more accurate, but good luck clearing that with Marketing.And of course the "You can be A lord or a general and boss other people around in game" which begs the question just how that's meant to work.
"Serfs can't have internet! They might get funny ideas""Be a serf, till the fields and die of the Plague" might be more accurate, but good luck clearing that with Marketing.
You're already complicated it by bringing the internet into it. Many historians claim the internet played little or no part in the French revolution,"Serfs can't have internet! They might get funny ideas"
Yes, I'm aware the French Revolution was vastly more complicated and morally fraught then "Eat the Rich". Stop ruining my joke.
More's the pity. The memes would've been choice.You're already complicated it by bringing the internet into it. Many historians claim the internet played little or no part in the French revolution,