Youtube personalities


Better Red than Dead
Aug 5, 2009
Hey gang, got a bit of a downer going on today so I figured I'd just watch a thread grow for shiz and giggles.

So, when it comes to Youtube...

Who do you guys watch the most and why?

What got you into watching for them in your subscriptions in the first place?

I've been watching a Let's Player named Lucahjin [] for a long time, since 2008 now (back when she was doing Chrono Cross). Just been on and off with her series but she's been on the upswing with uploads lately and has really got a rocking fan base now so I'm pretty stocked to watch her get into all sorts of shenanigans. Also considering she played a game with Arin's wife Suzie, she may come in for a guest appearance someday on the Grumps. Someday. :D

Anyway, who do you guys watch? It doesn't have to be video game related mind you, there are a lot of channels out there that are tied almost entirely to the personality of one person.


Lv.1 NPC
Apr 17, 2009
I'm not a regular youtube personality observer but The Minute Physics/Earth guy is always good to watch. Insightful and well presented.

Other than that, even though he rarely uploads If you haven't checked out Timtimfed you have a funny night ahead if you ever do.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
I definitely don't have a pattern on this. It's whatever piques my interest at the time.


New member
Dec 16, 2010
I've never really followed anyone on Youtube regularly. If I find a schtick I like, I check out more. So I've seen the Red v Blue series on youtube and watched all the DBZ Abridged stuff and Christopher Walkenthroughs, but I've never been so enamored with a single personality that I thought, "Dear god, I must watch anything and everything by them now so long as it has their name attached."

The personalities that solely comment are especially what I don't understand; the billions upon billions of Let's Play videos first and foremost. I just don't get it. I love playing games, but it's like fishing, I don't get how you could love watching someone else play. It all seems far too hyper-consumerist to me, not in terms of spending money, but in just spending far too much time listening to someone else's opinion on something.


don't upset the insane catgirl
Apr 11, 2009
Too many to name.

To be honest, I stopped watching a while back. Just too busy. I just catch the odd video here and there. Usually Nerdcubed if anything.

Still my favourite after all is said and done. (the proof of this is when I'm really short of time, and want to watch a youtube video, his are what I usually end up watching.)

I can't really say with any certainty how I found any of the 150 or so youtubers I kept track of for years on end... It's kind of just... lost in the mists of time.

I think a lot of them were just random exploration of whatever happens to be on youtube, and whatever suggestions come up as a result of something I'm already watching.

Of course, I then decided to make videos myself as well... Which... Went OK for a while, but has been a bit of a struggle in recent months.
Not that I ever had much of an audience.

Anyway, at the moment I'm just trying to round off whatever series I did start, because I hate leaving things like that unfinished.
From there... if I do videos at all after that point, I feel like I'm going to have to radically rethink what it is I do with them...
Because what I've done so far... Is a little dull. (at least, to me.)

Neurotic Void Melody

Bound to escape
Jul 15, 2013
I have never got into the whole let's play personality thing, only watching one if stuck or to gauge whether to get a game. Pewdiepie was a horrific first impression. I shudder at the memory of it.

However, after accidentally stumbling upon best friends play, I found joy and humour and someone called Woolsy who could be my American non-bear counterpart. It hasn't fully convinced me of let's plays, but it has entertained more than I initially expected.

Othetwise I watch Ted Talks, they have been useful lately. QI, Stephen Fry is like big old English Elder-Bear. He is wise and we respect his presence greatly. All the finest salmon goes to him.

Tiger King

Senior Member
Oct 23, 2010
I watch a few
Frankie on pc in 1080p
ownage pranks
Maddox mission
critical penguinz0
rad brad
sexual lobster
harry partridge
sargon of Akkad
hybrid librarian
could go on a bit here ha ha

I watch whatever is interesting but try to avoid the comments section. they are just full of angry people!


I am a banana!
Sep 11, 2009
Personally, I tend to watch Let's Players like Chuggaconroy or reviewers like Caddicarus, but those are just some of the more notable names on my watch list.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Chilled Chaos, aka CriousGamers.

While he may one of those popular Youtube figures, who plays a lot of G-Mod with Seananners and such.
Well, he does more than that. The fake Italian bastard brings great friendship to the table, and I'm also willing to admit, he has a nice community.

Heck I've been watching him for a damn long time, and since I'm still with him now, well, that should prove something.

... Also I'm "That guy" in his comment section.
Hey, it's a great gig. :p


New member
May 14, 2010
I got on a weird Total War binge a while back and started watching channels that show games that I don't have a good enough computer to run (I've got Medieval 2 and that's about as recent an incarnation I can run) and I've trimed the group down to Oakley on THFE Channel who not only plays TW but does some really great documentaries with in game graphics that are top notch. Heir of Carthage plays some interesting campaigns and provides some interesting commentary.

I still watch The Jimquisition for his editorials and all the drama he has with shitty developers. His steam first looks aren't as fresh anymore, just shitty game after shitty game.

I also still watch Extra Credits. While their shows on games and making them have gotten a bit boring of late, their Extra History series is still really good and fun to watch. It's also funny as hell to watch commenters nit pick over all the art they show and lose their damn minds.

Still watching different series with Crash Course and Games with Hank that John Green plays, poor Hank.

I'm still subed to Markiplier and some of his videos with friends is fun to watch but he doesn't do as many small horror games that I otherwise would never seen.

I really loved Dark Souls 1+2 but don't have PS3 so I had to go in search of let's plays for Bloodbourne. I found Epic Name Bro who's really top notch and has worked on the strategy guide for Dark Souls 1+2 and a bit for Bloodbourne so he knows a lot of what went on behind the scenes that no regular youtube personality would. Also found DaveControlLive who in addition to playing Fromsoft games also does a bunch of really cool Nostalgia Critic style skit shows revolving around some older games that are well made and really funny.

And Nostalgia Critic is fun to watch as well.


New member
Sep 25, 2011
Not too many these days...

Markiplier, the Runawayguys (and the individual channels too), Roosterteeth, Totalbiscuit, Criken, and Nova.

Some I got into from suggestion, others from seeing one video randomly, other still from seeing them as guests in other videos.


New member
Jan 22, 2009
I watch:

Total Biscuit
Jim Sterling
Laura K Buzz
extra credits
Hat films
emcee prophit

Trippy Turtle

Elite Member
May 10, 2010
My favorite is Cr1tikal (Youtube account penguinz0) but I don't watch anyone regularly.
If I ever want to just see a game played but don't intend on ever getting it I go to Ghost Robo sometimes.
And finally I used to watch 2bucks's videos but he went and made a website similar to buzzfeed and stopped posting.

Most lets plays I can't stand because the players always either seem terrible at the game, or just aren't all that entertaining.
And I barely watch anything that isn't game related.

Tsun Tzu

Feuer! Sperrfeuer! Los!
Jul 19, 2010
Hm, my list of people seems to be growing, even after solemnly swearing, years ago, not to get on this particular train...

Ah well. Here's some with a little blurb:

Markiplier - Gaming. He's pretty funny and genuinely seems like a nice dude.
Seananners - Gaming. He's pretty funny and genuinely seems like a nice dude.
DouchebagChocolat - He's pretty funny. Animu reviews/content.
Glass Reflection - Nice dude. Animu reviews/content.
Gigguk - Nice dude. Anime reviews/content.
Sargon of Akkad - ...What? Dulcet tones, man.
Thunderf00t - Got into 'em from all those creationist videos when I was younger. Just kidding. Totally a misogynist.
DangerDolan - Some interesting lists with a good deal of WoW content.
TheMightyJingles - Nice dude. World of Tanks content.
Smudboy - His story analysis videos are interesting.
markcrilley - Art tutorials and stuff.
AngryJoe - I like his angry reviews and he genuinely seems like a nice enough dude.
TotalBiscuit - I like his content and appreciate the high emphasis on PC titles.
ADoseofBuckley - He's Canadian. A mean-spirited Canadian. It's like a unicorn. In flannel.

I'm beginning to think that, "not being a total asshole" is a qualifier for my su-

Shut up. I know you're already thinking it. Shush.

I clearly said "total."

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
I like Yahtzee's Let's Drown Out. Also Tetra Ninja. He's my go-to guy for watching Nintendo LPs.


New member
Feb 1, 2010
I've been watching Tabletop hosted by Wil Wheaton as well as Titansgrave. Both shows I'd recommend for different reasons. Tabletop is cool for the wide variety of tabletop games you get to see as well as the fun people they get for it (Favorites are Cards Against Humanity, Resistance and Dread). Titansgrave is perfect if you want to show someone pen-and-paper roleplaying done well.


Your friendly local nihilist
Dec 6, 2010
I mostly watch Funhaus, which is the newer better channel of the former cast of Inside Gaming. I think they frequently have terrible opinions on the industry and games, but they're funny in their gameplays.

Other than that, I still watch Inside Gaming's old livestreams, brings back the memories of series like Chaser and Ubersoldier. Other YouTubers I frequent are JonTron, Markiplier, Angry Joe, and Jim Sterling.


New member
Mar 7, 2012
I've been following Best Friends since their Downpour LP from 2012, and while they've had their ups and downs (especially last year with Walking Dead Season 2) they've consistently remained my favourite Youtube personalities/let's players and it's cool to see them branch further and further out and get to interact with other cool and famous people in the video game industry (e.g. getting Guy Chihi for one of the podcasts).

I enjoy SuperBunnyHop in terms of video game reviews and critical videos and articles. His E3 vid was a little over cynical, but his Witcher and Video Game inbox videos have made up for it with the type of content I usually enjoy from him.

I used to like/watch Roosterteeth, but with Monty's death, Ray leaving, Funhaus joining the company (and being one of the most unlikeable, obnoxious douchebags I've had to endure sitting through a video) and the Know/Patch just being all around terrible and click-baity, I had to unsubscribe. I love the OG dudes in that company e.g. Bernie, Gus, Geoff but what it's turned into really is a far cry from the greatness it used to be.

I love Giantbomb as well, but while they do post most of their videos on Youtube, a lot of the actual great, core of their content is found on their main website, and they don't really seem to care about what happens to their Youtube channel, so they barely qualify.

In terms of anime reviewers, the only one I can stand is Douchebag Chocolat. Even though I prefer his twitch streams, I still enjoy every second of his video reviews, despite the fact, (with the exception of say something like Jojo) I've pretty much out-grown and have become disenfranchised with anime in general. With a community that's become increasingly pretentious and toxic, he stands out by being consistently down to earth, genuine and funny (especially if you like crazy, dumb humour). I'm looking forward to his Angel's Egg video, since his more analytical, in-depth videos are the ones I enjoy the most (e.g. his Rebuild of Evangelion videos are some of his best)