Just to clarify: I have no problem with Yahtzee, I find him funny and smart and enjoyable and if I were really offended, believe me, you would have heard about it by now. Take a look at my post history if you have any doubts on that.
I am just noting, for the record, that the routine, perjorative use by people in general, regardless if it is "just a joke" or not, of words like "fag," "gay," "-tard," and "****" is part of a larger cultural thing, to use the technical term, that tends to make life suck for people who happen to be gay, developmentally disabled, or female.
That said, Yahtzee, don't change a thing.
And that said--you, M45TeR_CH13F or whatever your gamertag is, are not Yahtzee, so maybe you want to put down the controller and grab a thesaurus and find something other than "gay" to spew ad nauseum into your headset. Either that or keep the secondary asshole you've got growing in the middle of your face shut, because if it's something you wouldn't to my gay ***** **** face, maybe you shouldn't say it at all.