Zero Punctuation: BioShock: Infinite


New member
May 4, 2010
Dear Yahtzee, what does Bioshock Infinite have to do with Infinite Jest ? Which I'm currently halfway through, so don't spoil it for me.
Or is it just for the infinite?


New member
Sep 17, 2011
I played most of the way through the game, but there were parts of the conversation between Booker and Elizabeth that made little sense. I also found that when I start to reload Elizabeth would find something, but I couldn't press 'X' again, because of the canned animation. Given how excellent the original was, I would say Infinite is a 7 compared to Bioshock's 9, in my perspective.


New member
Apr 6, 2013
Friederich said:
Dear Yahtzee, what does Bioshock Infinite have to do with Infinite Jest ? Which I'm currently halfway through, so don't spoil it for me.
Or is it just for the infinite?
"Alas poor Horatio, a fellow of INFINITE jest."

It's a twist on the above line from Hamlet (if memory serves me right).


New member
Oct 3, 2009
Finished this Sunday Morning, slept all day and missed work on Monday... so i'll say yea it was awesome. replaying it so i can see whatever i missed while playing it the first time.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Daystar Clarion said:
synobal said:
Daystar Clarion said:
synobal said:
Okay I'm going to get this game. It seems that I have to.
That's for the best.

I had a friend who didn't buy the game, and he died of cancer.

True story.
Did he perchance die of cancer before the game was released?
That's irrelevant.

All I know is that he had died, and hadn't played the game.

There's no other possible explanation.

Not playing the game kills you.
... you know, with all the insane time and space wierdness, dying because he didn't play it, even before the game's release kind of makes sense...
Dec 14, 2009
AdamG3691 said:
Daystar Clarion said:
synobal said:
Daystar Clarion said:
synobal said:
Okay I'm going to get this game. It seems that I have to.
That's for the best.

I had a friend who didn't buy the game, and he died of cancer.

True story.
Did he perchance die of cancer before the game was released?
That's irrelevant.

All I know is that he had died, and hadn't played the game.

There's no other possible explanation.

Not playing the game kills you.
... you know, with all the insane time and space wierdness, dying because he didn't play it, even before the game's release kind of makes sense...
What's even more fitting, is that guy didn't exist in the first place.



Mugwamp Supreme
Nov 26, 2008
Haha, "Don't you mean second sequel"... Awesome. I am extremely pleased with the review.


New member
May 15, 2010
Honestly seems about right. I'm a huge fan of the game, and I think this did a good job of addressing what bugged me about it, mainly Comstock...
I'm also glad Yahtzee didn't hop onto the "oh it's artistic therefore it should be less violent" bandwagon that's been doing the rounds.


New member
May 4, 2010
Parakeettheprawn said:
Friederich said:
Dear Yahtzee, what does Bioshock Infinite have to do with Infinite Jest ? Which I'm currently halfway through, so don't spoil it for me.
Or is it just for the infinite?
"Alas poor Horatio, a fellow of INFINITE jest."

It's a twist on the above line from Hamlet (if memory serves me right).
Ah, I though it had to do with Infinite Jest by late David Foster Wallace.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
It won't suprise me if Yatzee put this game in his favoruite of 2013. Now I am wondering if there are any other future game that can top Bioshock Infinite (in Yatzee eyes).

Cpt. Slow

Great news everybody!
Dec 9, 2012
People say 'this is one of the best games ever made'

Ken Levine is still thinking about System Shock 3. Just saying. And yes, I'm well aware of the fact that EA holds the rights to the System Shock name. So after the success of Bioshock and BS:Infinite they have to be pants over head retarded not to strike a deal with 2K games. Or if they don't, I am sure they will find a way to by-pass the legal and create something that reflects or might be an ode to the System Shock franchise.


New member
Aug 11, 2009
Strange that he didn't mention anything about the two weapon limit, it's usually one of his bugbears and a it's fault that really starts to glare as you draw closer to the end.

Oh well, at least he mentioned the unexplained weirdness of the Vigors existing.

Still, he's right about the story being great and the ending a real mind=blown moment. It is a very good game by any standards, although not as great most reviewers say.


New member
Jan 26, 2012
I think he addressed my issues with Comstock fairly well. Ryan was fun and interesting to listen to, while every recording of Comstock's just emphasized how fanatical about himself he was. And Fink had nothing on Cohen.

I still have mixed feelings about the ending though. Maybe it's because I usually associate the first Bioshock's twist with its climax, but I prefer how neatly it all wrapped up (painful escort quest leading up to a hit-and-miss boss fight with the morally stark evil epilogue aside).


New member
Mar 17, 2012
uchytjes said:
OT: the 4 gay guys had significance? I just thought they were there to sound nice and look pretty.
The significance was they were singing "God only knows" by the Beach boys in 1966. It is a hint that they are abusing the tears to advance themselves by taking things from the future and other worlds.

OT: Nice review. Surprised he didn't mention certain things but the "Get out" part was more than worth it.


New member
Jun 11, 2010
Surprised Yahtzee didn't make more mention of Elizabeth in his review; perhaps he's saving her (and her role as a likable companion AI) for a column. Definitely agree with the Vigour's criticism and some of the other gameplay nit-picks as well as his observation that Comstock is less interesting than Andrew Ryan (but then Comstock is not only one side to the same coin, his ideology is simply less interesting). However Yahtzee provides very little justification for his whole 'stuck up your own butt' or 'hairy space hopper levels of pretension' (great phrases nonetheless) criticisms. I'd like to hear why he thought it was pretentious as opposed to him simply stating the fact; you might call the concepts and issues the game is juggling heady and 'serious', but it utilises and presents them in an extremely understandable and accessible way (at least after some reflection and thought; it wouldn't be very engaging if these elements could be grasped instantaneously).

I suppose Yahtzee did identify one possible point of pretentiousness, 'abstract meta-narrative', but it's not like the games story doesn't work without it, it's simply another layer of complexity and depth and oh no, I sound pretentious don't I? Well damnit I guess that sort of meta-commentary, when done in the more subtle way as it is in Infinite, is simply fascinating to me and I guess I'll just live with the 'pretentious' label used by those who don't really give a crap about it, and that's fine.


The Resident Team ICO Fanboy
May 14, 2009
shrekfan246 said:
scorptatious said:
As for the final level. I actually liked it.

You get to sick Songbird on zeppelins! Friggen awesome!
It becomes significantly less awesome on 1999 Mode
when you're scrambling around trying to distract and kill multiple Patriots, tossing Possessions at them and Undertowing RPG guys off the side of the ship and laying down Shock traps while trying to blow out the missile launchers on the zeppelins and keep the airship from taking too much damage. Bearing in mind that your shield gets shredded in no time flat and the Patriots are massive bullet sponges.
Hectic and tense as all hell, to be sure, but not in the same fun way the rest of the game was on that difficulty.
Yeah, I'd imagine it probably would be incredibly frustrating on 1999 mode.

I barely got by with about 20% of the ship's power by the time it was over on Hard mode.


The Resident Team ICO Fanboy
May 14, 2009
Anoni Mus said:
Proverbial Jon said:
Bioshock Infinite is my favourite game of this generation. Hands down, no competition. And considering how little time is left of this generation, apparently, it's going to take a real whopper of a game to snatch that title from Infinite.
Super Mario Galaxy is the best game of this generation according to gamerankings. Sorry bud. Might lack in story and in characters but actually has fun gameplay.
There's a difference between "favorite" and "best". Infinite might not be your favorite game of this gen or gamerankings, but it is to that guy.

Plus it's kind of hard to compare Bioshock Infinite to Super Mario Galaxy. They're two completely different games. :/


Something something....
Mar 30, 2011
..Must not buy more games need food... must not, O f*ck you Ken Levine shut up and take my money, I'll eat again after whatever time it takes me to round Bioshock Infinite at least twice...