Zero Punctuation: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2


New member
Aug 12, 2009
This review was pretty good, I had my doubts about the campaign and I really think Yahtzee really nailed it when he commented on how the staff really didn't think the first game would be as successful as it was.

MW2 is sort've like Halo. People will buy it for the multiplayer, completely uninterested in the campaign at all. I think it's knowing this that's making developers get more and more lazy about making a decent campaign mode.


New member
Mar 15, 2008
I'm afraid they cut out the part where he says MW2 is exactly like COD4 - just with a mission where you can shoot civilians. Seriously though, if I were a video game critic of an independent mind set, I'd really point out things like this, as companies like Activision basically aim for franchises they can milk out this way. He did that with Halo; so is it needless to mention that MW2 also is a complete rewind of COD4, or what?


New member
Mar 28, 2009
ChaosGenesis said:
Fantastic game. Short (but fun) campaign, spec ops was great and amazing multiplayer.
Definitely worth buying.

And if I may.... why does everyone keep saying the story isn't realistic... it's a video game. It doesn't have to be. But it's fun. Isn't that what matters? Just sayin'
Mostly because it's the latest installment in a series that prides itself on realism.

Okay, if somebody complained that say, Turok, was unrealistic, I'd agree with you. But Call of Duty has had 5 more-or-less historically accurate (for a given value of 'accurate') WWII shooters, and the Call of Duty 4's story was at least plausable


New member
Dec 25, 2008
Wirelink said:
i was expecting him to talk more about the Blood on the screen which i find idiotic, haven't they found a more subtle way of letting you know you are being shot at? like for instance, NOTHING; cause that's what that blood really is, a punch in the face letting you know you've been shot gravely, WELL you can see that by looking at your HP, you don't need your screen flooded with Strawberry Juice like you are some kind of a retarded one winged bat and can't see that your HP has changed. What.. he got shot in the leg and then took some blood from the wound and rubbed it on his eyes? and he had to be pretty fast to do that, seeing that there is no animation in the game to suggest it. But then again, i think they implemented that feature just to catch your attention, they realized the game has nothing new to offer, to glue your eyes to the screen, and so they throw with tomatoes at you. I personally don't feel comfortable playing a game that throws tomatoes at me.
Tell me, how do you show 'pain' in a medium where the only feedback is sound, vision and a vibrating controller (that can be turned off, and will be if the controller vibrates more then the player likes).
I admit it doesn't make much realistic sence, but what is really ment to be shown is 'your hurt, you can't see great (things get blured aswell) because you've been shot somewhere on your body and it's a crap load harder to focus on what is directly infront of you' and as it fades away thats you regenerating your health. Yes regenerating health isn't realistic in the slightest either.
Then again theres the good old fashioned static health, where it only goes up or down when you have been attacked or pick up a med-pack (which make just as little sence in my books) but then if you get hit by something and have to go a long way on little health, you can either do that with no sign of 'pain' or anything inhibiting your ability to fight just as well as you did at 100% health, or you have your eyes blurred with shaking of your character with something else obscuring the ability to play untill you pick up a medpack which brings you back to 100% health and lets you be bad ass again. And in some situations, you don't want to get up to the tough part of a level and spend half of it in a hindered state. It would get far too frustrating.

Personally, I love the game but I hate the *@$*ing lag. Australian here, I don't mind non-dedicated servers, I've been a concole gamer for the majority of the last few years but atleast have a better form of sorting, give us the option of "only look for matches in your country" or something else so us Aussies (and others around the world) arn't forced to play with international hosts averaging a red bar on most matches (yellow if lucky, and no before 'its your internet connection dood!' comes out, I've played private matches with friends when they are online and we all end up with perfect green)
I can't tell you how frustrating it is to play a match, watching 'killcam' to see that the kill you THOUGHT you had never even happened. On your screen, you see your knife go through the other persons body, hear the knife on flesh sound effect only for a second later the guy turns around and shoots you. In the killcam view, your still running up to him. Have that happen 3-4 times in a match, loose the match by 10-15 kills and find out your entire team was suffering lag while the other team was pure green. That has happened to me in atleast 20 of the 70 or so matches I've played so far (havn't had enough time to play it enough sadly... I've played it all different times, from 2pm till 7am and it's almost always the same story)


New member
Oct 27, 2008
My dad was gonna get this game, then decided against it. It was refreshing to see a review on the actual single player campaign as just mainly focussing on the multiplayer which is what every other review seemed to go on about (even though I am well aware that that is the main reason people were interested in the game), which isn't helpful if you don't play online like me. Great review as always.


New member
Nov 27, 2009
pdgeorge said:
Tell me, how do you show 'pain' in a medium where the only feedback is sound, vision and a vibrating controller (that can be turned off, and will be if the controller vibrates more then the player likes).
I would make the player walk slower, maybe limp, increase his breath(sound) and also making it so that you can hear his heartbeat, and the environment sound to get a little "blurry"(yes, blurry sound), almost as if you are listening trough a plastic bag, and maybe darken a little the screen, going from almost black on the sides to clear in the middle of the screen(a gradient if you will) and make the screen blur/clear about 3 times until your HP has regenerated past the trigger for the "crippling", and also i would lower the accuracy, and this way you will also be able to see and maybe "kill" someone if he gets too close while you are regenerating behind a fridge.


New member
Nov 25, 2009
Well I think MW2 was good by its own merits but it sucks compared to all the ridiculous hype its been riding since its announcement. Also, I think the campaign was just there so IW could have a legitimate reason to make a MW3 when the only reason they're really doing it is so they can kill their own franchise and make a yachtfull more money.


New member
Nov 14, 2009
well, i am really only getting this game for the multiplayer anyway, i hope to have lots of fun shooting my mate from work and playing the co-op missions with my brother over xmas.

And then shooting him too.

I do like my soap solid, not liquid.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
It does not have 6 hours of single player you retarted chimpanzee its NOT 6 hours I REPEAT its atleast 12 hours of solid game play


New member
Mar 2, 2009
Bames Jond? Hahahahaha!

Impossible! Someone doing a negative review for Modern Warfare 2! Call the cops!


New member
Feb 10, 2009
Wow, that was the first in all recent memory in which Yahtzee actually lived up to his moniker as "Zero Punctuation."

I guess massively-overinflated-successful games really set him off, and I can't blame him.

True that with the Spec-Ops co-op missions...I've heard lots of praise for that.

Booze Zombie

New member
Dec 8, 2007
pdgeorge said:
Tell me, how do you show 'pain' in a medium where the only feedback is sound, vision and a vibrating controller (that can be turned off, and will be if the controller vibrates more then the player likes).
I admit it doesn't make much realistic sence, but what is really ment to be shown is 'your hurt, you can't see great (things get blured aswell) because you've been shot somewhere on your body and it's a crap load harder to focus on what is directly infront of you' and as it fades away thats you regenerating your health. Yes regenerating health isn't realistic in the slightest either.
Then again theres the good old fashioned static health, where it only goes up or down when you have been attacked or pick up a med-pack (which make just as little sence in my books) but then if you get hit by something and have to go a long way on little health, you can either do that with no sign of 'pain' or anything inhibiting your ability to fight just as well as you did at 100% health, or you have your eyes blurred with shaking of your character with something else obscuring the ability to play untill you pick up a medpack which brings you back to 100% health and lets you be bad ass again. And in some situations, you don't want to get up to the tough part of a level and spend half of it in a hindered state. It would get far too frustrating.

Personally, I love the game but I hate the *@$*ing lag. Australian here, I don't mind non-dedicated servers.
Pain could be indicated in any number of ways.

For instance, your character actually having a voice and you, as him, hearing him say inside his head "I've been shot", "I'm wounded", stuff like that.
There's also the notification on-screen approach, where a message tells you you're being shot from *insert pain direction arrow*.

Dedicated servers should be the normal thing, no matter the platform.
I've played this game for days on Live now and it is some of the most miserable lag and frustration I've ever had.

Besides that lack of lag associated with finding a server for yourself, there's also the fact that you can find a favorite server and keep using it and get to know people, as opposed to hoping beyond hope that you don't find another racist little inbred spouting off down his mic.


New member
Oct 30, 2008
Krantos said:
Lol, I love to hear Yahtzee play devil's Advocate. There have been so many positive reviews about the game, that I was beginning to hear the sounds of IW tossing each other off in my sleep. I'm also rather glad that he took the piss out of the PC dying three times, because, lets face it, it really is nothing but trying to cash in on the response to Jackson kicking it in the first one.

I am disappointed however that still no one has ripped on the blood splatters. Every time I see it I cringe, because it looks like friggin' jelly. I keep expecting Bill Pullman to show up in a flying Winnebago.
It's sad that I laughed more at the last line of your post than at the video.


New member
Oct 30, 2008
joe51498 said:
It does not have 6 hours of single player you retarted chimpanzee its NOT 6 hours I REPEAT its atleast 12 hours of solid game play
Only if you die every six seconds.


Oct 13, 2009
I am glad that yahtzee did not like this game it makes me feel good as i do mot like it either


New member
Apr 22, 2009
Yeah, I think it would have been pretty awesome if the campaign did have some co-op. But I guess screw it, why would I want to play a game like this with my friends.