JeCa said:
JakubK666 said:
Muddy62 said:
you hit the nail on the hammer before this came out everyone was like"oh this will be one of the best games ever its going to set a new standARds
Well it did...anybody know a game with better graphics.In fact can anybody think of the game that can top Crysis within the next 5 years?
Actually, there's been rumors (I sort-of trust the person I heard it from) about a Far Cry 2 that'll be based on an uppgraded CryEngine with even more detailed physics!
Oh, and about whining comps;
My comp has a 1.81Ghz AMD single core, 1GB RAM and a GeForce 6600, and it looks completely awful! (I actually bought it in advance of geting a new comp). The sharders could best be described as 8-bit bmp's copy-pasted from Soldat and given a lower opacity in photoshop elements 3.0. Well, that 8800's gonna be appreciated.
Hmm, I loved the visuals in the game, but its probably the quickest way to depress you about your pc's performance. Im running an AMD phenom, 4gb ram and 2 8800GT's in SLi and this game still kills it, like completely man.
So my recommendation is this, If you need to upgrade anyway, which it sounds like you do, dont use Crysis as a bench mark, you'll spend 1000's and get nowhere with it.
Crysis is very pretty, but medium specs is about all anything will handle, sure if your running 2 GTX's or something im sure you might nearly get to high quality. However whatever Crytek did, it seems that as your pc lags out due to frame rate, the game seems to slow down, it stays relatively smooth throughout the whole 'cpu dying' thing and comes back to life again once everything slows down, until you get to the snow section, then its time for low graphics.
Its a fun game, but only for alittle while, if you want a fun FPS, then go out and get COD4, its fun, pretty and theres something incredibly fun about using a silenced M4 with a 203 and reflex sight.