Yes, actually. Gradius V is absolutely terrifying on anything higher than Very Easy because the amount of bullets on the screen melts your face, as if the bullet patterns in Very Easy weren't complex enough (If you still don't believe me, I'll show you a few screenshots if you need me to.) I played Metal Gear Solid on the harder difficulties. Even though the AI is pretty much the same, your lower resilience to bullets makes everything a lot tougher. House of the Dead 2...I tried putting it to other difficulties but it didn't seem to have any impact on the gameplay.ever try play any of those on anything other than easy?
Don't assume that just because I point out a few games that are still hard on their easy difficulties that I only play them on that setting.
No, this isn't proof that he played it on easy. It was just a humorous demonstration showing how terrible the friendly AI is. And it really IS that bad. Sometimes when driving, the friendly AI will just stop and back up for absolutely no reason.You was attempting to take a tank out with a warthog? AND you had time to get out and switch?
lolol Yahtzee played on easy!
If Halo 3's greatest feature is multiplayer, then why was the advertising based entirely around the game's story?Dont give a shit about multiplayer and then reviews games whose greatest FEATURE is multiplayer