Zero Punctuation: Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days


New member
Sep 23, 2009
Wow, that was quite a beating the game got and deserved, very funny indeed. I can't believe other reviewers marked this 7/10, which is on par with something like Mafia 2.


New member
Jan 13, 2009
Great Episode, my love for Yahtzee's work is on a new level haha.

Seriously though, the game looked horrible im so glad i never played or bought either one.


New member
Jun 30, 2010
dragonmoony said:
what a load of bull
this game was 999999x better than the previous game (K&L 1)
it was awesome, the characters were awesome and the whole camera recorded effect was awesome
very immersive.

yahtzee just sucks at "grown-up games"
You think lots of swearing and terrible characters equal "grown up"?? You're twelve aren't you? Seriously, just look at your own quote above... "_____ is awesome!" That's not an opinion, that's the ranting of an infant. Now if you said '_______ is awesome because ______' then you may have come close to having a point. As it stands, you're a teenager who thinks that swearing and violence equals mature content, which is so laughably stupid I actually kind of pity you if you turn out to not be a teen. Hell I also appreciate some brain dead violent shit, but at no point would I try to claim it as anything other than the daft schlock that it is.
Get a grip and try to have an actual opinion beyond "heh, he said fuck...this is AWESOME!!!". Grown up games.....priceless.

Bourne Endeavor

New member
May 14, 2008
cefm said:
ShenCS said:
Can someone explain to me what happened with Gamespot and the first one? Were they bribing them for good reviews or something?
Apparently Jeff Gerstmann (a 10-year Gamespot veteran) was fired shortly after giving a highly accurate negative review of the first Kane & Lynch game (6/10 counts as negative, these days, I guess). Internal leaks indicate that the developer of the game (IO Interactive) had paid a large amount to GameSpot to make this one of the site's "sponsored" games. In a disappointing change from the way the site used to work, that now means not only does the game get advertising space, but it also is supposed to get positive reviews. So Jeff goes bye-bye. He still does reviews at

Some theorize that this wasn't just an individual firing but more sending a message to the rest of the wage-slaves at GameSpot that there was a new way of doing business.

The funny part is that the GameSpot review for the sequel also got panned for pretty much all the same reasons - and was lucky to get a 6.5.
Actually, about five or so other employees quit following Jeff's departure, one even citing he could no longer be a part of the new direction the company was moving towards, or so I recall. Essentially that was a "between the lines" way of saying he had no desire to work for a website that was bribed off. Gamespot was relative quick in restoring Jeff's review when the backlash caused nearly two thousand member cancellations within a few hours, and nowadays no one ever believes a word they say. Good decision there Gamespot =p

Anyhow, love the review. Easily his most amusing in a while. Nice to have someone say this piece of worthless trash is given the treatment it deserves.


New member
Feb 25, 2010
Bloody hell! I know describing Yahtzee as "scathing" is on par with describing Bill O'Reilly as "a little behind the times" but he really went for the jugular on this one. I can't remember the last video that generated that much seething hate*...Too Human, maybe?

* By that I mean noticeably more than usual


New member
Apr 20, 2010
viggih7 said:
I wonder if the lead designer commits suicide when he hears this.
This is very difficult to parse. I'm pretty sure that you're using the wrong tense - it reads like you are wondering if the lead designer commits suicide every time he hears it.


New member
Mar 17, 2010
adderseal said:
KimberlyGoreHound said:
That's why they were put on probation. People who add absolutely nothing with a comment to a ZP video at a time which it would be impossible to have seen any substantial amount of the video get put on probation. Happens every Wednesday.
Oh dear, delicious irony...
I logged on today to find about 8 or 9 messages quoting me with something like this.

Hey, if I'm going to go on probation, at least I'm popular, eh? Not quite as popular as when I was put on probation for suggesting someone...well...let's no go there, to prevent a banning.


New member
Jun 14, 2010
This is amazing.

Yahtzee is going to be the leader of 2012 mayan video game metamorphosis ... our first step closer to the gods. :pP


The Voice of Treason
Dec 17, 2008
I am so glad you decided to rip the shit out of this game because the excessive viral marketing it had pissed me off so much, especially since I could just look at the game and realise it was an absolute turd. So yeah, this was pretty cathartic to watch.


New member
Sep 6, 2010
It's a real shame it isn't even fun to play. At least then I could have enjoyed the awful story ironically. I'm off to play Hitman.


New member
Aug 2, 2010
wow.. this site is asking for a shitstorm with the way it hands out probations... it's just bad administrating


New member
Jun 11, 2009
Another spot on review by Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw! Great work. I see the vacation did You good Yahtzee. I lasted like 5 minutes playing the demo so I just couldn't wait for this review. My feelings for this frenchise are depicted very well in this one. Cheers chap!


New member
Jul 22, 2009
YoungZer0 said:
Motakikurushi said:
This game is so monotonously bland that I didn't even acknowledge its existence until this very review. It seems so deliriously cliched and hideous it defies generic shooter standards and creates its own, the 'Kane and Lynch' genre, where everything is ripped off of everything.
So where did it Rip-Off the camera style? Or the characters? Right ... you're full of it.
Yep, full of it. Full of blood and oxygen and bodily fluids. Just because they are new characters doesn't mean they are new archetypes, their personalities and motives have been repeated time and time again in video games. The camera style is simply an unoriginal gimmick mumblecore directors like to use. Maybe the camera-style hasn't been ripped off of another game per se, but with good reason, because it's so terrible no other game should have it. In that sense, it's an original concept.


New member
Feb 3, 2009
Obviously Yatzhee enjoyed his vacation, he definately came back with rested reviewmuscles.


New member
Dec 5, 2009
This brings me back to a point I keep reiterating: 'IO, where the fuck is our next gen Hitman? And why do you continue to produce this bullshit?' Oh wait I'm supposed to be mad at Square Enix now aren't I? :p

I want a new Hitman!! :(