Zero Punctuation: Lollipop Chainsaw


New member
Aug 12, 2009
Yahtzee's thoughts on Lollipop Chainsaw mirror my own the the extent that he and I both utilized the same broken AAX combo throughout the entire game. Seriously - that move is insanely powerful.

Lollipop Chainsaw is good for a laugh, good for killing some time, but at the end of the day, more of a rental game and less of something to own. Listen to Yahtzee on this review because he's pretty much got it down.

Michael Ellis

New member
Jul 12, 2010
NameIsRobertPaulson said:
Michael Ellis said:
Just what the hell is "fucked" about wanting to protect Lara in the new Tomb Raider?

I'm sorry Croshaw, but you really jumped the shark with your contrarian bullshit on that one.
The fact you're taking one of the strongest females in gaming and being told by the director that you should "Protect her and nurture her" like she's a Barbie doll or something. It's unneeded, and bloody stupid to boot.
That wasn't said by the director, and that wasn't even what was meant. The idea is that you'll REALLY want to see Lara succeed, that they want to make you feel as thought if you were there, you'd want to do everything in your power to protect her. It's called building empathy for a character.

NameIsRobertPaulson said:
Try the Extra Credits video on Other M instead.
Now those guys just went way overboard trying not to laye blame for the script on anyone. But I'm sorry, Other M was in development for years. Creating it took hundred's of people's time and attention. When the script of something like that is written and approved by the same person, and the script turns out horrible, you don't blame the production companies who had nothing to do with the script for how the script turned out, you fucking blame the guy who wrote and approved the script.


Digital Spellweaver
Escapist +
Sep 2, 2009
San Francisco Peninsula
NinjaDeathSlap said:
He talked about this I think in an Extra Punctuation last year, where he said that he always get a cold around this time in the summer.
Winter. He's in Australia, remember...

Mark B

New member
Nov 5, 2007
Duffeknol said:
I was surprised he managed to fill 6 minutes talking about a game this repetitive and empty.
Particularly when you consider how short the game is, but at least it has the lower price point (which no one has seemed to point out) of £30 rather than the normal £40.


New member
Jun 14, 2012
Michael Ellis said:
Just what the hell is "fucked" about wanting to protect Lara in the new Tomb Raider?

I'm sorry Croshaw, but you really jumped the shark with your contrarian bullshit on that one.
Well she "was" a cocky confident explorer in the previous games, now in the recent videos it seems that man "and" nature wants to see who can beat and manhandle her into submission first!

That's like saying you want a game that only focus is so you can "protect and comfort" Kratos or Master Chief cause apparently they're too "helpless" to defend themselves from the scary monsters, what? did that sound ridiculous cause they're "men"? If so then that's a contradiction

It's bad enough that Samus was given a apron and basically told to stay in the kitchen in Metroid the other M is not helping our defense as gamers objectifying women as weak wiled sex objects that are only there to look pretty on the box art and to be saved by the burly self-assured hero.

You can practically hear the feminists growling in the distance...

Michael Ellis

New member
Jul 12, 2010
NameIsRobertPaulson said:
Michael Ellis said:
NameIsRobertPaulson said:
Michael Ellis said:
Just what the hell is "fucked" about wanting to protect Lara in the new Tomb Raider?

I'm sorry Croshaw, but you really jumped the shark with your contrarian bullshit on that one.
The fact you're taking one of the strongest females in gaming and being told by the director that you should "Protect her and nurture her" like she's a Barbie doll or something. It's unneeded, and bloody stupid to boot.
That wasn't said by the director, and that wasn't even what was meant. The idea is that you'll REALLY want to see Lara succeed, that they want to make you feel as thought if you were there, you'd want to do everything in your power to protect her. It's called building empathy for a character.
The difference is, a game doing this to Nathan Drake as a young teenager would not even get close to being approved. Because males in gaming aren't allowed to be "weak". Same exact genre, practically the same gameplay (Uncharted took more than a few pieces from Tomb Raider), yet one character has to be made "weak" to advance a story.
Nathan Drake is nothing but a modern day Indiana Jones. A pulp character. Someone who has the same enthusiastic reaction to a bunch of people attempting to kill him as to getting a parking ticket (oooh boy). Don't get me wrong, he's funny, but he's not a particularly deep character.

This new Tomb Raider game is a reboot. Crystal Dynamics are creating a new, better, more believable, more human Lara Croft, and like it or not, that involves portraying her just like any unexperienced person would be portrayed, male or female, in her situation.

Nuaghty Dog could very well pull off the same thing with Nathan Drake, but he and his games are too popular right now for Naughty Dog to want to make him a deeper character.

Besides, if they'd ever do that, they'd have to put effort into rationalising Drake being a mercyless career criminal.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Why did Tara Strong have to do her voice. I don't want to hear Twilight Sparkle say some of these things. lol


New member
Jan 20, 2011
Pity Suda 51 couldn't save this game. Zombies have already been done comically in quite a few games, yeah. It's a pity they're not used seriously in a horror context though. It's either "look at the funny zombies" or "zombie killing bonanza".

Except for Dead State. That game is looking pretty good, even if so far all I've seen is it's kickstarter video. Still, zombies in an ACTUAL horror game? Sign me up for that!

Shiro No Uma

New member
Nov 10, 2009
twesterm said:
It's funny when Yahtzee has to talk about someone who has to try too hard because of what the public expects of him.
Well put. In fairness, I think that if I had a following of people who expect me to be grizzle all the time for their enjoyment I might have missed that point. However, Yahtzee might be able to see the irony of it.


New member
Nov 8, 2007
Question: are there actually any enemies besides zombies? Or are they just using the standard trick of throwing in the odd "elite, specialist zombie" every now and then?

The whole thing sounds like a Buffy parody, and it would be a huge waste of an opportunity to not features loads of other goofy monsters.


New member
Oct 6, 2010
Yahtzee? Are you doing actual REVIEWS again?

No, I'm seriously glad. You're the funniest when you're actually being smart. It suits you. I'll just forgive that Ocarina of Time 3D review where you forgot what an "Options Menu" is for...

Anyway, thanks for the good work. Keep it up!


New member
May 6, 2011
I'm shocked, shocked that a game marketed as "herp derp, it's a cheerleader! fightan zombies! what more could you want" turned out to be using its style to cover shortcomings in the gameplay department.


Guild Warrior
Dec 14, 2009
NinjaDeathSlap said:
PureIrony said:
Is it just me, or did Yahtzee sound a bit slower in his oration than usual, like he has a cold or something? I mention because him taking it slow, even if it's only a bit slower than usual, really does stand out and kind of ruin the whole rapid-fire comedy schtick.
He talked about this I think in an Extra Punctuation last year, where he said that he always get a cold around this time in the summer.

Well it is Winter here.


New member
May 10, 2011
GamemasterAnthony said:
Yahtzee, really...I am VERY disappointed in you. The Other M characterization dead horse has been stripped of it's skin by now.

In fact, I'm calling a new rule. Anyone who talks about Other M's characterizations in ANY light are now required to watch this video [] before commenting further.
I disagree with Movie Bob SO much on that video. Props for trying.

The entire argument that "some personality is better than none" is one I utterly reject, and I counter your Other M video rant with Extra Credit's Other M video rant. []


New member
Jun 27, 2012
Chatney said:
It's disappointing to see even Yahtzee fall in line behind the "video games are sexist"-crowd. Then again, he did the same thing with the "RE5 is racist"-people. Video games and gamers still have a lot of growing up to do.
Mean old PC brigade ruining your day?

While "video games are sexist" makes no sense as a universal claim, the industry clearly has issues with sexism and, to a lesser extent, racism. If you can't (or more likely won't) see that, you're the one that has some growing up to do.