For all we know, that stuff is tasty...BirdKiller said:Has Pedigree Chums been paying to have its name be said or read at least once now? >_>
On the normal mode the enemies aren't that bad, but if you up the difficulty the game becomes much more difficult. Quite frankly, I like that approach more than putting making the "standard" difficulty a hard one, because it's annoying when you have to play through the "easy" mode instead on those games and you feel like a retard because it always says something like, "For people who haven't played a lot of games before."Dectilon said:I'd say Spectacle Fighter either needs to be redefined or the selection of games needs to a do-over because DMC, VJ and God Hand are all hard games where the enemies most certainly fight back, which, if I've heard correctly, isn't exactly the case in MadWorld.
It has a large install base but selling a """hardcore""" game on it is far more difficult than on any other platform.Dectilon said:Also, I doubt he meant Nintendo are paying them to make violent games for the Wii (especially considering they try to have a family-friendly approach), but remember that the Wii has, by far, the largest install base. Sure, most of it consists of people who wouldn't give the game a second glance, but no other console has the same potential.
I don't think that's the reason it was made for the Wii though. It might be hardware limitations (I hear many japanese developers are trying as hard as possible to hang on to their old hardware) or just trying to fill a market segment.
No, he complains cause what comes out on Wii must suck compared to what it would have been on a real console. He doesn't hate it cause it's on the Wii, he hates that being on the Wii means they wasted potential.Henriksen said:Why dont you just stop reviewing games for Nintendo if you hate them so mutch. Its getting pretty boring to listen to you wine about Nintendo all the time. It seems like nomather what comes out for it you will hate it.
Soylent Green. The whole bit was a reference to Soylent Gree. Alex just watched a small film screen. The people in Soylent Green watched early Imax. I'd say more, but that'd ruin the movie for the people who haven't seen it.Sennune said:Another great review. I really appreciated the "A Clockwork Orange" reference.
Then he's not exaggerating. A fraction of a second is still huge, especially in videogamesSyntax Man said:Funny as always, but I must say that Yahtzee seems to always pick on the Wii itself a lot. Especially considering the massive exaggeration present with his complaints about the motion sensor. Come on, it works pretty well and the delay between 'input' and game registry is only a fraction of a second..
Because every wii game suffers simply because they are on the wii, and the complains are no less valid. The game would have been better simply by being made on PS3 or 360 instead.Sylocat said:Every time he reviews a Wii game, he reiterates all his nitpicks about it before getting down to the actual review.
Thats not what he said. He didn't say it was nintendo giving them money, but that they were in it just cause they felt they could make more money on the wiimaking games on wii just because nintendo gives money ?
I noticed that as well and said, "What..arbitrary..silliness."(best line in any ZP vid I've seen thusfar)Gildedtongue said:Apparently it's suspension-worthy to say that a Zero-Punctuation clip is good, looking at the first page, but, at any rate.
How did it being on the Wii make it not live up to it's potential? Rather than a graphical and audio upgrade, what added potential would have been realized by putting MadWorld on a 360 or PS3?Techni said:No, he complains cause what comes out on Wii must suck compared to what it would have been on a real console. He doesn't hate it cause it's on the Wii, he hates that being on the Wii means they wasted potential.Henriksen said:Why dont you just stop reviewing games for Nintendo if you hate them so mutch. Its getting pretty boring to listen to you wine about Nintendo all the time. It seems like nomather what comes out for it you will hate it.