Zero Punctuation: Mailbag Showdown

Melty Blood

New member
Dec 22, 2007
The brawl review was two weeks ago. Two fucking weeks ago. If you're still discussing it, or the mentioned Brawl fan to yahtzee fanboy ratio, well, I'm not going to blatantly call you fanboys (or girls; Fanpersonism is an equal oppertunity employer), but, COME ON.


New member
Mar 5, 2008
Melty Blood said:
The brawl review was two weeks ago. Two fucking weeks ago. If you're still discussing it, or the mentioned Brawl fan to yahtzee fanboy ratio, well, I'm not going to blatantly call you fanboys (or girls; Fanpersonism is an equal oppertunity employer), but, COME ON.
Seeing as *yesterday's* review was mostly about SSBM and that review, I don't see how it's irrelevant to talk about it.

That said, Wii fanboys do come out as major twats in this thread. The sad thing is that they don't realize that people who like Yatzee's reviews are mostly adults who went through a fanboys stage earlier in their lives and they know how ridiculous and pointless it is to be one.

Yatzee said it best in his review when he explained that, as a big corporation with millions in marketing money, Nintendo do not need defending and doesn't care if anyone does it, and yet they blast his opinions by doing the exact same thing that he said they would do.


New member
Apr 6, 2008
Gutterpunk said:
Yatzee said it best in his review when he explained that, as a big corporation with millions in marketing money, Nintendo do not need defending and doesn't care if anyone does it, and yet they blast his opinions by doing the exact same thing that he said they would do.
Yep, the irony is HILARIOUS! :D

Tyrannus Argumentum

New member
May 8, 2008
Gutterpunk said:
That said, Wii fanboys do come out as major twats in this thread. The sad thing is that they don't realize that people who like Yatzee's reviews are mostly adults who went through a fanboys stage earlier in their lives and they know how ridiculous and pointless it is to be one.

Yatzee said it best in his review when he explained that, as a big corporation with millions in marketing money, Nintendo do not need defending and doesn't care if anyone does it, and yet they blast his opinions by doing the exact same thing that he said they would do.
This is something I asked last page. I wonder what it is that provoke people to respond, and quite harshly, to something that is merely there for an individual's potential entertainment?

If we know that not everyone will like something, and that games and their fun are subjective, then why some human beings take it as a personal insult and lash out? I would really love to know the reasons behind this. I don't think it can be summed up as "immature fanbois".


New member
May 8, 2008
Yahtzee, I just have to say it: even though you didn't review anything, this is definately your best work. I had to pause after you stopped reading that last letter because I couldn't hear the rest of the video I was laughing so hard. SSBB was a decent game though I think, but that doesn't make what you said about it wrong. I agree with you almost completley. Keep up the good work man.


New member
Sep 1, 2007
Well played sir well played. ^^

I rail against lacking quality in the industry,on whole my drool is lacking, still i shall point out if Bioshcoks AI was not consoletard retarded I could have have gave it a personal score above a 6.

And despite popular opinion otherwise a 5 not a 7 is still average.


New member
Mar 13, 2008
"i'm not a fanboy..........YES YOU ARE!!"

Brilliant! Ya really gave those SSBB fanboys what they deserve. :)


New member
Feb 10, 2008
Tyrannus Argumentum said:
(1). For those of you who "did not like the review", do you believe, at some level, that you felt it was a personal attack?
I think that generally few people feel attacked by Yahtzee. Even when Yahtzee specifically attacks the fan boys, I feel like most of them just sort of shrug it off. They know when they begin watching that they're in for a satire, perhaps of themselves. At least, that's how I approach it.

What happens, though, is that when you start reading the comments, you are definitely attacked by other people on the thread. This would have to do with the polarizing affect of strong opinions on the net -- if I love SSBB, and you happen to only mildly dislike it, then you will need to scream about how much you hate SSBB in order to be heard over my affectionate croonings for the game. Couple that with the fact that many people take a criticism of a game they love as some sort of criticism as a person, AND with the anonymity of attacking someone over the internet, and you have a multi-step, complex recipe for a 1000 reply thread.

(2). If Y is simply preaching to the choir, and you were one of the ones who responded negatively to this piece, why did you feel the need to respond?
I agree entirely with the huge paragraph block that followed your question. Except I still feel like the person who exasperates all the attacks is not Yahtzee, but instead people within the thread on both side. Yahtzee is generally only mentioned in a sort of abstract context, and the comments are specifically directed at an opponent within the thread and not at Yahtzee.

1. How does one's admittedly-biased opinion really affect the opinion of a game? If entertainment is truly subjective, how can we fault someone for coming up with a negative review?
We can't. But people tend to step down several maturity levels whenever they log on to the net, and because they can do whatever they want anonymously, they tend to go a bit crazy. So it doesn't really matter to me if you find me illogical, immature, etc, because the second I close this browser window you cease to exist.

2. Why is cherry-picking e-mail responses for the purpose of entertainment "wrong"? He's entertaining his intended audience. That's his job. Nintendo's job is to profit from entertainment, and thus will do what they can to appeal to their intended audience, so would they not be guilty of the same practice? Is Nintendo going to intentionally put in bad things in their game that would alienate their audience?
A case of mistaking an attempt to entertain with something else, I feel. People see it as wrong because they misperceive it as some sort of organized attack on their opinion, as opposed to the satire that it really is. And attacking opinions is 'totally cool' on the internet. It's pretty much 90% of the activity on forums and blogs.

Again, thank you all for the data, and thank you in advance to those who answer my questions. I have many more, but I figure I'll see what kind of responses happen from here on out before posting the next ones.
Eh, I realized after the second question that you're not really asking questions of anyone at all, but instead framing your argument in the form of questions. But I had already started answering them, so here we are.


New member
Nov 24, 2007
I think the SSBB review in question was an awful review (though still good comedy), but I can't help but laugh at this. I could come up with much better reasons why the review in question was trash than any of the cretins who provided the material for this installment of ZP could probably manage. Well done.

I am also extremely pleased that Mr. Croshaw shares my dislike of review scores. Maybe a few among the unwashed masses will now see the wisdom in this view.


New member
Apr 27, 2008
Nikolita said:
Dalamard said:
Zero Puntuation is the only place ware i can get reviews that are not complete bullshit.
I still remember when FF XII came out when I WAS a FF fanboy, And then 24 hours later I put it in the trash bin. My point being that even fanboys need to under stand that there are limits to what you can let "The Man" get away whith.

I happen to love FFXII. :) If you didn't like it, then that's your loss. Not everyone liked it. I thought it was great.

But yes, killer reviews. I tune in each week, and my boyfriend (who knows a bit more about games than I do) often agrees with most of what Yahtzee says.
The thing that bothered me the most was the fact the some one gave it a perfect score, I would have given it a 4! the main attracting element of final fantasy was gone;
and don't get me wrong here, but the thing is that there was nothing which the review told me why the game deserved A "10/10".

But it was fun taking a drink each time some one said "nethesite"

I mean I fell a sleap over that game 2 times in one day.

I felt like i was playing Star Wars without the light saber fighting.


New member
May 8, 2008
In a world of bullshit and capitalistic objectives with condescending expectations of loyalty, Yahtzee is a golden refraction of light glimmering high above a monstrous pile of fan boy feces.

Would you please fuck my girlfriend, Yahtzee?

Tyrannus Argumentum

New member
May 8, 2008
Uszi said:
Tyrannus Argumentum said:
(1). For those of you who "did not like the review", do you believe, at some level, that you felt it was a personal attack?
I think that generally few people feel attacked by Yahtzee. Even when Yahtzee specifically attacks the fan boys, I feel like most of them just sort of shrug it off. They know when they begin watching that they're in for a satire, perhaps of themselves. At least, that's how I approach it.
So, the ones that do are the ones that post here? It may seem like common sense, but I assure you I am an academic and will wait until there's a clear verdict on this. Admittedly, I really want to believe that this is the case.

What happens, though, is that when you start reading the comments, you are definitely attacked by other people on the thread. This would have to do with the polarizing affect of strong opinions on the net -- if I love SSBB, and you happen to only mildly dislike it, then you will need to scream about how much you hate SSBB in order to be heard over my affectionate croonings for the game. Couple that with the fact that many people take a criticism of a game they love as some sort of criticism as a person, AND with the anonymity of attacking someone over the internet, and you have a multi-step, complex recipe for a 1000 reply thread.
Indeed. Logical fallacies abound, as I stated. Both sides. Most of the calls for neutrality are ignored, or skewed, I think. Neutrality puts the damper on one's desire to seethe, and it appears that some people just want to seethe. And then there are les enfants provocateurs who probably gush support (or vitriol) simply to get a response.

(2). If Y is simply preaching to the choir, and you were one of the ones who responded negatively to this piece, why did you feel the need to respond?
I agree entirely with the huge paragraph block that followed your question. Except I still feel like the person who exasperates all the attacks is not Yahtzee, but instead people within the thread on both side. Yahtzee is generally only mentioned in a sort of abstract context, and the comments are specifically directed at an opponent within the thread and not at Yahtzee.
You are correct. Beyond the video, what do we see in response from Yahtzee? Much like what do we see from Nintendo about critics of their games?

1. How does one's admittedly-biased opinion really affect the opinion of a game? If entertainment is truly subjective, how can we fault someone for coming up with a negative review?
We can't. But people tend to step down several maturity levels whenever they log on to the net, and because they can do whatever they want anonymously, they tend to go a bit crazy. So it doesn't really matter to me if you find me illogical, immature, etc, because the second I close this browser window you cease to exist.
Dare I mention that this seems to lend support to Penny Arcade's "Internet Fuckwad Theory". The real trick is distinguishing the provocateurs from those who have seriously identified with a game.

2. Why is cherry-picking e-mail responses for the purpose of entertainment "wrong"? He's entertaining his intended audience. That's his job. Nintendo's job is to profit from entertainment, and thus will do what they can to appeal to their intended audience, so would they not be guilty of the same practice? Is Nintendo going to intentionally put in bad things in their game that would alienate their audience?
A case of mistaking an attempt to entertain with something else, I feel. People see it as wrong because they misperceive it as some sort of organized attack on their opinion, as opposed to the satire that it really is. And attacking opinions is 'totally cool' on the internet. It's pretty much 90% of the activity on forums and blogs.
Is this more of a testament to a lack of critical reading/listening skills? I probably should say that people don't lack those skills... but immediately drop them when they feel their personal identity is being attacked.

Again, thank you all for the data, and thank you in advance to those who answer my questions. I have many more, but I figure I'll see what kind of responses happen from here on out before posting the next ones.
Eh, I realized after the second question that you're not really asking questions of anyone at all, but instead framing your argument in the form of questions. But I had already started answering them, so here we are.
Not necessarily true. I am putting in my own personal thoughts between the questions, yes, but I seriously would like them to be answered, especially from the groups they're targeting. I could draw conclusions from the lack of serious responses to those questions others may provide, in which case it would support the "fuckwad" theory.

I do this because part of my job is to analyze discourse between "competing" parties. Granted, my normal realm is intertribal conflict in African and South American communities... but gamers seem to have done well to set up virtual tribes of their own...


New member
Mar 12, 2008
I really, really, really enjoyed this 4 Minutes of Yahtzee, because I am able to apply it to other situations as well. Since I know so much about life, I just want to say one thing: If it wasn't that funny and entertaining (so much that I watch any review, no matter if I know the game or not), I don't think Yahtzee goes the right way in defending himself. He usually is very, very honest with a game and since many people enjoy it, he elaborates its faults deeply (oh geez, my English). Somebody with such a harsh opinion should move on like one of these ships that crush Ice - who cares, what comes behind, don't heed the hatemail but please, please quote it again : D

The most important fact for me was the numbers thing. I am very fortunate to have a class about art and computer Games (not the technical approach, but the "are Video Games Art" approach) and one of the discussed factors is, that for Games to be established as art form, they also need real critics, not numbers and technical reviews.

If you see, what all gets placed as art (I LIKE modern art, I am not one of the "oh, i can do that, too people), video games do not have such a long way to go. It is about how we percieve them. People like Yahtzee have such a "to the ground"-manner of going about it in the right way. I am sorry, I can't really say it in English.

Thank you for your reviews in general.

Vault Citizen

New member
May 8, 2008
woutervoorhees said:
i can't believe that there are ppl fighting and flaming over a review
its so sad -_-
so you've gone to the extra effort to complain about people complaining about something you see as small? huh forgive my ignorance but if it isn't that important surely your comment is just as bad?


New member
Feb 10, 2008
Tyrannus Argumentum said:
Not necessarily true. I am putting in my own personal thoughts between the questions, yes, but I seriously would like them to be answered, especially from the groups they're targeting. I could draw conclusions from the lack of serious responses to those questions others may provide, in which case it would support the "fuckwad" theory.

I do this because part of my job is to analyze discourse between "competing" parties. Granted, my normal realm is intertribal conflict in African and South American communities... but gamers seem to have done well to set up virtual tribes of their own...
Maybe I'm jaded, but my expectation is you'll get few responses to your actual question. Not only are too many people too busy griefing each other or soap boxing, but it's generally hard to enlist the support of any forum community for any cause... Accept maybe griefing/soap boxing, as you see in Anonymous, or when Penny Arcade invaded that one zombie game.