Zero Punctuation: Mirror's Edge


New member
Dec 12, 2007
I disagree with most of Yahtzee's review. I thought the game was good, flawed but good. It was thoroughly entertaining all the way through. It's a bit like watching an action flick.

I managed to complete it on the day that I got it but that's not necessarily a bad thing. It managed to keep me gripped from start till finish. There's still the harder difficulty, new paths to take and time trials mode. Also, the gameplay is fun so I can go back and play it again.

We do not that the government is bad as it's revealed, though not explicitly stated, that they killed off all dissidents and opposition. Also, in the first level(Also in the demo) you drop in on four police who tell you to drop the bag. If you freeze they still shoot you, which is not fair policing, in theory at least.


New member
Aug 2, 2006
So, in a nutshell, a frustrating experiment of a game but we can thank them for attempting an experiment because otherwise we're still playing clones. No disagreement here, and the frustrating aspects of the game were indeed a fertile ground for humor as only being forced to make random jumps off skyscrapers can be.

As for the EVE Online ad that followed... I'm grappling for air coming to grips with how awesome that looked yet it was completely non-representative of the real thing. The real thing being that you're just a captain of one of those ships and when your ship is destroyed you just lost credits amounting to several hundred hours of monotonous activity.

Maybe they need to take the players out of the ships and have them play intergalactic news reporters instead, or perhaps just have them watch intergalactic news reporters and turn it into a non-interactive futuristic news TV simulation. Either option would be an improvement.


New member
Dec 3, 2008
Is there a reason Yahtzee is pubic enemy number 1 as opposed to public enemy number 1?

On a real note I wonder if Faith is carrying around TNT in those runner bags. Sounds like M. Night Shyamalan. "What a twist!!"


New member
Aug 26, 2008
Man, usually Yahtzee's dead on but I thought the whole evil government/cops chasing you dynamic was obvious. The cops really do have nothing to do because the infrastructure and socialization processes are so controlling that very few crimes are committed. Runners are necessary because every other form of communication is so controlled. Hence, evil. Hence hundreds of cops chasing an unarmed girl. Hence goddammit Yahtzee, you'd have to be illiterate to not pick up on that.

The rest falls into that comfortable space between completely on point and overly critical that we've all come to know and love.


New member
Feb 15, 2008
Safe-Keeper said:
Glad to know im not the only one who beat it in one day lol
Everyone finished it in one day. It's a short game.

I think first-person platforming would be exhilarating if it were implemented well. Unfortunately, this is EA we're talking about, so NO, it's NOT.
EA didn't make the game, DICE Sweden did. I'm glad you're not the one doing the reviews.

I guess you hate the Battlefield series, too, since BF1942, BF2 and BF2142 all came out of DICE Sweden ;) ?
And BF: BC


New member
May 7, 2008
Thank you.

And on the cops, from someone who hasn't played the full game yet: I thought the reason they were chasing you was that you and your sister had been framed for the murder of someone? Or am I being a spoilsport now?


New member
Aug 26, 2008
For once I found the review to be very unfair - and I hope all you people are "are putting this on my do-not-play list" aren't doing this just 'cause he told you too...

Rent it! It's not very expensive, and "you'll never experience anything quite like it". Who was it that said that? Oh, right, Yahtzee. The experience is unique, and you should at least be open enough to consider it even if Big Daddy Yahtzee sucks at it (in all honesty; he's not a very skilled gamer). The very shortness of it should encourage you to try it out, even if you hate it it'll be over relatively quickly.

All in all, I never really expect Yahtzee to sacrifice humour for the sake of objectivity, but that's also why I watch him. He's damn funny. But he is also often somewhat unfair - this was probably one of his more unfair reviews to date.

He spent most of it complaining about the story and the fact that he sucked at the game, while the gameplay itself and visual design got about a second worth of airtime.

I got the view he wasn't really considering it a "real" game, in other words falling into the same mainstream trot he mocks other for.

Still quite funny though...


New member
Nov 25, 2008
More people seem to get banned or put on probation for the ZP thread than any other.


New member
May 7, 2008
Agree with anti_strunt it's one of those games you should try simply because it's creative. If nothing else, download the demo, which a lot of people do admit is good.

More people seem to get banned or put on probation for the ZP thread than any other.
Do not use forums for sensitive material. That's what runners are for.


New member
Aug 7, 2008
Safe-Keeper said:
Everyone finished it in one day. It's a short game.
I didn't, I knew this game was short and I enjoyed it so I would limit myself to one level a day to try and lengthen the game and mabey that why I liked the game, I looked forward to every chance I got to shove my boot up some ones ass.


New member
May 28, 2008
All of a sudden I'm no longer upset the pc version got delayed till jan.
But then every reviewer seems to say the same thing 'good idea, bad execution, the sequel will be better... hopefully'
So I guess we should all wait for mirrors edge 2 then ey? Or perhaps another title that does the same thing but better.


New member
Aug 2, 2006
It is interesting to see this experimental game has come out of EA. It's a fairly good sign that their tendencies to kill promising games for fear that they would compete with themselves (Ultima Online 2, Ultima X, releasing the same old crap all the time (Madden series), or all the other things gamers have grown to hate them for (destroying Origin and Westwood with tightfisted corporate policy) are successfully being curbed.

Being willing to release experimental high-profile games in this day and age is just that remarkable. Fund one for release at least every 6 months until the end of time and maybe all will be forgiven.


Defender of the English Language
Oct 22, 2008
Ryuzaki said:
Great review, I liked the questioning of the games storyline (that the government was evil). Games should give us some reason to believe what we are told, but sometimes they feel content to merely tell us how to feel without giving any real reason at all. Yahtzee pointed this out in DeadSpace and now again in Mirrors Edge.

Looking forward to next weeks review.
That's one of the things I loved about Assassin's Creed, that the philosophy behind you killing the Templars was explained and fleshed out; yes, they were doing good things, but in a corrupt and evil fashion. I really do wish I'd seen more of the government actually being oppressive in Mirror's Edge, rather than them just being the bad guys you have to dodge/kill.

geldonyetich said:
As for the EVE Online ad that followed... I'm grappling for air coming to grips with how awesome that looked yet it was completely non-representative of the real thing. The real being that you're just one of those ships and when your ship is destroyed you just lost credits amounting to several hundred hours of monotonous activity.

Maybe they need to take the players out of the ships and have them play intergalactic news reporters instead, or perhaps just have them watch intergalactic news reporters and turn it into a non-interactive futuristic news TV simulation. Either option would be an improvement.
Immediately after watching that, I said to my roomie, "If EVE Online had some sort of weekly news broadcast or something, I would be all over that shit." Along with the events described in [a href=]this thread[/a], it makes me not so much want to play the game as to watch it happen.


New member
Jun 26, 2008
Gormers1 said:
Azzaevil said:
why dose EA suck so much? only games that was good was sims and c&c even tho westwood made it, but anyway ea sucks
I dunno. Surely the SSX series, LOTR games, james bond games and some nfs games sure sucked ball hard didnt they?
well yes most of ea game are fucking horrible and rip offs aswell god with how much money they make surly they can buy someones idear insted of ripping off other games :( owell

ps EA FUCKING SUCK!!!!!!1 yes an 1 and what


New member
Apr 9, 2008
Azzaevil said:
Gormers1 said:
Azzaevil said:
why dose EA suck so much? only games that was good was sims and c&c even tho westwood made it, but anyway ea sucks
I dunno. Surely the SSX series, LOTR games, james bond games and some nfs games sure sucked ball hard didnt they?
well yes most of ea game are fucking horrible and rip offs aswell god with how much money they make surly they can buy someones idear insted of ripping off other games :( owell

ps EA FUCKING SUCK!!!!!!1 yes an 1 and what
Mirrors Edge is a great example of that isnt it. Ripping off I mean.

Khadath said:
juraigamer said:
One less game I won't be getting now.
I'm sorry but why in Satan's rectum do people take Yahtzee's review's as 100% right, if a review burns a game don't just make up your mind based on one person's thoughts rent the game to see for your self if you like it.

Also for the love of god don't post till you've seen the bloody review.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
juraigamer said:
One less game I won't be getting now.
I'm sorry but why in Satan's rectum do people take Yahtzee's review's as 100% right, if a review burns a game don't just make up your mind based on one person's thoughts rent the game to see for your self if you like it.

Also for the love of god don't post till you've seen the bloody review.


New member
Aug 26, 2008
Khadath said:
juraigamer said:
One less game I won't be getting now.
I'm sorry but why in Satan's rectum do people take Yahtzee's review's as 100% right, if a review burns a game don't just make up your mind based on one person's thoughts rent the game to see for your self if you like it.

Also for the love of god don't post till you've seen the bloody review.
True 'nuff.