Zero Punctuation: Mirror's Edge

L4Y Duke

New member
Nov 24, 2007
I don't know which part was better: the "And then he ate his own shoes", or that really long word he added near the end made up of all the game's flaws.

Overall, it seems he had the same feeling about Mirror's Edge that I did about Black the first time I played it; that being that it shows promise but doesn't live up to it.

Although, Black was actually good on its own.


New member
Aug 21, 2008
haha, great review.
i thought the demo was really good.
Since your review DID imply the game was.. good-ish-kinda.
I will stilll pick it up..


New member
Oct 31, 2007
I dunno.

Sure, the plot, dialogue, and general backstory was a little light. But honestly, how could that be a bad thing here?

Now I'm all for these elements. I certainly didn't love Soul Reaver 2 for it's innovative gameplay elements. But these elements aren't needed everywhere. This is a fast-paced action game, if you shoehorn hours of soliloquising(I tried my hardest to make that a word) it not only breaks the rhythm, but it ends up feeling forced. Why do I need an hour of exposition at every point? The plot did it's job adequately: explain why you're at point A, and why it's necessary to get to point B. Of course you have to take the word of the narrator at this point, you ARE the narrator. The narrator has no particular cause to lie to herself. It's not like you're supposed to believe that she's thinking: "Uh oh, I'd better be thinking that my actions are righteous, just in case people are arbitrarily listening to my thoughts." It sets the stage without forcing players to listen to hours of word-vomit so that their every action has it's cause thoroughly outlined.

This isn't a call for simplicity, it's simply the belief that too much backstory would be EXTREMELY unnecessary. All you really need to know is there. Worst case scenario, it causes a sense of detatchment from the characters. But in this case, that's not overly important, you're supposed to be enjoying the gameplay. The plot is pretty easy to derive: dystopian future, all communication is monitored, so glorified bike messengers Batman their way across rooftops to deliver untraced information to those who can afford to use them. All dissent is silenced in Dystopia, so anyone who is poised to change things is eliminated. You are to help show think ***** in the chain of Orwellian armor so that you can save your sister from being framed for murder and blah blah blah. Not the acme of originality, but then, neither are the cavalcade of well-done sequels coming out this year.

Of course, not everyone does enjoy the gameplay. And yeah, it's pretty hard... at first. This isn't exactly an easy-to-implement idea and it has it's flaws, but it's also an idea that hasn't been implemented often and thus requires some getting used to, like any other action-based game. If you're the kind who can get past gripes of that nature, there's a lot in this game to enjoy, and the gameplay is pretty streamlined once you get into it.

My main gripe is with, oddly enough, the graphics. The focus and everything is nice to see, but there are elements that seem almost prehistoric now. The animation for every guard you kill/knock out feels canned, almost as if it could have been pre-rendered if it looked any better. Their bodies are then static elements that are practically just painted on the environment. The ads all show Faith looking in her reflection, but guess what? There are no reflections. I guess you shouldn't be focusing on how your hair looks while on the run from the Vancouver police(I'm sorry, but this place looks a lot like Vancouver), but it's still an aspect I feel like wouldn't have been too much of a stretch to add. The freeroaming aspect is so limited that they barely render anything once outside the scope of the game, should you manage to trick the system into letting you loose on the rest of the world.

Also, maybe I missed the tutorial on shimmying through small crevices, but as far as I remember, there were none, which made it confusing as hell the first time I had to do it.


Senior Member
Oct 17, 2007
Sweet! A review not afraid to tell it like it is.

The concept was playable, but really how boring is the rest of this game? Kudos to EA for making a monster to try and reinvent the first person genre, but without claws and feet, (or rather, story, immersion, and depth) I don't know how far they really expected this could go.

legendary 1st person shooters like the half life series are as good for their imaginitive use of puzzles and their story than their main goal of having the player shoot stuff.

From what I've played of this game, worth a rent, but after that, unless you're really into beating your best times on levels over and over you may get tired of this game fast


New member
Nov 18, 2008
Well at least they tried ,im a 3D modeller and you do tend to see the same stuff over and over in video games(ie:Big armored guys ,girls with more or less no clothes, even the monsters are usually pretty similar), its nice to have a big mainstream company trying to mix things up for a change.


New member
Dec 3, 2008
Wow, you thought it was bad. I thought it got a 10/10 or some rediculus score. But funny reveiw nevertheless.

Next week you should reveiw "Left 4 Dead". It is a beast game and it is made by valve so how can it be bad.


New member
Sep 23, 2008
I've only played the demo and even from that, I could tell that this would be a short game. I mean, come on the demos only about 10 minutes long if you skip the tutorial. But i applaud E.A./Dice for at least trying on this one, becouse the running mechanics are pretty solid for a prototype game.

That's what Mirror's Edge is: a Prototype. E.A./Dice is just trying to see how people will react to the free-running aspects of the game, so they could care less about how the story is or if certain things are explained. Sure it has its flaws, but overall, I would say that this is a sucessful prototype and that we could expect something like this in the future, but with more finesse in the other aspects of the game, like the length of it.


New member
Sep 30, 2008
Hamster at Dawn said:
I'd been wondering if this game was any good. I now know I haven't been missing much. Not surprising coming from EA.
Anyone else notice the typo at the end, 'Pubic Enemy Number One'?
I think he meant that as a joke, you know? Your crotch?

I too was wondering whether this game would meet my standards, so now I know, it doesn't. I think that Yahtzee's negativity can actually be believed here though, because he seemed to hate it more than most other games.

Good Job.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
Angrywyvern said:
Hamster at Dawn said:
I'd been wondering if this game was any good. I now know I haven't been missing much. Not surprising coming from EA.
Anyone else notice the typo at the end, 'Pubic Enemy Number One'?
I think he meant that as a joke, you know? Your crotch?

I too was wondering whether this game would meet my standards, so now I know, it doesn't. I think that Yahtzee's negativity can actually be believed here though, because he seemed to hate it more than most other games.

Good Job.
Tell me about your standards. Can you categorize your games to how much they fulfill your standards?


New member
Dec 27, 2007
Yegargeburble said:
This adds another game to my "Games I should not play" list
Yeah, I mean why make valid judgments on games for yourself when you can just become a lemming and follow the Yahtzee-game-hating-bandwagon without actually playing the game?


New member
Nov 29, 2008
The irony of the Eve Online trailer just kills me

As for the game, even from the ads for it, I had the feeling it would be somewhat skeletal. From the review, Yahtzee agrees. I will admit to not playing the game thus my opinion might not mean much, but it isn't really necessary to have the police on your ass 24/7 to build up a desperate tension. It sounds like ME fell into that trap of constantly having the player under attack. That kinda of gameplay will only jade a player rather than drive the tension up.

I'll still get it when the PC version comes out if only to check it out. As Yatzee would say it's the Killer7 argument. You have to play it just for the sheer uniqueness of it.


New member
Jul 7, 2008
It's interesting to note that, aside from slight plot confusion (ok not really, seriously the opening cutscene explained the fact that information is now controlled and this is like 1984. It was not a gigantic stretch to understand the concept.) I had none of the problems Yahtzee mentioned, like dodgy collision detection, having trouble jumping, or being forced to fight. In fact, except for the one specifice "chase down and beat up this person" objective I saw no need to actually fight anyone when one thinks about it, even the people who you must take down you can usually outrun.

Then I noticed that he was using the PS3 graphic for this, and I realized...he was playing it for the PS3. And that's why I, playing the Xbox 360 version, did not have the problems of a PS3 user, and thus probably enjoyed the game a lot more, and still do. Even though I beat it I will pick it up from time to time to do the time-trials and speedruns.

So basically when you take it in the perspective of a PS3 game review, it is probably 100% accurate and even funnier for me.

On another note if platforming is so hard in first-person then Parkour in real life would not exist. I actually give props to EA DICE for actually making a workable first-person platforming system (which granted, is not perfect, but oh well)

And that is not something I'd thought I'd say about anything EA-related.


New member
Jun 17, 2008
Sayvara said:

Oh I love how everyone is blaming EA for this even though they havn't got a line of code in this... and the reason I love that is because actual programmers are swedi....

...oh crap, I just blew the secret, didn't I?
Safe-Keeper said:
Glad to know im not the only one who beat it in one day lol
Everyone finished it in one day. It's a short game.

I think first-person platforming would be exhilarating if it were implemented well. Unfortunately, this is EA we're talking about, so NO, it's NOT.
EA didn't make the game, DICE Sweden did. I'm glad you're not the one doing the reviews.

I guess you hate the Battlefield series, too, since BF1942, BF2 and BF2142 all came out of DICE Sweden ;) ?
Perhaps you two brainiacs should at least take the few seconds off you need to check Wikipedia before failing epically being condescending smartasses. Or at least take the time and explain how a game which is made by a 100% subsidiary of EA (called EA DICE) actually ISN'T made by EA. Or bring examples of modern EA games NOT made by EA subsidiaries. Good luck on both accounts. Or even better: Get back to "me too" posts.