Zero Punctuation: Rage


New member
Apr 27, 2011
Cid SilverWing said:
Please do Red Orchestra 2 as well, Yahtzee. I would very much appreciate the verbal assassination.
Your asking Yatzhee to review a multiplayer game ? You might have more chance at finding a game where he will stab his eye with fork then making him review it. =p


New member
Apr 28, 2011
WARNING... Spoilers.... The most accurate part of the review is when Yahtzee says that there "isn't (in the game)room for enough "sweet jumps or giant spider boss fights respectively." I just finished playing the game and I am very disappointed. You see I'm a video game hoarder; I collect and save pretty much everything I can get my hands on, and the disappointing thing is that the game never got hard enough to force me to use all the special bullets, or auto turrets I had saved up. I beat the final level almost entirely with the Authority machine gun and the armor piercing rounds. I didn't even have to use the BFG they gave me specifically for the that level. I also was expecting another giant mutant like the one in the Dead City level, but no- just a short defend the room sequence that I got through on the first try, only using a few auto turrets.

I really wanted this game to be good, but the entire thing was anticlimactic. Ill have to replay it on the hardest difficulty and see if that is any better, but it wasn't that the game wasn't hard enough, there just weren't enough things to shoot in general. The shooting that i did do was enjoyable, but the the last level was about a third as long as it should have been, and there weren't really any situations where most of the special rounds made that much of a difference. So you ended up in a lot of situations where you ask yourself "Do I want to kill these grunts with the cheap ammo or the expensive ammo?" So you use the cheap ammo, and end up at the end of the game with a couple grand and a ridiculous amounts of the super explodey killer 9001 grave fillers and not enough baddies to use them on.


New member
Dec 24, 2010
Yay for the Hot Fuzz reference!
Great review this week; and I agree, since Half Life 2, NPC dialogue animations have really kicked the bucket - or would have, if their coders weren't too lazy to create an animation for it.
So... Borderlands but better? Good to know. I noticed it looked awfully similar to Fallout 3 in the trailers, though.


New member
Jun 2, 2010
Extragorey said:
Great review this week; and I agree, since Half Life 2, NPC dialogue animations have really kicked the bucket - or would have, if their coders weren't too lazy to create an animation for it.
Last time i checked animators made the character animations, not programmers.


New member
Apr 12, 2011
I had Rage on my top list of games to buy. The launch was rough with lots of negative feedback, especially for the PC. So I crossed Rage off my "need to buy" list and will save it for a Steam bargain bin sale later.

Yahtzee seemed to hold back a bit here, maybe out of nostalgic respect for id. On the other hand, it's probably hard to keep the energy level up when you're waiting for the end of the year of the FPS.


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Dec 24, 2010
Mr.Amakir said:
Extragorey said:
Great review this week; and I agree, since Half Life 2, NPC dialogue animations have really kicked the bucket - or would have, if their coders weren't too lazy to create an animation for it.
Last time i checked animators made the character animations, not programmers.
You must have checked quite a while ago, then, because I work in the game industry, and I can tell you; animators might do the rigging, but it's the coders that implement the animations.


So fucking thrilled to be here!
Jan 8, 2010
If this game has even the slightest bit of the classic "id feeling", then it becomes a purchase for me.


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Mar 27, 2009
FallenMessiah88 said:
If this game has even the slightest bit of the classic "id feeling", then it becomes a purchase for me.
It has. Its a surprisingly smooth shooter with Doom/Quake-like movement (no screen wobbling). The engine is underwhelming if you stand still, but in movement, the game is really nice and stable. Hit animations are great and used like in Quake I and II (stun and kill). Also, play it on hard or upwards, and you will see that every weapon has its place. There is nothing better than a crossbow hit in the head, without using a scope :). (by the way, also my main complaint about Doom 3 - it was to easy on 'medium')

The biggest problem is the traveling between locations.


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May 9, 2010
Come to think of it Gears Of War never did explain why the naturally occuring Immulsion caused Lambency in Locusts in a manner that spiralled out of control and nessessitated the invasion of the surface. It's a substance they've been co-existing with for millions of years (I presume) and in the space of a few decades it all goes to shit? And just what the hell was Terra doing all this time? A fifteen year war on a fuel-producing planet and we Terrans couldn't even be bothered to wish them luck and toss them a few Space Marines? Or was that Pendiulum War a war for independance, and calling it 'The War For Independance' would confuse American players?


Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
Diegolomac said:
Anyways, I wonder how the hell is Yahtzee going to review what comes from here to the end of December. Just in October releases, there's still Spidermand Edge of Time, Dark Souls, Batman Arkham City, Battlefield 3, X-men Destiny, Forza 4, and Ace Combat Assault Horizon. And that's without counting the other, smaller ones, like Kinect titles he most certainly won't play.

November won't get any better, with Skyrim, Sonic Generations, Serious Sam 3, Assassin's Creed Revelations, Modern Warfare 3, Rayman Origins, Lord of the Rings War in the North, etc, etc. I wonder if he'll start reviewing two games at once, if he'll review the remaining ones next year, or if he'll just ignore more than half of the releases.
Well, it is Shooter Season 2011, so most likely he's only going to review the shooters, and possibly Skyrim as well. However, I can still hope he'll do Sonic Generations, if only to see if Sonic Team have gone uphill or downhill since Unleashed...


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Jul 3, 2011
FF7 was a slow turn-based game where each battle took forever. That's why the game lasted so long.


New member
Feb 10, 2009
It was a speed run ??? OMG how silly do I feel. Wish I would have noticed that written in massive print multiple times throughout the story. Just dont know how I missed it..... *sigh*

/sarcasm off

My original comments stand. I will file your advice in the round filing cabinet under my desk.

Jonathan Ovenden

New member
Oct 20, 2011
I feel so disapointed playing games like Rage. The potential was huge. There were places in the map I never even visited because I kept assuming "Oh, the game will make me go there eventually" only to find it never did.


New member
Apr 2, 2010
wahh wahhh yahtzee is such a dumbass terribad reviewer, only reason hes worth listening to is because he hasnt been bought out yet, other than that he just plays the devils advocate and nostalgia factor in every game, i still demand an apology from my previous post of how stupid and full of crap this review is


New member
Dec 21, 2011
Hey! Quake III was not a load of old wank. One of the most skilled-based multiplayer first-person shooters to date, one of those "If you want to enjoy this game you will not enjoy any other game for quite a fucking while" games.


Dec 3, 2010
Finished the game this morning and thought it was really great. I didn't pay much attention to the story, but scavenging and shooting things was lots of fun. It had it's downsides though. For every quest were you went someplace new you got a follow up quest to go back. Sure, they made you go slightly different routes, but it still felt silly. Would've been better if they fleshed out the map a bit and added more places to discover.
The lack of an end boss also made me feel a bit cheated. I wasn't aware of that the game had ended until I saw the trophy pop. Iirc there were only three bosses in the game, and none of them proved a challenge. The last boss you get to fight(gearhead boss) died after three wingsticks to the face...
Gonna try Nightmare next time. Had to set it to the lowest after having major problems getting used to the controls. Playing FPS on my giant TV is hard enough without a character that seems to be floating in the air. Got used to it eventually, but as for trophies go there was no point in raising the difficulty again.

Started playing Borderlands afterwards, after a two year old break, and in comparison it's by far the superior game. Comparing them might be dumb, but they have so much in common I guess it's hard to avoid. Rage does the vehicle controls better, as well as the impressive graphics(I don't have much love for cel-shading), but that's about it. So fucking hard to play Borderlands solo though.

Nontheless, on it's own Rage was still tons of fun and I look forward to playing it again.