Zero Punctuation: Red Faction Guerrilla


New member
Jun 17, 2009
If you cut Red Faction: Guerrilla a little slack it can be a lot of fun. It does try to take itself very seriously though, so I guess it makes sense to pick on all the little places where the realism fails or the gameplay doesn't match the title's suggestion that you'll be using guerrilla tactics.

Jay Cee

New member
Nov 27, 2008
Red Faction Chimpanzee?
No sorry I don't really...


We... I, right. Ooook.
Cool, cool.

Oh yeah and great vid by the way.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Well made points, however, the last point seems lacking...
In a game where the engine allows you to destroy near-everything, and this is one of the first games at let's you do such a thing, would your rather go sneaky sneaky snipe things, run in, set up mines, run off and detonate them? Or would you rather go rambo-norse god of death and watch everything burst into pretty explosions of hues of orange, blue, green, and purple?

I guess what I'm saying is you sound like you'd've been more happy with the game if it were called Red Faction: Mars (who's also the God of War making the title even more appropriate)
Also, the game is more sneaky-sneaky on higher difficulties. The threat level system and ways to drop it are almost the exact same as any GTA game.


New member
Jan 4, 2009
Been waiting for this review since I bought and beat the game and I wasn't disappointed. Good job :D

MK Tha Rebel

New member
Jun 12, 2009
Aidoc said:
MK Tha Rebel said:
Great review as always, hope you and Saints Row 2 have a happy life together.

Red Faction Guerrilla kinda dropped the ball, for me. I was hoping, since it was made by Volition, that it would basically be Saints Row 2 on Mars in the future. But, It wasn't. The moral system ruined it for me. Like Yahtzee said, "Here's Mars. There's lots of stuff to blow up. Here's plenty of guns to blow it all up. Just don't blow it up too much."
Gah, just don't kill civilians. Even if you do, who cares? You can easily get the morale back, and morale doesn't even hinder your game play at all. It just effects if guerrilla's will jump in to help you. Stop sucking Yahtzee off and actually PLAY the game. Contrary to popular stupidity by the way, destroying buildings doesn't effect your morale. At all.
Wow, did you miss the point. Here, let me sum it up:


Yes, I enjoy killing civilians and realize that blowing up buildings doesn't effect my morale, but the point is its a buzz-kill from all the carnage I would like to be causing. Saints Row 2 didn't have that problem. See, both games give you the option to just run around like a maniac an cause havoc and chaos. Saints Row 2 was just better at it. I was hoping that RFG would be BETTER than SR2, due to the advanced future weapons, and the fact it was the later game and they had the success of SR2 to work off of. But the fact is it wasn't as fun as SR2. THAT'S what ruined the game for me. GOT IT?

Mind you, it was still a good game, but I know it could have been so much better.


New member
May 21, 2009
Ahhhh gotta love these. Thought the Saints Row part at the end was rather amusing, "that overly long wedding proposal disguised as a review" lol
Fantastic as per usual!


New member
Apr 14, 2009
That was funny. I loved the line about it being like Saints Row 2 where you can do a side mission where you ride in a vehicle shooting poo at building, except the poo explodes.

ssgt splatter

New member
Oct 8, 2008
Aidoc said:
ssgt splatter said:
As much fun as it was to plow through EDF property with a walker while playing the demo on XBL, I couldn't convince myself to like this game. Everything in this review is true right down to the somewhat faulty physics. Keep it up Yahtzee.
The stress system wasn't even in the demo there bud. If you sit and watch a heavily damaged building in the full game, it will collapse given a bit of time as it would in real life. There are some glitches, but EVERY GAME HAS GLITCHES. This game does something more ambitious than any game to come out for a good while, and you're going to pick at the occasional physics glitch?
What? Dude... uhg, OK maybe it is unfair for me to pick on the small physics glitch but still Yahtzee is right. Besides, the demo told me enough about the game in general, I wouldn't enjoy it. I had high hopes for it but I never really liked the heavy Sci-Fi shooters like Halo or F.E.A.R or Resistence and Red Faction Gureilla is no different. Developers should create demos for every major title cause then it saves us money and in the long run we can then buy other games from them that we know we would love.


New member
Feb 17, 2008
Spinwhiz said:
TheOnceandFutureKing said:
I cant get it to play so I dont know if he makes mention of it but I believe this is his 100th video with The Escapist.
If you are running an ad blocker, that is probably it. Also, this is the 99th week what will happen?!?!?!??!?! :)
Yahtzee will read out some hate mail? Or maybe he'll take the day off... Anyway, I was wondering when you'd review RD:G, I didn't think it felt at all like Saints row 2, the only noticeable similarity for me was a few crappy cameos. Like finding a voice tag from Shundi.

dalek sec

Leader of the Cult of Skaro
Jul 20, 2008
Good review but it did some kinda short this week. Nothing bad about that except for the fact that he made fun of my people! *Points to his avatar*

So I guess the first Red Faction is what helped him turn into the semi bitter game reviewer that he is today.


New member
Mar 10, 2009
seemed a little... short I dont know it just whizzed by but I generaly liked this review, can't wait for episode 100


New member
Jun 4, 2009
04whim said:
I enjoyed it, but did anyone else feel it was a bit short? or perhaps it's just sleep deprivation sending me nuts :D

actually I think it is just the sleep deprivation. :)
I thought it was a bit short but maybe when your only positive reason to get outta bed ona wednesday is "OMFG NEW ZP TODAY YESSS!!" then all his new vid's seem a bit short lol

eitherway short or not loved it, love 'em all, Yahtzee will forever remain the king

Side note: Is is just me or does it seem you can go on any give ZP thread and theres always at lest 2 or 3 people getting banned/suspened/warnings?


New member
Apr 9, 2009
weren't the last 2 zps rather short? I meen, can't he squeeze at least 5 minutes, I'm disappointed. It was funny and nice, but, common Yathzee, u used to do a decent job earlier, and now...