Zero Punctuation: Super Smash Bros. Brawl


The Psychotic Psyker
Mar 18, 2008
I while I'm not a fan of fighting games myself, I rather enjoyed Brawl. Maybe its from growing up with the old nintendo games or my addiction to unlockables but I liked the game as a whole. My main hate points towards the game though would come from the addition of stickers which are just like trophies from melee, and the boss battle game which is mindnumbing on intense and even on very hard.

All in all I thought it was a good game but, I'll keep my 360 thank you.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
I don't think it's really fair to say you pretty much need to be a Nintendo fanboy to enjoy the game. Just look at the number of critics who love it. They can't all be fanboys.

Also, much all of the characters and stages can be unlocked through battle count. Just keep playing multiplayer, like you wanted to do.

SSE is a huge letdown, though. The cutscenes are nice, but the gameplay is meh. Shoehorning the fighting game engine into a platformer/beat-em-up doesn't work.

Human Bomb

New member
Sep 29, 2007
Yahtzee! I know you're really cheezed at all of the generic fanboys out there, and I understand a lot of your complaints. I just don't think you need to be so hard on Brawl. The platforming elements don't suffer from all that much repetition, and playing co-op with a rotation of friends takes a lot of the tedium out of it. There are new and classic platformers that are far far far more samey. Also I thought the point of Brawl was to be a Beat-em-up hit each other with things till it hurts battle royale. I mean there are pretty much two buttons to hit, very few combinations, and a solid feel to the impacts. Fighters have done a lot worse with a lot more.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
This review made me extremely angry... oh dear God... I've become a fanboy, excuse me while I go jump off a high building wii mote in hand...

...but before I go I'll have to seek out the twenty odd people I've been playing melee against every day, for years, since the day it came out. They'll be needing a new Fox player...


New member
Apr 23, 2008
So wait a second. First he complains that no matter how much you study someone can beat you by button mashing. Then later he says that if you play by yourself no one will want to play with you because you're too good. Which is it?

I do agree with the point about unlocking things for multiplayer. This has been a problem in games for years.

Piston Effesca

New member
Feb 17, 2008
SSBB is an utter waste of time, and I'm a big fan of SSB and SBM. SBM was a step up from SSB, and enhanced on a lot of things, SSBB didn't.

Unless it's been linked already a lot of you might be interested in this:

I didn't have any problems with the camera or chaos from the previous games, but for some reason when I shifted from my Gamecube and tiny budget TV to a huge flat plasma screen with Wii the game became unplayable. Furthermore the controls aren't as fluid as in previous games and you feel like a retard if you pick up an old favorite from a previous game only to find out their controls have been fiddled with ad nauseam, a fighting game faux paux for all but the most broken of characters.

I just wished all my friends weren't fangasming over it so we could get back to more important games like Rock Band and TF2.
Mar 30, 2008
Brawl is much like Halo: incredibly fun (for me at least) but technically it is impossible for it to please everyone. That said, one can not jump from "I do not like it" to "only a fanboy will like it." That is illogical.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Ehh... Chill has the right idea.

No matter what Multiplayer game you play, there will always be "That" guy. I know people don't generally want to play against me on Mario Kart, SSB or DDR cause I totally melt the pants off them... However those are generally the people who don't make an effort to be better at the game themselves.

Like, if you're going to enter a Street Fighter tourney, you'd better be sure that you can compete! It's one thing to beat on CPUs, it's totally different to play experienced players.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
chill182 said:
So wait a second. First he complains that no matter how much you study someone can beat you by button mashing. Then later he says that if you play by yourself no one will want to play with you because you're too good. Which is it?

I do agree with the point about unlocking things for multiplayer. This has been a problem in games for years.
I'm betting its the second. Since players can run away and wait for the masher's fingers to cramp, they tend to last all of eight seconds in smash bros.

Hatman Jam

New member
Apr 21, 2008
It seems that whenever someone openly talks about disliking a game that a lot of other people like, there'll be more people who dislike it praising the man for simply voicing his opinion.

Well, love the review, Yahtzee. Excellent points made, and still as funny as ever. Keep it up!
Mar 30, 2008
mspencer82 said:
Out of curiosity, how many of you are new members of this forum all because someone linked you to this review and you're here in a futile attempt to tell us all how "wrong" Yahtzee is?
Did you look at my name?


New member
Apr 23, 2008
mspencer82 said:
Out of curiosity, how many of you are new members of this forum all because someone linked you to this review and you're here in a futile attempt to tell us all how "wrong" Yahtzee is?
I've been watching 0punctuation since his review on Super Mario Galaxy... this is the first time I felt I had something to add to the conversation... Mainly because he's been reviewing 360/Ps3 and I've only just recently got my hands on a 360.

Melty Blood

New member
Dec 22, 2007
Garfgarog said:
Melty Blood said:
OR maybe some people have the maturity to keep their opinions to themselves. By reacting to defend brawl, you're naturally going to look like a fanboy. "Oh my, he didn't like my game, and they all agree with him! Don't worry mama, they're all stupid."
Thanks for indirectly stating that everyone that posts to support Yahtzee's view is immature, by the way.
Not everyone, just you. Normally comments that the review was biased just last a post. You sir, are undoubtably a fanboy, retorting with the same asinine "Someone didn't agree with me" attitude every post. I think the review was off on more then a few points, but I don't feel the need to troll the comments section. Plus you had to say ZOMG everyone frequenting the forum, by association, is a prick


New member
Sep 1, 2007
Good review.

Personally I hate fighting games that offer more than 2 dozen moves per character, I much prefer the old SF style fighters,give a player a dozen fu moves and be done with it, not a bigilzon fcking moves like on DOA and tekken........